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Everything posted by chain

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Simple beginner's script
  2. chain


    Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    AfterMath Script Another old classic script
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Has a various of old snippets and irc tools
  4. Version 1.1.3


    acidbuild Script Another oldie
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Acid script is another oldie but goodie
  6. Version 1.0.0


    A-LiL-Piece-OfEvil is and old IRC script
  7. Version 1.0.0


    very old script
  8. chain

    DLL'S File

    Version 1.0.0


    Pertains a huge range of dll files
  9. we've been on for years & we have moved up with a few more chatter's coming but nothing like other server's. Mind you it would be nice to see it grow. Would have to discuss it with my partner Eyecu he dose all the updates and server stuff!
  10. Today I went to go see an old italian scripting site and seen that it hasn't been used in quite some time and has been let go. and all of the downloads shut down. Same has happen with Hawkee spammers left and right and no one controlling the forums. This is why I've been collecting all the snippets and codes from various script sites to keep all the codes in archives for reference and just to save them. My good friend err0r from Tg007 has done that also. it's a shame to see scripting websites closing and not as popular as they use to be, it saddens me that people that have spend all that time coding will be lost and forgotten. Hawkee - A Writing Platform for Web Developers https://calabria-irc.forumfree.it/ very popular scripting sites in the day!!
  11. Last night I had fun chatting with a huge group on gotalk.to with some Rizon IRC users Was a blast talking about how script's and websites and coding. I'm pretty much on a lot of server's and i even have a server, and hearing that chat isn't truly dead made me realize it's truly not you just have to find the right rooms on the right server. Geekshed is quite active and also Rizon I believe all servers have some chat but just locating them is what you need to do. I find scripting rooms less active as they mainly chat on script forum then in there room, but there still there watching in case you need a help in coding. I've made quite a lot of new friends on each server and have caught up with a few from hawkee well know scripter's. And there still active and continue to be active just that they work and some have families so time is less. But isn't that with everyone now. So I believe chat hasn't died its just the time schedule that effects user's now. but go on weekends and wow chat has risen
  12. THERE are not many sites that keep abreast of IRC. Many wrongly assume that it barely exists anymore, but it has been around for a very long time. As netsplit.de puts it: “Internet Relay Chat (short: IRC) [...] a chat protocol that was developed in 1988 and that’s internationally used for text based communication over the Internet.” Here’s a list of currently-known networks “in alphabetical order” (Techrights has only just been added, but like many other networks it was “unseen” for a long time). Based on these known networks alone, the number of users peaks at around third of a million: “The largest of them that take part in our comparison of IRC networks are contained in the top 100 list,” the page says, “but there are also some IRC networks that are big and run out of competition.”
  13. ;---------< Robo-X - Topic Command: >----------- on 1:text:@topic *:#robots: { if ( $nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan ) { set %topic $2- topic $chan Topic: 4 %topic / 7 %status / 3 %static-a / 9 %static-b } } on 1:text:@status *:#robots: { if ( $nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan ) { set %status $2- topic $chan Topic: 4 %topic / 7 %status / 3 %static-a / 9 %static-b } } on 1:text:@static-a *:#robots: { if ( $nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan ) { set %static-a $2- topic $chan Topic: 4 %topic / 7 %status / 3 %static-a / 9 %static-b } } on 1:text:@static-b *:#robots: { if ( $nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan ) { set %static-b $2- topic $chan Topic: 4 %topic / 7 %status / 3 %static-a / 9 %static-b } }
  14. alias sil { if ($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) { if (!$1) || (!$2) { echo -at * Error: Incorrect syntax used, /sil <nick> <timer in minutes> } elseif ($1) || ($2) { mode $chan +bb ~q: $+ $address($1,2) ~n: $+ $address($1,2) writeini Silence.ini $$1 chan $active if ($$1 ishop $active) { writeini Silence.ini $1 status HOP | mode $active -h $1 } if ($$1 isvoice $active) { writeini Silence.ini $1 status VOP | mode $active -v $1 } $iif($$1 isreg $active,writeini Silence.ini $1 status REG) .timer 1 $calc($2 * 60) desil $1 $address($1,2) $chan } } } on *:JOIN:#: { if ($ini(Silence.ini,$nick,chan)) { if ($readini(Silence.ini,$nick,status) == HOP) { mode $chan -h $nick } elseif ($readini(Silence.ini,$nick,status) == VOP) { mode $chan -v $nick } } } alias -l desil { if ($1 ison $3) { if ($readini(Silence.ini,$1,status) == HOP) { mode $$3 +h $1 | remini Silence.ini $1 } if ($readini(Silence.ini,$1,status) == VOP) { mode $$3 +v $1 | remini Silence.ini $1 } mode $3 -bb ~q: $+ $2 ~n: $+ $2 } elseif ($1 !ison $3) { mode $3 -bb ~q: $+ $2 ~n: $+ $2 | remini Silence.ini $1 } }
  15. MuteBanEnforce by Ford_Lawnmower irc.GeekShed.net #Script-Help menu nicklist { .$iif(!$hget(MuteEnforce,$+($network,$chan,$address($$1,2))),$style(2)) RemoveMute $$1: { var %mask $+($network,$chan,$address($$1,2)) hdel MuteEnforce %mask if ($timer(%mask).com) { $v1 .notice $$1 Your ban has been lifted early! You may now speak in $+($chan,.) Please try not to repeat the same activity that caused you to be muted. $+(.timer,%mask) off } else mode $chan -b $+(~q:,$address($$1,2)) } .Mute $$1 ..3 Minutes:mute $$1 180 $$?="Reason for Muting $$1" ..5 Minutes:mute $$1 300 $$?="Reason for Muting $$1" ..10 Minutes:mute $$1 600 $$?="Reason for Muting $$1" ..30 Minutes:mute $$1 1800 $$?="Reason for Muting $$1" ..60 Minutes:mute $$1 3600 $$?="Reason for Muting $$1" ..Forever:mute $$1 $$?="Reason for Muting $$1" } alias mute { clipboard $$1 var %nick $cb(1) if (%nick ison $chan) { ialcheck %nick var %usermodes $replace($remove($nick(#,%nick).pnick,%nick),~,q,&,a,!,a,@,o,%,h,+,v), %addy $iif($address(%nick,2),$v1,%nick) mode $chan $+(+b-,%usermodes) $+(~q:,%addy) $str($+(%nick,$chr(32)),$len(%usermodes)) hadd -m MuteEnforce $+($network,$chan,%addy) mute if ($$2 isnum) { $+(.timer,$network,$chan,%addy) 1 $$2 removeMute $+($network,$chan,%addy) $chan $+(-b+,%usermodes) $+(~q:,%addy) $str($+(%nick,$chr(32)),$len(%usermodes)) msg $chan $+(,%nick,) You have been Muted! Duration: $duration($2) Reason: $3- } else msg $chan %nick You have been Muted! $+(Reason:,$2-) } else echo -a %nick is not on $chan } alias -l ialcheck { if (!$ial($1)) .who $1 } alias -l removeMute { if ($($+($,$0),2) !ison $2) mode $2 -b $4 else mode $2- hdel MuteEnforce $1 } alias -l parseMode { tokenize 32 $1 var %start 1, %finish $len($1), %+-, %modes -1, %location $+(parseMode,$chr(3),$network,$chr(3),$chan) while (%start <= %finish) { if ($mid($1,%start,1) isin +-) { %+- = $replace($v1,+,1,-,-1) | inc %modes } elseif ($mid($1,%start,1) isin qaohvb) { var %mode $+($v1,$($+($,$calc(%start - %modes)),2)) hadd -m %location %mode $calc($hget(%location,%mode) + %+-) } inc %start } var %hash $regsubex($regsubex($str(.,$hget(%location,0).item),/(.)/g,$+($hget(%location,\n).data,$hget(%location,\n).item,$chr(32))),/(\b0[^\s]*)/g,) if ($hget(%location)) hfree $v1 var %count 1, %max $numtok(%hash,32), %return, %temp while (%count <= %max) { %temp = $gettok(%hash,%count,32) %return = $+(%return,$chr(32),$iif($left(%temp,1) == -,$+(-,$mid(%temp,3)),$+(+,$mid(%temp,2)))) inc %count } return %return } On !*:rawmode:#: { checkMutes $network $chan $parsemode($1-) } alias -l checkMutes { var %network $1, %chan $2, %modes $3- tokenize 32 %modes checkMute %network %chan $* } alias -l checkMute { var %mode $left($3,2), %target $mid($3,3) if ((%mode isincs +v+h+o+a+q) && ($hget(MuteEnforce,$+($1,$2,$address(%target,2))))) mode $2 $replace(%mode,+,-) %target elseif ((%mode == -b) && ($hget(MuteEnforce,$+($1,$2,$gettok(%target,-1,58))))) mode $chan +b %target }
  16. menu channel { Peak Script v1.1:peakdia } alias -l peakdia { $iif($dialog(multi_peak),dialog -v,dialog -m multi_peak) multi_peak } dialog multi_peak { title "Peak Dialog by Danneh" size -1 -1 144 122 option dbu box "Peak Setup", 4, 2 20 140 100 combo 5, 5 38 60 50, sort size text "Networks:", 6, 5 28 25 8 button "Add", 7, 5 90 30 12 button "Del", 8, 36 90 30 12 combo 9, 78 38 60 50, size text "Channels:", 10, 78 28 24 8 button "Add", 11, 78 90 30 12 button "Del", 12, 109 90 30 12 button "Ok", 13, 29 104 37 12, ok button "Cancel", 14, 78 104 37 12 box "Master Switch:", 15, 2 2 63 17 check "On/Off", 16, 16 8 36 10 box "Setting:", 17, 79 2 63 17 check "Op's Only Switch", 18, 82 8 59 10 menu "File", 1 item "Unset All", 2, 1 item "Exit", 3, 1 } on *:DIALOG:multi_peak:init:*: { var %a = $numtok(%peak.networks,44) while (%a) { did -a $dname 5 $gettok(%peak.networks,%a,44) dec %a } if (%peakmaster == on) { did -c $dname 16 } if (%peakmaster == $null) { did -b $dname 5,7-9,11,12,18 } if (%peakops == on) { did -c $dname 18 } } on *:DIALOG:multi_peak:menu:2,3: { if ($did == 2) { unset %peak.* did -r $dname 5,9 } if ($did == 3) { dialog -x multi_peak multi_peak } } on *:DIALOG:multi_peak:sclick:5,7,8,11,12,16,18: { if ($did == 5) { did -r $dname 9 var %a = $numtok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ],44) while (%a) { did -a $dname 9 $gettok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ],%a,44) dec %a } } if ($did == 7) { if (!$did($dname,5).text) { noop $input(Please enter a Network to add for Peaks.,o) } elseif ($istok(%peak.networks,$did($dname,5).text,44)) { noop $input(The Network you entered is already setup for Peaks.,o) } else { set %peak.networks $addtok(%peak.networks,$did($dname,5).text,44) did -a $dname 5 $did($dname,5).text } } if ($did == 8) { if (!$did($dname,5).text) { noop $input(Please enter a Network to remove from Peaks.,o) } elseif (!$istok(%peak.networks,$did($dname,5).text,44)) { noop $input(The Network you wish to remove is not in the Peak setup.,o) } else { set %peak.networks $remtok(%peak.networks,$did($dname,5).text,44) did -r $dname 5 var %a = $numtok(%peak.networks,44) while (%a) { did -a $dname 5 $gettok(%peak.networks,%a,44) dec %a } $iif(%peak.networks == $null,unset %peak.networks) } } if ($did == 11) { if (!$did($dname,5).text) { noop $input(Please select a Network to add channels to.,o) } elseif (!$did($dname,9).text) { noop $input(Please enter a channel to add to the Peak Setup.,o) } elseif ($istok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ],$did($dname,9).text,44)) { noop $input(The Selected channel name is already setup for Peaks.o) } else { set %peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ] $addtok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ],$did($dname,9).text,44) did -a $dname 9 $did($dname,9).text } } if ($did == 12) { if (!$did($dname,5).text) { noop $input(Please select a Network to remove channels from.,o) } elseif (!$did($dname,9).text) { noop $input(Please enter a channel to remove from the Peak Setup.,o) } elseif (!$istok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ],$did($dname,9).text,44)) { noop $input(The Selected channel name is not in the setup for Peaks.o) } else { set %peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ] $remtok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ],$did($dname,9).text,44) unset %peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $did($dname,9).text ] $+ ] .* did -r $dname 9 var %a = $numtok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text,44) while (%a) { did -a $dname 9 $gettok(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ],%a,44) dec %a } $iif(%peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ] == $null,unset %peak. [ $+ [ $did($dname,5).text ] ]) } } if ($did == 16) { if ($did(16).state == 0) { unset %peakmaster noop $input(Peak script has been disabled.,o,Success!) did -b $dname 5,7-9,11,12,18 } if ($did(16).state == 1) { set %peakmaster on noop $input(Peak script has been enabled.,o,Success!) did -e $dname 5,7-9,11,12,18 } } if ($did == 18) { if ($did(18).state == 0) { unset %peakops noop $input(Peak trigger now works for everyone.,o,Success!) } if ($did(18).state == 1) { set %peakops on noop $input(Peak trigger now works for Ops only.,o,Success!) } } } on *:JOIN:#: { if ($istok(%peak. [ $+ [ $network ] ],$chan,44)) { if (!%peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .peak) { set %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .peak $nick($chan,0) set %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .ctime $ctime } else { if ($nick($chan,0) <= %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .peak) { HALT } else { set %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .peak $nick($chan,0) msg $chan New Peak: %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .peak Last Peak: $duration($calc($ctime - %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .ctime)) ago. .timer 1 3 set %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .ctime $ctime } } } } on *:TEXT:!Peak:#: { if ($istok(%peak. [ $+ [ $network ] ],$chan,44)) { if (%peakops == on) { if ($nick isop $chan) { msg $chan Current Peak: %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .peak Peak Set: $duration($calc($ctime - %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .ctime)) ago. } } if (%peakops == $null) { msg $chan Current Peak: %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .peak Peak Set: $duration($calc($ctime - %peak. [ $+ [ $network ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .ctime)) ago. } } }
  17. menu * { Away Dialog:awaydia } dialog awaydia { title "Away Dialog" size -1 -1 200 180 option pixels tab "Set Away", 1, 0 0 199 150 tab "Set Back", 12 button "Ok", 4, 31 151 65 25, ok flat button "Cancel", 5, 103 151 65 25, cancel flat box "Away", 6, 6 27 184 110, tab 1 edit "", 7, 72 41 110 20, tab 1 text "Away Nick:", 8, 12 42 55 17, tab 1 text "Away Msg:", 9, 11 65 55 17, tab 1 edit "", 10, 72 64 108 20, tab 1 button "Set Away", 11, 65 99 65 25, tab 1 box "Back", 13, 6 27 184 110, tab 12 text "Back Nick:", 14, 12 42 55 17, tab 12 edit "", 15, 72 41 110 20, tab 12 button "Set Back", 16, 65 82 65 25, tab 12 menu "File", 2 item "Exit", 3, 2 } on *:DIALOG:awaydia:init:*: { if (!%away.nick) && (!%back.nick) { set %away.nick $$?="Please enter your away nick:" set %back.nick $$?="Please enter your normal nick:" did -a $dname 7 %away.nick did -a $dname 15 %back.nick } else { did -ra $dname 15 %back.nick did -ra $dname 7 %away.nick } } on *:DIALOG:awaydia:sclick:11,16: { if ($did == 11) { if (!$did($dname,10).text) { scon -a nick $did($dname,7).text } else { scon -a away $did($dname,10).text scon -a nick $did($dname,7).text } } if ($did == 16) { if ($away == $true) { scon -a away scon -a nick $did($dname,15).text } else { scon -a nick $did($dname,15).text } } } on *:DIALOG:awaydia:menu:3: { dialog -x awaydia awaydia } alias -l awaydia { $iif($dialog(awaydialog),dialog -v,dialog -m awaydia) awaydia }
  18. chain

    mIRC !Slap Game

    ;theSLAP 2.0 on *:join:#:{ if ($nick != $me) { var %u users_ $+ $nick if (!$readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,hp)) { writeini slapthegame.ini %u hp 100 writeini slapthegame.ini %u money 15 } } ;notice $nick Wellcome. This Channel has SLAPtheGame installed. go on and !slap :) } on *:text:!thegame:#:{ notice $chan Noob in town :) !slap $nick everyone :D msg $chan !slap, !heal, !money, !gamble, !stats, !ladder, !alive, !beer, !punch (2.0) } on *:text:!money:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $nick if ($readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) < 15) { writeini slapthegame.ini %u money 15 notice $nick Your wallet has been refiled with 15coins } else { notice $nick Oi! this isn't a bank, Sir. } } on *:text:!slap*:#:{ if (!$2) { notice $nick usage: !slap NICK notice $nick !slap command will trigger the end of the world. Go on, !slap someone :) halt } var %s1H $readini(slapthegame.ini,$+(users,_,$nick),hp) var %s2H $readini(slapthegame.ini,$+(users,_,$2),hp) if (%s2H < 1) && ($2 != me) { msg $chan player $2 is dead. You can !heal $2 for the price of 15coins and slap him to death again :) halt } if (%s1H > 0) { var %slapper $nick var %slapped $2 if (%slapped !ison $chan) && (%slapped != me) { msg $chan That payer isn't online, not fair. halt } if (%slapped == me) { msg $chan Ye, I'm gona slap you real nice :D whatta tool! :) | var %slapper $me | var %slapped $nick } ;if (%slapped == $me) && ($nick != MoshMage) { msg $chan You wish? | halt } var %slap $rand(0,100) ;msg $chan Slap power %slap if (%slap >= 70) { var %slap_sneak 1 slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap %slap_sneak } if (%slap > 50) && (%slap <= 69) { ;notice %slapped OI! !dodge NOW or you'll be slapped!! $chan inc %slaps ;.$+(timer,Slap,%slaps) 1 5 slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap %slap_sneak slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap %slap_sneak } if (%slap == 50) { slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap msg $chan %slapped was watching sharply and grabbed %slapper $+ 's hand, no harm done. } if (%slap < 50) { slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap } } else { msg $chan Look! A ghost trying to Slap. How funny :) notice $nick you are DEAD. !heal to buy 100hp. } } alias slap2 { var %dmg $4 var %slapped $+(users,_,$3) var %slapper $+(users,_,$2) var %s1H $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,hp) var %s2H $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,hp) if (%dmg < 50) { var %life $calc(%s1H - %dmg) if (%life < 0) { var %life 0 } writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper hp %life msg $1 $3 saw right trhough $2 $+ 's movement and counterslaps. $iif(%life < 1,AAAnd $2 is knockedout!! Cheers $+ $chr(44) $3 $+ !) notice $2 $3 counterslaped you, $iif(%life > 0, you have %life $+ hp,you're dead. !heal) if (%life < 0) { var %deaths $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,deaths) var %deaths $calc(%deaths +1) var %kills $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,kills) var %kills $calc(%kills +1) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapped kills %kills writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper deaths %deaths } } if (%dmg == 50) { msg $1 $3 was watching sharply and grabbed $2 $+ 's hand, no harm done. Also.. fucking amazing. } if (%dmg > 50) { var %life $calc(%s2H - %dmg) echo -a %life - %dmg - %s2H if (%life < 1) { var %deaths $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,deaths) var %kills $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,kills) var %deaths $calc(%deaths +1) var %kills $calc(%kills +1) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper kills %kills writeini slapthegame.ini %slapped deaths %deaths } if (%life < 0) { var %life 0 } writeini slapthegame.ini %slapped hp %life if ($5 > 0) { var %money $rand(1,50) var %s1M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,money) var %s2M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,money) var %coins $calc(%money + %s1M) var %slapmsg $2 sneaks in on $3 and smacks his[er] face upright. notice $2 Whoa! whattasmack! You popped %money $+ coins from $3 $+ 's pocket :) (Wallet: %coins $+ ) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper money %coins ;steal ability? ;notice %slapped That Sir, was a Gloved Slap in teh Face. Also, you lost some coins. ;writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper money $calc(%s2M - %money) } if (!%slapmsg) { var %slapmsg $2 boldly slaps $3 $+ . } msg $1 %slapmsg notice $3 $2 slaped you, $iif(%life > 0, you have %life $+ hp,you're dead. !heal) } dec %slaps ;echo -a SLAPED $3 - $2 : %dmg } on *:text:!heal*:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $iif($2,$2,$nick) if ($readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money)) { var %slapper users_ $+ $nick var %s1M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,money) if (%s1M >= 15) { var %money $calc(%s1M - 15) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper money %money writeini slapthegame.ini %u hp 100 notice $remove(%slapper,users_) Medic Kit used :) Wallet: %money if (%u != $remove(%slapper,users_)) { msg $chan $nick healed $2 } } else { msg $chan Not enough cash! (15coins. You have %s1M $+ ) } } else { msg $chan Not enough cash! (15coins. You have %s1M $+ ) } } on *:text:!gamble*:#:{ if ($2 == tehBunny) { var %s2M $readini(slapthegame.ini,gamble,money) msg $chan tehBuny holds %s2M coins for the lucky winner :) halt } if (!$3) || ($2 !isnum) || ($3 !isnum) { describe $chan Gamble How to: !gamble <cash> <1, 2 or 3> } else { var %bet $2 var %bet_nick users_ $+ $nick var %s1M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%bet_nick,money) if (%bet > %s1M) { msg $chan Mate, you're short on Cash. halt } var %s2M $readini(slapthegame.ini,gamble,money) ;var %lie $rand(0,1) var %box $rand(1,102) if (%box < 95) { var %bunny 0 } if (%box >= 95) { var %bunny 1 } if (%box <= 34) { var %box 1 } if (%box > 34) && (%box <= 68) { var %box 2 } if (%box > 68) { var %box 3 } var %prize $rand(1,500) if (%prize > 350) { var %prize item } else { var %prize $calc(%bet * 2) } var %prize $calc(%bet * 2) ;echo %box if ($3 == %box) { msg $chan $iif(!%bunny,Well done. Won %prize,WOW!WOW!WOW! $nick won 3te5hB6u7n11n15y!! Grand Prize is $calc(%s2M + %prize)) if (%bunny < 1) { var %money $calc(%s1M + %prize) } if (%bunny == 1) { var %money $calc(%s1M + %prize + %s2M) } if (%prize) && ($nick !isin %beer) { msg $chan WOW! You have access to BOOZE! and !beer has its downs and lows but you can always get drunk on it :) (one hour 'till the bar closes) set %beer $addtok(%beer,$nick,32) .timerbeer_ $+ $nick 1 3600 set %beer $remtok(%beer,$nick,1,32) } writeini slapthegame.ini %bet_nick money %money notice $nick Your wallet has %money $+ . You won $iif(!%bunny,%prize,$calc(%s2M + %prize)) } else { var %lost $calc(%s1M - %bet) msg $chan Better luck next time.. tehBunny $calc(%s2M + %prize) writeini slapthegame.ini gamble money $calc(%s2M + %prize) writeini slapthegame.ini %bet_nick money %lost } } } on *:text:!stats*:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $iif($2,$2,$nick) if ($ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,0)) { unset %stats var %inis $ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,0) var %x 1 ;echo %inis $ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,0) while (%x <= %inis) { set %stats %stats $+(,$ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x),:,$readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,$ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x))) ;echo $ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x) $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,$ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x)) inc %x } if (%stats) { var %k $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,kills) var %d $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,deaths) var %m $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) if (%k < %d) { var %score $calc( ( %k - ( 0.5 * %d ) ) * %m / 100) } else { var %score $calc( ( %k - %d ) * %m / 100) } msg $chan $remove(%u,users_) stats are %stats score %score } } } on *:text:!ladder:#:{ unset %nicks unset %l* var %x 0 while (%x <= $ini(slapthegame.ini,0)) { var %u $ini(slapthegame.ini,%x) if ($me !isin %u) { var %k $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,kills) var %d $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,deaths) var %m $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) if (%m <= 0) { var %m 1 } if (%k < %d) { var %score $calc( ( %k - ( 0.5 * %d ) ) * %m / 100) } else { var %score $calc( ( %k - %d ) * %m / 100) } if (%score > 0) { set %lscore $addtok(%lscore,%score,32) var %f $remove(%u,users_) set %lnscore $addtok(%lnscore,$+(%f,$chr(40),%score,$chr(41)),32) } } inc %x } if (%lscore) { var %sscore $sorttok(%lscore,32,nr) var %w $numtok(%lscore,32) var %l 0 while (%l <= %w) { var %snick $gettok(%sscore,%l,32) var %n $matchtok(%lnscore,%snick,1,32) set %nicks $addtok(%nicks,%n,32) inc %l } } msg $chan slapLadder %nicks } on *:text:!alive*:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $iif($2,$2,0) if (%u == users_0) { var %x 1 var %z 0 while (%x <= $nick($chan,0)) { if ($nick($chan,%x) != $me) { var %n $+(users_,$nick($chan,%x)) var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%n,hp) if (%hp > 0) { var %n $remove(%n,users_) var %s $+(,%n,,$chr(40),%hp,$chr(41),hp) var %alives $addtok(%alives,%s,32) inc %z } } inc %x } if (%z) { msg $chan Found $numtok(%alives,32) White-Gloved Gent. %alives } if (!%z) { msg $chan OMG! OMG! EVERYONE IS DEAAAATH! This, sir, is a Ghost Town. !heal someone. } } else { var %life $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,hp) var %c users_ $+ $nick var %c $readini(slapthegame.ini,%c,money) msg $chan Player $remove(%u,users_) is $iif(%life > 0,Alive : $+ $chr(41),Death and you have $+(%c,coins)) } } on *:text:!punch*:#:{ ;ONLY DRUNK MAN AND SMALL MINDED PEOPLE PUNCH! if (!$2) { msg $chan look at the drunktard, doesn't even know who to punch. } else { var %puncher users_ $+ $nick var %punched users_ $+ $2 var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%puncher,hp) var %hp2 $readini(slapthegame.ini,%punched,hp) if (%hp > 0) { var %w $+(*,$2,*) if (%hp2 <= 0) { msg $chan $nick stumbles his feet on $2 $+ 's grave. Only drunk man punch. var %lost $rand(1,20) var %hp $calc(%hp - %lost) writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher hp %hp notice $nick You lost %lost $+ hp, you have %hp health points. unset %hp2 } elseif (!$read(slapthegame.ini,w,%w)) || ($nick !isin %beer) { msg $chan $nick Punches the air and stumbles on his feet. Only drunk man punch. var %lost $rand(1,20) var %hp $calc(%hp - %lost) writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher hp %hp notice $nick You lost %lost $+ hp, you have %hp health points. ;halt } else { var %p $rand(1,25) if ($nick isin %beer) { var %beers $readini(slapthegame.ini,%puncher,beers) var %tb $calc(%beers *0.5) var %p $calc(%p * %tb) } if (%p >= 25) { var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%punched,hp) var %f $calc(%hp - 50) if (%f > 0) { msg $chan It's amazing HOW $nick landed that punch. $remove(%punched,users_) $+ 's face will swell. %beers beer mugs were consumed for our amuse :) notice $remove(%punched,users_) You suffered a punch to teh face. $nick $+ 's little punk. you have %f $+ hp. } else { msg $chan the Drunktard punch: It can, and did, Kill. $remove(%punched,users_) Died. (note that, to land this punch $nick drunk %beers beer mugs) notice $remove(%punched,users_) That flippin honourless drunkar, $nick $+ , punched you. You were knocked out, !heal } notice $nick After such an amazing performance, the effect of the booze went away. such a shame. writeini slapthegame.ini %punched hp %f writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher beers 0 set %beer $remtok(%beer,$nick,1,32) } else { msg $chan $nick Stumbles down for our amuse. Good one, Jester! :) var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%puncher,hp) var %f $calc(%hp - 50) if (%f > 0) { notice $nick You bashed your head while on that poor performance. %f $+ hp. } else { notice $nick That blow to the head was really something. You knocked yourself out. !heal } writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher hp %f } } } else { msg $chan You are death, nick. !heal before punching. (Only drunk man punch.) } } } ;items.name_price[-quantity] ; ;beer.30-1 on *:text:!beer*:#:{ if ($nick !isin %beer) { msg $chan Bar's VIP only. earn vip status by !gambleing your money away :) } else { if ($2) { msg $chan Oh yeah, i know you wantz teh $iif($2 isnum,$2 beer mugs,beer mug) fast. } var %u users_ $+ $nick var %m $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) var %b $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,beers) if ($2 isnum) { var %hm $2 } if (%hm > 1) { var %m $calc(%m - (%hm * 30)) var %b $calc(%b + %hm) } elseif (!%hm) || (%hm == 1) { var %m $calc(%m -30) var %b $calc(%b +1) } if (%m > 0) { msg $chan $nick BOUGHT A BEER MUG! KEEP BEING AWESOME! writeini slapthegame.ini %u beers %b writeini slapthegame.ini %u money %m } if (%m < 0) { msg $chan $nick You poor twat. You already spent your money?! $duration($timer(beer_ $+ $nick).secs,2) till you loose Bar access } } }
  19. on *:TEXT:*:# { set %last.speaker $nick } alias hug { if ( $1- == $null ) { describe # hugs 12 $chan } elseif ( $1- = last ) { describe # huggles7 %last.speaker $+ ! } else { describe # hugs3 $1. } }
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    [Theme] demoniac v1.2
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