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GIRC v2.1, 2.2 2.3

2 Screenshots

About This File

GIRC is now in English only.

* Now using mIRC 7.62.

* Fixed error message from Sidebar's Treebar when connecting to many Networks.

* To prevent monitor resolution bugs, the Toolbar items "Active Window" and "Time" are now in a fixed place next to the Lagbar.

* Changed some menus to better adapt to english users.

* Fixed bug that was closing the Mp3 Player on Desktop Mode when minimizing the GIRC.

* Fixed bug with auto-ghost dialog, that was not asking for pass when nick was already in use.

* Log viewer: Fixed bugs, added info and options on the menus. (/logs)

* Fixed bugs with Auto-Message system on Channel Options dialog. (/opchan)

* Whois now don't show Clones if theres none.

* Spell Checker is now Spell Checker and Acronym system combined. (/spell)

* Fixed Anti-Badword system from the Input System. (/inputs)

* Added new items on the Help Window. (/ghelp)

* Personal Options: Added option to auto load Past Logs when open Query/PVT

* Short Commands: Added 2 exemple commands '+mo' and '-mo' to give or remove @OP from a user. Exemple: +mo john

* Fixed Connection Profile button 'Connect on New Window' that was not setting default infos when you leave them blank.

* New Mp3 Player: Fixed 'Next Song' Button that was not going to the correct song after clicking and selecting other song on the playlist.

* Fixed bug with !Commands that the Buttons '-' and 'Disabled' could be clicked without any #Channel selected.

* Changed 'Fast Mode' to 'Performance' moved from Menubar from 'Mode' to 'Options'

* And other changes and fixes.


What's New in Version 2.1   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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  • Administrators

So I've been using this now for a couple of days and have found it to be a stable good all around script. Has many features that great and needed if your admin of a server or ircop of a server or just normal user. I like all the features it presents to the table and the look. d0wn has done a great job on it and easy to run. As soon as you download it and run it the config comes on auto and you begin your IRC moments. I give this script 4 stars

Screenshot - 12_25_2020 , 2_26_55 PM.png

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