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Away Addons

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2 files

  1. AWaySystem 2000

    1. What is AwaySystem?
    AwaySystem is a mIRC 5.61 addon that enhances mIRC's Away feature. 
    mIRC 5.61 is REQUIRED to run this script because of the advanced
    dialog features used in this script. As of this script date, mIRC
    5.61 is the current version.
    AwaySystem lets you specify an away message, and it announces it to
    all the channels you're currently on, instead of quietly like /away
    does, unless you choose to go Away quietly. All is done through a series
    of graphical, easy to understand dialogs. AwaySystem allows logging channel
    messages, notices and private messages into one convienent window for viewing
    while you are away. You may also receive CTCP PAGE messages while you're in
    Back mode, which logs these messages in a seperate window. Other features
    include the ability to automatically change your nickname to a preset AwayNick,
    and restore the old one on return to back mode. IdleAway and AutoIdent
    were new features introduced in version 2.0. IdleAway allows setting to Away
    automatically if you haven't been on mIRC for the specified amount of time,
    and AutoIdent will automatically send a NickServ IDENTIFY request when you
    return to back mode so that your primary nickname will have already been
    identified with the password. A new feature added into AwaySystem 2000 is
    StealthAway. StealthAway allows you to enter Away mode without saying your
    away message to the channel. In StealthAway, when setting to Back mode, it
    will set back Quietly. A few other enhancements include a few Dialog mods,
    and a few modifications to routines that play sound events, and write logging
    events. Which improves AwaySystem's Win32 Long Filename support. End result, a
    couple KB shaved off the script, and filenames aren't shortened when you bring
    up the Configuration dialog for the log folder and sound events. The AwaySystem
    Logviewer now automatically updates when new events are received while it's open.
    You can now enter Away mode while you're offline, and AwaySystem will set you
    away when you connect to IRC.

    For a total list and explanation of features, I encourage you to install and read
    the AwaySystem help once you've set up AwaySystem.

    2. What is included in the ZIP File?
    These files should be included in the ZIP file. I will explain what each file does here.

    awaysys.mrc - The heart of AwaySystem.. This file is the code for the AwaySystem script
    ashelp.msg - The AwaySystem help file. This file explains each feature of AwaySystem. 
                 Installation of this help file is purely optional. It is not needed for 
                 AwaySystem to function.
    readme.txt - This readme document (duh!)
    3. Installing and setting up AwaySystem
    First unzip the files to the destination folder.. This could be any folder you wish,
    but I recommend using the root mIRC Folder (generally C:\mIRC) for easier access.
    If you do not want the AwaySystem help, you may save yourself the 8KB it requires
    for disk space by not unzipping it.. But I HIGHLY Recommend you read it, especially
    if you've never used AwaySystem before. 
    Notice: In this explanation I am assuming you did unzip these files to your mIRC Folder.
    If you didn't, be sure to add the correct path in the MS-DOS style (eg C:\My Mirc would
    be C:\Mymir~1). For the correct MS-DOS name, double click My Computer and right click the
    folder you wish to use, and click properties.. Look for the MS-DOS name. This is a 'feature'
    in all versions of 32-bit mIRC.

    Step one: Launch mIRC. 
    Step two: In the Status window, type: /load -rs awaysys.mrc
    Step three: If prompted to Initilize the script, choose yes. You should get the message
    "*** AwaySystem 2000 by mudpuddle loaded!" and the AwaySystem Configuration dialog
    should pop up. If it does not, right click in the status window and see if there is 
    an AwaySystem entry.. If so, point to it, and click Configure AwaySystem. If not, repeat
    the last step.
    Step four: Configure your options.. Don't be afraid to see what they do! Use the help
    utility to learn more about AwaySystem features!
    Step five: Enjoy my script! I've put alot of time into it to make sure it is worth 
    downloading and worth your time to use. Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it!

    4. Credits
    I'd like to give thanks to these people for putting up with me begging them to Beta
    test and review AwaySystem. Thanks guys!



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  2. Away system v0.20

    // Use:
    Press /awsystem to start the script.
    On this first (System tab) screen you can see:
        - away message: in the editbox can you set your own away reason.
        - /me message on away/back: if checked, this wil show a message in your current active channel when you are going AWAY (not on a nickchange!).
        - awaylogger: this will remember a message to you if your name is mentionned in it.
        - away modes: if you press on one of this buttons, the script will set you away (with the standard away reason if you didn't fill in a reason in the away reason editbox).
        - fast nickchange: if you use this buttons, your nick will change with the suffix on which button you pressed (e.g. Test`Busy (means you are busy and you pressed on the busy button)).
        - BACK: sets you BACK at any times (you return to your normal nick and if you went away, your state is now back again).
    On the second screen can you set an away suffix by yourself (you can set it also with a reason on screen 1), if you use this, you are AWAY!
    You can also set a custom nickCHANGE, you set the suffix, if you use this only your nick will change, you are NOT away.
    If you press the AWAYSTATS button, a small window will open with some stats:
        - The total times you have been away and auto-away
        - Your total away time
        - The average time you have been away
    In the setup screen you have to set:
        - Your standard nick (e.g. TESTOR).
        - The away prefix (e.g. TEST (or TESTOR)).
        - The separator = the sign between your away nick and the suffix. (e.g. ^ )
        - Sep. suffix = separator suffix: for example when you want to set this nick TEST[AWAY], you need to set the separator to [ and the sep suffix to ] If you want to set this nick TEST^away the separator is ^ and the sep. suffix is empty.
        - Auto away sets you away after a period of X minutes idling, that means after X minutes not thouching your keyboard.
        - The query script gives the people who queried you a sign how long you have been away or idle.


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