produced by chain | 1 replies
Merry Christmas to All As the end of the year rapidly approaches, here at coders-irc would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and restful holiday.
produced by chain | 0 replies
David-Bot nasce nel 2010, sul network IRC Azzurra, nel quale, in quel periodo, venivano ospitate le stanze di chat di tutti i forum della piattaforma ForumFree. Fu lì che iniziai la mia "avventura" su IRC. David-Bot ha origine dal mI.r]A[b.Ot e ha l'obiettivo di offrire un'esperienza di chat diversa, è stato studiato per garantire agli utenti la massima affidabilità per la protezione del canale da ogni genere di attacchi (che però va configurata dal pannello di controllo specifico, chiamato CPS), e nell'ultimo periodo, ha subito grandi cambiamenti e miglioramenti che lo hanno portato ad...
produced by chain | 2 replies
Dragone2 Script
Il Dragone2 Script è uno script per mIRC che punta tutto sulla semplicità di utilizzo e sulla rapidità (ha diverse scorciatoie da tastiera per operazioni comuni in chat).
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A researcher discovered a serious vulnerability in an Xbox subdomain that exposed email addresses behind Xbox accounts. It only required an adversary to meddle with cookie files to extract this information. Xbox Subdomain Vulnerability Researcher Joseph Harris discovered a serious security flaw risking Xbox users’ privacy. The vulnerability existed in the “” subdomain – the portal letting Xbox users view and manage the enforcement actions against their profiles. Sharing the details with ZDNet, the researcher elaborated that when an Xbox user signs in to the...
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Drupal, the fourth popular most popular CMS behind the websites today, has released emergency fixes for some critical flaws. Exploiting these vulnerabilities allows code execution attacks. Drupal confirmed known exploits exist. Drupal Code Execution Flaws Reportedly, Drupal has disclosed two serious security flaws, via a recent advisory, that could allow code execution attacks. As elaborated, two critical severity arbitrary PHP code execution flaws affected the different CMS versions. These include CVE-2020-28948 and CVE-2020-28948. Describing the issue in the advisory, Drupal...
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Researcher from the Google Project Zero team has found a serious bug in Facebook Messenger app that allowed spying. As detailed in a bug report, the researcher Natalie Silvanovich described that the bug existed in the WebRTC protocol that manages audio/video calls on Facebook Messenger. As a standard, audio transmission on calls begins only after the callee answer an incoming call. Explaining this behavior, the researcher stated,
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