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  1. Aliases Aliases are mIRC's way to define functions. An alias is a shortcut for often-used command such as join, part, quit, opping and deopping, and whatever else you want. For example: Typing /j #channel makes you join #channel, in case that the /j was made as a shortcut for joining channel then you can call this as an alias named /j. And typing /p #channel makes you leave the channel #chanel, in case that the /p was made as a shortcut for leaving/ parting channel then you can call this as an alias named /p and so on. see this captured codes taken from the Aliases tab section in the scripts editor: As you can see from the given screenshot there are some other names written as /op, /dop, /k ect... They are examples of the aliases. Tips/ info: The written text you see after an alias name is the contained command(s) that will be executed when the related alias is triggered. An alias may contain more than one contained command. In general, all commands which can be used in the edit box (the line or lines you normally use to talk/type in) can be used in an alias. Aliases can also be used to execute several commands at once. Creating Aliases Creating a new alias is relatively easy!. There are some ways to write your own aliases, and the simple one is to use the Aliases tab section in the Scripts editor. Follow the following steps to create you first alias using this way : On the main windows of your mIRC program go to Tools menu > Scripts Editor. The mIRC Scripts Editor will start with the Remote tab section opened. Select the Aliases tab section. In the Aliases editor write the following codes : /myfirstalias /echo This is my first alias When you've finished writing the codes your Aliases editor would look something like : Press the OK button to save your aliases. Now, in the EditBox (the line or lines you normally use to talk/type in) of your mIRC type : /myfirstalias and press "Enter" on your keyboard. Congratulations!. If you did everything correctly you should see something like this : Now let me explain what we did exactly. We created an Alias named myfirstalias contains a /echo command. As we can see from the result this command prints our text This is my first alias. Easy right?. Tips/ Info: The basic syntax to write an alias in the Aliases editor is : alias_name contained_command(s) . The forward slashes (/) before the name of the Alias and the Command are optional. Where myfirstalias echo This is my first alias without / (the forward slashes) will do the same thing as /myfirstalias /echo This is my first alias with the forward slashes (/) You can use the {} brackets to create a multi-command lines for an alias. So that You can make your "myfirstalias" alias something like: /myfirstalias { echo this is the result of the first contained command echo this is the result of the second contained command echo this is the result of the third contained command echo this is just another result of another command echo Now I understand that I can use {} brackets to create a multi command lines for my alias } There are two more other ways to create aliases besaides using Aliases editor, they are : The first one is to write aliases in the Remote tab section in the Scripts Editor, by using alias declaration. The basic syntax for this method is alias alias_name contained_command(s) . See the below screenshot for the example. on this example the function of alias declaration is to tell mIRC that myfirstalias was declared as an alias. The second other way is to declare the aliases in the EditBox (the line or lines you normally use to talk/type in), by using the /alias declaration with a / (forward slash) and the same syntax as in the Remote Editor. Once you type /alias myfirstalias /echo This is my first alias in the EditBox then press "Enter" on your Keyboard you should see something like this: Whatever the way you use to create your aliases they will do the same thing for you, choose one that is most user friendly for you. Now let's get on to something more interesting. Create an Alias named "what" for "/echo what do you think about $1- ? wasn't it cool?". Open your Aliases Editor and type the following codes to create the alias: what /echo what do you think about $1- ? wasn't it cool? Press Ok button to save the aliases and in the EditBox of your mIRC type /what mIRC Scripting Primer and see what you get. Congratulations!, (again?!). You can replace "mIRC Scripting Primer" with some text you want, something like "Nevermind song by Nirvana" will work fine. Did you notice the $1- in the codes? it's called Identifier. It's got predefined value set by mIRC. The $1- identifier acts differently to $1 identifier. Which the $1- represents All the text you type after a triggered alias while the $1 represents the first string only. Are you a little confused? Don't be. Create the following Aliases and see what they do, you will be clear about the $1- thing. letters /echo My letters are : $1- letter1 /echo the first letter is : $1 letter2 /echo the second letter is : $2 letter3 /echo and the third letter is : $3 Save your aliases then type the following in your Edit Box, and see what happens : /letters mIRC Scripting Primer then this : /letter1 mIRC Scripting Primer and this : /letter2 mIRC Scripting Primer This is the last one : /letter3 mIRC Scripting Primer Wasn't that cool?. There are many many more useful Identifiers, refer the Help File. The Identifiers from the categories of Time and Date, File and Directories, Nick and Address, Text and Numbers and Other Identifiers are a must-know. Other Identifiers, you can learn as you start writing more complex scripts and when necessary. With this I close the chapter on Aliases. Next we will be learning about more other vast and important subject. so, watch my steps and happy scripting. Tips: You want to test and debug your remote online scripts without being connected to the Internet?, just run your own IRC server and connect to it. A good one is WIRCSRV. Once you get it running type /server in mIRC to connect.
  2. Popups In simple way, Popups are the menus that appear when you right click on an mIRC window. They are a list of predefined commands . Popups are also used to control window mouse events. Look at the screenshot shown at the right, that's how a Popup looks like. You get that one when you right click in the nickname list (the column at the right corner of the channel window, where you see the nicknames). Try clicking there. Depending on whether you are using a script or not you should see something similar to the picture shown here; it's the default mIRC nickname list Popup. As you can see from the shown picture there are some available menus such Info, Whois, Query, Control ect... Creating Popups There are 2 ways to create popups : One is to use the Popups Editor in the scripts editor which is divided into sections already, so, you don't have to declare what kind of manu it is, just create the menu items. And the second way is by using the Remote Tab and using the menu declaration. 1. Creating Popus using Popups Editor Now let's start with creating your first Popup using the Popups tab section in the Scripts Editor. First take a look at the Popup files for the Popups in mIRC. Press ALT+P (this takes you directly to the Scripts Editor in Popups mode). See the codes? Most probably the Popups file for the Status window will be put in the Edit mode. Right click in the Status window and analyze the codes and the corresponding Popup. If you want to see the Popup file for NickList, click on View and choose Nick List. Now take a look at the codes and compare with what you see in the Nick List Popup when you right click. Making sense? Let's get going with what we were upto. First you have to decide which window you want to write the Popup for. If it's for the Channel window, click on View and select Channel, similarly, the same for other windows. Now write the following codes in the Popups Editor. We are going to make a Popup for the channel window. Make sure you have chosen Channel from the View Menu. - My First Popup: / - Hello: say Hello everybody! Bye: say Good bye everybody! - Greetings .Thanks Friends:say Thanks for being wonderful friends! .New Year: say New Year Wishes to all! .God Bless: say The blessing of God on all! - Love Sayings:{ say The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love! .timer 1 3 say When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out! .timer 1 7 say Love is the emblem of eternity, it confounds all notion of time! } - Quit: quit Killed by a Popup! Close mIRC: exit Sure you have to join a channel and right click in the main channel window to see the result of the above code. If you did all correctly you should see the Popup menu such the below picture: Using the above code as an example, I will cover the topic on Popups for beginners. Let me explain you the code. The - is to create a line separator between the menus. I used it in the first line to separate the new Popup menu from the already existing Channel Modes menu of the channel Popup. The menu 'My First Popup' is a functionless menu, I used it to give a name to the Popup we just created. Popups menu definitions follow this pattern Menu name: mIRC-command. For eg: Hello: /say Hello everybody will perform the command /say Hello everybody when you click on Hello in the Popup menu. Hello is the menu name and /say Hello everybody is the command executed by mIRC. Similarly Bye is the menu name and /say Good bye everybody! is the command. In the next menu we have Greetings as the main and Thanks Friends, God Bless and New Year as submenus. Submenus are created by putting a . (dot) infront of the submenu name following the menu name. And if you want to create submenus under a submenu, you need to put .. (two dots) in front of the sub-submenu name following the submenu name. In the Love Sayings menu, we have 3 commands. To include more than one command in the Popup (also in Remote), we enclose the commands within { } (curley brackets). Look at the Love Sayings Popup code... Love Sayings:{ say The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love! .timer 1 3 say When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out! .timer 1 7 say Love is the emblem of eternity, it confounds all notion of time! } In additon to that In the commands of this popup you can see .timer 1 3. It's an mIRC command which starts a timer and executes the mIRC command(s) according to the specification. timer 1 3 will execute the command following it, once after 3 secs (1 3). You can observe the same in new menu if you want to. Say you want to sing "Show me Some Emotion" a song by Celine Dion and send some words of the lyric to the current channel, then your codes should be something like : A song by Celine Dion:{ me would like to present "Show me Some Emotion" a song by Celine Dion!? .timer 1 5 say I've tried my best for so long .timer 1 8 say To break down these walls .timer 1 11 say But you build them strong .timer 1 14 say So I stand here waiting, wondering why .timer 1 17 say Oh why .timer 1 20 say Why you don't give a little bit .timer 1 23 say Break down and give a little bit .timer 1 26 say Show, show some emotion .timer 1 29 say Open, open your heart, ooh .timer 1 32 say Set free an ocean .timer 1 35 say Only a feeling can save us now .timer 1 38 say You say you've been hurt .timer 1 41 say Well you're not alone .timer 1 45 say and so on.. } It contains 15 commands, all of them enclosed within { }. Try removing the . (dot) before the timer command and see what happens. 2. Creating Popups using Remote Editor You can also create and write Popup code in the Remote Editor by using menu declaration. Below is the basic pattern to create Popup menus using this method : menu window_name(channel,nicklist,status,menubar,query,@window) { menu_name: mirc_command(s) } For example : menu channel { leave this channel: part } This code is to create a popup menu for the channel window. If you want to create a popup menus for the nick list section (the column at the right corner of the channel window, where you see the nicknames) then the code should look like menu nicklist { leave this channel:part }, and use the same way for other mIRC windows. Just make sure you write all the codes in the Remote tab section in the Scripts Editor. The codes for our first Popups (the popups which we've created in the first session of this tutorial) should look like in the below screenshot when we create this using this method: easy right!?. If you want to create a Popup for more than one window name, you can include the locations (window name) separated with a comma after menu. like This : menu channel,nicklist,query { Exit Program: exit } wasn't that cool?. With this I close the chapter on Popups. Next I invite you to join me in the vastest and most important subject on mIRC scripting : "Remotes". Tips: You want to test and debug your remote online scripts without being connected to the Internet?, just run your own IRC server and connect to it. A good one is WIRCSRV. Once you get it running type /server in mIRC to connect.
  3. mIRC has three tool sections in which it can be "programmed" in some way: The Aliases, Popups and the Remote section. In the Remote section you can define Users, Variables and Scripts. In scripts you can define how mIRC reacts to things happening on IRC, in CTCP's and Events. First of all we'll see what the mIRC Scripts Editor is. It's where you write your scripts. Refer the picture below: You click on the icon pointed by the cursor in the picture to open the mIRC Scripts Editor in mIRC v6.32 or later. If you are using an older version it will look different though. I am writing this tutorial with version 6.32 in mind. If you are using an older version you will need to download and install version 6.32 or later. It's not a huge file; only 1.74 Mb or less. So you can always do it. The picture on the right shows the mIRC Scripts Editor. It's in the Aliases editing mode. The other modes are Popups, Remotes, Users and Variables. You change the mode by clicking on the corresponding Tabs. I'll be using the words work space, panel and editing mode interchangeably. Many script files can be loaded onto the editor at a given time. For example: 5 Alias scripts, 3 Popup scripts and 13 Remote scripts. Now how do you edit the files individually? Click on View and select the script you wanna edit. Make sure you are in the proper edit mode or you won't find your files. Writing a script in the wrong mode will make your script not function at all. You should be in the correct mode - look at the active tab. The picture on the right shows the View menu. It's in the Remote edit mode. You can observe: 13 files are loaded and Protection.mrc is the currently the active file in the edit mode. To create a new script file you click on File>New. To load a file, File>Load. If you have ever used NotePad you should get the logic of how things work. The File commands are similar. Only make sure when you click Unload, the intended script file is selected in the editor. It's a common mistake which happens esp if you are in a hurry. You often end up unloading the wrong file. As a newbie you should take special care. Introduction to Aliases, Popups and Remote Now a brief introduction about Aliases, Popups and Remote. Wondering why I didn't include User and Variables? Because they contain values to be usually created and used by the 'active' scripts (Aliases, Popups and Remote). I never use Users, I find it boring =:) It's just my personal preference and scripting style. You can definitely do without it. Variables, you don't usually write a special Variables file. Maybe some people do. But I don't. I create the variables from the scripts itself. If I have to use a lot of Variable values I usually use an INI file. You can forget about all these for now. Just remember it's the Alias, Popup and Remote which you use to create mIRC script files. Now let's take a look what they are. Aliases: Typing /j #channel makes you join #channel. /op NickName will set NickName mode +o. Type /p #channel and you part the channel #chanel. They are examples of Aliases. Let's say you have a robot called CuteAngel. When you whistle Am she closes the windows. When you whistle G# she closes the door. When you whistle F she brings you a can of beer and plays 'Live to Tell' by Madonna. Now, you see you have used whistle notes to invoke predefined actions which would have otherwise taken you more than one word to express your will. Aliases have a similar function, they help you customize your short-cuts (or long-cuts if you are not very bright) for mIRC commands. You didn't have to type /join #channel or /part #channel or /mode #channel +o NickName, which are the actual mIRC commands. We'll see more about Aliases in the Chapter on Aliases. Popups: That's what a Popup is, the picture at the right. You get that particular one when you right click in the query window (private message window). Aliases and Popups are very similar in function. Popups too are used to create (clickable) shortcuts. In Aliases you had to know the alias you created to envoke it. In Popups you are presented with the shortcuts you created when you RightClick the mouse. Analogy: You have a poster in your room with many words listed on it. When you point on "Pizza" CuteAngel brings you a Pizza. When you point on "Pizza-o" she cleans up all the Pizza mess you created on your table. When you point on "Pizza-p" she brings you a Pizza and a Pepsi. See, you save a lot of time and energy by not having to explain CuteAngel in detail again and again what you want. Popups are often used to call (envoke) the aliases you created. We'll see more about Popups in the Popups Chapter. Remote: This is the ultimate one. Apart from it's native functions it can be used to create both Aliases and Popups. And yes also custom Identifiers, things like $CuteAngel(). We'll see more about Identifiers and custom Identifiers later. If you plan to distribute your scripts, I suggest you use Remote to create Aliases and Popups. Let's take a look at the native functions of Remotes. You must have seen or heard about scripts that will automatically voice (mode +v) the people who join the channel. Or those which will close the query window if the text contains www. They are all Remote based: If something happens, then do this or that. As long as the event you specified doesn't take place the commands are not executed. CuteAngel won't clean your room as long as it is clean, she won't feed you as long as you are not hungry, she won't bath you as long as you are not stinking like a Yeti. But at the same time you should have programed her to do the necessary when the condition is true. Remote is a compartively vast topic and a very very interesting one. More about Remotes in the Remote chapter. Loadding Script Files If you are a really really clueless newbie you may have no idea how to load an mIRC script file too. Just in case, I'll tell you how to do that. You know there are many types of script files and you need to load them appropriately or they won't work. Most of the scripts you get online are Remote scripts so you will be using the /load -rs <filename> most often. As you might have guessed you use the load command to load the scripts. Below I show you how to load the different scripts in their appropriate ways. /load -a <filename> /load -pc <filename> /load -pn <filename> /load -rs <filename> /load -ru <filename> /load -rv <filename>Loads an Aliases file. Loads a channel Popup file. Loads a nicklist Popup file. Loads a Remote file. Loads a Users file. Loads a Variables file. That was the way to load the script files from the command line. There's another way to load scripts in mIRC - from the mIRC Editor. First select the panel where you want to load the file. If it's a Remote script the active panel in the mIRC Editor should be Remote and likewise for other script types. Then you click on File > Load, browse for the file and select it. To unload the files from the command line you use the unload command with the appropriate switches and the file name to unload. For example if you want to unload a Remote file named test.mrc you use the command /unload -rs test.mrc. From the mIRC Editor you unload a script by bringing it in the editing mode (it should be the active script in the mIRC Editor) and then go to File menu and click on Unload. Now that you've gotten some idea about the mIRC Scripts Editor, Aliases, Popups, Remotes and how to load script files we can begin with the next chapter: Aliases. It's often necessary that you learn two or more things at the same time to be able to write interesting scripts as a beginner. So a strict step by step learning process won't help you much. It'd be really helpful to your progress if you learnt about identifiers and commands on your own and right from the start. I won't be discussing in detail about Identifiers and Commands because everything is there in the Help File already. Are we ready? Let's start with Aliases.
  4. So recently while chatting on IRC server on Rizon i managed to have a chat with a chatter called socerer who owns irc-nerds. We were talking about irc scripts and servers and was asking about my server and if i would like to have more chatter's and I was like any other irc server owner of course, but how? well the topic Pylink came up and now from this day were are connected with #nerds and coder-irc-lounge with the help of sorcerer and Pylink. So if you looking to establish on getting more chatter's to your server come join on rizon #nerds or go direct to https://www.irc-nerds.wikii !! Take a sneak peak and see what it's about.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Using this program, you can run your own IRC server at home (Off-line/On-line). You can connect to it just like you'd connect to any other IRC server. With this IRC server program you can create and set up your complete IRC networks similar to DALnet, IRCNet or Undernet. Introduction IRCplus 2000 is an IRC (Internet Relay-Chat) server that allows IRC clients to connect to your computer as an IRC based chat server. This is a free IRC Server which limits you to ten connections. It doesn't require registration and works "straight out of the box". The new version is packed full of many new features such as the ability to change server messages, a news flash broadcasting system, built-in log viewer, new built-in (Channel, Nickname, and Memo) Services and Client Connection Classes. Running IRCPlus 2000 After installing the files with the Setup program go to Start > All Programs > IRCPlus 2000 and select IRCPlus aplication to run the program. And for the first time, the Initial Configuration Window will appear. On this screen you can set up the Server Name, Description and Default Administrator account. You could change these to whatever you want. If you are running Windows NT 4.0 (SERVER) You have the option to install IRCplus as an NT Service. This will allow you to Start, Stop the server from any permitted workstation on your Local Area NetWork, and the Administrator does not have to be logged on to the server to start the Server. If you select this, then you will need to start the service from the Services Applet in the Control Panel. Once you have completed the Initial Configuration IRCplus will load as an icon in your system tray. (Note: Windows NT users who have installed it as a service must start it from the Services Applet in the Control Panel, Service Name = IRCplus). Now that you have setup your IRC Server, you want to log on and check out what it does. Lots of people have tried connecting to their server using the "Server Name". This will not work, the server name is only for you to see, But, if your server name and domain name are the same and are on the IRC Server then you can of course connect to it. If you do not have a domain name then you will have to use your IP address. Once you have your IP address simply open any IRC client such as "mIRC, Pirch, MS-Chat, VIRC", or any other, and type /server your.IP.address and then you will be connected to the server. Tips/Info: In the simple way, when you set up the Initial Configuration without any Internet connections you can just use your localhost Ip address (127.0.01 is set by default) as your IRC server. So, the server your should use is by using /server command in the editbox of your IRC client.
  6. Version 7.0


    This is version 7.0 of CPS, one the most powerful channel and personal protection addon that exists for the *mIRC* a popular IRC client. It comes with a built in help file. CPS includes the latest in IRC protection and protects you from 43 of the most common IRC offences. CPS also has the quickest reaction time so it is also one of the most effective ways to protect yourself. CPS is originally created by Amit, an addon which is very configurable through dialogs and easy to use for all kinds of users, it is well organized and simple to use yet very advanced in its features. It does not contain any offensive features. Features of CPS Version 7.0 CPS will protect you from the most common IRC offences such; Private Text Flood, Query Flood, Private spam protection, Mass join flood, Clones flood, Text flooding, Text repeating, Revolving doors part flood ect... CPS uses Signal events to make the processing of kicks quick and you don't lag at all. CPS uses hash tables to store data which allows you to add unlimited amounts of channels in protected list and all with different configurations. You can make different settings for different channels. You can configure kick messages, ban time, ban types; choose between kicking a nick or kick + banning a nick out of a channel. CPS supports all 10 ban types of mirc. CPS has a channel limiter which will automatically set +l mode in channels that you are opped in according to the minimum user limit you want. CPS has setting dialogs for every kick. which means more options and more comfort. CPS has socket spam checkerbot with which will join your protected channel(you can setup channels) and will cycle after a certain period of time(you can also set this up) and upon being spammed in private it will auto message ur script to kick the nick. NOTE: it auto signals the script not you so the kick is far more quickly done. Note: CPS has so much more features which require that you have basic knowledge of mIRC commands and know how to use basic windows dialogs. If your are below that level it is highly recommended that you don't continue with installing this addon or it will make you look like paralyzed person who tries to fight Muhammed Ali in the kick boxing arena! that's just because you got wrong installation of this awesome addon. Installing CPS Version 7.0 CPS requires to be in its specific directory, please follow the below steps exactly the way they are mentioned to avoid any problems regarding wrong path of this addon. Firstly, you need to find the path of your mirc.exe, find out where it is installed. You can do that by typing the following command in any mirc window. //echo -a $mircdir When you type that command it will echo the path of your mirc directory. Now open your explorer and browse to that path. Say the above command gave you this path --> C:\mirc\. So, open "C:\mirc\" and unzip/unrar the downloaded file in such a way that it creates a sub-directory in the above path called "CPS",; C:\mirc\cps\. To verify if your installation path is correct check the path of file called "Firststep.mrc", it should be: C:\mirc\cps\firststep.mrc . Now open you mirc.exe (If not already opened). and type the below command: /Load -rs cps\firststep.mrc It will generally open a dialog that will say "one or more script has been loaded....." Note: If that dialog opened don't hit enter! Click on "Yes" button with your mouse pointer. Else installation will fail. If you already hit enter then again type the above command and this time click on "Yes" button. If that dialog didn't popped up then you will see the About Dialog popping up which looks like the below screenshot: That means that your installation is successful. And to open the setup configurations of this addon try to right click on one of the available mIRC windows such Status Window or Channel Window. That's all. Enjoy the CPS addon and Keep in safe!.
  7. Beta v7.68.3621 changes:1.Item 9, echo-message is now disabled by default. Seehttps://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/270495/#Post270495for an explanation.2.Item 37, made a number of improvements.
  8. The vast majority of users who find themselves as moderators, do not know how a ban should be structured and rely on scripts. which 9 times out of 10 ban in this way: Let's take for example this user: ---> Utentecattivo!Ident123@Host.provider.it Uservillain! Ident123@Host.provider.it This is called "mask" and is the set of Nick,Ident,Host The scripts with the simple use of the "click" of the right button on the nick and the selection of the item "banna" 9 times out of 10 ban the entire mask, then execute this command: /mode #nomecanale +b Utentecattivo!Ident123@Host.provider.it in this way if the user is a minimum awake, changes one of the 3 components of his mask, (Nick, Ident, Host) and returns despite the ban .. Leaving aside the methods to change Nick, Ident, Host (Very simple the first 2 a little different speech x the host), let's see how to set a "total" ban on a mask: Divide the mask into 3 parts: Nick Ident Host We set 1 ban for each segment of the mask: /mode #nomecanale +b Nick!*@* /mode #nomecanale +b *! Ident@* /mode #nomecanale +b *!*@Host (In case your script allows it, even the syntax /mode #channel +bbb Nick!*@* *! Ident@* *!*@Host )
  9. menu channel { @clone scan: /vs } alias vs { hmake clones 500 var %x = 1, %c = $iif($1 ischan,$1,$active),%ticks = $ticks,%clones if ($window(@clones)) window -c @clones window @clones if (%c ischan) && ($ialchan(*,%c,0) != $nick(%c,0)) { .enable #clones | aline @clones S tò a nalizzando l a I AL .. | .ial on | who %c } while ($nick(%c,%x)) { var %i = $ifmatch if ($hget(clones,$address(%i,2)) == $null) && ($ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,0) > 1) { inc %clones $ialchan($address(%i, 2),%c,0) hadd clones $address(%i,2) $address(%i,2) var %temp,%a = 1 while ($ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,%a)) { set %temp %temp $+ $chr(44) $ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,%a).nick inc %a } aline @clones $ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,0) 4 Clones having as address: 11 $address(%i,2) $+ : aline @clones - Nick del Clone: 9 $mid(%temp,2,$calc($len(%temp) - 1)) } inc %x } aline @clones - aline @clones - -- ---- C onnessioni c on C loni R ilevate: $hmatch(clones,*,0) aline @clones - -- ---- In all there are n° %clones clones aline @clones - -- ---- P er t rovarli c i h o m it: $duration($calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000)) $gettok($calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000),2,46) $+ millisecs hfree clones } #clones off raw 315:*: vs $2 | .disable #clones #clones end on *:connect: .disable #clones Clone Scan by mAx' - irc.ircgate.it, #angel_&_Devil.;
  10. pcinfo { say $me say Statistics Current Time: $time(h:nn:sstt) say Using mIRC $+ $version say My User Modes are: $usermode say Using Windows $os say My Host is: $address($me,2) say My nick is $nick say my IP is $ip say mIRC.exe is located in $mircdir say Windows $os is active from: $duration($int($calc($ticks / 1000))) say The mIRC is Connected to $server $+ : $+ $port from: $uptime(mirc,1) say The Resolution of my Monitor is: $window(-1).w $+ x $+ $window(-1).h say Currently on C:\: I have this space available $round($calc(($disk(c:).free) / 1024 / 1024000), 2) $+ GB }
  11. New Addon for DevilScript
  12. on 1:OPEN:?:*:{ set %query.nick $nick set %query.address $address($nick,1) set %query.text $1- close -m $nick .msg $nick Query Manager: Wait, I have to decide whether or not to accept your Pvt... query.decide } alias -l query.decide { dialog -m Query Query } dialog Query { title "Query" size 300 250 200 50 option dbu text "Nick:", 2, 5 12 12 10, nowrap text "Text:", 3, 5 22 12 10, nowrap edit %query.nick %query.address, 4, 20 10 170 10, read edit %query.text, 5, 20 20 170 10, read button "Accept", 6, 25 32 40 15 button "Reject", 7, 75 32 40 15 button "Ignore", 8, 125 32 40 15 } on 1:dialog:Query:*:* { if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 6) { dialog -x Query Query query %query.nick echo -t %query.nick < $+ %query.nick $+ > %query.text .msg %query.nick Query Manager : Your Pvt Has Been Accepted! unset %query.* } if ($did == 7) { dialog -x Query Query .msg %query.nick Query Manager : Your Pvt Was Rejected! unset %query.* } if ($did == 8) { dialog -x Query Query ignore -p %query.nick .msg %query.nick Query Manager : Your Pvt was Rejected and I Put You in Ignore! unset %query.* } } }
  13. making my adiIRC custom to my needs. Love this client it's great!!
  14. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This file contains DJ-Requests: Allows DJs to receive and process song requests in a managable environment. OperTools : A plugin to automatically log you into Undernet Channel Services, even with TOTP Enabled. IPTools (Hex2IP) : Performs conversions on IP addresses.
  15. Version 9.2

    1 download

    v0.9.2 - Fixed urls with multiple query string parameters. - Maintenance update to fix compatibility to recent Hotlink event changes in AdiIRC version 2. - First attempt to auto update script and a more simple way to install, just load script, it will download all required files for you. - Added CTRL + C shortcut to copy to clipboard image url or dimensions if visible. - New default width to Pastebin 1024px. - Added config for custom Spinner window size. - New option to toggle border and titlebar. - New shortcut V to toggle temporarily "close on focus loss" for the active window only. - Added support to Efukt website, disabled by default because for now script try to load as video even image galleries (less than %1). - Added experimental Coub embed support. - Added support for Dropbox sharing urls. - Minimal AdiIRC version required increased to 2.3. - Disabled close on focus loss for videos. - Few cosmetic tweaks.
  16. Version 1.9


    Features: Generates random nick colors for any nick not assigned a custom color Uses random full-palette colors for nicks in both MSG and ACTION Uses assigned colors for nicks that have them Adjusts colors based on light or dark backgrounds NEW: Set your own custom colors to be used for nicks NEW: Color generation efficiency improvements NEW: Properly handles buffer playback from bouncers like ZNC Wants: A good way to avoid lookalike colors for different nicks
  17. Version 0.5


    - Now each window has its own timeout based on global one! No more hiding a channel in "random" intervals. \o/ - When Status Window get focus, all windows in this network are unhiden, turning easy to return to some previous channel. - Minor fixes and overall improvements. and more added features
  18. Version 0.4.9


    This manager is going to make your client or your Bot a bit more customable in order to install your own module easy just with ONE CLICK, the manager also gives you the ability to unistall an already installed module or also to re-install it, also the most powerfull think that this manager has is to checking for any available modules that are in the modules list if anyone of them want an update and place them into the list in order you can easy by pressing the Update button to update it into the latest version, it's one of the most important and one of the most wanted tools for your client, also it is multi-language supported as all of the modules that will be into the list and also you can add your own language or send to me your translated language to include it into the next release, also each of the modules that is into the list has an build-in settings window in order to setup or change any available setting that the module support it, if you have found any bug or you have a new feature or you want your own module to be included into this module manager just contact me at http://westor.ucoz.com/contact page. - Enjoy!
  19. Version 0.1.1


    v0.1.1 - Added ignore to shit+space, to prevent auto replace. - Small cosmetic changes for Windows 10.
  20. Been working on easy script for quite a few months, doing english translation been having fun. Also customizing it to my needs. tell me what you all think about it!!
  21. I have retested the downloads and it seems to be working, there have been people telling me there's issues. So i have tested it and seems to work fine. Please let me know if there's anymore issues with the archive downloads
  22. Here's a Zip file of some old IRC Scripts if your interested in keeping for your own archives. I take no responsibility to any damage caused by any noobs running somethings that I might upload for the mIRC community as I did not make even a dent of what I will be sharing. Anything I know for sure is dangerous I will surely Mark it as Such and if I do Heed the Warning. Like GtBots. for instance those can be dangerous toys if not used properly. This is for your own warning. coders-Resources is not responsible when or how you use these scripts. 1325329690_mIRCScripts.zip
  23. Version 1.0.0


    clownzscript basic IRC script
  24. Version 1.0.0


    bAdbOt Script very basic script with background
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Simple IRC script
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