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  1. err0r is the best Webmaster everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 😁
    1 point
  2. So im getting a lot of the old snippets from hawkee's and never knew there was so many, but im going fourth and continue to move forward and add more and more each day. I really havent counted as to how many snippets have been added on hawkee but this i can tell you i will have all of them on coders-resources so we dont loose them all. we will have a huge range of archive snippets and scripts and continue to do so!! I will continue to keep you all posted and continue to add more and more 👍
    1 point
  3. So I've been told some scripting sites ask for signup and then other stuff to do in order to download scripts and etc. Well sorry but thats not the case here we allow all to download even guests the script we have are freee access as the creators of the scripts would want!! So no there's no hidden agenda here at Coders-resources its all irc and buzzen and various chat networks. Enjoy
    1 point
  4. So err0r gave me a script and ive been playing with it and modifying it to fit my needs for all my irc networks. Like to thank err0r for trusting me with his script not to hand it out.
    1 point
  5. So recently while chatting on IRC server on Rizon i managed to have a chat with a chatter called socerer who owns irc-nerds. We were talking about irc scripts and servers and was asking about my server and if i would like to have more chatter's and I was like any other irc server owner of course, but how? well the topic Pylink came up and now from this day were are connected with #nerds and coder-irc-lounge with the help of sorcerer and Pylink. So if you looking to establish on getting more chatter's to your server come join on rizon #nerds or go direct to https://www.irc-nerds.wikii !! Take a sneak peak and see what it's about.
    1 point
  6. Version 7.0


    This is version 7.0 of CPS, one the most powerful channel and personal protection addon that exists for the *mIRC* a popular IRC client. It comes with a built in help file. CPS includes the latest in IRC protection and protects you from 43 of the most common IRC offences. CPS also has the quickest reaction time so it is also one of the most effective ways to protect yourself. CPS is originally created by Amit, an addon which is very configurable through dialogs and easy to use for all kinds of users, it is well organized and simple to use yet very advanced in its features. It does not contain any offensive features. Features of CPS Version 7.0 CPS will protect you from the most common IRC offences such; Private Text Flood, Query Flood, Private spam protection, Mass join flood, Clones flood, Text flooding, Text repeating, Revolving doors part flood ect... CPS uses Signal events to make the processing of kicks quick and you don't lag at all. CPS uses hash tables to store data which allows you to add unlimited amounts of channels in protected list and all with different configurations. You can make different settings for different channels. You can configure kick messages, ban time, ban types; choose between kicking a nick or kick + banning a nick out of a channel. CPS supports all 10 ban types of mirc. CPS has a channel limiter which will automatically set +l mode in channels that you are opped in according to the minimum user limit you want. CPS has setting dialogs for every kick. which means more options and more comfort. CPS has socket spam checkerbot with which will join your protected channel(you can setup channels) and will cycle after a certain period of time(you can also set this up) and upon being spammed in private it will auto message ur script to kick the nick. NOTE: it auto signals the script not you so the kick is far more quickly done. Note: CPS has so much more features which require that you have basic knowledge of mIRC commands and know how to use basic windows dialogs. If your are below that level it is highly recommended that you don't continue with installing this addon or it will make you look like paralyzed person who tries to fight Muhammed Ali in the kick boxing arena! that's just because you got wrong installation of this awesome addon. Installing CPS Version 7.0 CPS requires to be in its specific directory, please follow the below steps exactly the way they are mentioned to avoid any problems regarding wrong path of this addon. Firstly, you need to find the path of your mirc.exe, find out where it is installed. You can do that by typing the following command in any mirc window. //echo -a $mircdir When you type that command it will echo the path of your mirc directory. Now open your explorer and browse to that path. Say the above command gave you this path --> C:\mirc\. So, open "C:\mirc\" and unzip/unrar the downloaded file in such a way that it creates a sub-directory in the above path called "CPS",; C:\mirc\cps\. To verify if your installation path is correct check the path of file called "Firststep.mrc", it should be: C:\mirc\cps\firststep.mrc . Now open you mirc.exe (If not already opened). and type the below command: /Load -rs cps\firststep.mrc It will generally open a dialog that will say "one or more script has been loaded....." Note: If that dialog opened don't hit enter! Click on "Yes" button with your mouse pointer. Else installation will fail. If you already hit enter then again type the above command and this time click on "Yes" button. If that dialog didn't popped up then you will see the About Dialog popping up which looks like the below screenshot: That means that your installation is successful. And to open the setup configurations of this addon try to right click on one of the available mIRC windows such Status Window or Channel Window. That's all. Enjoy the CPS addon and Keep in safe!.
    1 point
  7. If you ever wanna try to expand/gain some more users, we could pylink your channel. im #25 on top 100 for netsplit.de (IRC-nERDs)... I'm sure visitors would love your channel/website/scripts... also besides netsplit.de theres www.ircdriven.com
    1 point
  8. I like to take this time to wish all and there families a Happy New Years. We wish you all the best in Health, Wealth,Family, Friends All the best from coders-IRC
    1 point
  9. Was given this to play with and try to translate it and pass it on to people that love or miss MSN can use this!!
    1 point
  10. Retort Sizin için MSN betiğini arıyorum, umarım haftasonu elimde olur
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Full featured connection for ircWX networks. Contains all the needed accessibility for access, room lists, modes, props, etc. Extras include webchat addon, full featured editors for sounds, icons, etc.
    1 point
  12. It's a shame most of the IRC scripting sites have been closed from MircScripts.org to IRCjunkie.org. Use to love those scripting sites. I think the only one that remains is Hawkee.com but not much go on there anymore. It was fun having a huge IRC Community and seeing all coders unite and help each other. Now what you see are script kiddies taking codes and modifying what was and don't even come up with there own coding!! So we are hoping to get more and more IRC scripters back into the coding game. Between err0r,Eyecu & Moi we are looking into different ways to bring it back!! So lets cross our fingers and see what developments we can come up with. Stay Tuned for more updates. Lets Get The IRC Community Back
    1 point
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Advanced trivia game script.
    1 point
  14. In Memoriam 2014-11-13 By caf In In Memoriam. From its humble beginnings to the latest release, BitchX has always been about community. Over the years, a handful of people have voluntarily contributed a great deal of time and energy to the project by writing scripts, providing support, troubleshooting, patches, enhancements - or simply making BitchX a fun thing to be involved with. With such a long history, we have had our losses. Several of the friends that we came to regard as a kind of extended family left us before their time, and we would like to remember them here. ssshooter Jason Higham, known to his friends on IRC as ssshooter, left us on July 11th, 2004. He is remembered fondly by his family and friends. sellfone On the 18th of July, 2004, our dearly missed friend Miles Wilson (also known as sellfone) passed away in his sleep. turtlex Amy Elizabeth Haskew died on June 16, 2009 at 34. Goodbye turtlex, you'll always be remembered as someone very kind, and wise beyond your years. frash RIP Marc Casillo aka frash [25/Nov/1970 - 28/Sep/2009] void Matthew Luberto, known to his many friends online as void, passed away in his sleep on February 16, 2013 in his 38th year. We'll miss you, void. https://sourceforge.net/p/bitchx/git/ci/master/tree/
    1 point
  15. Version 1


    this is just some mirc dlls with there perspective aliases to make life easier for everyone and for those who dont want to spend 30 minuets gathering the dlls and then coding the aliases to make them work, i am not saying every one will use all the dlls in this pack but they are the most common dlls that people would normally use with a few i use most of the time
    1 point
  16. New Addon for DevilScript alarm and clock module
    -1 points
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