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DCX.dll mIRC v7+ Build 1111 DCX V2.0 Optimal UTF dll Build 1

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About This File

Latest dcx dev build 18

added check for directx sdk version when compiling with directx enabled.

    added /xdid -z [NAME] [ID] command that updates the horizontal scrollbar
    should only be called after all items are added & isn't needed after a call to /xdid -A

    fixed some bugs around the use of TCHAR strings instead of BSTR ones. (no more RPC exceptions)
    changed the object destructor to call WebBrowser2->Quit() before Release()
    added $xdid().statusbar which returns $true if the statusbar is enabled or $false otherwise.
    added $xdid().statustext which gets the statusbars contents.
    added /xdid -m [DNAME] [ID] [+FLAGS] [+MASK] (URL) this does the same as /xdid -n but allows setting some flags too.
    [+FLAGS] can be any combination of
    h - Disable adding url to history
    r - Disables reading url from cache.
    w - Disables adding this url to cache.
    a - Enabled Auto Search when url fails.
    e - Forces url to be opened in the Restricted Zone.
    m - Enabled Popup Manager.
    u - Disabled downloads.
    x - Enable ActiveX Installing (You will still be prompted for allow/disallow)
    b - toggle address bar on/off
    f - toggle fullscreen on/off
    s - toggle statusbar on/off
    [+MASK] is used to set the flags on or off /xdid -m dialog +bf +b will turn the address bar on, & disable fullscreen.
    (URL) is optional, if not supplied then you can use the command to just set flags.

    changed /xdid -Z to work on any view not just report (needs testing)

    For use with mIRC v7 +

    Help file located @ http://dcx.tg007.net

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