About This File
These are some scripts that help me learn Japanese.
Most scripts are supposed to be used as plugins for an IRC bot or run on a shell. I find the following aliases quite useful:
alias ja="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/jmdict/jm.sh" alias wa="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/jmdict/wa.sh" alias rtk="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/rtk/rtk.sh" alias gd="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/google_dictionary/gd.sh"
I do most of my dictionary lookups with these aliases.
All scripts have only been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and later. There are a few dependencies not present on a default Ubuntu system. You can install them with
$ sudo apt install mecab-jumandic-utf8 mecab kakasi xmlstarlet xsltproc python-irclib sqlite3 bc liburi-perl tesseract-ocr imagemagick
find_audio.sh finds an audio version of a given Japanese word on languagepod101.
$ ./find_audio.sh 夜空 Audio for 夜空 [よぞら]: http://tinyurl.com/p8aq8jo
Compares the size of different encodings of the same Japanese Wikipedia article. In almost all cases UTF-8 is smaller than UTF-16.
$ ./compare_encoding.sh 夜空 UTF-8 vs. UTF-16: 91213 vs. 156876 bytes. UTF-8 wins by 41.8%.
Internationalization support. Currently supported languages:
- English
- German
- Polish
Be sure to run gettext/regenerate_mo_files.sh if you would like to use a translation.
Counts the number of Google results. Uses google.co.jp for queries containing Japanese characters and google.com otherwise.
gd.sh looks up English words in the Google dictionary.
$ ./gd.sh diligent /ˈdiləjənt/ having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties
Currently broken because it appears like Google shut down their dictionary JSON API.
gt.sh translates words and sentences using Google Translate. The target language is determined by the environment variable LANG, but it can also be specified explicitly.
./gt.sh My hovercraft is full of eels. 私のホバークラフトは鰻がいっぱいです。 ./gt.sh it My hovercraft is full of eels. it: Il mio hovercraft è pieno di anguille. ./gt.sh Il mio hovercraft è pieno di anguille. My hovercraft is full of eels.
Currently broken because Google shut down the translate API.
jm.sh provides jmdict lookups and wa.sh wadoku lookups. Works best for Japanese->English (or Japanese->German), not so well for the reverse direction. This is because jmdict is a Japanese English dictionary and not an English Japanese dictionary.
To start, you first need to run the scripts prepare_jmdict.sh and prepare_wadoku.sh. This will download and process the respective dictionary files.
$ ./jm.sh 村長 村長 [そんちょう] (n), village headman 市長村長選挙 [しちょうそんちょうせんきょ] (n), mayoral election
A simple hiragana and katakana trainer.
Example IRC session
<Christoph> !hira help <nihongobot> Start with "!hira <level> [count]". Known levels are 0 to 10. To learn more about some level please use "!hira help <level>". <nihongobot> To only see the differences between consecutive levels, please use "!hira helpdiff <level>". <Christoph> !hira 5 <nihongobot> Please write in romaji: す と に ね へ <Christoph> !hira su to ni ne he <nihongobot> Perfect! 5 of 5. Statistics for Christoph: 44.64% of 280 characters correct. <nihongobot> Please write in romaji: は と ぬ ほ な
Implements a lookup in kanjidic: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic.html
$ ./kanjidic.sh 日本語 日: 4 strokes. ニチ, ジツ, ひ, -び, -か. In names: あ, あき, いる, く, くさ, こう, す, たち, に, にっ, につ, へ {day, sun, Japan, counter for days} 本: 5 strokes. ホン, もと. In names: まと {book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things} 語: 14 strokes. ゴ, かた.る, かた.らう {word, speech, language}
A quiz asking JLPT style 文の組み立て questions. Only works as an IRC plugin for now.
Example IRC session
<Flamerokz> !kuiz skm2 <nihongobot> Please choose [1-4]: 周囲の人たちの _ _ ★ _ と思う。 (1: 協力を 2: 優勝は 3: 無理だった 4: 抜きにしては). <Flamerokz> !kuiz 2 <nihongobot> Flamerokz: Correct! (2: 優勝は)
Example question file
A question file (a file ending in .txt
in kumitate_quiz/questions/
) should contains lines of the following form:
周囲の人たちの _ _ ★ _ と思う。|協力を,優勝は,無理だった,抜きにしては|2
This script has nothing to do with Japanese. It OCRs the image on http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHC1 to provide live statistics of the status of the LHC.
read.py converts kanji to kana using mecab.
$ ./read.py 鬱蒼たる樹海の中に舞う人の如き影が在った。 鬱蒼[うっそう]たる 樹海[じゅかい] の 中[なか] に 舞[ま]う 人[じん] の 如[ごと]き 影[かげ] が 在[あ]った 。
A quiz asking kanji -> kana questions. Only works as an IRC plugin for now.
Example IRC session
<Christoph> !quiz jlpt2 <nihongobot> Please read: 発見 <Christoph> !quiz はっけん <nihongobot> Christoph: Correct! (はっけん: (n,vs) 1. discovery, 2. detection, 3. finding)
romaji.sh converts kanji and kana to romaji using mecab.
$ ./romaji.sh 鬱蒼たる樹海の中に舞う人の如き影が在った。 ussoutaru jukai no naka ni mau jin no gotoki kage ga atta 。
rtk.sh looks up keywords, kanji and numbers. The keywords and numbers refer to Heisig’s amazing book “Remembering the Kanji”.
$ ./rtk.sh 城壁 #362: castle 城 | #1500: wall 壁 $ ./rtk.sh star #1556: star 星, #237: stare 眺, #1476: starve 餓, #2532: star-anise 樒, #2872: start 孟, #2376: mustard 芥 $ ./rtk.sh 1 2 3 #1: one 一 | #2: two 二 | #3: three 三
As the name says, this is a simple IRC bot. You can start it with:
$ ./bot.py <server[:port]> <channel> <nickname> [NickServ password]
It uses all the other scripts.
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