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All addons pertaing to information such as youtube linker & etc

4 files

  1. Spam Bot Kicker for Mirc and AdiIRC

    1) install the script in your IRC Client
    2) right click in channel
    3) activate the script from the dialog
    4) add or remove word/phrases as needed.


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  2. mIRC Horizontal Tile plugin

    Copy mIRCTileHoriz.dll from the zip into your mIRC directory.
    The mIRC directory is usually C:\Program Files\mIRC or C:\Program Files (x86)\mIRC depending on your version of Windows.
    Within mIRC, select Tools -> Script Editor and, on the Remote tab, add a line like this:
    on *:start:/dll "C:\Program Files\mIRC\mIRCTileHoriz.dll" InstallHook
    (Of course, modify the path so it's correct for where you put the DLL. On 64-bit Windows you'll probably need to add (x86) in there.)
    You can also add a list of window-title prefixes (usually channel names), each sparated by a / character, to force those windows to be kept in a specific order:
    on *:start:/dll "C:\Program Files\mIRC\mIRCTileHoriz.dll" InstallHook /#Example1 [/#Example2 [/
    If you want a window to be left along entirely, put **ignore** before its prefix.
    This will ensure that the #Example1 and #Example2 windows always come first while leaving the Status window alone completely (so it can overlap the other windows when visible):
    on *:start:/dll "C:\Program Files\mIRC\mIRCTileHoriz.dll" InstallHook /#Example1 [/#Example2 [/**ignore**Status: /
    That will ensure mIRC uses the plugin the next time it starts. To make mIRC load the plugin now, without having to restart it, paste the same thing as above into the status window, but only the part from /dll onwards (i.e. without the on *:start: at the beginning).
    If you want to experiment with the list of channels, you can re-run the command as many times as you want. Each time will update the existing plugin's configuration, rather than loading the plugin an additional time.
    Remove the line you added to the Remote script, the same way that you added it.
    If you want to make mIRC release the plugin without exiting the program, run this via the status window:
    /dll -u "C:\Program Files\mIRC\mIRCTileHoriz.dll"
    (As before, modify the path so it's correct for where you put the DLL.)
    Delete mIRCTileHoriz.dll from your mIRC folder.
    Not very exciting. 🙂
    (I've also turned off the menu and toolbar, since I almost never use either of them. That's unrelated to the plugin.)


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  3. KTE Theme Engine

    KTE Theme Engine - with this mirc addon, you can create new schema styles for your irc script. This is compatible with MTS.


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  4. MSN Weather Checker

    UPDATEv1.5>>> Added a !forecast command so you can check up to 9 days of your local forecast information. The command is simple: !forecast 1-9day location. i.e.: !forecast 5day 97048 will give you a 5 day forecast for Rainier Oregon, or !forecast 9day Portland Oregon will give you Portland Oregon's 9 day forecast.
    If you want to change the number of days allowed, simply change if (%fcnum > 9) { the number to any. The max is 9, the script wont display the 10th very well so I left it out. 

    UPDATE>>> Previous release wasn't removing [style] from user request. Added $sstyle in the file for those who don't have the $stripstyle alias. It should work in any script now... I hope! Let me know if it don't.
    I know checking the weather has become popular for everyone, so I decided to write this one which checks msn.com's weather info.

    I at some point plan on adding more forecast days that can be checked, or just doing !f loc 3 to get 3 days of forecast info.

    As we all know, websites tend to change, please let me know if you are getting errors or just blank info and I'll adjust the 
    script as needed. Thank you and hope you enjoy!

    So far this works in Moschino and Socketless connection scripts. Let me know if you need help.

    The command for weather is !w
    To change this, open the .mrc file and edit the first line or use remote editor:
    on *:TEXT:*!w*:#: { 
    and change the !w to whatever you want.
    There is no on/off or dialog options for this script. It is a load and run file.
    View readmeweather.txt for more info about this scrip


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