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sarebbe davvero fantastico
on *:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick = $me) { halt } if ($chan = #rap) { halt } if ($me isop $chan) { var %nick = $gettok($nick,1,124) if (%nick = $read(badnick.txt, w, * $+ %nick $+ *)) { mode # +b * $+ $nick $+ *!*@* kick $chan $nick 3[2 Blacklisted 3]2 [Exp/Boulet] mode # +b $address($+ $nick $+ ,2) } else { halt } } } on *:input:*:{ if ($1 = addnick) { write Badnick.txt $2 | say 3[2 Blackliste 3]2 Ajout de14 $2 3[2 $+ $lines(badnick.txt) $+ 3] | halt } if ($1 = delnick) { say 3[2 Blackliste 3]2 Retrait de14 $read(badnick.txt,$2) 3[2 $+ $lines(badnick.txt) $+ 3] | write -dl $2 Badnick.txt | halt } if ($1 = Badnick) { if ($2 = **) { run badnick.txt } if ($2 = *) { var %badnick 0, %badnicklist $lines(badnick.txt) .timer 1 1 echo -at 3[2 Blackliste 3]2 while (%badnicklist > %badnick) { inc %badnick 1 | .timer 1 1 echo -at 3[2 $+ %badnick $+ 3]2 $left($read(badnick.txt,%badnick),1) $+ $+ $mid($read(badnick.txt,%badnick),2) } } } }
on *:load: { .echo -aq $input(Yapımcı: SaNCaK $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Addon: Küfür Koruması $chr(40) $+ v5.4 $+ $chr(41) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Yapım: 17/10/2014 $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Iletişim: sancak@outlook.com.tr $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Kodu Kullandığınız için Teşekkür ederim,igo,Addon: Küfür Koruması$chr(40) $+ v5.4 $+ $chr(41)) echo -a _____________________________________________________________________________________ echo -a 4,1 -=^ 14,1S15,1aN15,1C0,1aK4,1^=- 0,1 Add-On yükleniyor... echo -a 4,1 -=^ 14,1S15,1aN15,1C0,1aK4,1^=- 0,1 Çalışan mIRC15 $version 0Sistem15 Windows $+ $os echo -a 4,1 -=^ 14,1S15,1aN15,1C0,1aK4,1^=- 0,1 Coder: 15SaNCaK 0,1 E-Mail: 15sancak@outlook.com.tr echo -a 4,1 -=^ 14,1S15,1aN15,1C0,1aK4,1^=- 0,1 Web: 15www.0,1Turkirc.com echo -a 4,1 -=^ 14,1S15,1aN15,1C0,1aK4,1^=- 15,1 Copyright 12©15 1999-2018 echo -a ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ echo -a 4,1[15,1 NOT: 4,1] 0,1 kufur.txt Dosyası oluşturarak siteadresiniz.com adresinizin ana dizinine atınız. echo -a ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ } Menu Channel { - $iif($group(#Kufurkoruma) == on,$style(1) Kufur Koruma [Açık],Kufur Koruma [Kapalı]) { $iif($group(#Kufurkoruma) == on, .disable #Kufurkoruma, .enable #Kufurkoruma) } - } #Kufurkoruma off on @*:text:*:#: bw $1- on @*:action:*:#: bw $1- on @*:notice:*:#: bw $1- #Kufurkoruma end on *:sockopen:bw*:{ if (!$sockerr) { tokenize 96 $str($chr(96) sockwrite -n $sockname,2) $1 GET /kufur.txt HTTP/1.1 $2 Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) } } alias -l bw { var %b = $+(bw,$site,$r(1,9999),$ticks) if ($sock(%b)) sockclose $v1 sockopen %b sitenizinadi.com 80 set -e %1- $strip($1-) | set -e %1-- kick # $nick Küfür etmek yasaktır! } on *:sockread:bw*:{ if (!$sockerr) { if (!$sock($sockname).mark) { var %b | sockread %b if (!%b) sockmark $sockname 1 | halt } while ($sock($sockname).rq > 0) { sockread -fn &bw if ($regex(%1-,/(^| )\Q $+ $bvar(&bw,1-).text $+ \E\b/)) { %1-- | unset %1* | sockclose $sockname } } } }
Version 1.0.0
1 download
HelpOper Script, Türkiye’de bir ilki gerçekleştirdi! Helper, Operler, Kanal Operatorleri için hazırlanan ilk ve tek script! IRC ve Oper komutları ayrıca kanal operatörlerinin işine yarayacak bir çok komut, remote ve aliaslar ayrı ayrı panellerde kapsamlı bir şekilde HelpOper scriptte bulabilirsiniz. HelpOper Script Özellikleri * Helper menü * Admin menü * Servisler panosu * Kanal koruma sistemi * Özel koruma sistemi * Oto mesaj ayarları * Popus renklendirici * Diyalog renklendirici * Helper kısayol remoteleri (Alias, #help giriş uyarı, #operhelp giriş uyarı) -
Version 1.0.0
1 download
Merhaba arkadaşlar, bügün sizlere geveze mirc indir ve kurulumunu anlatacağım. Gün içerisinde sıkıldığınızda kafanızdakileri dağıtıp konuşabilecek bir yer mi arıyorsunuz.? O zaman yazımızı takip edin. Işten bunaldınız yada evde çokmu canınız sıkıldı? Tanışacak yeni bay/bayan arkadaş mı arıyorsunuz? Aradığınız her şey bir tık kadar uzaklıkta. Sizlerde Geveze mirc indirip sohbet sunucumuza bağlanarak yeni yüzlerce arkadaş edinebilirsiniz. Peki nedir bu sohbet sunucusu. -
on *:LOAD:{ set %cloneonoff $=cld On } on *:UNLOAD:{ set %cloneonoff $=cld Off } on *:join:*:{ if ($nick == $me) /halt if (!$read(Lists/clonelist.txt,w,* $+ $address($nick,1) $+ *)) { write Lists/clonelist.txt $address($nick,1) $nick /echo $chan 1,7 [New Visitor - $nick ] } else { if ($read(Lists/clonelist.txt,s, $address($nick,1)) != $nick) { /echo $chan 1,7 [Clone Detected. $nick is $ifmatch ] write -l $+ $readn Lists/clonelist.txt $address($nick,1) $nick } else { /echo $chan 1,7 [Return Visitor - $nick ] } } }
I will be adding some new Turkish Scripts in our downloads and a few others like spanish ..italian....and etc
Clasic spambot from another server LOL 01:05pm • app4soft (app4soft@k-3e0.vuq.83.45.IP) has joined • 01:06pm • app4soft: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX app4soft (app4soft@k-3e0.vuq.83.45.IP) has quit closed • 01:15pm • colesantiago (colesantia@k-3e0.vuq.83.45.IP) has joined • 01:16pm • colesantiago_ (colesantia@k-3e0.vuq.83.45.IP) has joined colesantiago: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX colesantiago (colesantia@k-3e0.vuq.83.45.IP) has quit closed colesantiago_: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX • 01:17pm • colesantiago_ (colesantia@k-3e0.vuq.83.45.IP) has quit closed • 01:28pm • pupdogg (pupdogg@k-el1.451.98.141.IP) has joined pupdogg_ (pupdogg@k-el1.451.98.141.IP) has joined • 01:29pm • pupdogg: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX pupdogg_: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX pupdogg (pupdogg@k-el1.451.98.141.IP) has quit closed pupdogg_ (pupdogg@k-el1.451.98.141.IP) has quit closed • 03:13pm • godtoldmetodoit (godtoldmet@k-tdj.3ms.213.185.IP) has joined • 03:14pm • godtoldmetodoit: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX godtoldmetodoit_ (godtoldmet@k-tdj.3ms.213.185.IP) has joined godtoldmetodoit (godtoldmet@k-tdj.3ms.213.185.IP) has quit closed • 03:15pm • godtoldmetodoit_: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX godtoldmetodoit_ (godtoldmet@k-tdj.3ms.213.185.IP) has quit closed • 03:28pm • JTbane (JTbane@k-n9p.3ms.213.185.IP) has joined JTbane: UR NOOB IRCD GOT PWNED BY LALBORNOZ FROM MIDIPIX / IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #MIDIPIX JTbane (JTbane@k-n9p.3ms.213.185.IP) has left
Beta v7.64.6635 changes:1.Item 18, https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/268624
Certo cosa posso fare per aiutarti
The listen command now takes an optional IP; allowing you to listen on multiple IPs at the same time ISUPPORT / RAW 005 parsing is now possible. There is still work to be done in the future to automatically integrate some of these values into how Eggdrop interacts with the server, but for now they are available for you to use via the Tcl interface A significant change from RC1 based on feedback: What was previously the addserver/delserver Tcl command in RC1 (used to, surprisingly, add and delete a server from the server list in lieu of the historical "set server" method) is has been refactored to 'server add' and 'server remove'. This mirrors the 'channel add/remove' syntax and allows us to extend the syntax in the future if needed. We also want to make sure we thank our unofficial test force/guinea pigs Lord255, PeGaSuS, and WildCraze- they were instrumental in helping us test new features, identify bugs, and by providing feedback on general approaches. Thank you! (Want to help out? Ask in #eggdrop on Freenode!) As this is an RC, we're depending on you to help us find those last few bugs before we declare 1.9.0 as stable. Please use it and report any bugs you find to https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop/issues or via the Freenode #eggdrop channel. We plan on leaving this comment period for this RC open for 2-3 weeks. If everything remains calm for the duration, we'll officially release 1.9.0 at that time. Or another time. We HIGHLY recommend you read NEWS for a full summary of all the changes made; it's not a terrible read, we promise and you may just find something useful tucked away in there. This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE, so we highly appreciate any testing and bug reporting we can get. You can expect a follow-up release candidate if necessary soon, or the final release of this version. Please report bugs by visiting us on #eggdrop on the Freenode IRC Network or by using https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop/issues. Download Eggdrop v1.9.0rc2 here.
Earlier this week, Microsoft released a whole bunch of updates for Windows 10 users. These updates also included KB5000802 cumulative update that caused PCs to crash with 'APC_INDEX_MISMATCH' BSOD error when trying to use printers. Yesterday, Microsoft acknowledged the issue and confirmed that the company was working on a fix for the problem. Now, it has updated the Windows Health status page to include a temporary workaround for the problem. According to Microsoft, the bug affects a subset of Type 3 printer drivers and does not affect Type 4 printers. As such, the company has shared a video for users to follow and fix the issue temporarily. If you are unsure about the type of printer drivers you have, you can follow the steps below to check it: REad More Here