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Everything posted by chain

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Color scheme for Sublime Text and HexChat Admittedly, this is a totally personal color scheme and I don't expect it to perfectly fit the needs of others, but just in case, enjoy!
  2. I will be adding some addons and themes for various windows for hex chat client. I will look around and see what i can find for it and other sources for hex chat.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Note that the Windows installers automatically download other dependencies and may require rebooting for scripting interfaces to work.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Note that the Windows installers automatically download other dependencies and may require rebooting for scripting interfaces to work.
  5. This version of InspIRCd was released on 2022-12-30. Release InspIRCd 3.15.0 · inspircd/inspircd · GitHub inspircd-3.15.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
  6. chain

    Java Snake

    meh just a snake game....i made this like a year ago when i was just learning java 😜 i was bored and saw no one has posted one so i figure i'll post the first one. 🙂 *known bugs: can't restart without refreshing page rapid movement causes snake to turn back into self URL: http://picklecodes.co.cc/Games/Snake/ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; public class Snake extends Applet implements KeyListener, Runnable { // The object we will use to write with instead of the standard screen graphics Graphics bufferGraphics; // The image that will contain everything that has been drawn on // bufferGraphics. Image offscreen; // To get the width and height of the applet. Dimension dim; Random r=new Random(); Level level=new Level(); boolean playedLastGame=false; int bodies=2; int lives=3; int countApple=0; Wall[] w = new Wall[500]; Section[] s=new Section[300]; Apple[] a=new Apple[10]; MovePoint[] mp=new MovePoint[100]; //credits String version = "1.0"; boolean game,puase; boolean gameOver; int GameOverTimer=0; int x,y; //timer Thread t,t1; public void start(){ t = new Thread(this); t.start(); } public void run(){ t1 = Thread.currentThread(); while(t1 == t){ updateSpace(); try{ t1.sleep(100); }catch(InterruptedException e){} } } public void init() { // We'll ask the width and height by this dim = getSize(); setBackground(Color.black); // Create an offscreen image to draw on // Make it the size of the applet, this is just perfect larger // size could slow it down unnecessary. offscreen = createImage(dim.width,dim.height); // by doing this everything that is drawn by bufferGraphics // will be written on the offscreen image. bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics(); for (int i=0; i < s.length; i++) { s[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < w.length; i++) { w[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < mp.length; i++) { mp[i]=null; } level.setLevel(0); this.setFocusable(true); this.requestFocus(); addKeyListener(this); game=false; } public void reinit() { int tempGoal = level.getGoal(); level.reset(); level.setGoal(tempGoal + 5); bodies=2; countApple=0; for (int i=0; i < s.length; i++) { s[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < w.length; i++) { w[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i]=new Apple(); a[i].init(); for (int ii=0; ii < w.length; ii++) { if (w[ii] != null) { while (w[ii].x == a[i].x && w[ii].y == a[i].y) { a[i].init(); ii=0; } } } } for (int i=0; i < mp.length; i++) { mp[i]=null; } s[0]=new Section(); s[1]=new Section(); s[2]=new Section(); s[0].init(250,250,"right"); s[1].init(245,250,"right"); s[2].init(240,250,"right"); s[0].setHead(true); puase=true; } public boolean updateSpace() { // Wipe off everything that has been drawn before // Otherwise previous drawings would also be displayed. bufferGraphics.clearRect(0,0,dim.width,dim.height); if (game == false) { if (gameOver == true) { bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.green); bufferGraphics.drawString("Game Over!",dim.width / 2 - 100,dim.height / 2); GameOverTimer++; if (GameOverTimer >= 10) { gameOver=false; GameOverTimer=0; } } else { bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.green); bufferGraphics.drawString("Pickled Snake",dim.width / 2 - 100,dim.height / 2); bufferGraphics.drawString("Press Space to Start ",dim.width / 2 - 100,dim.height / 2 + 15); } } else { if (puase != true) { level.time+=0.1; level.time=Round(level.time,1); } for (int i=0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i] != null) { if (puase != true) { s[i].move(); } //check collsion with apples if (bodies <= s.length) { for (int ii=0; ii < a.length; ii++) { if (a[ii] != null) { if (s[0].x == a[ii].x && s[0].y == a[ii].y) { int X=s[bodies].x; int Y=s[bodies].y; String D=s[bodies].direction; bodies++; if (D == "up") { s[bodies]=new Section(); s[bodies].init(X, Y+5, D); } if (D == "down") { s[bodies]=new Section(); s[bodies].init(X, Y-5, D); } if (D == "right") { s[bodies]=new Section(); s[bodies].init(X-5, Y, D); } if (D == "left") { s[bodies]=new Section(); s[bodies].init(X+5, Y, D); } a[ii].init(); for (int iii=0; iii < w.length; iii++) { if (w[iii] != null) { while (w[iii].x == a[ii].x && w[iii].y == a[ii].y) { a[ii].init(); iii=0; } } } countApple++; break; } } } } //check if snake section collides with self if (i != 0 && s[0].x == s[i].x && s[0].y == s[i].y || s[0].x < 0 || s[0].y < 0 || s[0].x > dim.width || s[0].y > dim.height) { LoseLive(); return false; } //check if snake section is over move point if so then move in the direction told by move point for (int ii=0; ii < mp.length; ii++) { if (mp[ii] != null) { if (s[i].x == mp[ii].x && s[i].y == mp[ii].y) { s[i].direction=mp[ii].direction; if (bodies == i) { mp[ii]=null; } } } } s[i].Paint(bufferGraphics); } } //paint walls for (int i=0; i < w.length; i++) { if (w[i] != null) { //check if snake section collides with a wall if (s[0].x == w[i].x && s[0].y == w[i].y) { LoseLive(); return false; } w[i].Paint(bufferGraphics); } } for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i].Paint(bufferGraphics); } //check the level goal if (countApple >= level.getGoal()) { level.setLevel(level.getLevel() + 1); reinit(); } bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.orange); bufferGraphics.drawString("Time: "+ level.time,10,15); bufferGraphics.drawString("Lives: "+ lives,80,15); bufferGraphics.drawString("Level: "+ level.getLevel(),(dim.width / 2) - 75,15); bufferGraphics.drawString("Goal: "+ level.getGoal(),dim.width - 100,15); bufferGraphics.drawString("Apples: "+ countApple,dim.width - 100,30); if (puase == true) { bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.green); bufferGraphics.drawString("Puase ",dim.width / 2 ,dim.height / 2); } } repaint(); return true; } /** this controls the lives */ public void LoseLive() { lives--; if (lives <= 0) { EndGame(); } reinit(); } /** this ends the game */ public void EndGame() { resetGame(); gameOver=true; game=false; } /** this resets the game and destroys everything not being used */ public void resetGame() { level.reset(); lives=3; for (int i=0; i < s.length; i++) { s[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < w.length; i++) { w[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i]=null; } for (int i=0; i < mp.length; i++) { mp[i]=null; } } //paint public void paint(Graphics g) { //credits bufferGraphics.setColor(Color.orange); bufferGraphics.drawString("Java Snake game "+ version,10,470); bufferGraphics.drawString("By: Pickle",10,480); // draw the offscreen image to the screen like a normal image. // Since offscreen is the screen width we start at 0,0. g.drawImage(offscreen,0,0,this); } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } //key events public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e ) { if (puase != true) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: if (s[0].direction == "left" || s[0].direction == "right") {} else { s[0].direction="left"; for (int i=0; i < mp.length; i++) { if (mp[i] == null) { mp[i]=new MovePoint(); mp[i].init(s[0].x,s[0].y,"left"); break; } } } break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: if (s[0].direction == "left" || s[0].direction == "right") {} else { s[0].direction="right"; for (int i=0; i < mp.length; i++) { if (mp[i] == null) { mp[i]=new MovePoint(); mp[i].init(s[0].x,s[0].y,"right"); break; } } } break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: if (s[0].direction == "up" || s[0].direction == "down") {} else { s[0].direction="up"; for (int i=0; i < mp.length; i++) { if (mp[i] == null) { mp[i]=new MovePoint(); mp[i].init(s[0].x,s[0].y,"up"); break; } } } break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: if (s[0].direction == "up" || s[0].direction == "down") {} else { s[0].direction="down"; for (int i=0; i < mp.length; i++) { if (mp[i] == null) { mp[i]=new MovePoint(); mp[i].init(s[0].x,s[0].y,"down"); break; } } } break; case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: if (game == false) { game=true; reinit(); } break; } } if (e.getKeyChar() == 'p') { if (puase == true) { puase=false; } else { puase=true; } } } public void keyReleased( KeyEvent e ) { } public void keyTyped( KeyEvent e ) {} //for my rounding needs public static float Round(float Rval, int Rpl) { float p = (float)Math.pow(10,Rpl); Rval = Rval * p; float tmp = Math.round(Rval); return (float)tmp/p; } /** * records Level Info */ private class Level { int level = 0; int goal=0; float time = 0.0f; public Level() { } public void reset() { goal=0; time = 0.0f; } public void setLevel(int l) { level=l; } public void setGoal(int g) { goal=g; } public int getLevel() { return level; } public int getGoal() { return goal; } } /** * record snake sections */ private class Section { int x,y; String direction=null; boolean head=false; public Section() { } public void init(int X, int Y, String B) { direction=B; x=X; y=Y; } public void setHead(boolean h) { head=h; } public void move() { if (direction == "up") { y-=5; } if (direction == "down") { y+=5; } if (direction == "right") { x+=5; } if (direction == "left") { x-=5; } } public void Paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.green); g.fillOval(x,y,5,5); if (head == true) { g.setColor(Color.black); g.fillOval(x - 2,y - 2,2,2); g.fillOval(x - 4,y - 2,2,2); } } //end class section } /** * record Move point */ private class MovePoint { int x,y; String direction; public MovePoint() { } public void init(int X, int Y, String B) { direction=B; x=X; y=Y; } //end class section } /** *Draw Wall Randomly */ private class Wall { int x,y; public Wall() { } public void init(int X, int Y) { x=X - (X % 5); y=Y - (Y % 5); } public void Paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillOval(x,y,5,5); } //end class Wall } /** *Draw Apple Randomly */ private class Apple { int x,y; public Apple() { } public void init() { int rand=r.nextInt(dim.width); x=rand - (rand % 5); rand=r.nextInt(dim.height); y=rand - (rand % 5); } public void Paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.red); g.fillOval(x,y,5,5); } //end class apple } //end }
  7. This is a fun little script I made a while back. It fits perfectly with truth or dare games. (I dare you to type !kickme) It was a completely random idea me and my brother came up with. Commands: !kickme !banme !kickbanme Bans for 30 seconds. on *:Text:*:#:{ if ($1 == !kickme) { kick # $nick Kicked on request } elseif ($1 == !kickbanme) { ban -ku30 # $nick 2 Kick + 30 second ban by request } elseif ($1 == !banme) { ban -u30 # $nick 2 | msg # $nick activated a 30 second ban by request. } } on *:Text:*:#:{ if ($1 == !kickme) { kick # $nick Kicked on request } elseif ($1 == !kickbanme) { ban -ku30 # $nick 2 Kick + 30 second ban by request } elseif ($1 == !banme) { ban -u30 # $nick 2 | msg # $nick activated a 30 second ban by request. } } on *:Text:*:#:{ if ($1 == !kickme) { kick # $nick Kicked on request } elseif ($1 == !kickbanme) { ban -ku30 # $nick 2 Kick + 30 second ban by request } elseif ($1 == !banme) { ban -u30 # $nick 2 | msg # $nick activated a 30 second ban by request. } On *:Text:!kickbanme:#: { /kick $chan $nick Kick + 30 second ban by request mode $chan +b $nick .timer 1 30 mode $chan -b $nick } can be also rewritten as on *:text:!kickbanme:#: { !ban -ku30 # $nick Kick + 30 second ban by request }The -k switch means to 'kick', and the u30 switch means to (unban or unset, either one works) in N seconds. The 2 after the $nick is the ban mask. The kind of ban mask you supplied wasn't a real one as it was a nick ban. I prefer using mask 2 as it is the most "unique" ban mask out of all of them. In this situation where you're "playing around", almost any ban mask is fine, unless you share a channel with a few dozen New Yorkers with the same ISP. You can use the same concept that I used, but with the "ban me". If you noticed, I put /!ban instead of /ban . Using ! before a command means taking the original one (very useful when dealing with common mIRC default aliases such as /kick and /ban). This means it won't take any modified aliases that a person who might use this script has; it's safer this way, and can prevent errors.
  8. This is one of the scripts I found that I made a few months ago on my cute bot. I originally took the idea from FunBots on Quakenet and decided to script one of their games just for kicks. It's just a small, but fun, bomb game where you can leash a bomb on yourself or another person, and that person has only 30 seconds to defuse the bomb by choosing one of the following: RED YELLOW GREEN FEARTo start the game, type .bomb . The bot also counts how many times someone has defused or exploded the bomb, which you can check through .stats. Don't choose wire FEAR though! 🙂 🙂 🙂 15 seconds until next game Put this into your bot's remotes, not yours! Updates: Mon Mar 2, 9:10 PM - Made the script multi-channel + bomb stats. Here's a picture: alias -l bomb { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,2,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $1 *BOOM* Fear. You're dead $+(,$gettok(%b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .info,3,32),,!) $chr(91) You have been bombed by $+(,$gettok(%b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .info,2,32),) on $+(,$gettok(%b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .info,1,32),) $chr(93) | .msg $1 (10 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .* } on *:text:.bomb*:#: { if (!%bombs) { set %bombs 0:0 } if (!%bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { if (!$2) { .notice $nick You must select a nick. | halt } if ($2 ison $chan) && ($2 != $me) { set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wires RED YELLOW GREEN FEAR | set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .nick $2 | set %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] on | set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .info $chan $nick $2 | var %x RED|YELLOW|GREEN | set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wire $gettok(%x,$r(1,3),124) | .timer 1 1 .msg $chan INCOMING!: Bomb has been planted!!! You have 30sec to defuse the Bomb! Engi: $2 $+ . | .timer 1 2 .msg $chan Wires Are: 4RED - 8YELLOW - 9GREEN - 1FEAR | .timer 1 3 .msg $chan Use: ".wire <color here>" | .timer 1 4 .notice $2 YOU have been bombed by $+(,$nick,) on $+(,$chan,,!!!) | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 20 .msg $chan 10 Seconds Remaining... Come on $+(,$2,,!) It's gonna BLOW!!! | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 30 bomb $chan } elseif ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick You can NOT bomb me! } else { .notice $nick $2 is NOT on $+(,$chan,,.) } } } on *:text:.wire*:#: { if (%bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && ($nick == %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .nick) { if (!$2) { .notice $nick You must select a wire. } elseif (!$istok(%b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wires,$2,32)) { .notice $nick Wires Are: 4RED - 8YELLOW - 9GREEN - 1FEAR } else { if ($2 == fear) { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,2,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $chan $nick *BOOM* Don't be afraid... It's only a virtual bomb $+(,$chr(91),$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$chr(93)) - (15 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .* | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off } elseif ($istok(%b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wires,$2,32)) { if ($2 == %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wire) { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,1,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,1,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $chan WP $+(,$nick,) you got it right! \o/ $+(,$chr(91),$chan,$chr(93),) $+($chr(91),$gettok(%bombs,1,58),$chr(93)) - (15 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .* | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off } else { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,2,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $chan *BOOM* You chose the false wire $+($nick,...) The correct wire was: $+(,%b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wire,) $+($chr(91),$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$chr(93)) - (15 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .* | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off } } } } } on *:text:.stats:#: { var %x $gettok(%bombs,1,58), %y $gettok(%bombs,2,58), %z $calc($gettok(%bombs,1,58) + $gettok(%bombs,2,58)) | .msg $chan Total number of defusions: $+(,%x,) rounds.. $+($chr(40),$round($calc(%x / %z),2),$chr(37),$chr(41)) $chr(124) Total number of explosions: $+(,%y,) rounds.. $+($chr(40),$round($calc(%y / %z),2),$chr(37),$chr(41)) }
  9. Was making it for a long time. My "ignorant & annoying bot''. Type !infocat for info. I guess there are more than 100 commands.. So Enjoy 😄 on *:join:#:{ msg $chan $nick 6Welcome 10To 5Own 7#chan !3 For Have A Fun Write 4 !infocat 3Enjoy! } on *:kick:#:{ if ($knick == $me) { join # | inc %kick | echo -a I've been kicked %kick times :P } } alias -l fullbot { goto $event :voice msg $chan 10[ $time ] 10[VOICE]14 $chan 4 $nick 7voiced12 $vnick window -n @Channels @Channels | aline @Channels 10[ $time ] 10[VOICE]14 $chan 4 $nick 7voiced12 $vnick halt :devoice msg $chan 10[ $time ] 10[Devoice]14 $chan 4 $nick 7devoiced12 $vnick window -n @Channels @Channels | aline @Channels 10[ $time ] 10[Devoice]14 $chan 4 $nick 7devoiced12 $vnick halt } on *:exit:{ if ($file(whois).shortfn) .remove $v1 } on *:sockclose:w...*:{ .play $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,124) whois 2000 } on *:text:$($iif(!track* iswm $strip($1),$1)):*:{ if ($file(whois).shortfn) write -c $v1 if ($regex($strip($2),/((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})/S)) { var %ipinfo = $regml(1) if ($play(#)) || ($play($nick)) { .notice $nick Please wait until I've finished the IP lookup! halt } .msg $iif(#,#,$nick) Please wait while I fetch the IP info... var %w $+(w...,$r(1,$ticks)) sockopen %w www.fr2.cyberabuse.org 80 sockmark %w $+(%ipinfo,|,$iif(#,#,$nick)) halt } .notice $nick That's not an IP address. Syntax: !track <IP> } on *:sockopen:w...*:{ if ($sockerr) { $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,124) * Error Connecting to Website! halt } var %? = sockwrite -nt $sockname var %?? = $+(IP=,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,124),&OK=OK&OK=OK&dns=OK) %? POST /whois/?page=whois_server HTTP/1.1 %? Host: $sock($sockname).addr %? Referer: $+(http://,$sock($sockname).addr,/whois/?page=whois_server) %? Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded %? Connection: close %? Content-Length: $len(%??) %? $+($crlf,%??) } on *:sockread:w...*:{ if ($sockerr) { $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,124) * Error Reading Website! halt } if (error isin %whois) { .msg $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,124) Invalid IP Address! halt } var %whois, %data = (Infos|Country|Abuse E-mail|Source) sockread %whois if ($chr(37) !isin %whois) && ($regex($v2,/ $+ %data $+ /)) { if ($regex(%whois,/(.*) $+ $+($chr(60),br,$chr(62)) $+ /)) { write whois $regsubex($remove($regml(1),:),$& / $+ %data $+ /g,$+($chr(2),\1 :,$chr(2))) } } } on *:join:#:{ .notice $nick Welcome to $chan $+ , $me $+ 's Restaurant is open! Type !resturuant for more details. } on *:text:!restaurant*:#:{ .notice $nick Welcome to $me $+ 's Restaurant! Made by davey; Enjoy :) .notice $nick For the commands type: !rcmds } on *:text:!rcmds*:#:{ .notice $nick Thanks for coming to $me $+ 's Restaurant! .notice $nick For all the types of food we have type: !food .notice $nick For all the types of beverages we have type: !beverages .notice $nick For all the types of soft drinks we have type: !sdrinks .notice $nick For all the types of candy we have type: !candy .notice $nick Enjoy :) } on *:text:!food*:#:{ .notice $nick Here is our food menu! .notice $nick Burger, fries, pasta, steak, shrimp, bbqribs, ham, pork, sausages, green beans .notice $nick Strawberries, cakes, ice cream, waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, apples .notice $nick Bananas, oranges, peas, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, peaches, grapes, cauliflour .notice $nick Scrapples, candied yam, turkey, cheese, chicken and pizza. .notice $nick To get some food but a ! in front of the foods name :) } on *:text:!burger*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a burger } on *:text:!fries*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a packet of fries } on *:text:!pasta*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of pasta } on *:text:!steak*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a piece of steak } on *:text:!shrimp*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of shrimps } on *:text:!bbqribs*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of bbq ribs } on *:text:!ham*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a palte of ham } on *:text:!pork*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of pork } on *:text:!sausages*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of sausages } on *:text:!greenbeans*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of green beans } on *:text:!strawberries*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a small bowl of strawberries } on *:text:!cakes*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose a cake from these five: Chocolate Cake, Ice cream Cake, Cheese Cake, Icing Cake and Orange and Poppy Sead Cake. Make sure to use a ! in front of the name. (Orange and Poppy Sead: !OPSCake. Chocolate Cake: !CCake. Ice Cream Cake: !ICCake. Icing Cake: !ICake. Cheese Cake: !ChCake } on *:text:!ccake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Chocolate Cake } on *:text:!opscake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Orange and Poppy Seed Cake } on *:text:!iccake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Ice Cream Cake } on *:text:!icake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Icing Cake } on *:text:!chcake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Cheese Cake } on *:text:!icecream*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a scoop of icecream } on *:text:!waffles*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of waffles } on *:text:!pancakes*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of pancakes } on *:text:!eggs*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of scrambled eggs } on *:text:!bacon*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of bacon } on *:text:!apples*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choice between; a red apple, a green apple or a yellow apple. For red type: !rapple For green type: !gapple For yellow type: !yapple } on *:text:!rapple*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a juicy red apple } on *:text:!gapple*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a juicy green apple } on *:text:!yapple*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a juicy yellow apple } on *:text:!bananas*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a yellow banana } on *:text:!oranges*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick an orange } on *:text:!peas*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of peas } on *:text:!carrots*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a orange carrot } on *:text:!broccoli*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some broccoli } on *:text:!asparagus*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick an asparagus } on *:text:!peaches*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of peaches } on *:text:!grapes*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of grapes } on *:text:!cauliflour*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some cauliflour } on *:text:!Scrapples*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some scrapples } on *:text:!candiedyam*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some candied yam } on *:text:!turkey*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of turkey with salad dressing | msg $chan Happy thanksgiving! } on *:text:!cheese*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a peice of cheese } on *:text:!chicken*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of chicken with salad dressing } on *:text:!pizza*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between: Cheese and Bacon Pizza(!CBPizza) The Lot(!thelot) No Crusts(!NCPizza) and Cheese Pizza(!Cpizza) } on *:text:!CBPizza*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of Cheese and Bacon Pizza } on *:text:!thelot*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of The Lot } on *:text:!NCPizza*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of No Crusts Pizza } on *:text:!cpizza*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of Cheese Pizza } on *:text:!beverages*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between wine, vodka, beer, whiskey, rum or cocktails. Wine: !wine Vodka: !vodka Beer: !beer Whiskey: !whiskey Rum: !rum Cocktails: !cocktails } on *:text:!cocktails*:#:{ .notice $nick Here is the cocktail menu: .notice $nick Martini, Long Island Iced Tea(!LIIT), Midori Limedrop(!MLime), Bubble Gum Kamikaze(!BGK) .notice $nick Electric Screwdriver(!Escrew), Sour Apple Pussycat(!SAP), Blue Valium(!BV) .notice $nick Peach Zima Sprite(!PZS), Frothy Lemonade(!FLemon), Jager Bomb(!JBomb) .notice $nick Daiquiri, Cosmopolitan, Margarita, White Russian(!WhiteRussian) .notice $nick Mudslide, Sex on the Beach(!SexBeach), Cordial Daisy(!CDaisy), BlueBerry Tequila Sour(!BTSour) .notice $nick Pear Sourball(!PSour), Jello Shooters(!JShoot). } on *:text:!Martini*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Martini } on *:text:!LIIT*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Long Island Iced tea } on *:text:!Mlime*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Midori Limedrop } on *:text:!BGK*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Bubble Gum Kamikaze } on *:text:!Escrew*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Electric Screwdriver } on *:text:!SAP*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Sour Apple Pussycat } on *:text:!BV*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Blue Valium } on *:text:!PZS*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Peach Zima Sprite } on *:text:!FLemon*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Frothy Lemonade } on *:text:!Jbomb*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Jager Bomb } on *:text:!daiquiri*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Daiquiri } on *:text:!cosmoplitan*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Cosmopolitan } on *:text:!Margarita*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Margarita } on *:text:!whiterussian*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of White Russian } on *:text:!mudslide*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Mudslide } on *:text:!sexbeach*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Sex on the Beach } on *:text:!CDaisy*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Cordial Daisy } on *:text:!BTsour*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Blueberry Tequila Sour } on *:text:!Psour*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Pear Sourball } on *:text:!JShoot*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Jello Shooters } on *:text:!beer*:#:{ .notice $nick Miller, Miller Lite(!MLite), Miller Genuine Draft(!MGB) .notice $nick Rolling Rock(!RR), Yuenling, Molson, Corona, Coors, Coors Lite(!c!%$) .notice $nick Budweiser, BudLight } on *:text:!Miller*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Miller } on *:text:!MLite*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Miller Lite } on *:text:!MGD*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Miller Genuine Draft } on *:text:!RR*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Rolling Rock } on *:text:!yuenling*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Yuenling } on *:text:!Molson*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Molson } on *:text:!Corona*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Corona } on *:text:!Coors*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Coors } on *:text:!c!%$*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Coors Lite } on *:text:!Budweiser*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Budweiser } on *:text:!Budlite*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Budlite } on *:text:!wine*:#:{ .notice $nick White Wine(!white), Red Wine(!red), Cabernet Savignon(!CabSav) .notice $nick Champagne, Sparkling Wine(!SparkleW), Sparkling Cider(SparkleC) .notice $nick Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Pinot Noir(!pinotn) .notice $nick Merlot, Shiraz, Syrah, Zinfandel } on *:text:!white*:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of White Wine } on *:text:!red*:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Red Wine } on *:text:!CabSac*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Cabernet Savignon } on *:text:!Champagne*:#:{ describe $chan pops the cork | describe $chan gives $nick a glass of champagne } on *:text:!SparkleW*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Sparkling Wine } on *:text:!sparklec*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Sparkling Cider } on *:text:!Riesling*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Riesling } on *:text:!Chardonnay*:#:{ describe $chan gives $Nick a glass of Chardonnay } on *:text:!Sauvignon*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Sauvignon } on *:text:!PinotN*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Pinot Noir } on *:text:!merlot*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Merlot } on *:text:!Shiraz*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Shiraz } on *:text:!Syrah*:#:{ describe $chan gives $Nick a glass of Syrah } on *:text:!Zinfandel*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Zinafandel } on *:text:!whiskey*:#:{ .notice $nick Charbay, McCarthy's(!McCarthys), Notch, Old Potrero(!OldP), Peregrine Rock(!PerRock) .notice $nick St. George(!StG), Stranahan's(!Stranahans), Templeton Rye(!TempleR) .notice $nick Wasmud's(!Wasmuds), Woodstone Creek(!WoodCreek) } on *:text:!Charbay*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Charbay } on *:text:!McCarthys*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of McCarthy's } on *:text:!Notch*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Notch } on *:text:!OldP*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Old Potrero } on *:text:!PerRock*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Peregrine Rock } on *:text:!StG*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of St. George } on *:text:!Stranahans*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Stranahan's } on *:text:!TempleR*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Templeton Rye } on *:text:!Wasmuds*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Wasmud's } on *:text:!WoodCreek*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Woodstone Creek } on *:text:!vodka*:#:{ .notice $nick Absolut, Belvedere, Grey Goose(!GreyG), Imperia, Seagram's(!Seagrams) .notice $nick Skyy, Smirnoff } on *:text:!Absolut*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Absolut } on *:text:!Belvedere*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Belvedere } on *:text:!GreyG*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Grey Goose } on *:text:!Imperia*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Imperia } on *:text:!Seagrams*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Seagram's } on *:text:!Skyy*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Skyy } on *:text:!Smirnoff*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Smirnoff } on *:text:!rum*:#:{ .notice $nick Bacardi, Captain Morgan(!CaptainM), Malibu } on *:text:!Bacardi*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Bacardi } on *:text:!CaptainM*:#:{ describe $chan gives $Nick a bottle of Captain Morgan } on *:text:!Malibu*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Malibu } on *:text:!sdrinks*:#:{ .notice $nick Coke, Fanta, Lemonade, Raspberry Soda(!raspsoda) .notice $nick Solo, Pepsi } on *:text:!coke*:#:{ notice $nick Please choose between; Diet Coke(!DietC), Coke Zero(!CZero), Lemonade Coke(!LemonCoke) or Coca Cola(!CocaCola) } on *:text:!DietC*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Diet Coke } on *:text:!CZero*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Coke Zero } on *:text:!LemonCoke*:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Lemonade flavoured Coke } on *:text:!CocaCola*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Coca Cola } on *:text:!fanta*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Fanta } on *:text:!Lemonade*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Lemonade } on *:text:!raspsoda*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Raspberry Soda } on *:text:!Solo*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of solo } on *:text:!pepsi*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between; Normal Pepsi(!NPepsi), Pepsi Max(!PMax) or Vanilla Pepsi(!VPepsi) } on *:text:!npepsi*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Pepsi } on *:text:!Pmax*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Pepsi Max } on *:text:!VPepsi*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Vanilla flavoured pepsi } on *:text:!candy*:#:{ .notice $nick Boost, Flake, Cherry Ripe(!CherryR), Mars, Snickers .notice $nick Kambly } on *:text:!Boost*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Boost } on *:text:!Flake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Flake } on *:text:!CherryR*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Cherry Ripe } on *:text:!Mars*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Mars } on *:text:!Snickers*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Snickers } on *:text:!kambly*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between; Chocolate Hearts(!ChocoHearts), Florentin or Mont Choco(!MontChoco) } on *:text:!ChocoHearts*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a box of Chocolate Hearts } on *:text:!Florentin*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a box of Florentins } on *:text:!MontChoco*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a box of Mont Chocos } on *:TEXT:your gay:#:{ msg $chan $nick your mama is } on *:TEXT:!joke1:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat she eats Wheat Thicks. } on *:TEXT:!joke2:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized. } on *:TEXT:!joke3:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat she's got her own area code! } on *:TEXT:!joke4:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid that she put lipstick on her head just to make-up her mind. } on *:TEXT:!joke5:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch 60 minutes. } on *:TEXT:!joke6:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so ugly her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her. } on *:TEXT:!joke7:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so ugly when she walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillence cameras. } on *:TEXT:!joke8:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid you have to dig for her IQ! } on *:TEXT:!joke9:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid when your dad said it was chilly outside, she ran outside with a spoon. } on *:TEXT:!joke9:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise. } on *:TEXT:!joke10:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat her neck looks like a pair of hot dogs! } on *:TEXT:you smell:#:{ msg $chan $nick No you do! Go take a shower. } on *:TEXT:!info:#:{ msg $chan $nick Before typing any of my commands you should know that all of my commands are jokes they are not to be taken personally.To access jokes type !joke ex.!joke2 } on *:TEXT:!cool:#:{ msg $chan $nick your not cool so dont type this. } on *:TEXT:!loser:#:{ msg $chan $nick this is exactly what you are. } on *:TEXT:!me:#:{ msg $chan $nick I found a picture of you look -> http://www.mediocrefilms.com/images/retarded-title.jpg <- } on *:TEXT:!joke11:#:{ msg $chan Yo mammas teeth are so yellow, traffic slows down when she smiles! } on *:TEXT:!joke12:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so poor she can't afford to pay attention! } on *:TEXT:!joke13:#:{ msg $chan Yo Mamma so poor when I ring the doorbell she says, "DING!" } on *:TEXT:!joke14:#:{ msg $chan Yo Mamma so poor she waves around a popsicle stick and calls it air conditioning. } on *:TEXT:!joke15:#:{ msg $chan Do you know the story about the little old woman that lives in a shoe? Well, Yo mama so poor she live in a flip flop! } on *:TEXT:!joke16:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma like spoiled milk, fat and chunky! } on *:TEXT:!joke17:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid, she studied for a drug test! } on *:TEXT:!joke18:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order! } on *:TEXT:!joke19:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid she stole free bread. } on *:TEXT:!joke20:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid she sold her car for gasoline money! } on *:TEXT:!joke21:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so black, she sat down on a jacuzzi and made coffee. } on *:TEXT:!joke22:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so old, she used to play for the raiders when they had both eyes. } on *:TEXT:!joke23:#:{ msg $chan Your mama's so fat when she goes to McDonalds they ask her what she doesn't want! } on *:TEXT:!joke24:#:{ msg $chan Authorities say a Florida woman called 911 three times after McDonald's employees told her they were out of McNuggets. A spokesman for McDonalds said that this was unusual because most customers don’t call 911 until after they’ve eaten McDonalds. } on *:TEXT:!joke25:#:{ msg $chan Q:why did the burger queen get pregnant? } on *:TEXT:!why*:#:{ msg $chan A:the burger king forgot to wrap his whopper. } on 1:text:No U:#:msg $chan 4 NO U FAGGOT on *:action:*slaps* *Mackbot*:*: { describe $chan hits $nick around a bit with the banhammer } on 1:text:!Huggles:#:msg $chan 4 Huggles $nick on 1:text:!tequila:#:msg $chan 4 slides a shot of tequila over to $nick (what a bum, go get a life) ON 1:TEXT:!Buttsecks:#:describe $chan turns on $nick and gives suprise buttsecks on 1:text:bad:#:msg $chan 4 well fark you too $nick ON 1:TEXT:!nick:#:describe $chan /nick _________ ON 1:TEXT:!sop:#:describe $chan /cs sop #Channel (add/del) Nick /cs aop #Channel (add/del) Nick ON 1:TEXT:!sop:#:describe $chan /cs sop #Channel (add/del) Nick ON 1:TEXT:!Faggot:#:describe $chan We all know your a faggot $nick ON 1:TEXT:!Coke:#:describe $chan 4 /me passes a kilo of coke to $nick ON 1:TEXT:!nuke:#:describe $chan 4 nukes $nick ON 1:TEXT:!Cig:#:describe $chan 4 $nick Thinks it's time for a 7===0============~~~~~~~4~~ ON 1:TEXT:!GreenTC:#:describe $chan To sign up for green team trade circles go to ---- http://s1.zetaboards.com/United_Jungle_Accord/forum/766279/ ON 1:TEXT:!TC:#:describe $chan 4 To sign up for GGA Trade Circles Go to the link ---- http://z8.invisionfree.com/GGA/index.php?showtopic=1850 ON 1:TEXT:!steak:#:describe $chan 4 Hands $nick A Big, Juicy , Top of the line steak ON 1:TEXT:!rstat1:#:describe $chan 4 A super smart IRC wiz that knows enough to steal your channel if he has sops!!! ON 1:TEXT:!Koel:#:describe $chan 4 $nick Koel, Is the LEader Of the dirty Slcbers. not the alliance only the dirty people. ON 1:TEXT:!Cig:#:describe $chan $nick says its time for a 7,1 ====0==========4=15~~~~~~~~~ break ON 1:TEXT:!Dog:#:Describe $chan 4 Gives a cute little puppy to $nick ON 1:TEXT:!RandleMan:#:Msg $chan 4 Whore On corner with red pumps ON 1:TEXT:!Burger:#:Describe $chan 4 hands $nick a Large CheeseBurger ON 1:TEXT:!Beer:#:Describe $chan 4 hands $nick An ice cold beer!!! ON 1:TEXT:!English:#:msg $chan 4 $chan is an english speaking chatroom, please speak english or type /list for the channel you require. ON 1:TEXT:!Caps:#:msg $chan 4Stop using caps it's rude (seen as yelling) and may result in a kick and/or ban. ON 1:TEXT:!age:#:msg $chan 4This Channel Has no age limit aslong as ur not to OLD ON 1:TEXT:!Troll:#:msg $chan 4Do not troll in $chan Doing this results in :Ban or Kick ON 1:TEXT:!Pm:#:msg $chan 4Do Not pm someone without there permission. ON 1:TEXT:!Trolling:#:msg $chan 4Trolling Means : Looking for Boys/Girls/Asking For Cybers/ ON 1:TEXT:!Drama:#:msg $chan 4Do Not Start Drama In $chan ON 1:TEXT:!beg:#:msg $chan 4Dont Beg For Ops in $chan ON 1:TEXT:!nick:#:msg $chan 4change your nick type /nick NickYouWantHere or (/Nick Bob) ON 1:TEXT:!Ass:#:msg $chan 4Dont be a Ass, It Only Makes You Look Dumb. ON 1:TEXT:!Spam:#:msg $chan 4No Spamming In $chan Leads To Perm Ban ON 1:TEXT:!Ignore:#:msg $chan 4To add someone to your ignore list Type /Ignore <Copy Nick Here> Or /Ignore <Paste Hostmask Here> ON 1:TEXT:!Owner:#:msg $chan 4To Make a temp owner type /mode #room +q nick ON 1:TEXT:!Room:#:msg $chan 4To Make Ur Own Room Type /cs register #roomname URPasshere Descriptionofroomhere ON 1:TEXT:!mIRC:#:msg $chan 4To Download mirc go to www.mirc.com((12And Download From The Website 4)) ON 1:TEXT:!wIRC:#:msg $chan 4To Download wIRC Go to www.warirc.com/ ((4And Download From There12))) ON 1:TEXT:!kick:#:msg $chan 4To Kick Someone from a room your op in type !k nick reason. ON 1:TEXT:!Ban:#:msg $chan 4To Ban Someone from a room your op in type !kb nick reason. ON 1:TEXT:!Unban:#:msg $chan 4To Unban Someone From A Room Your Op In Type !unban nick || To Unban Yourself From a room you are perm op in type /cs unban #room. ON 1:TEXT:!register:#:msg $chan 4To Register your NickName type /ns register Yourpasswordhere Youremailaddresshere ON 1:text:!identify:#:msg $chan 4 After Registering Your Nick Each Time You Connect You Must Type /ns identify URPASSHERE ON 1:text:!ghost:#:msg $chan 4 Type /ns ghost urmainnamehere urpasshere ON 1:text:!racial:#:msg $chan 4 There Will Be NO Racial Remarks in $chan Results In A Ban. On 1:text:!respect:#:msg $chan 4 Please Respect All Chatters in $chan on 1:text:im back:#:msg $chan 4 Welcome Back $nick on 1:text:ill brb:#:msg $chan 4 Hurry Back $nick on 1:text:brb:#:msg $chan 4 Hurry Back $nick on 1:text:back:#:msg $chan 4 Welcome Back $nick on 1:text:g2g:#:msg $chan 4 GoodBye $nick on 1:text:gtg:#:msg $chan 4 GoodBye $nick on 1:text:bbl:#:msg $chan 4 See You Later $nick on 1:text:!commands:#: { .msg $chan $nick We have: !wake !poke !roses !throw !tag !candy !youtube !wiki !google !roses !petals !cola !m&ms !king !queen !flowers !smile !friend !dear - ALSO GAMES: !Aim !Blowup/!Defuse !Pcall !Number/Guess !Slots !8ball .msg $chan $nick !english !caps !age !troll !PM !trolling !drama !beg !ass !spam !racial !respect !beer !burger !dog !blow !MackJob !cig !greenTC !Tequila !nuke !steak !Faggot !restaurant !huggles* for IrcHelp commands Type !irchelp* for Uno commands type !unocom * } on 1:text:!ircHelp:#:msg $chan 4 !nick !ignore !owner !room !mirc !wirc !kick !ban !unban !register !identify !ghost !sop !aop on 1:text:!Unocom:#:msg $chan 4 !uno !join !deal !unostop !kickplayer <player> !cards !count !topcard !draw !pass !play !score !top10 on 1:text:!blow:#:describe $chan 4 Watches $nick Blow him self en a very disgusting matter (go buy a prostitute atleast) on 1:text:!Win:#:msg $chan 4 &me MackBot wins and you lose, your whole life is epic fail. Get over it!!! on 1:text:!MackJob:#:msg $chan 4 I'm a man you !@#$ idiot I wouldnt blow you if you had the largest !@#$ in the world on 1:text:!NoobSauce:#:msg $chan 4 Beer is Good (aka BiG) is the definition of noobsauce 2: BiG's new word on 1:text:!Belka:#:msg $chan 4 A very important member of the GGA, that gets things done and can be trusted with most task on 1:text:!Mackbot:#:msg $chan 4 A GGAer thats lazy but sets up Green team trade circles so Message in game if interesyed in TC! (aka General_Mack) on 1:text:!SP:#:msg $chan 4 Trium of GGA that keeps to himself alot (from what I've seen) But knows when to joke around and when to be serious (unlike MackBoy[AKA shaneprice] on 1:text:!win:#:msg $chan 4 I win you lose get over it( your whole life = epic fail) on 1:text:!LT:#:msg $chan 4 LT is not AFK as much as he leads everyone to believe!!!(aka Lord Tarmikos) on 1:text:!Q:#:msg $chan 4 Qauianna is best described as Hardworking stooge of the Triumvir (which one? MoE) (aka Qauianna) on 1:text:!hello:#:msg $chan 4 hello $nick how are you doing??? on 1:text:!Good:#:msg $chan 4 That's great $nick , I'm doing great today, considering bots are always happy!!! on 1:text:Fine:#:msg $chan 4 That's great $nick , I'm doing great today, considering bots are always happy!! on 1:text:steak:#:describe $chan 4 Hands $nick A Big, Juicy , Top of the line steak Description: Restaurant Script URL: http://rafb.net/p/rMOdgJ18.html ctcp *:VERSION: { ctcpreply $nick VERSION $me is using $me $+ 's Restaurant. Made by Mack. | halt } alias restaurant { msg $chan I am using $me $+ 's restaurant, made by Your mum } on *:join:#:{ .notice $nick Welcome to $chan $+ , $me $+ 's Restaurant is open! Type !resturuant for more details. } on *:text:!restaurant*:#:{ .notice $nick Welcome to $me $+ 's Restaurant! Made by davey; Enjoy :) .notice $nick For the commands type: !rcmds } on *:text:!rcmds*:#:{ .notice $nick Thanks for coming to $me $+ 's Restaurant! .notice $nick For all the types of food we have type: !food .notice $nick For all the types of beverages we have type: !beverages .notice $nick For all the types of soft drinks we have type: !sdrinks .notice $nick For all the types of candy we have type: !candy .notice $nick Enjoy :) } on *:text:!food*:#:{ .notice $nick Here is our food menu! .notice $nick Burger, fries, pasta, steak, shrimp, bbqribs, ham, pork, sausages, green beans .notice $nick Strawberries, cakes, ice cream, waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, apples .notice $nick Bananas, oranges, peas, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, peaches, grapes, cauliflour .notice $nick Scrapples, candied yam, turkey, cheese, chicken and pizza. .notice $nick To get some food but a ! in front of the foods name :) } on *:text:!burger*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a burger } on *:text:!fries*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a packet of fries } on *:text:!pasta*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of pasta } on *:text:!steak*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a piece of steak } on *:text:!shrimp*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of shrimps } on *:text:!bbqribs*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of bbq ribs } on *:text:!ham*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a palte of ham } on *:text:!pork*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of pork } on *:text:!sausages*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of sausages } on *:text:!greenbeans*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of green beans } on *:text:!strawberries*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a small bowl of strawberries } on *:text:!cakes*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose a cake from these five: Chocolate Cake, Ice cream Cake, Cheese Cake, Icing Cake and Orange and Poppy Sead Cake. Make sure to use a ! in front of the name. (Orange and Poppy Sead: !OPSCake. Chocolate Cake: !CCake. Ice Cream Cake: !ICCake. Icing Cake: !ICake. Cheese Cake: !ChCake } on *:text:!ccake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Chocolate Cake } on *:text:!opscake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Orange and Poppy Seed Cake } on *:text:!iccake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Ice Cream Cake } on *:text:!icake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Icing Cake } on *:text:!chcake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a slice of Cheese Cake } on *:text:!icecream*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a scoop of icecream } on *:text:!waffles*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of waffles } on *:text:!pancakes*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of pancakes } on *:text:!eggs*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of scrambled eggs } on *:text:!bacon*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of bacon } on *:text:!apples*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choice between; a red apple, a green apple or a yellow apple. For red type: !rapple For green type: !gapple For yellow type: !yapple } on *:text:!rapple*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a juicy red apple } on *:text:!gapple*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a juicy green apple } on *:text:!yapple*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a juicy yellow apple } on *:text:!bananas*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a yellow banana } on *:text:!oranges*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick an orange } on *:text:!peas*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of peas } on *:text:!carrots*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a orange carrot } on *:text:!broccoli*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some broccoli } on *:text:!asparagus*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick an asparagus } on *:text:!peaches*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of peaches } on *:text:!grapes*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bowl of grapes } on *:text:!cauliflour*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some cauliflour } on *:text:!Scrapples*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some scrapples } on *:text:!candiedyam*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick some candied yam } on *:text:!turkey*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of turkey with salad dressing | msg $chan Happy thanksgiving! } on *:text:!cheese*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a peice of cheese } on *:text:!chicken*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a plate of chicken with salad dressing } on *:text:!pizza*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between: Cheese and Bacon Pizza(!CBPizza) The Lot(!thelot) No Crusts(!NCPizza) and Cheese Pizza(!Cpizza) } on *:text:!CBPizza*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of Cheese and Bacon Pizza } on *:text:!thelot*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of The Lot } on *:text:!NCPizza*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of No Crusts Pizza } on *:text:!cpizza*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a big plate of Cheese Pizza } on *:text:!beverages*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between wine, vodka, beer, whiskey, rum or cocktails. Wine: !wine Vodka: !vodka Beer: !beer Whiskey: !whiskey Rum: !rum Cocktails: !cocktails } on *:text:!cocktails*:#:{ .notice $nick Here is the cocktail menu: .notice $nick Martini, Long Island Iced Tea(!LIIT), Midori Limedrop(!MLime), Bubble Gum Kamikaze(!BGK) .notice $nick Electric Screwdriver(!Escrew), Sour Apple Pussycat(!SAP), Blue Valium(!BV) .notice $nick Peach Zima Sprite(!PZS), Frothy Lemonade(!FLemon), Jager Bomb(!JBomb) .notice $nick Daiquiri, Cosmopolitan, Margarita, White Russian(!WhiteRussian) .notice $nick Mudslide, Sex on the Beach(!SexBeach), Cordial Daisy(!CDaisy), BlueBerry Tequila Sour(!BTSour) .notice $nick Pear Sourball(!PSour), Jello Shooters(!JShoot). } on *:text:!Martini*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Martini } on *:text:!LIIT*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Long Island Iced tea } on *:text:!Mlime*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Midori Limedrop } on *:text:!BGK*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Bubble Gum Kamikaze } on *:text:!Escrew*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Electric Screwdriver } on *:text:!SAP*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Sour Apple Pussycat } on *:text:!BV*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Blue Valium } on *:text:!PZS*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Peach Zima Sprite } on *:text:!FLemon*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Frothy Lemonade } on *:text:!Jbomb*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Jager Bomb } on *:text:!daiquiri*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Daiquiri } on *:text:!cosmoplitan*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Cosmopolitan } on *:text:!Margarita*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Margarita } on *:text:!whiterussian*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of White Russian } on *:text:!mudslide*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Mudslide } on *:text:!sexbeach*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Sex on the Beach } on *:text:!CDaisy*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Cordial Daisy } on *:text:!BTsour*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Blueberry Tequila Sour } on *:text:!Psour*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Pear Sourball } on *:text:!JShoot*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Jello Shooters } on *:text:!beer*:#:{ .notice $nick Miller, Miller Lite(!MLite), Miller Genuine Draft(!MGB) .notice $nick Rolling Rock(!RR), Yuenling, Molson, Corona, Coors, Coors Lite(!c!%$) .notice $nick Budweiser, BudLight } on *:text:!Miller*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Miller } on *:text:!MLite*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Miller Lite } on *:text:!MGD*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Miller Genuine Draft } on *:text:!RR*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Rolling Rock } on *:text:!yuenling*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Yuenling } on *:text:!Molson*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Molson } on *:text:!Corona*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Corona } on *:text:!Coors*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Coors } on *:text:!c!%$*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Coors Lite } on *:text:!Budweiser*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Budweiser } on *:text:!Budlite*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Budlite } on *:text:!wine*:#:{ .notice $nick White Wine(!white), Red Wine(!red), Cabernet Savignon(!CabSav) .notice $nick Champagne, Sparkling Wine(!SparkleW), Sparkling Cider(SparkleC) .notice $nick Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Pinot Noir(!pinotn) .notice $nick Merlot, Shiraz, Syrah, Zinfandel } on *:text:!white*:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of White Wine } on *:text:!red*:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Red Wine } on *:text:!CabSac*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Cabernet Savignon } on *:text:!Champagne*:#:{ describe $chan pops the cork | describe $chan gives $nick a glass of champagne } on *:text:!SparkleW*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Sparkling Wine } on *:text:!sparklec*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Sparkling Cider } on *:text:!Riesling*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Riesling } on *:text:!Chardonnay*:#:{ describe $chan gives $Nick a glass of Chardonnay } on *:text:!Sauvignon*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Sauvignon } on *:text:!PinotN*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Pinot Noir } on *:text:!merlot*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Merlot } on *:text:!Shiraz*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Shiraz } on *:text:!Syrah*:#:{ describe $chan gives $Nick a glass of Syrah } on *:text:!Zinfandel*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a glass of Zinafandel } on *:text:!whiskey*:#:{ .notice $nick Charbay, McCarthy's(!McCarthys), Notch, Old Potrero(!OldP), Peregrine Rock(!PerRock) .notice $nick St. George(!StG), Stranahan's(!Stranahans), Templeton Rye(!TempleR) .notice $nick Wasmud's(!Wasmuds), Woodstone Creek(!WoodCreek) } on *:text:!Charbay*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Charbay } on *:text:!McCarthys*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of McCarthy's } on *:text:!Notch*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Notch } on *:text:!OldP*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Old Potrero } on *:text:!PerRock*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Peregrine Rock } on *:text:!StG*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of St. George } on *:text:!Stranahans*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Stranahan's } on *:text:!TempleR*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Templeton Rye } on *:text:!Wasmuds*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Wasmud's } on *:text:!WoodCreek*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Woodstone Creek } on *:text:!vodka*:#:{ .notice $nick Absolut, Belvedere, Grey Goose(!GreyG), Imperia, Seagram's(!Seagrams) .notice $nick Skyy, Smirnoff } on *:text:!Absolut*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Absolut } on *:text:!Belvedere*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Belvedere } on *:text:!GreyG*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Grey Goose } on *:text:!Imperia*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Imperia } on *:text:!Seagrams*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Seagram's } on *:text:!Skyy*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Skyy } on *:text:!Smirnoff*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Smirnoff } on *:text:!rum*:#:{ .notice $nick Bacardi, Captain Morgan(!CaptainM), Malibu } on *:text:!Bacardi*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Bacardi } on *:text:!CaptainM*:#:{ describe $chan gives $Nick a bottle of Captain Morgan } on *:text:!Malibu*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a bottle of Malibu } on *:text:!sdrinks*:#:{ .notice $nick Coke, Fanta, Lemonade, Raspberry Soda(!raspsoda) .notice $nick Solo, Pepsi } on *:text:!coke*:#:{ notice $nick Please choose between; Diet Coke(!DietC), Coke Zero(!CZero), Lemonade Coke(!LemonCoke) or Coca Cola(!CocaCola) } on *:text:!DietC*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Diet Coke } on *:text:!CZero*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Coke Zero } on *:text:!LemonCoke*:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Lemonade flavoured Coke } on *:text:!CocaCola*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Coca Cola } on *:text:!fanta*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Fanta } on *:text:!Lemonade*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Lemonade } on *:text:!raspsoda*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Raspberry Soda } on *:text:!Solo*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of solo } on *:text:!pepsi*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between; Normal Pepsi(!NPepsi), Pepsi Max(!PMax) or Vanilla Pepsi(!VPepsi) } on *:text:!npepsi*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Pepsi } on *:text:!Pmax*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Pepsi Max } on *:text:!VPepsi*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a can of Vanilla flavoured pepsi } on *:text:!candy*:#:{ .notice $nick Boost, Flake, Cherry Ripe(!CherryR), Mars, Snickers .notice $nick Kambly } on *:text:!Boost*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Boost } on *:text:!Flake*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Flake } on *:text:!CherryR*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Cherry Ripe } on *:text:!Mars*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Mars } on *:text:!Snickers*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a Snickers } on *:text:!kambly*:#:{ .notice $nick Please choose between; Chocolate Hearts(!ChocoHearts), Florentin or Mont Choco(!MontChoco) } on *:text:!ChocoHearts*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a box of Chocolate Hearts } on *:text:!Florentin*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a box of Florentins } on *:text:!MontChoco*:#:{ describe $chan gives $nick a box of Mont Chocos } on *:TEXT:your gay:#:{ msg $chan $nick your mama is } on *:TEXT:!joke1:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat she eats Wheat Thicks. } on *:TEXT:!joke2:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized. } on *:TEXT:!joke3:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat she's got her own area code! } on *:TEXT:!joke4:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid that she put lipstick on her head just to make-up her mind. } on *:TEXT:!joke5:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch 60 minutes. } on *:TEXT:!joke6:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so ugly her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her. } on *:TEXT:!joke7:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so ugly when she walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillence cameras. } on *:TEXT:!joke8:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid you have to dig for her IQ! } on *:TEXT:!joke9:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so stupid when your dad said it was chilly outside, she ran outside with a spoon. } on *:TEXT:!joke9:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise. } on *:TEXT:!joke10:#:{ msg $chan Yo mama so fat her neck looks like a pair of hot dogs! } on *:TEXT:you smell:#:{ msg $chan $nick No you do! Go take a shower. } on *:TEXT:!info:#:{ msg $chan $nick Before typing any of my commands you should know that all of my commands are jokes they are not to be taken personally.To access jokes type !joke ex.!joke2 } on *:TEXT:!cool:#:{ msg $chan $nick your not cool so dont type this. } on *:TEXT:!loser:#:{ msg $chan $nick this is exactly what you are. } on *:TEXT:!me:#:{ msg $chan $nick I found a picture of you look -> http://www.mediocrefilms.com/images/retarded-title.jpg <- } on *:TEXT:!joke11:#:{ msg $chan Yo mammas teeth are so yellow, traffic slows down when she smiles! } on *:TEXT:!joke12:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so poor she can't afford to pay attention! } on *:TEXT:!joke13:#:{ msg $chan Yo Mamma so poor when I ring the doorbell she says, "DING!" } on *:TEXT:!joke14:#:{ msg $chan Yo Mamma so poor she waves around a popsicle stick and calls it air conditioning. } on *:TEXT:!joke15:#:{ msg $chan Do you know the story about the little old woman that lives in a shoe? Well, Yo mama so poor she live in a flip flop! } on *:TEXT:!joke16:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma like spoiled milk, fat and chunky! } on *:TEXT:!joke17:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid, she studied for a drug test! } on *:TEXT:!joke18:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order! } on *:TEXT:!joke19:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid she stole free bread. } on *:TEXT:!joke20:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so stupid she sold her car for gasoline money! } on *:TEXT:!joke21:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so black, she sat down on a jacuzzi and made coffee. } on *:TEXT:!joke22:#:{ msg $chan Yo mamma so old, she used to play for the raiders when they had both eyes. } on *:TEXT:!joke23:#:{ msg $chan Your mama's so fat when she goes to McDonalds they ask her what she doesn't want! } on *:TEXT:!joke24:#:{ msg $chan Authorities say a Florida woman called 911 three times after McDonald's employees told her they were out of McNuggets. A spokesman for McDonalds said that this was unusual because most customers don’t call 911 until after they’ve eaten McDonalds. } on *:TEXT:!joke25:#:{ msg $chan Q:why did the burger queen get pregnant? } on *:TEXT:!why*:#:{ msg $chan A:the burger king forgot to wrap his whopper. } ON *:TEXT:*work*:#: { msg $chan $nick i like $1 and $2 } ON *:TEXT:!wb*cat*:#: { msg $chan !merci $nick } ON *:TEXT:!welcome*cat*:#: { msg $chan !merci $nick } ON *:TEXT:*bye*cat*:#: { msg $chan !bye $nick } ON *:TEXT:*cat*bye*:#: { msg $chan !bye $nick } ON *:TEXT:*why*cat*:#: { msg $chan $nick Just...hehe :D } ON *:TEXT:*talk*with*me*cat*:#: { msg $chan $nick Okay. Give a topic. } ON *:TEXT:*cat*talk*with*me*:#: { msg $chan $nick Okay. Give a topic :P } ON *:TEXT:hi*cat*:#: { msg $chan $nick Hi :) } ON *:TEXT:Hello*cat*:#: { msg $chan $nick Hello ;) } ON *:TEXT:*cat*thank*:#: { msg $chan $nick You are welcome ;) } ON *:TEXT:*thank*cat*:#: { msg $chan $nick Ya r welcome ;) } ON *:TEXT:*merci*cat*:#: { msg $chan $nick you are always welcome! } ON *:TEXT:what*cat*:#: { msg $chan $nick err...idk.. :D } on *:TEXT:*boredom*:#: { kick $chan $nick So get out from there $nick } on *:TEXT:*bore*:#: { kick $chan $nick So get out from there $nick } on *:TEXT:*boring*:#: { kick $chan $nick So get out from there $nick } ON *:TEXT:*nice*:#: { msg $chan $nick Yeah, dat`s nice! } ON *:TEXT:*cat*talk*w*me:#: { msg $chan $nick Ok. How was your day? } ON *:TEXT:*cat*it*was*:#: { msg $chan $nick Okay .. } ON *:TEXT:*cat*day*was*:#: { msg $chan $nick My day was the same. } ON *:TEXT:*cat*thank*:#: { msg $chan $nick You are welcome ;) } ON *:TEXT:!infocat*:#: { msg $chan $nick 6 Heyaa ;) 10 I`m a bot, Talking cat. 10 For fun you can type 5 !commands , !rcmds , !uncom . 13 Enjoy! } ON *:TEXT:*team*:#: { msg $chan I like team "Tavriya"...they looks like cats :P } ON *:TEXT:*cat*what*:#: { msg $chan $nick I don`t know. } ON *:TEXT:*hungry*:#: { msg $chan $nick Ya don`t know that i`m always hungry! } ON *:TEXT:*cat*how*:#: { msg $chan $nick How how...nohow.. } ON *:TEXT:*cat*why*:#: { msg $chan $nick dunno :/ } ON *:TEXT:*shut up*:#: { msg $chan $nick Shut up urself rather! } ON *:TEXT:*bitch*:#: { msg $chan $nick pig... } ON *:TEXT:*cool*:#: { msg $chan $nick CoooOooOoooOool....... } ON *:TEXT:*thank*:#: { msg $chan $nick Thank someone - it`s a good deal for everybody of us. } ON *:TEXT:*cat*i*love*:#: { msg $chan $nick I love you too ! ;) } ON *:TEXT:*cat*marry*me*:#: { msg $chan $nick Finally someone will love me (H) } ON *:TEXT:*nonsense*:#: { msg $chan $nick He says that I stole his computer, but that's just nonsense. I`m only cat :| } ON *:TEXT:*quiet*:#: { msg $chan $nick Quiet, do not make a noise. I'm going to go to sleep. Shhh! } ON *:TEXT:*sleep*:#: { msg $chan $nick Good night. } ON *:TEXT:*good night*:#: { msg $chan $nick Go with God. } ON *:TEXT:привет*:#: { msg $chan $nick Привет! Добро пожаловать :) } ON *:TEXT:блин*:#: { msg $chan $nick Блин жареный. } ON *:TEXT:*бля*:#: { msg $chan $nick Советую не ругаться здесь. Не порть красоту. } ON *:TEXT:*fuck*:#: { msg $chan $nick Anaway i can ban you, if you will say it again } ON *:TEXT:*study*:#: { msg $chan Study very useful. as Lenin said - study, study and study again! } ON *:TEXT:*learn*:#: { msg $chan Of all my life i learned more than 100 commands and more than 50 phrases. } ON *:TEXT:*never*:#: { msg $chan $nick Never say never! } ON *:TEXT:*awful*:#: { msg $chan $nick Awfully it is when you walk down the dark street home, an eerie silence, and you feel that someone is on your tail ... } ON *:TEXT:*terrible*:#: { msg $chan $nick Terrible it is when you walk down the dark street home, an eerie silence, and you feel that someone is on your tail ... } ON *:TEXT:*rain*:#: { msg $chan $nick Rainy, cold, snow, window....wow...awesome weather, shit. } ON *:TEXT:*silense*:#: { msg $chan $nick Silence doesn`t always mean that someone is dead ... but ... O_O what is this? } ON *:TEXT:*silent*:#: { msg $chan Yaay what`s a silent, ppl? C`monm wake uuup! } ON *:TEXT:*cat*what*time*:#: { msg $chan $nick I know exactly - here is now $time(hh:nntt dddd dd/mm/yyyy) } ON *:TEXT:*sad*:#: { msg $chan $nick If you feel sad at heart and want to scream ... eat a sweet .. take it easy :) } ON *:TEXT:*kill*me*:#: { msg $chan Killers actually have a stony heart. so if you suddenly want to remember the word "kill" think first, nobody cares. } ON *:TEXT:*kill*:#: { msg $chan $nick If you want to kill, shoot, fight ... Want to war and generally want to destroy the world ... Then ... My Bro, bro : D } ON *:TEXT:*dance*:#: { msg $chan Dance - this is one way to express our emotions. What kind of dancing do you love? } ON *:TEXT:*weather*:#: { msg $chan Weather is the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. } ON *:TEXT:*hot*:#: { msg $chan $nick i`d want to eat hot-dogs...but i`m cat and i can`t eat dog..:S } ON *:TEXT:*cold*:#: { msg $chan $nick If you are cold - squat 50 times and run 10 laps. Then you obviously will explode. } ON *:TEXT:*great*:#: { msg $chan $nick "great" I almost envy you. } ON *:TEXT:*eat*:#: { msg $chan $nick Purr purr! Feed the hungry cat! See, see! I'm right here, right here and now! Give me some food! meow! } ON *:TEXT:*hello:#: { msg $chan heyyy $nick } ON *:TEXT:*hi:#: { msg $chan hello $nick } ON *:TEXT:*cat*where*r*from*:#: { msg $chan I ran away from her mistress's here for you to meow in the dynamic and ask for food ^^ 6purr .. purr.. } ON *:TEXT:*where*r*from*:#: { msg $chan From planet Earth, i guess .. } ON *:TEXT:*cat*how*old*r*:#: { msg $chan $nick i`m cat-vampire... 5Look out!! } ON *:TEXT:*how*old*r*:#: { msg $chan $nick Never ask this question to girls ;) ! } ON *:TEXT:*cat*how*r*:#: { msg $chan $nick I`m fine...always FINE >:-) } ON *:TEXT:*how*r*:#: { msg $chan $nick I think, this man is happy :D } ON *:TEXT:*cat*r*u*?:#: { msg $chan $nick Really...i don`t know... } ON *:TEXT:!gday*:#: { describe $chan 11,0|0,11|10,11|11,10|2,10|10,2|1,2|2,1|0,1 GOOD 2,1|1,2|10,2|2,10|11,10|10,11|0,11|11,0| $2 0,8|8,7|4,7|7,4|5,4|4,5|1,5|5,1|9,115315 15,1 DAY 15,1 153159,15,1|1,5|4,5|5,4|7,4|4,7|8,7|0,8| } ON *:TEXT:!petals*:#: { describe $chan 10 throws 5 up and down to $2 6 a bunch of 3 colored 10 petals .. 13 --//\\ 9 --//\\ 7 --//\\ 15 --//\\ 11 --//\\ 4 --//\\ 8 --//\\ 3 --//\\ 4 Mr-r-r!! 3 //\\-- 8 //\\-- 4 //\\-- 11 //\\-- 15 //\\-- 7 //\\-- 9 //\\-- 13 //\\-- } ON *:TEXT:!king*:#: { describe $chan 4 wants to SAy YOU $2 : 4 You are MY KING ^^ 5 ♕ 4 ♕ 7 ♕ 13 Crown to You! 7 ♕ 4 ♕ 5 ♕ } ON *:TEXT:!queen*:#: { describe $chan 4 wants to SAy YOU $2 : 4 You are MY QUEEN 4 ♡ ♡ ♡ 5 ♕ 4 ♕ 7 ♕ 13 Crown to You! 7 ♕ 4 ♕ 5 ♕ } ON *:TEXT:!flowers*:#: { describe $chan 6 wants to give you $2 6 a big bouquet of flowers! 13 ✱ 1 ✲ 2 ✳ 3 ✴ 4 ✵ 5 ✶ 6 ✷ 7 ✸ 8 ✹ 9 ✺ 10 ✻ 11 ✼ 12 ✽ 14 ✾ 15 ✿ 1 ❀ 2 ❁ 3 ❂ 4 ❃ 5 ❊ 6 ❄ 7 ❅ 13 ❆ 8 ❇ 9 ❈ 10 ❉ 11 ❊ 12 ❋ } ON *:TEXT:!friend*:#: { describe $chan 2 wants to say $2 : 4 " .4•7°8*9”3˜10˜11”12*2°6•13♥14●15•4!!! YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND, 1 $2 4!!!15•14●13♥6°2*12”11˜10˜3”9*8°7•4. " } ON *:TEXT:!dear*:#: { describe $chan 4 DEAR $2 : " 15,0¾0,15¾»13,15¾15,13¾»6,13¾13,6¾»14,6¾6,14¾»1,14¾14,1¾»0,1 5 , I SO MISS YA ! 1,1t14,1¾1,14¾»6,14¾14,6¾»13,6¾6,13¾»15,13¾13,15¾»0,15¾15,0¾» " } ON *:TEXT:!rose*:#: { describe $chan 1has handed 12 $2 1 a single red Rose! 4@3-}--}--- } ON *:TEXT:!cola*:#: { describe $chan offers $2 an ice cold can of 15,15I0,4 Cola 15,15I } ON *:TEXT:!smile*:#: { describe $chan gives $2 6 BIG SMILE! 5 Smile to your face! 13 ソ ッ ヅ ツ ゾ シ ジ ټ } ON *:TEXT:!m&ms*:#: { describe $chan gives $2 some M & M 's 2(0,2m2)1,0 9(1,9m9)1,0 3(1,3m3)1,0 8(1,8m8)1,0 4(1,4m4)1,0 9(1,9m9)1,03(1,3m3)1,02(0,2m2)10 they melt in your mouth, not in your hand. } on *:TEXT:!commands:#:{ notice $nick We have: !wake !poke !roses !throw !tag !candy !youtube !wiki !google !roses !petals !cola !m&ms !king !queen !flowers !smile !friend !dear - ALSO GAMES: !Aim !Blowup/!Defuse !Pcall !Number/Guess !Slots !8ball } ON *:TEXT:!poke *:#: { describe $chan pokes $2 4 BUah >: ) } ON *:TEXT:!wake *:#: { describe $chan 6 $2 4WAKE UPPPP 6 DUDE! 12 Stop to sleeeep ;) } ON *:TEXT:!candy *:#: { describe $chan 13 throws 3sweets 13 and 7gifts 13 to 12 $2 } ON *:TEXT:!throw *:#: { describe $chan throws $3- at $2 - MUHAHAHAHA! } ON *:TEXT:!tag *:#: { describe $chan tags $2- "Yer it!" } ON *:TEXT:!roses *:#: { describe $chan 1 hands 4 $2 1a dozen Roses! 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- } halt {{{{{{ $nick }}}}}} } ON *:TEXT:!look *:#: { describe $chan 4o00o1_12?2?12?1_4o00o1_ 12 Look its $2 1_4o00o1_ 12?2?12?1 _4o00o1_ } halt on *:TEXT:!slap*:#:{ /set %fact $rand(1,20) if (%fact == 1) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a large gay 4r7a8i3n11b6o13w trout~ if (%fact == 2) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a 2x4~ if (%fact == 3) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) then blames it on $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $+ ~ if (%fact == 4) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a lawsuit, you owe me $1,000,000,000! if (%fact == 5) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) a pool stick~ Oh, sorry I didn't mean to sharpen it first... if (%fact == 6) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a metal bat~ Oh crap, I ment to use the foam one. if (%fact == 7) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a semi truck~ Hey it was only going 60mph! if (%fact == 8) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $+ 's used sock~ if (%fact == 9) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a live granade~ if (%fact == 10) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a wet noodle~ if (%fact == 11) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with an icy snowball~ if (%fact == 12) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a sharp axe~ if (%fact == 13) msg $chan ~Sneaks through $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $+ 's modem and slaps them up side the head with a rubber chicken~ if (%fact == 14) msg $chan ~Pimp slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $+ ~ if (%fact == 15) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) limp wristed~ if (%fact == 16) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a large dead trout~ if (%fact == 17) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with a pissed off skunk~ if (%fact == 19) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) in the face with a pissed off house cat~ if (%fact == 20) msg $chan ~Slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) with $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $+ ~ } on *:TEXT:*cat*:#:{ /set %fact $rand(1,20) if (%fact == 1) msg $chan $nick I listen ya. if (%fact == 2) msg $chan $nick Can i help ya? if (%fact == 3) msg $chan $nick Hello^^ if (%fact == 4) msg $chan $nick Purr purr .. if (%fact == 5) msg $chan $nick Where r ya from? if (%fact == 6) msg $chan $nick Yeah? if (%fact == 7) msg $chan $nick Yea if (%fact == 8) msg $chan $nick O.o if (%fact == 9) msg $chan $nick err... if (%fact == 10) msg $chan $nick bla bla if (%fact == 11) msg $chan $nick So if (%fact == 12) msg $chan $nick What will ya say me else? if (%fact == 13) msg $chan $nick Meow if (%fact == 14) msg $chan $nick Meow! if (%fact == 15) msg $chan $nick Hug me, cutie ^^ if (%fact == 16) msg $chan $nick ^^ if (%fact == 17) msg $chan $nick lol if (%fact == 18) msg $chan $nick what i am? if (%fact == 19) msg $chan $nick No 6cats1 here.. :D if (%fact == 20) msg $chan $nick :D if (%fact == 21) msg $chan $nick m? if (%fact == 22) msg $chan $nick My dream - live next to a bowl filled with fish. and warmth, and comfort all around. if (%fact == 23) msg $chan $nick aww... if (%fact == 24) msg $chan $nick what else? if (%fact == 25) msg $chan $nick do ya like hooot wea3er? :3 if (%fact == 26) msg $chan $nick :3 if (%fact == 27) msg $chan $nick grr.. if (%fact == 28) msg $chan $nick :P if (%fact == 29) msg $chan $nick :D :) if (%fact == 30) msg $chan $nick :) if (%fact == 31) msg $chan $nick how r ya? if (%fact == 32) msg $chan $nick good.. if (%fact == 33) msg $chan $nick nice.. if (%fact == 34) msg $chan $nick hhhh if (%fact == 35) msg $chan $nick give me peace of fish if (%fact == 36) msg $chan $nick Amrrr.... } on *:TEXT:*talking cat*:#:{ /set %fact $rand(1,20) if (%fact == 1) msg $chan $nick I listen ya. if (%fact == 2) msg $chan $nick Can i help ya? if (%fact == 3) msg $chan $nick Hello^^ if (%fact == 4) msg $chan $nick Purr purr .. if (%fact == 5) msg $chan $nick Where r ya from? if (%fact == 6) msg $chan $nick Yeah? if (%fact == 7) msg $chan $nick Yea if (%fact == 8) msg $chan $nick O.o if (%fact == 9) msg $chan $nick err... if (%fact == 10) msg $chan $nick bla bla if (%fact == 11) msg $chan $nick So if (%fact == 12) msg $chan $nick What will ya say me else? if (%fact == 13) msg $chan $nick Meow if (%fact == 14) msg $chan $nick Meow! if (%fact == 15) msg $chan $nick Hug me, cutie ^^ if (%fact == 16) msg $chan $nick ^^ if (%fact == 17) msg $chan $nick lol if (%fact == 18) msg $chan $nick what i am? if (%fact == 19) msg $chan $nick No 6cats1 here.. :D if (%fact == 20) msg $chan $nick :D if (%fact == 21) msg $chan $nick m? if (%fact == 22) msg $chan $nick My dream - live next to a bowl filled with fish. and warmth, and comfort all around. if (%fact == 23) msg $chan $nick aww... if (%fact == 24) msg $chan $nick what else? if (%fact == 25) msg $chan $nick do ya like hooot wea3er? :3 if (%fact == 26) msg $chan $nick :3 if (%fact == 27) msg $chan $nick grr.. if (%fact == 28) msg $chan $nick :P if (%fact == 29) msg $chan $nick :D :) if (%fact == 30) msg $chan $nick :) if (%fact == 31) msg $chan $nick how r ya? if (%fact == 32) msg $chan $nick good.. if (%fact == 33) msg $chan $nick nice.. if (%fact == 34) msg $chan $nick hhhh if (%fact == 35) msg $chan $nick give me peace of fish if (%fact == 36) msg $chan $nick Amrrr.... } on *:TEXT:*talkingcat*:#:{ /set %fact $rand(1,20) if (%fact == 1) msg $chan $nick I listen ya. if (%fact == 2) msg $chan $nick Can i help ya? if (%fact == 3) msg $chan $nick Hello^^ if (%fact == 4) msg $chan $nick Purr purr .. if (%fact == 5) msg $chan $nick Where r ya from? if (%fact == 6) msg $chan $nick Yeah? if (%fact == 7) msg $chan $nick Yea if (%fact == 8) msg $chan $nick O.o if (%fact == 9) msg $chan $nick err... if (%fact == 10) msg $chan $nick bla bla if (%fact == 11) msg $chan $nick So if (%fact == 12) msg $chan $nick What will ya say me else? if (%fact == 13) msg $chan $nick Meow if (%fact == 14) msg $chan $nick Meow! if (%fact == 15) msg $chan $nick Hug me, cutie ^^ if (%fact == 16) msg $chan $nick ^^ if (%fact == 17) msg $chan $nick lol if (%fact == 18) msg $chan $nick what i am? if (%fact == 19) msg $chan $nick No 6cats1 here.. :D if (%fact == 20) msg $chan $nick :D if (%fact == 21) msg $chan $nick m? if (%fact == 22) msg $chan $nick My dream - live next to a bowl filled with fish. and warmth, and comfort all around. if (%fact == 23) msg $chan $nick aww... if (%fact == 24) msg $chan $nick what else? if (%fact == 25) msg $chan $nick do ya like hooot wea3er? :3 if (%fact == 26) msg $chan $nick :3 if (%fact == 27) msg $chan $nick grr.. if (%fact == 28) msg $chan $nick :P if (%fact == 29) msg $chan $nick :D :) if (%fact == 30) msg $chan $nick :) if (%fact == 31) msg $chan $nick how r ya? if (%fact == 32) msg $chan $nick good.. if (%fact == 33) msg $chan $nick nice.. if (%fact == 34) msg $chan $nick hhhh if (%fact == 35) msg $chan $nick give me peace of fish if (%fact == 36) msg $chan $nick Amrrr.... } on *:TEXT:*:#:{ /set %fact $rand(30,20) if (%fact == 1) .timer 1 3 msg $chan hey $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) How r ya doing? if (%fact == 2) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) :D if (%fact == 1) .timer 1 3 msg $chan hey $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Feed me. if (%fact == 3) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $1 Purr purr ^^ if (%fact == 4) .timer 1 3 msg $chan hey $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Heyaaa! if (%fact == 5) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) I`m cutie, am not i? ^^ if (%fact == 6) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Tell something. if (%fact == 7) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) I want a girlfriend. You knows some cute cat? :P if (%fact == 8) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) :* i love $1 if (%fact == 9) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Do you know one cat from Samsung? So know - it`s my bro! (H) if (%fact == 10) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) :S $2 if (%fact == 11) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) My sisters and brothers are tigers and panters. if (%fact == 12) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) What`s your fav movie? if (%fact == 13) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) I`m like alive cat, but without body. if (%fact == 14) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) wants play with me? if (%fact == 15) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Why you silent :S if (%fact == 16) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) I can`t keep calm when i see this word - $1 if (%fact == 17) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) I can`t be quiek. if (%fact == 18) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) you work or study? if (%fact == 19) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) how are deals in your country? if (%fact == 20) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) do you like 8 balls? type !8ball and question if (%fact == 21) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Yep, i`m so crazy bot. if (%fact == 22) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $1 Never mind. if (%fact == 23) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) how old are you? if (%fact == 24) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) I like walk alone. Remember it. if (%fact == 25) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Rock music for listening is the best, when you are angry and crazy. if (%fact == 26) .timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Oops..! I had eaten your meat accidantly. srry :D if (%fact == 27) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) C`mon, take me with you on your bed . if (%fact == 28) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) I`m still alone.. if (%fact == 29) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $2 it`s a $1 if (%fact == 30) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $1 is very interesting. if (%fact == 31) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $1 $2 $3 all right :S if (%fact == 32) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) what you can say about $1 ? if (%fact == 33) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $1 is $3 absolutely! if (%fact == 34) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) is $2 crazy? O_O if (%fact == 35) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Forget this - $1 $2 $3 if (%fact == 36) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) And now i know that $1 and $3 are $2 if (%fact == 37) .timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) Yep, i`m crazy..don`t worry about $1 }
  10. Show the 10 upcoming video games from vgreleases.com. bind pub - !GameNew GameNew proc GameNew {nick host hand chan arg} { #(PS3)|(3DS)|(Nintendo DS)|(PC)|(PSP)|(Wii)|(Xbox 360) set systems "(PS3)|(3DS)|(Nintendo DS)|(PC)|(PSP)|(Wii)|(Xbox 360)" package require http set url "http://vgreleases.com/ReleaseDates/Upcoming.aspx" set page [http::data [http::geturl $url]] set z 0 putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Next 10 games comming out" while {$z < 10 && [regexp -line {b>(.*?)<\/b><\/a>.*?">(.*?)<} $page a game system]} { regexp -line {b>(.*?)<\/b><\/a>.*?">(.*?)<} $page a game system regexp -line {;'>(.*?)</span></b>} $page d date regsub -line {b>(.*?)<\/b><\/a>.*?">(.*?)<} $page "" page regsub -line {;'>(.*?)</span></b>} $page "" page if {[regexp $system $systems]} { if { [expr { [clock scan $date] - [clock scan seconds] }] > 0} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :-$date - $game $system" incr z } } } }
  11. This is a script for BitlBee. BitlBee is an IRC platform that allows you to connect with all social networks right inside your IRC client! More information is in the script itself. This script here will enhance your BitlBee experience! Any questions or problems? You can ask me here, or visit my IRC channel #Andrew on GameSurge. ; ========================================================================================= ; Bitlbee.mrc by Andrew ; Version 1.0.3 ; ================ Introduction: ==================== ; This script will echo to your active channel, and show tooltips for the following: ; - When a user signs in anywhere ; - When a user signs out anywhere ; - When a user goes idle ; - When a user returns from idle ; =============== Usage: ============================ ; First, you will need to set up an account on one of the BitlBee networks. ; For a list of networks you can connect to, visit: ; http://www.bitlbee.org/main.php/servers.html ; When you have eonnected to one of the networks, change your nick to what you want to log in as ; then say "register <password>" in the &bitlbee channel to make your account. ; Now you need to add accounts. To do this, use: ; account add <protocol> <account> ; Valid protocols are: ; Jabber, MSN, OSCAR (AIM/ICQ), Yahoo and Twitter ; Example: ; account add yahoo foobar ; account ; Next you need to enter your password for that account, to do this type: ; /oper <account> <password> ; Example: ; /oper foobar foobarpass ; If you encounter any problems with BitlBee or this script, feel free to chat with me on: ; irc.gamesurge.net #Andrew ; ================== Configuration: ======================== ; Do you use a specific nick on BitlBee? If you do change this variable below, otherwise just leave it blank. Your nick will not be changed if nothing is here. ; Note: for auto-login it will use your current nick ($me) to OPER using %bbpasswors set below. set %bbnick $me ; Set this to your BitlBee password. If you leave this variable empty auto-login will be disabled. set %bbpassword ; ================== End of configuration ========================== ; == Auto nick change == on *:CONNECT:{ if ($network == BitlBee && %bbnick !isnum) { if ($me != %bbnick) { nick %bbnick } } } ; == Auto login == on *:TEXT:*:&bitlbee:{ if ($network == BitlBee && $5 == gateway! && %bbpass !isnum) { msg &bitlbee identify if (%bbnick !isnum) { oper %bbnick %bbpass } else { oper $me %bbpass } } } ; Log in on *:JOIN:&bitlbee:{ set %cnck $nick if (%onick isnum) { set %onick 1 } inc %onick +1 ; Facebook log in if (*.facebook.com iswm $address) { BitlBeeTip $nick has just logged in to Facebook Chat } ; Yahoo log in elseif (yahoo iswm $address) { BitlBeeTip $nick has just logged in to Yahoo Chat } ; Windows Live log in elseif (*.hotmail.com iswm $address || *.live.com iswm $address) { BitlBeeTip $nick has just logged in to Windows Live Chat } ; Google Talk log in elseif (*.gmail.com iswm address) { BitlbeeTip $nick has just logged in to Google Talk } } ; Log out on *:QUIT:{ if ($network == BitlBee) { ; Facebook log out dec %onick -1 if (*.facebook.com iswm $address) { BitlBeeTip $nick has just logged out of Facebook Chat } ; Yahoo log in elseif (yahoo iswm $address) { BitlBeeTip $nick has just logged out of Yahoo Chat } ; Windows Live log in elseif (*.hotmail.com iswm $address || *.live.com iswm $address) { BitlBeeTip $nick has just logged out of Windows Live Chat } ; Google Talk log in elseif (*.gmail.com iswm address) { BitlbeeTip $nick has just logged out of Google Talk } } } ; Away on *:DEVOICE:&bitlbee:{ set %dvnick $vnick if (%dvnicks isnum) { set %dvnicks 1 } inc %dvnicks +1 BitlBeeTip $vnick is now away } ; Return from away on *:VOICE:&bitlbee:{ if ($vnick != %cnick && > %dvnicks >= 1) { BitlBeeTip $vnick has returned from away dec %dvnicks -1 } } alias bitlbee { if ($1 == vars) { echo -a Current BitlBee nick: %bbnick echo -a Currentl BitlBee password: %bbpass echo -a Variable cnick: %cnick echo -a Onlne nicks: %onicks echo -a Away nicks: %dvnicks } elseif ($1 == logout) { .msg &bitlbee account off .timer1 1 5 BitlBeeTip You have been signed out of BitlBee unset %onicks unset %anicks } elseif ($1 == login) { .msg &bitlbee identify oper %bbnick %bbpass .timer1 1 5 BitlBeeTip You have been signed in to BitlBee } else { echo -a Usage: /bitlbee vars|logout|login } } alias BitlBeeTip { if ($tip(bitlbee)) tip -t bitlbee $+($tip(bitlbee).text, $crlf, -, $crlf, $1-) else noop $tip(bitlbee, BitlBee Notification, $1-, 7) }
  12. chain

    Guess My Number

    old game I wrote. This was probably the first or second game I wrote using random numbers and enumerated types. The computer picks a number, and you try to guess it. Very basic and simple, but it was a beginner project. Now, looking back, I could think of a million ways to rewrite this game, with 100 more features and far more memory efficient. This is just an example code, all in all. So, if you find bugs, don't post them, as I have no intention of fixing them. I'll post better games, and codes soon enough. More games will be posted at my forum. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; int main() { enum difficulty {EASY = 10, NORMAL = 100, HARD = 1000}; difficulty diff = NORMAL; int uDiff, pGuess, pGuesses = 0; cout << "Welcome to Guess My Number!\n"; cout << "Enter 0 at any time to quit\n"; cout << "Enter the difficulty (1-3): "; cin >> uDiff; if (uDiff == 0) { cout << "Thanks for playing! Goodbye."; return 0; } switch (uDiff) { case 1: diff = EASY; break; case 2: diff = NORMAL; break; case 3: diff = HARD; break; default: do { cout << "Invalid difficulty!\n"; cout << "Enter the difficulty (1-3): "; cin >> uDiff; } while (uDiff > 4); } srand(time(0)); unsigned int cNum = (rand() % diff) + 1; cout << "Enter your guess: "; cin >> pGuess; while (pGuess != cNum) { if (pGuess == 0) { cout << "Thanks for playing! Goodbye."; return 0; } if (pGuess < cNum) { cout << "Too low! Try again.\n"; } if (pGuess > cNum) { cout << "Too high! Try again.\n"; } cout << "Enter your guess: "; cin >> pGuess; } pGuesses++; cout << "\nYou guessed correctly after " << pGuesses << " attempts.\n"; cout << "The number was: " << cNum << "\n"; cin.get(); return 0; }
  13. 👍thanks rift for input. these snippets are old but good to see ppl will add on to them from here!!
  14. This script is a pretty cool one i found. I have always used it. and it is still working. just load into remotes (alt+r) and right click on any channel of your choice, and configure. NOTICE: THIS SCRIPT DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. I AM NOT THE MAKER OF IT. I AM JUST RE POSTING IT WITH A DIFFERENT NAME SO OTHERS MAY FIND IT EASIER. ;Shows a link to the script when you right click a status, query or channel window menu status,query,channel { Auto Connect/Join/Identify v3:/showacji } ;Calls the dialog window initialisation and loads the first server alias showacji dialog -m acji acji ;Initialises the dialog window dialog acji { title "Auto Connect/Join/Identify v3" size -1 -1 355 425 ; type | text | id | x y w h | style text "Change settings for:", 1, 5 8 100 20 combo 2, 110 5 240 20, drop text "Servers address", 3, 15 30 160 12 edit "", 4, 15 45 132 20, autohs text "Server network", 5, 153 30 160 12 edit "", 6, 153 45 132 20, autohs check "Enabled", 29, 290 40 55 20 text "Add nickname", 7, 22 85 70 20 edit "", 8, 20 99 72 21, autohs text "Group password", 9, 99 85 78 20 edit "", 10, 99 99 76 21, autohs pass button "Add nickname", 11, 20 125 155 25 text "View/delete existing nicknames", 12, 182 85 150 20 combo 13, 180 99 155 20, drop button "Delete nickname", 14, 180 125 155 25 text "Add channel to this server", 15, 22 180 140 20 edit "", 16, 20 194 155 21, autohs button "Add channel", 17, 20 220 155 25 text "View/delete existing channels", 18, 182 180 150 20 combo 19, 180 194 155 20, drop button "Delete channel", 20, 180 220 155 25 button "Add/Save server", 21, 20 275 100 25 button "Delete server", 22, 125 275 100 25 button "Close manager", 23, 230 275 100 25, cancel box "", 24, 5 22 345 245 box "Grouped nicknames", 25, 15 70 325 90 box "Channels", 26, 15 165 325 90 box "Hover over buttons/boxes for help.", 27, 5 305 345 110 text "", 28, 10 318 325 92, multi ; type | text | id | x y w h | style } ;On initialisation, display default help text and load first tab on 1:dialog:acji:init:*: acji.loadgui $iif($gettok($rs(0, Order), 1, 46) != $null, $ifmatch, 1) ;loads the gui with the information for the requested server (called with $1 being server number in acjiSettings.ini) alias -l acji.loadgui { acji.resetgui set %n 1 while (%n <= $rs(0,Servers)) { did -a acji 2 $+(%n, :) $rs($gettok($rs(0, Order), %n, 46), Server) inc %n } did -a acji 2 Add a new server did -c acji 2 $iif($findtok($rs(0, Order), $1, 46) != $null, $ifmatch, $did(2).lines) ;If no servers are set up, or if "Add a new server" is selected, disable some entry fields and rename buttons. if $did(2).sel == $did(2).lines { did -b acji 8,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20,22,29 did -ra acji 21 Add Server } ;Enable them otherwise else { did -e acji 8,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20,22,29 did -ra acji 21 Save Server } did -a acji 4 $rs($1, Server) did -a acji 6 $rs($1, Network) did $iif($rs($1, Enabled) == 1, -c, -u) acji 29 set %n 1 while (%n <= $rs($1,Nicks)) { did -a acji 13 $rs($1, Nick $+ %n) inc %n } did -a acji 10 $rs($1, Password) set %n 1 while (%n <= $rs($1,Channels)) { did -a acji 19 $rs($1, Channel $+ %n) inc %n } unset %n } alias -l acji.resetgui { did -r acji 2,4,6,8,10,13,16,19 did -u acji 29 } ;Listens for clicks on the gui on 1:dialog:acji:sclick:*: { if ($did(2).sel != $did(2).lines) { set %sID $gettok($rs(0, Order), $did(2).sel, 46) } else set %sID $did(2).lines ;If combo box changed, update gui with details of the correct server if ($did == 2) { acji.loadgui %sID } ;If the save button is clicked, save all information into the acjiSettings.ini file if ($did == 21) { ;If the last line of combo box is selected, add a new server if ($did(2).sel == $did(2).lines) { set %servers $calc($rs(0,Servers) + 1) $wsdata(0, Servers, %servers) ;Determine next free token, then save the settings into the correct server position set %n 1 while (%n <= %servers) { if (!$istok($rs(0,Order,46), %n, 46)) { $wsdata(0, Order, $addtok($rs(0,Order,46), %n, 46))) } inc %n } unset %n $ws(%sID, Server, 4) $ws(%sID, Network, 6) } if ($did(10).text != $null) { $ws(%sID, Password, 10) } else { $rms(%sID, Password) } $wsdata(%sID, Enabled, $did(29).state) acji.loadgui %sID } ;If the add nick button is pressed, add a nick to the current server (and save password if entered) if ($did == 11) { if ($did($dname, 8).text != $null) { $wsdata(%sID, Nicks, $calc($rs(%sID, Nicks) + 1)) $ws(%sID, Nick $+ $rs(%sID, Nicks), 8) did -r acji 8 if ($did(10).text != $null) { $ws(%sID, Password, 10) } else { $rms(%sID, Password) } acji.loadgui %sID } } ;If the add channel button is pressed, add a channel to the current server if ($did == 17) { if ($did($dname, 16).text != $null) { $wsdata(%sID, Channels, $calc($rs(%sID, Channels) + 1)) $ws(%sID, Channel $+ $rs(%sID, Channels), 16) did -r acji 16 acji.loadgui %sID } } ;If the delete nickname button is pressed, delete the current nickname and move all those after it up a spot if ($did == 14) { if ($did(13).sel != $null) { set %nicks $rs(%sID, Nicks) set %n $did(13).sel $rms(%sID, Nick $+ %n) dec %nicks set %s %n while (%n <= %nicks) { inc %s $wsdata(%sID, Nick $+ %n, $rs(%sID, Nick $+ %s)) inc %n } $rms(%sID, Nick $+ %n) $wsdata(%sID, Nicks, %nicks) unset %s | unset %n | unset %nicks } acji.loadgui %sID } ;If the delete channel button is pressed, delete the current channel and move all those after it up a spot if ($did == 20) { if ($did(19).sel != $null) { set %channels $rs(%sID, Channels) set %n $did(19).sel $rms(%sID, Channel $+ %n) dec %channels set %s %n while (%n <= %channels) { inc %s $wsdata(%sID, Channel $+ %n, $rs(%sID, Channel $+ %s)) inc %n } $rms(%sID, Channel $+ %n) $wsdata(%sID, Channels, %channels) unset %s | unset %n | unset %channels } acji.loadgui %sID } ;If the delete server button is pressed, delete the current server's token from the "Order" field if ($did == 22) { ;Remove the entire section $rms(%sID,) ;Remove the servers token from the Order field $iif($deltok($rs(0, Order), $did(2).sel, 46) != $null, $wsdata(0, Order, $ifmatch), $rms(0,Order)) $wsdata(0, Servers, $calc($rs(0, Servers) - 1)) acji.loadgui $gettok($rs(0, Order), 1, 46) } unset %sID } ;When mIRC starts, connect to each of the servers in the Settings.ini file with the primary nick supplied, if there is one. on *:Start: { set %n 1 while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) { if ($rs($gettok($rs(0, Order),%n,46), Enabled) == 1) { server $iif(%n == 1,,-m) $rs($gettok($rs(0, Order),%n,46), Server) -i $rs(%n, Nick1),) inc %n } else inc %n } unset %n } ;When you connect to a server, check that it's one in the Settings.ini file and then connect to the supplied channels on *:Connect: { set %n 1 while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) { if ($rs(%n, Network) == $network) { set %c 1 while (%c <= $rs(%n, Channels)) { join $rs(%n, Channel $+ %c) inc %c } unset %c if ($rs(%n, Password) != $null) nickserv identify $rs(%n, Password) } inc %n } unset %n } ;When nickserv asks to identify, do so with the supplied password from the acjiSettings.ini file on *:notice:*nickname is regsitered and protected*:?: { if ($nick == nickserv) { set %n 1 while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) { if ($rs(%n, Network) == $network) { nickserv identify $rs(%n, Password) } inc %n } unset %n } } ;If the nickname is currently being used, attempt to connect with the first free nickname saved for the server ;-- $2 is the current nickname, find it in tokens and try the next one. raw 433:*:{ set %n 1 while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) { if ($rs(%n, Server) == $server) { set %c 1 while (%c <= $rs(%n, Nicks)) { $iif($rs(%n, Nick $+ %c) != $2, nick $ifmatch,) inc %c } } inc %n } unset %c unset %n } ;When hovering over any of the edit boxes or buttons, the help label will display help information for that element on 1:dialog:acji:mouse:*: { if ($did == 2) { did -ra $dname 28 Select the server you wish to change details for. If empty, proceed to add a server by filling out the form below. } elseif ($did == 4) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter the server address here. e.g. irc.gamesurge.net } elseif ($did == 6) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter the servers network here. $crlf $+ Find this out by typing '//echo -a $+($,network') whilst connected the the server. e.g. GameSurge } elseif ($did == 8) || ($did == 11) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter a nickname and then click the Add button to add that nickname to this servers autoidentify list. } elseif ($did == 10) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter the password to the group of nicknames set for this server. You Will automatically identify when nickserv asks for the password. } elseif ($did == 13) || ($did == 14) { did -ra $dname 28 Use the dropdown menu to view the nicknames set to automatically attempt to connect with. If you wish to delete one, pick it from the list then click the Delete button. } elseif ($did == 16) || ($did == 17) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter a channel name and then click the Add button to add that channel to this servers autojoin list. If the channel has a password, enter it after the channel. $crlf e.g. #channel password } elseif ($did == 19) || ($did == 20) { did -ra $dname 28 Use the dropdown menu to view the channels set to automatically join when this server starts. If you wish to delete one, pick it from the list then click the Delete button. } elseif ($did == 21) { did -ra $dname 28 By clicking this button all the info in the edit boxes will be saved for this server. } elseif ($did == 22) { did -ra $dname 28 By clicking this button all changes will be lost. Be sure to click the Set button is you want to save this configuration. } } ;called by $rs(server number, item) - if server number is 0, then general settings are stored. alias -l rs return $readini(acjiSettings.ini, Server $+ $1, $2) ;called by $wsdata(server number, data name, data) alias -l wsdata writeini acjiSettings.ini Server $+ $1 $2 $3 ;called by $ws(server number, data name, dialog item id to read from) alias -l ws writeini acjiSettings.ini Server $+ $1 $2 $did($3).text ;called by $rms(server number, item) alias -l rms remini acjiSettings.ini Server $+ $1 $2
  15. Game Bot, Great for channels, Lots of Games Games: !Aim !Blowup/!Defuse !Pcall !Number/Guess !Slots !8ball To use copy and paste in your remotes (Alt + r under remotes paste) Nothing Ripped! All made from scratch NO IDEAS looked at. Special Thanks to PunkTured for help. More version to come later on, please post ideas to thank you. on *:TEXT:*:#: { if (!aim == $strip($1)) { if ($2 ison $chan) { if ($me == $2) { msg $chan Not Me! | halt } msg $chan $nick aims at $2 set %aim $rand(1,6) if (%aim == 1) msg $chan $nick goes to take the shot but the scope falls off elseif (%aim == 2) msg $chan $nick aims at $2 and slips, hits his head on a tree! elseif (%aim == 3) msg $chan $nick is just getting $2 in there scope and Leg shot! elseif (%aim == 4) msg $chan $nick jumps to shot and HS! elseif (%aim == 5) msg $chan $2 can see $nick and takes the shot before $nick elseif (%aim == 6) msg $chan $nick hits bush YES! unset %aim } elseif (!$2) { msg $chan No Nick in my scope } elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { msg $chan There not in range of this channel } } if (!Blowup == $strip($1)) { if ($2 ison $chan) { if ($me == $2) { msg $chan Not Me! | halt } set %bomb $2 msg $chan $nick plants a time bomb on $2 msg $chan You better Run! msg $chan Type !defuse to stop it .timer 1 200 unset %bomb } elseif (!$2) { msg $chan There not here } elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { msg $chan Can't hit them with c4 } } if (!defuse == $strip($1)) { if ($nick == %bomb) { msg $chan Here it goes! set %defuse $rand(1,5) if (%defuse == 1) msg $chan You did it *relief* elseif (%defuse == 2) msg $chan Wrong Wire Wrong Wire! NO! elseif (%defuse == 3) msg $chan I don't know what you did but that worked elseif (%defuse == 4) msg $chan You Stupid *BOOM* elseif (%defuse == 5) msg $chan $me whips it up in the air You Dumy unset %defuse unset %bomb } else { msg $chan You don't have a bomb on you | haltdef } } if (!pcall == $strip($1)) { if ($2 ison $chan) { if ($me == $2) { msg $chan Not Me! | halt } msg $chan Calling $2... set %pcall $rand(1,5) if (%pcall == 1) .timer 1 5 msg $chan $2 is your refrigerator running? Then you better catch it! elseif (%pcall == 2) .timer 1 5 msg $chan $2 is there an I.P. Freely there? elseif (%pcall == 3) .timer 1 5 msg $chan $2 is there a john there? Then how do you goto the washroom? elseif (%pcall == 4) .timer 1 5 msg $chan 3 elseif (%pcall == 5) .timer 1 5 msg $chan 4 unset %pcall } elseif (!$2) { msg $chan Who do i call? } elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { msg $chan I don't pay long distance } } if (!number == $strip($1)) { if (!%num) { set -u60 %num $rand(1,100) msg $chan I have set a number, it is between 1 and 100. msg $chan To make a guess, type: !guess Number_Here msg $chan Start guessing now, you have one minute to guess the number. } else { msg $chan A game is currently in progress. } } if (!guess == $strip($1)) { if (!%num) { msg $chan There is no game in progress. } else { if ($2 < $($+(%,num),2)) { msg $chan Higher. } if ($2 > $($+(%,num),2)) { msg $chan Lower. } if ($2 == $($+(%,num),2)) { msg $chan Bingo. $nick guessed the right number %num $+ . } } } if (!slots == $strip($1)) { set -u20 %s1 $rand(1,3) if (%s1 == 1) msg $chan Fisrt one is OP elseif (%s1 == 2) msg $chan Fisrt is HOP elseif (%s1 == 3) msg $chan First is VOP set -u20 %s2 $rand(1,3) if (%s2 == 1) msg $chan Second one is OP elseif (%s2 == 2) msg $chan Second is HOP elseif (%s2 == 3) msg $chan Second is VOP set -u20 %s3 $rand(1,3) if (%s3 == 1) msg $chan Third one is OP elseif (%s3 == 2) msg $chan Third is HOP elseif (%s3 == 3) msg $chan Third is VOP if (%s1 == 1) && (%s2 == 1) && (%s3 == 1) { msg $chan You won! } elseif (%s1 == 2) && (%s2 == 2) && (%s3 == 2) { msg $chan You won! } elseif (%s1 == 3) && (%s2 == 3) && (%s3 == 3) { msg $chan You won! } else { msg $chan You lost } } if (!8ball == $strip($1)) { if ($me isin $2-) { msg $chan Not Me! | halt } set %8ball $rand(1,4) if (%8ball == 1) msg $chan Maybe.. elseif (%8ball == 2) msg $chan YES elseif (%8ball == 3) msg $chan NO elseif (%8ball == 4) msg $chan Depends unset %8ball } else { haltdef } }
  16. copy/paste into a new remote. either click ur menubar or in a channel to open. add ur friends nicks in the halo3 player list or do a quick look up.. i made this dialog for a friend Inprince. feel free to rip butcher and strip this code how ever you want idc dialog h3 { title "Halo3 Service Record's" size -1 -1 182 114 option dbu box "Add/Rem Player", 1, 2 2 67 33 edit "", 2, 4 12 63 9, autohs button "Add", 3, 4 23 31 10, flat button "Rem", 4, 36 23 31 10, flat box "Halo3 Player List", 5, 2 37 67 53 list 6, 4 46 63 42, size vsbar box "Players Stats", 7, 71 2 109 88 list 8, 73 11 105 77, size hsbar vsbar box "Quick Look Up", 9, 101 91 79 21 edit "", 10, 103 100 49 9, autohs button "Look Up", 11, 154 100 24 10, flat box "Functions", 12, 2 91 98 21 button "Look Up", 13, 3 100 24 10, flat button "Echo", 14, 27 100 24 10, flat button "Msg", 15, 51 100 23 10, flat button "Clear", 16, 74 100 24 10, flat } alias -l afree { var %b,%p | %p = $regsub($1-,/[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*/g,$chr(32),%b) | %b = $remove(%b,&nbsp;,&bull;,&lt;,&gt;) | return %b } alias -l lHalo3 { if (%halo.dat) { did -rza h3 8 Halo 3 Service Record's For $iif($did(h3,6).seltext,$did(h3,6).seltext,$did(h3,10).text) | did -za h3 8 $gettok(%halo.dat,1,124) | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.dat,2,124) | did -a h3 8 %halo.bat | did -a h3 8 %halo.cat | did -a h3 8 %halo.sat | did -a h3 8 %halo.xat | did -a h3 8 %halo.pat | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.wat,1,124) | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.wat,2,124) | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.wat,3,124) | unset %halo.* | .sockclose halo } } alias -l spam.halo3 { did -za h3 8 $+($chr(160),Welcome to Napa182's Halo3 Service Record) | did -a h3 8 $+($str($chr(160),15),A Script0rs Inc. Production) | did -a h3 8 $+($str($chr(160),18),Powered By Bungie.net) | did -za h3 8 $str($chr(160),6) $+($chr(40),$chr(31),$str($chr(175),3),$chr(176),$chr(32),$chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199),$chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187),$chr(32),$chr(176),$str($chr(175),3),$chr(31),$chr(41),$chr(153)) } menu menubar,channel { .Halo3 Service Record's:{ dialog $iif($dialog(h3),-v,-mied) h3 h3 } } on *:dialog:h3:edit:10:{ did -r $dname 6,8 | did -e $dname 11 | didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 } on *:dialog:h3:init:0:{ didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 | $spam.halo3 | did -b $dname 11 } on *:dialog:h3:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 6) { did -r $dname 8,10 | did -b $dname 11 } if ($did == 3) { if (!$did(2).text || $istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44)) { noop $iif(!$did(2).text,$input(Players Name Was Not Entered,udho,Error!),$iif($istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44),$input(Players Name Already Exists,udho,Error!),)) did -r $dname 2 } else { set %players.halo3 $addtok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44) did -r $dname 2,6 didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 } } if ($did == 4) { if (!$did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext || $did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && !$istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44)) { noop $iif(!$did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext,$input(Players Name Was Not Entered Or Selected,udho,Error!),$iif($did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && !$istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44),$input(Players Name Does Not Exists,udho,Error!),)) did -r $dname 2 } elseif ($did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && $istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44)) { set %players.halo3 $remtok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,1,44) did -r $dname 2,6 didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 } elseif ($did(6).seltext && !$did(2).text) { set %players.halo3 $remtok(%players.halo3,$did(6).seltext,1,44) did -r $dname 2,6 didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 } } if ($did == 11) { if (!$did(10).text) { noop $input(Players Name Was Not Entered,udho,Error!) } else { if ($sock(halo)) .sockclose halo set %halo.user $replace($did(10).text,$chr(32),$chr(43)) sockopen halo www.bungie.net 80 did -zra $dname 8 Looking Up Halo3 Player Stats For $did(10).text Please Wait... .timer.halo 1 2 lHalo3 } } if ($did == 13) { if (!$did(6).seltext) { noop $input(Players Name Was Not Selected,udho,Error!) } else { if ($sock(halo)) .sockclose halo set %halo.user $replace($did(6).seltext,$chr(32),$chr(43)) sockopen halo www.bungie.net 80 did -zra $dname 8 Looking Up Halo3 Player Stats For $did(6).seltext Please Wait... .timer.halo 1 2 lHalo3 } } if ($did == 14) { var %^ = $did(8).lines, %@ = 1 | while (%@ <= %^) { | echo 12 -a $did(8,%@).text | inc %@ } } if ($did == 15) { var %^ = $did(8).lines, %@ = 1 | while (%@ <= %^) { msg $active $did(8,%@).text | inc %@ } } if ($did == 16) { did -r $dname 8,10,2,6 | did -b $dname 11 | didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 } } on *:SOCKOPEN:halo: { sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=,%halo.user) HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: www.bungie.net sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf } on *:load: { echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Halo 3 Service Record Look Up... Made For Inprince | echo 12 -a A Script0rs Inc. Production | echo -a 14,1(14,1¯15,1¯0,1¯0,1º $+($chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199),$chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187)) º0,1¯15,1¯14,1¯) $+ $chr(153) } on *:SOCKREAD:halo: { if ($sockerr) { did -rza h3 8 Socket Error: $sockname } else { var %f sockread %f if (*Halo 3 Service Record Not Found* iswm %f) { did -zra h3 8 Halo 3 Service Record For $+([,$replace(%halo.user,$chr(43),$chr(32)),]) Not Found | .sockclose halo | unset %halo.* } if (*Enemies* iswm %f) { set %halo.bat $afree(%f) } if (*Total Games* iswm %f) { set %halo.cat $afree(%f) } if (*Matchmade* iswm %f) { set %halo.sat $afree(%f) } if (*Player Since* iswm %f) { set %halo.dat $afree(%f) } if (*Custom Games* iswm %f) { set %halo.xat $afree(%f) } if (*Campaign Missions* iswm %f) { set %halo.pat $afree(%f) } if (*<li>Highest Skill:* iswm %f) { set %halo.wat $afree(%f) } } }
  17. chain

    Game Bot

    A game bot i made, designed for use with channel where the bot has control. Load into remotes and join the channel with a nick. The bot will explain everything. Make sure bot has OP powers. Set %gamechannel as the channel you want the bot to have the games on Registered bot users get halfop on join Non registered bot users het voice on join Games: Rock, Paper, Scissors Gambling Murder (not really a game) ON *:TEXT:*:#: { if ($1 = !rock) || ($1 = !paper) || ($1 = !scissors) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { set %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) set %rps $rand(1,3) if (%rps = 1) { set %rps.game 9Rock } elseif (%rps = 2) { set %rps.game 9paper } elseif (%rps = 3) { set %rps.game 9scissors } if (%rps.game = 9rock) && ($1 = !rock) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. We Tied. } elseif (%rps.game = 9paper) && ($1 = !Paper) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. We Tied. } elseif (%rps.game = 9scissors) && ($1 = !scissors) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. We Tied } elseif (%rps.game = 9rock) && ($1 = !scissors) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. I win! msg $chan You have lost 1 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1) } elseif (%rps.game = 9paper) && ($1 = !Rock) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. I win! msg $chan You have lost 1 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1) } elseif (%rps.game = 9scissors) && ($1 = !paper) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. I win! msg $chan You have lost 1 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1) } elseif (%rps.game = 9rock) && ($1 = !Paper) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. You won. msg $chan You have gained 2 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) } elseif (%rps.game = 9paper) && ($1 = !scissors) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. You won. msg $chan You have gained 2 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) } elseif (%rps.game = 9scissors) && ($1 = !Rock) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock 14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. You won. msg $chan You have gained 2 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) } } } elseif ($1 = !kill) && ($2 ison $chan) { set %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) set %kill $rand(1,10) if ($2 != $me) { describe $chan walks up to $2 and... if (%kill = 1) { describe $chan slits $2 $+ 's neck with a pocket knife } elseif (%kill = 2) { describe $chan gouges $2 $+ 's eyeballs out. } elseif (%kill = 3) { describe $chan Shoves a soldering iron into $2 $+ 's stomach. } elseif (%kill = 4) { describe $chan Knocks $2 out, takes $2 to a nearby butcher farm and has him butchered up for Cow Food. } elseif (%kill = 5) { describe $chan Kills $2 for $nick $+ . } elseif (%kill = 6) { describe $chan Hits $2 over the head with a bat. $2 does not survive. } elseif (%kill = 7) { describe $chan Gets shot in the head by $2 $+ 's bodyguard... things dont always workout $nick } elseif (%kill = 8) { describe $chan Grabs a chainsaw and cuts $2 $+ 's leg off. $2 bleeds to death within $rand(2,6) mins. } elseif (%kill = 9) { describe $chan slips deadly pills into $2 $+ 's drink... $2 slowly dies a painful death in the hospital within $rand(2,7) days. } elseif (%kill = 10) { describe $chan decides that $2 deserves to live } } elseif ($2 = $me) { describe $chan Shoots $nick in the face with a shotgun and yells "YOU THINK IM AN IDIOT!!!" } } elseif ($1 = !register) { set %register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) if (%register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 1) { notice $nick Register Failed: You are already registered } else { set %register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ON set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 set %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 set %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 mode $chan h $nick notice $nick Congrats, you are now registered, type !get commands notice $nick You now have %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] point, think of this as your score. notice $nick when you gamble these points you gain points for winning, lose points for losing. } } elseif ($1 = !gamble) && ($2 ison $chan) && ($3) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { set %gamble.amount $3 if ($2 = $me) { msg $chan $2 wins!!! $2 now has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] dollars } if (%gamble.amount > %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan $nick you dont have enough money } elseif (%gamble.amount <= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { if ($2 = $me) { halt } else { notice $2 you have been challenged into a game of Gambling by $nick $+ , if you accept type !accept, if you decline type !decline. You have 45 seconds to respond set %5 [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ON set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) set %challenger $nick timer 1 45 unset %5 [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } } } } elseif ($1 = !accept) { if (%5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { unset %5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) if (%gamble.amount > %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan $nick you dont have enough money } elseif (%gamble.amount <= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %adice $rand(1,6) set %bdice $rand(1,6) /msg $chan $nick rols his dice and gets a %adice /msg $chan %challenger rolls his dice and gets a %bdice if (%adice > %bdice) { msg $chan $nick wins set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + %gamble.amount) set %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] - %gamble.amount) timer 1 1 msg $chan 4 $nick now has %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Dollars and 12 %challenger now has %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] Dollars unset %adice unset %bdice } elseif (%adice < %bdice) { msg $chan %challenger wins set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %gamble.amount) set %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] + %gamble.amount) timer 1 1 msg $chan 4 $nick now has %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Dollars and 12 %challenger now has %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] Dollars unset %adice unset %bdice } elseif (%adice = %bdice) { msg $chan Draw! } } } } elseif ($1 = !decline) { if (%5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { msg $chan $nick has declined your offer %challenger } else { halt } } elseif ($1 = !get) && ($2 = commands) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { notice $nick 3!stats - Displays your current stats or the stats of a registered nick notice $nick 12Game Commands: notice $nick 4.:Rock, Paper, Scissors:. notice $nick !rock - chooses rock notice $nick !scissors - chooses scissors notice $nick !paper - chooses paper notice $nick 4.: Kill Commands :. notice $nick !kill <nick> - kills the specified nick in a random way. notice $nick 4.: Gamble :. notice $nick !gamble <nick> <amount> - Gambles <nick> (penalties for losing and advantages for winning) } } elseif ($1 = !join) { join $2 $3- } elseif ($1 = !stats) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { if ($2 = $null) { msg $chan you have killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] person(s) msg $chan You have played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] time(s) msg $chan You have gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] time(s) msg $chan You have %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Point(s) } elseif ($2 = $me) { msg $chan $2 has killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] person(s) msg $chan $2 has played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Point(s) msg $chan $2 Created you!!! } else { if (%register [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != ON) { msg $chan $2 isnt a registered user } else { msg $chan $2 has killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] person(s) msg $chan $2 has played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Point(s) } } } } } ON *:JOIN:*: { if ($nick = $me) { halt } else { msg $chan 14Welcome 9 $+ $nick $+ 14 $+ ! Type: 9 $+ !Register (only if you havent before) $+ 14. Want me in your channel? Type 9!join <channel>. 14Forgot the commands? Type 9!get commands. if ($chan = %botchannel) && (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { mode $chan h $nick } else { mode $chan v $nick } } }
  18. This is a small collection of snippets I decided to make. This code is intended for a bot, and provides some games for channel use. So far it has three games: Bomb Game Number Guess Game *Blackjack I will add more here and there as I make them. The commands used to use each snippet are in comments above each game's code. Do note that I have NOT included flood protection. If you would like flood protection, you will have to devise your own scheme until I have implemented one. Likewise goes with usable channels, these scripts are currently set up to work on ALL channels your bot is in (though when activated, it will set the channel it was activated in as the channel it will work in temporarily, and all other channels are locked out of the game until the game is done. I'll improve on this later). If you have any other SIMPLE game ideas, comment them here and I may look into implementing it. ;BotGames ;By IllogicTC ;1st Edition, 3 games. (12/26/2011 release) ;To use: Load this whole script into your bot and enjoy! ;NOTE: I have NOT included flood protection yet. Please exercise caution with unknown users. ;Feel free to edit any parameters to better suit your needs. ;Bomb Game, BotGames Edition ;By IllogicTC ;v1.0 12/26/2011 ;To trigger a game, use !bombgame. To cut a wire, use !cutwire <wire> on *:text:!bombgame:#: { if ($timer(bomb) != $null) return set %bgames_bomb_wires set %bgames_bomb_chan $chan var %t = $rand(15,45), %w = $rand(3,5), %wpick = red.orange.yellow.green.blue.purple.black.brown.white.gray while (%w) { var %g $rand(1,$numtok(%wpick,46)) set %bgames_bomb_wires %bgames_bomb_wires $gettok(%wpick,%g,46) var %wpick $deltok(%wpick,%g,46) dec %w } set %bgames_bomb_goodwire $gettok(%bgames_bomb_wires,$rand(1,$numtok(%bgames_bomb_wires,32)),32) msg $chan A bomb has been planted in the cookie factory! The wires are: %bgames_bomb_wires msg $chan Choose wisely, you only get one chance! You have %t seconds. .timerbomb 1 %t bombboom } on *:text:!cutwire*:#: { if ($chan == %bgames_bomb_chan) && ($timer(bomb) != $null) && ($2 isin %bgames_bomb_wires) { if ($2 == %bgames_bomb_goodwire) { msg %bgames_bomb_chan Congratulations! The bomb has been defused. Good job, $nick $+ $chr(33) .timerbomb off unset %bgames_bomb* } else { .timerbomb off bombboom } } } alias bombboom { msg %bgames_bomb_chan The bomb has exploded! $rand(10000,100000) cookies are lost in the explosion. unset %bgames_bomb* } ;END OF BOMB GAME ;Number Guess Game, BotGames Edition ;By IllogicTC ;v1.0 12/26/2011 ;To start, use !numberguess. To make a guess, use !ngguess <number>. Only one guess is allowed per person, and they cannot guess the same number. on *:text:!numberguess:#: { if ($timer(nggame) != $null) return set %bgames_ng_closest 101 set %bgames_ng_cguesser set %bgames_ng_chan $chan set %bgames_ng_guesses set %bgames_ng_guessnicks set %bgames_ng_number $rand(1,100) msg %bgames_ng_chan I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100! Use !ngguess <number> to make a guess! Closest to my number wins! .timernggame 1 60 ng_results } on *:text:!ngguess*:#: { if ($timer(nggame) != $null) && ($chan == %bgames_ng_chan) && ($2 isnum 1-100) { if ($istok(%bgames_ng_guessnicks,$nick,32) == $false) { if ($istok(%bgames_ng_guesses,$2,32) == $true) { msg %bgames_ng_guesses Please pick a different number, $nick $+ . return } set %bgames_ng_guesses %bgames_ng_guesses $2 set %bgames_ng_guessnicks %bgames_ng_guessnicks $nick if ($2 == %bgames_ng_number) { msg %bgames_ng_chan $nick got it dead on! The number was %bgames_ng_number $+ . .timernggame off unset %bgames_ng* } else { if ($calc($2 - %bgames_ng_number) > 0) var %a $calc($2 - %bgames_ng_number) else var %a $calc(%bgames_ng_number - $2) if (%a < %bgames_ng_closest) { set %bgames_ng_closest %a set %bgames_ng_cguesser $nick } } } } } alias ng_results { msg %bgames_ng_chan The numbers game is up! if ($numtok(%bgames_ng_guessnicks,32) == 0) msg %bgames_ng_chan Nobody made a guess! Bummer. elseif ($numtok(%bgames_ng_guessnicks,32) == 1) msg %bgames_ng_chan %bgames_ng_cguesser wins by default, being the only guesser! They were off by %bgames_ng_closest $+ . else msg %bgames_ng_chan Out of $numtok(%bgames_ng_guessnicks,32) people with guesses, %bgames_ng_cguesser reigns supreme! They were %bgames_ng_closest off. My number was: %bgames_ng_number unset %bgames_ng* } ;END OF NUMBER GUESS GAME ;Blackjack, BotGames Edition ;By IllogicTC ;v1.0 12/26/2011 ;To start, type !blackjack. To hit, use !bhit. on *:text:!blackjack:#: { if ($timer(bj) != $null) return set %bgames_bj_deck A. set %bgames_bj_chan $chan set %bgames_bj_nick $nick .timerbj 1 30 bj_results var %x $gettok(%bgames_bj_deck,$rand(1,52),46) set %bgames_bj_deck $deltok(%bgames_bj_deck,%x,46) var %y $gettok(%bgames_bj_deck,$rand(1,51),46) set %bgames_bj_deck $deltok(%bgames_bj_deck,%y,46) set %bgames_bj_phand %x %y if (%x == A) set %bgames_bj_total 11 else set %bgames_bj_total $replace(%x,J,10,Q,10,K,10) if (%y == A) { if (%x == A) inc %bgames_bj_total else inc %bgames_bj_total 11 } else inc %bgames_bj_total $replace(%y,J,10,Q,10,K,10) if (%bgames_bj_total != 21) msg $chan Your cards: %x %y $+($chr(40),%bgames_bj_total,$chr(41),$chr(46)) Use !bhit to try getting as close to 21 as possible without going over! You have 30 seconds. Dealer stands at 17! else { msg $chan You have a blackjack! .timerbj off bj_results } } on *:text:!bhit:#: { if ($timer(bj) != $null) && ($nick == %bgames_bj_nick) { var %x $rand(1,$numtok(%bgames_bj_deck,46)) var %y $gettok(%bgames_bj_deck,%x,46) set %bgames_bj_phand %bgames_bj_phand %y set %bgames_bj_deck $deltok(%bgames_bj_deck,%x,46) var %t = $numtok(%bgames_bj_phand,32), %n = 0, %a = 0 while (%t) { if ($gettok(%bgames_bj_phand,%t,32) == A) inc %a else inc %n $replace($gettok(%bgames_bj_phand,%t,32),J,10,Q,10,K,10) dec %t } if (%a > 0) { while (%a) { if ($calc(11 + %n) > 21) inc %n else inc %n 11 dec %a } } set %bgames_bj_total %n if (%bgames_bj_total > 21) { msg %bgames_bj_chan You have busted! Automatic loss :( Your hand: %bgames_bj_phand $+($chr(40),%bgames_bj_total,$chr(41),$chr(46)) .timerbj off } elseif (%bgames_bj_total == 21) { msg %bgames_bj_chan You have reached 21! Now let's see how the dealer fared. .timerbj off bj_results } else msg %bgames_bj_chan Your hand: %bgames_bj_phand $+($chr(40),%bgames_bj_total,$chr(41),$chr(46)) To stay, just wait for the round to end! } } alias bj_results { var %dh $rand(17,24) if (%dh <= 21) { if (%dh < %bgames_bj_total) msg %bgames_bj_chan You've won! Your hand: %bgames_bj_phand $+($chr(40),%bgames_bj_total,$chr(41),$chr(46)) The dealer's hand: %dh elseif (%dh == %bgames_bj_total) msg %bgames_bj_chan Your hands are a tie! Your hand: %bgames_bj_phand $+($chr(40),%bgames_bj_total,$chr(41),$chr(46)) The dealer's hand: %dh else msg %bgames_bj_chan You've lost! Your hand: %bgames_bj_phand $+($chr(40),%bgames_bj_total,$chr(41),$chr(46)) The dealer's hand: %dh } else msg %bgames_bj_chan The dealer has busted with %dh $+ ! You've won! unset %bgames_bj* } ;END OF BLACKJACK GAME
  19. Intro: This is a remake of the very first version of a Mafia game I ran, and is considered to be a demo bot of the one ran on #Mafia on SwiftIRC. The code has been simplified for those who can't script too well, so it's easily adjustable, but at the same time I made it slightly more efficient. I've had two friends help me with various bits and pieces because at 3 AM I sometimes lose the ability to think. About the game: Simply put, to win the game be the last team standing. There are three teams: Civilian Team (civilians, doctor, homeless bum, and detective), Mafia Team (mafia 1, mafia 2, etc), and Killer Team (killer alone). Before the game starts, the bot will query (PM) everybody to accept or reject a role, and that's how you know what role you are. If you reject, you'll either be given a different role if one is rejected, or you'll be a civilian. Every night everybody except the civilians have something to do, and the bot PMs everyone with his/her actions. During the day there's an optional voting to hang a person, if that person is hung, he/she dies and is taken out of the game. Installation: To set up the bot, it's fairly easy, just copy the code below into the mIRC Remotes or Aliases tab (alt+R to get there). Upon loading the script it will set the very minimum variables it needs, such as the colors, and the like. By default the bot's nick will be MafiaGameBot, the password to identify via NickServ is PASSWORDGOESHERE, and the game channel is #MafiaGameChannel. To change either the nick or password use /set %BotsNick nick-here or /set %BotsPass password-here, or use an operator command, which is also talked about below. To change the gaming channel, use /set %GameChannel #Channel-here Upon connecting to the server the bot will join the channel, identify it's nick, and be ready to start playing. Basic staff commands: There aren't very many of them, but then again, the original didn't have a lot anyway, and this does have just a few more than that one did. To register a user into the game, even if it's already playing, just use !reguser nick while being opped and/or halfopped. To stop the game, or prevent it from being played until a staff member allows it, use !stop, then either !start, !reg, or !reguser to get it going again. To end the registration process early and skip right to the role give out phase, staff can use the !endreg command. If for whatever reason the bot become unidentified with NickServ, staff can force it to change its nick to the proper nick and identify using the !ident command. Ops can also change a couple of variables for the bot, such as the colors, the nick's password, and so forth. This command is !set, and its syntax is as followed: !set VariableName value. The colors are probably going to be the most often ones change, and they are c1, c2, c3, c4, and c5 ordered from primary, secondary, and so on. To change the primary color, use !set c1 new-color-here. In example: !set c1 04. It has to be two digits, if not, it'll just give you an error. The rest of the set commands are just !set GameChanne, !set BotsNick, and !set BotsPass, fairly basic, which is key. !TakeOut will take the specified user out of the game. Short list of commands: Not wanting to go into what each command does, but here's a short list of what they are: !start, !reg, !unreg, !killme, !reguser, !endreg, !stop, !endreg, !kick, !set, !kill, !check, !heal, !cancel, !yes, !no, !all, !stat, !q, !dur, !gamestat, !night, !sideswon, !invite, !takeout Rules: The rules for this game can be found on the forum, which is http://mafbot.com/forum/index.php Though the most important part is to not play against your role, and don't give away your role to anybody that's currently in the game. Conclusion: The bot has been tested, but as always, bugs/glitches/errors/mistakes/typos are expected, so if something doesn't go right, feel more than free to fix it yourself, or post on the forum, and it will be fixed. The same can be said you'd like something to be changed/tweaked/updated/added. Because this is open source, you can mess with the code as you please. ;LOAD THIS PART INTO THE REMOTES TAB alias c1 { return $+(,%c1,$1-) } alias c2 { return $+(,%c2,$1-) } alias c3 { return $+(,%c3,$1-) } alias c4 { return $+(,%c4,$1-) } alias c5 { return $+(,%c5,$1-) } on *:load:set %c1 14 | set %c2 10 | set %c3 07 | set %c4 05 | set %c5 11 | set %GameChannel #MafiaGameChannel | set %BotsNick MafiaGameBot | set %BotsPass PASSWORDGOESHERE | set %CiviliansWon 0 | set %MafiaWon 0 | set %KillerWon 0 | set %Ties 0 | set %GameCount 0 | set %Visitors 0 on *:text:!set*:?:{ if ($nick !isop %GameChannel) return if (!$2) { msg $nick $c2(You must first specify a parameter! | return } if (!$3) msg $nick $c2(Missing parameter!) if (($2 == c1) || ($2 == c2) || ($2 == c3) || ($2 == c4) || ($2 == c5) { if (!$3) { msg $nick $c2(Enter a digit from 00 to 15. | return } if ($len($2) != 2) { msg $nick $c2(Please enter a two digit number. In example: 04 for red, or 12 for blue.) | return } if (($3 > 15) || ($3 < 0)) { msg $nick $c2(The parameter must be between 00 and 12. | return } set % $+ $2 $3 msg $nick $c1(The value of) $c2($2) $c1(has been changed to) $c3($3) return } elseif ($2 == BotsNick) { if (!$3) { msg $nick $c2(Enter a nick that is alphanumeric or contains the following character: `^()|/ and does not start with a number) | return } set %BotsNick $3 } elseif ($2 == BotsPass) { if (!$3) { msg $nick $c2(Please specify a password without spaces) | return } set %BotsPass $3 } elseif ($2 == GameChannel) { if (!$3) { msg $nick $c2(Please specify a new game channel for the bot!) } if ($me !ison $3) { msg $nick $c2(I must first be on the channel and have operator status | return } if ($me !isop $3) { msg $nick $c2(I must first operator status in that channel) | return } if ($nick !isop $3) { msg $nick $c2(You must first obtain operator status in the channel before using this command) | return } set %GameChannel $3 } } on *:text:!start:%GameChannel:StartTheGame $nick on *:text:!done*:%GameChannel:{ if ((%GameIsPlayig == false) || ($GameIsStopped == true) || (%Voting == no) || ($nick != %CiviliansVictim)) return else { timers off | EndVoting } } on *:text:!cancel:?:{ if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || (%GameIsStopped == true)) return if (($WhatIs($nick) == Detective) && (%DetectiveMoved == 1)) { set %DetectiveMoved 0 | msg %GameChannel $c1(For some reason the) $c3(detective) $c1(decided it would be best to rethink the plot and went home) } if (($read($m.txt,1) == $1) && (%MafiaMoved == 1)) { set %MafiaMoved 0 | msg %GameChannel $c1(For some reason the) $c3(mafia) $c1(wanted to switch out targets and went back to the drawing board) } if (($WhatIs($nick) == Doctor) && (%DoctorMoved == 1)) { set %DoctorMoved 0 | msg %GameChannel $c1(For some reason the) $c3(detective) $c1(decided it would be best to rethink the plot and went home) } } on *:text:!stat:%GameChannel:msg # $AllActiveRoles on *:text:!yes*:%GameChannel:VoteFor $nick on *:text:!no*:%GameChannel:VoteAgainst $nick on *:text:!dur:%GameChannel:if ($GameIsPlaying == true) # $c1(The game has been going on for) $c2($duration($calc($ctime - %dur)))) on *:text:!dur:?:if ($GameIsPlaying == true) $nick $c1(The game has been going on for) $c2($duration($calc($ctime - %dur)))) on *:text:!day:%GameChannel:if (%GameIsPlaying == true) { if (($nick isop $chan) | ($nick ishop $chan)) Day } on *:text:!ident:%GameChannel:if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishop $chan) { /ns ghost %BotsNick %BotsPass | /nick %BotsNick | /ns identify %BotsPass } on *:text:!gamestat:%GameChannel:if (%GameIsPlaying == true) msg # $c1(Number of players:) $c2(%NumberOfPlayer) $c1(nights passed:) $c2(%nights) $c1(number of roles:) $c2($calc(%TotalMafia + %TotalDetective + %TotalKiller + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless)) on *:text:!gamestat:?:if (%GameIsPlaying == true) msg $nick $c1(Number of players:) $c2(%NumberOfPlayer) $c1(nights passed:) $c2(%nights) $c1(number of roles:) $c2($calc(%TotalMafia + %TotalDetective + %TotalKiller + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless)) on *:text:!nights:GameChannel:if (%GameIsPlaying == true) msg # $c1(There have been) $c2(%nights) $c1(nights so far.) on *:text:!nights:?:if (%GameIsPlaying == true) msg $nick $c1(There have been) $c2(%nights) $c1(nights so far.) on *:text:!games:%GameChannel:msg $chan $c1(There have been) $c2(%played) $c1(games in total...) on *:text:!games:?:$nick $c1(There have been) $c2(%played) $c1(games in total...) on *:text:!sideswon:%GameChannel:msg # $c1(The) $c3(civilians) $c1(have won) $c2(%CiviliansWon) $c1(times,) $c1(the) $c3(mafia) $c1(have won) $c2(%MafiaWon) $c1(times,) $c1(the) $c3(killer) $c1(has won) $c2(%KillerWon) $c1(times,) $c1(and there have been a total of) $c2(%Ties) $c1(ties.) on *:text:!sideswon:?:msg $nick $c1(The) $c3(civilians) $c1(have won) $c2(%CiviliansWon) $c1(times,) $c1(the) $c3(mafia) $c1(have won) $c2(%MafiaWon) $c1(times,) $c1(the) $c3(killer) $c1(has won) $c2(%KillerWon) $c1(times,) $c1(and there have been a total of) $c2(%Ties) $c1(ties.) on *:text:!rules:?: /msg $nick $c1(The basic rules of the game is to make sure that your team succeeds in surviving, and you do so according to your role. There are the) $c3(civilians, mafia, detective, killer, homeless bum) |msg $nick $c1(For more information about the roles, please type in) $c2(!roles) on *:text:!roles:?:msg $nick $c1(The) $c3(civilians) $c3(can't do a whole lot at night, they wait for the day, when they vote. The) $c3(Detective) $c1(can either check a player's role by) $c2(!check target) $c1(or kill one by) $c2(!kill target) $+ ($c1.) $c3(Mafia) $c1(can only kill, and it's the same way as the) $c3(detective) $c1(and the) $c3(killer) $c1(The) $c3(homeless) $c1(can only check, and same way as the) $c3(detective) $c1(while the) $c3(doctor) $c1(can heal a killed peson with) $c2(!heal) | /msg $nick $c1(For more information at what what happens in the day time, please type in) $c2(!day) on *:text:!day:?:msg $nick $c1(Right after everybody has made their moves, the day time comes. This is where everything that has been done is revealed, and those who are killed, are taken out of the game. Then we have the voting to see who the people (this includes everybody in the game) want to kill, giving the civilians a chance to get involved, for there's a lot of them. The voting is done by typing in) $c2(!nick) | msg $nick $c1(After that is done, the people decide on whether or not to hang the chosen one, by typing either) $c2(!yes) $c1(or) $c2(!no) on *:text:!q:%GameChannel:/msg # $c1(There are currently) $c2(%NumberOfPlayers) $c1(players.) on *:text:!q:?:/msg $nick $c1(There are currently) $c2(%NumberOfPlayers) $c1(players.) on *:text:!roles:%GameChannel:if (%GameIsPlaying == true) msg %GameChannel $c1(In total:) $c3(civilians -) $c2(%TotalCivilian) $c3(mafia -) $c2(%TotalMafia) $c3(killer -) $c2(%TotalKiller) $c3(doctor -) $c2(%TotalDoctor) $c3(detective -) $c2(%TotalDetective) $c3(homeless bum -) $c2(%TotalHomeless) on *:text:!endreg:%GameChannel:if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishop #)) timers off | GiveOutRoles on *:connect:set %GameIsPlaying false | /ns ghost %BotsNick %BotsPass | /nick %BotsNick | /ns identify %BotsPass | join %GameChannel on *:text:!reguser*:%GameChannel:ReggedByOp $2 $nick on *:text:!reguser*:?:ReggedByOp $2 $nick on *:text:!reg:%GameChannel:reg $nick on *:text:!reg:?:reg $nick on *:text:!yes:?:AcceptRole $nick on *:text:!no:?:RejectRole $nick on *:text:!check*:?:check $2 $nick $3- on *:text:!kill*:?:kill $2 $nick $3- on *:text:!heal*:?:heal $2 $nick $3- on *:devoice:if ($nick != $me) %GameChannel:TakeOut $vnick on *:text:!killme:%GameChannel:TakeOut $nick on *:part:%GameChannel:Leaving $nick on *:quit:Leaving $nick on *:text:!unreg:%GameChannel:if (%Registration == on) TakeOut $nick on *:text:!Stop:%GameChannel: { if (($nick !isop #) && ($nick !ishop #)) return if (%GameIsStopped == true) return timers off set %GameIsStopped true set %GameIsPlaying false msg # $c2(The game has been stopped, and now only a staff member of the channel may start it!) } on *:text:!Stop:?: { if (($nick !isop %GameChannel) && ($nick !ishop %GameChannel)) return if (%GameIsStopped == true) return timers off set %GameIsStopped true set %GameIsPlaying false msg %GameChannel $c2(The game has been stopped, and now only a staff member of the channel may start it!) } on *:text:!TakeOut*:%GameChannel:if (($nick isop %GameChannel) || ($nick ishop %GameChannel)) TakeOut $2 on *:text:!*:%GameChannel:ThoseVoted $nick $1 on *:join:%GameChannel:JoinGameChannel $nick on *:text:!invite *:%CivilianChannel:if (($WhatIs($nick) == detective) || ($WhatIs($nick) == homeless)) invite $2 $chan | msg $2 $c1(You have been invited to $c2(%CivilianChannel) on *:text:!r *:#:if (($2 isnum) && ($3 isnum) && ($2 < $3) ($c1(Your random number is:) $c2($r($1,$2)) on *:kick:%GameChannel:Takeout $knick on *:nick:ChangedNick $nick $newnick on *:text:!version:*:msg $nick $c1(This version of the $c2(Mafia)$c1(/)$c2(Warewolf) $c2(game bot is) $c3(AV2 1.2.5) on *:text:!ver:*:msg $nick $c1(This version of the $c2(Mafia)$c1(/)$c2(Warewolf) $c2(game bot is) $c3(AV2 1.2.5) ;LOAD THIS PART INTO THE ALIASES TAB InGame { set %x 1 if ((%NumberOfPlayers == 0) || (%GameIsPlaying == false)) return no while ($read(l.txt,%x) != $null) { if ($1 == $read(l.txt,%x)) return yes inc %x } return no } EndRoles { timers off msg %GameChannel $c1(The game has been played for) $c2($duration($calc($ctime - %dur)))) $+ $c1(.) inc %Played if (%Nights > %MostNights) set %MostNights %Nights unset %Nights msg %GameChannel $c1(The roles were:) %x = 1 while ($read(w.txt,%x)) { %Player = $read(w.txt,%x) if (%Player != $null) msg %GameChannel $c3(Mafia %x $+ :) $c2(%Player) inc %x } set %Player %WasKiller if (%Player) msg %GameChannel $c3(Killer:) $c2(%Player) set %Player %WasDoctor if (%Player) msg %GameChannel $c3(Doctor:) $c2(%Player) set %Player %WasDetective if (%Player) msg %GameChannel $c3(Detective:) $c2(%Player) set %Player %WasHomeless if (%Player) msg %GameChannel $c3(Bum:) $c2(%Player) EndGame } Punt { if ((!$1) || (%GameIsPlaying != true)) return set %x 1 while ($read(l.txt,%x) != $null) { if ($read(l.txt,%x) == $1) write -dl %x l.txt if ($read(m.txt,%x) == $1) write -dl %x m.txt inc %x } if ($1 ison %GameChannel) mode %GameChannel -v $1 if ($2) { if ($2 ison %GameChannel) mode %GameChannel -v $2 } if ($WhatIs($1) == Detective) unset %Detective if ($WhatIs($1) == killer) unset %Killer if ($WhatIs($1) == Doctor) unset %Doctor if ($WhatIs($1) == Homeless) unset %Homeless } BotsMoves { if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || ($InGame($1) == no)) return if ($WhatIs($1) == Civilian) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The bot had to take real action:) $c3(civilian) $c2($1) $c1(was put face-first into a wall, and shot in the back!) if ($InGame($1) == yes) { dec %TotalCivilian | kick $1 %CivilianChannel You died. } } if ($WhatIs($1) == detective) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The was sitting in the bar when the) $c3(detective) $c2($1) $c1(got too drunk and started a fight, but ended up headless on the floor!) if ($InGame($1) == yes) { dec %TotalDetective | kick $1 %CivilianChannel You died. | set %DetectiveMoved } } if ($WhatIs($1) == mafia) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The mob messed with the wrong target, so the bot too a glance at) $c3(mafia) $c2($1) $c1(and shot a pistol right into the eye socket!) if ($InGame($1) == yes) { dec %TotalMafia | kick $1 #mazone You died. | set %MafiaMoved } } if ($WhatIs($1) == doctor) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The bot found illegal drugs being traced to the:) $c3(doctor) $c2($1) $c1(and punished the doc by death!) if ($InGame($1) == yes) { dec %TotalDoctor | kick $1 %CivilianChannel You died. | set %DoctorMoved } } if ($WhatIs($1) == killer) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The bot had to do some dirty work of its own and too the) $c3(killer) $c2($1) $+ $c1('s life!) if ($InGame($1) == yes) { dec %TotalKiller | kick $1 %CivilianChannel You died. | set %KillerMoved } } if ($WhatIs($1) == homeless) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The bot accidentally stepped on the) $c3(homeless bum) $c2($1) $+ $c1('s head and crushed it!) if ($InGame($1) == yes) { dec %TotalHomeless | kick $1 %CivilianChannel You died. | set %HomelessMoved } } if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %NumberOfPlayers punt $1 } StartTheGame { if (%GameIsPlaying == true) return if (%GameIsStopped == true) { if (($1 !isop %GameChannel) && ($1 !ishop %GameChannel)) { msg $1 $c2(You don't have access to use that command.) | return } else msg %GameChannel $c2(The bot shall run as normal) } EndGame part %MafiaChannel $c1(Game over) part %CivilianChannel $c1(Game over) msg %GameChannel $c1(Registration into the game has start, you may use) $c2(!reg) $c1(to register) $+ $c1(! The registration lasts) $c3(2 minutes and 10 seconds) set %NumberOfPlayers 0 set %GameIsStopped false set %GameIsPlaying true set %Registration on set %TimeToAccept false set %TotalPlayers 0 set %TotalMafia 0 set %TotalKiller 0 set %TotalHomeless 0 set %TotalDoctor 0 set %TotalCivilian 0 remove m.txt remove l.txt remove w.txt remove a.txt unset %WasDetective %WasDoctor %WasKiller %WasHomeless %Detective %Killer %Homeless %Doctor set %BeginVoting no set %Voting no set %EndVoting no set %TotalVoted 0 set %For 0 set %Against 0 timerReg1 1 65 msg %GameChannel $c1(Registration is in progress, you may join the game by using) $c2(!reg) $c1(Time left until the game starts:) $c3(1 minute and 5 seconds) timerReg2 1 140 msg %GameChannel $c1(Well the registrtaion is now over, and the roles are about to be given out!) timerReg3 1 145 GiveOutRoles set %CivilianChannel $+(#Civilians,$r(1,99999)) set %MafiaChannel $+(#Mafia,$r(1,99999)) join %CivilianChannel join %MafiaChannel set %dur $ctime } TakeOut { if (%GameIsPlaying == false) return if ($InGame($1) == yes) return if ($GotKicked($1) > 0) return if (%GameIsStopped == true) return if (%Registration == on) { Punt $1 msg %GameChannel $c2($1) $c1(is no longer in the game...) dec %NumberOfPlayers return } if ($1 ison %GameChannel) mode %GameChannel -v $1 msg %GameChannel $c2($1) $c1(you are crazy, but you will be eliminated once the day/night comes...) write q.txt $1 if (%Voting == yes) { if (%CiviliansVictim == $1) { set %Voting no | timer1 off | timer1 1 5 Night } } if (%YesNoVoting == yes) { if (%CiviliansVictim == $1) { %YesNoVoting = 0 | timer1 off | timer1 1 5 Night } } } GiveOutRoles { set %Registration off set %TotalPlayers %NumberOfPlayers set %DetectiveAccepted no if (%TotalPlayers < 3) { msg %GameChannel $c2(The game cannot start due to the lack of players. You only have) $c3(%TotalPlayers out of 3) $C2(needed to play!) | set %GameIsPlaying false | endgame | return } set %TimeToAccept true mode %GameChannel m set %TotalMafia $round($calc(((%TotalPlayers - 3)/3)+1),0) set %TotalDetective 1 if (%TotalPlayers > 3) { set %TotalDoctor 1 | set %DoctorAccepted no } else set %TotalDoctor 0 if (%TotalPlayers > 4) { set %TotalKiller 1 | set %KillerAccepted no } else set %TotalKiller 0 if (%TotalMafia > 2) { set %TotalHomeless 1 | set %HomelessAccepted no } else set %TotalHomeless 0 set %TotalCivilian $calc(%TotalPlayers - (%TotalMafia + %TotalDoctor + %TotalKiller + %TotalHomeless + %TotalDetective)) GiveOutD if (%TotalDoctor != 0) GiveOutH if (%TotalKiller != 0) GiveOutK if (%TotalHomeless != 0) GiveOutB StartMafiaGiveOut timerStartGame 1 65 StartGame } StartMafiaGiveOut { set %xx 1 while (%xx < %TotalMafia) { GiveOutM inc %xx } } GiveOutD { :PickAnotherPerson set %RandomNick $read(l.txt,$rand(1,%TotalPlayers)) if ($WhatIs(%RandomNick) != civilian) goto PickAnotherPerson msg %RandomNick $c1(You are being offered to be the) $c3(Detective) $+ $c1(! Do you accept this role? To accept (!yes) or to reject (!no)) set %Detective %RandomNick set %WasDetective %RandomNick } GiveOutM { :PickAnotherPerson set %RandomNick $read(l.txt,$rand(1,%TotalPlayers)) if ($WhatIs(%RandomNick) != civilian) goto PickAnotherPerson write $1 m.txt %RandomNick write $1 w.txt %RandomNick write no a.txt msg %RandomNick $c1(You are being offered to be the) $c3(Mafia) $+ $c1(! Do you accept this role? To accept (!yes) or to reject (!no)) } GiveOutH { :PickAnotherPerson set %RandomNick $read(l.txt,$rand(1,%TotalPlayers)) if ($WhatIs(%RandomNick) != civilian) goto PickAnotherPerson msg %RandomNick $c1(You are being offered to be the) $c3(Doctor) $+ $c1(! Do you accept this role? To accept (!yes) or to reject (!no)) set %Doctor %RandomNick set %WasDoctor %RandomNick } GiveOutK { :PickAnotherPerson set %RandomNick $read(l.txt,$rand(1,%TotalPlayers)) if ($WhatIs(%RandomNick) != civilian) goto PickAnotherPerson msg %RandomNick $c1(You are being offered to be the) $c3(Killer) $+ $c1(! Do you accept this role? To accept (!yes) or to reject (!no)) set %Killer %RandomNick set %WasKiller %RandomNick } GiveOutB { :PickAnotherPerson set %RandomNick $read(l.txt,$rand(1,%TotalPlayers)) if ($WhatIs(%RandomNick) != civilian) goto PickAnotherPerson msg %RandomNick $c1(You are being offered to be the) $c3(Homeless bum) $+ $c1(! Do you accept this role? To accept (!yes) or to reject (!no)) set %Homeless %RandomNick set %WasHomeless %RandomNick } EndVoting { set %EndVoting yes msg %GameChannel $c1(Ok, time to decide whether or not) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) $c1(should be hung... Is it worth it? Vote people!) $c2(!yes/!no) $c1(You have 1 minute!) notice %GameChannel Civilians, time to vote! set %For 0 set %Against 0 set %TotalVoted 0 set %Voting no if ($hget(VotingResults)) hfree VotingResults hmake VotingResults $calc(%NumberOfPlayers -1) timer1 1 60 YesNoVoting } AcceptRole { if ((%TimeToAccept == false) || ($WhatIs($1) == civilian) || (%AllConfirmed == yes)) return if ($WhatIs($1) == detective) { if (%DetectiveAccepted == yes) return invite $1 %CivilianChannel msg $1 $c1(Granted, you have been given your role. Please join $c3(%CivilianChannel)) set %Detective $1 msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(detective) $c1(has accepted the role)... set %WasDetective $1 set %DetectiveAccepted yes } if ($WhatIs($1) == doctor) { if (%DoctorAccepted == yes) return msg $1 $c1(Granted, you have been given your role) set %Doctor $1 msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(doctor) $c1(has accepted the role)... set %WasDoctor $1 set %DoctorAccepted yes } if ($WhatIs($1) == killer) { if (%KillerAccepted == yes) return msg $1 $c1(Granted, you have been given your role) set %Killer $1 /msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(killer) $c1(has accepted the role)... set %WasKiller $1 set %KillerAccepted yes } if ($WhatIs($1) == homeless) { if (%HomelessAccepted == yes) return invite $1 %CivilianChannel msg $1 $c1(Granted, you have been given your role. Please join $c3(%CivilianChannel)) set %Homeless $1 /msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(homeless) $c1(has accepted the role)... set %WasHomeless $1 set %HomelessAccepted yes } if ($WhatIs($1) == mafia) { set %TempVar $MafiaNumber($1) if ($read(a.txt,t,%TempVar) == yes) return write -l %t a.txt yes invite $1 %MafiaChannel msg $1 $c1(Granted, you have been given your role. Please join $c3(%MafiaChannel)) /msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(mafia) $c1(has accepted the role)... write l w.txt $1 } if ($AllAccepted == yes) { timers off | StartGame } } StartVoting { VictoryAchieved set %BeginVoting yes set %TimeToVote yes set %Voting yes set %CiviliansVictim $null set %VotedVictim 0 if ($c == true) { EndGame | return } else { if ($hget(VotingResults)) hfree VotingResults hmake VotingResults %NumberOfPlayers msg %GameChannel $c1(Well, who is responsible for everything? You have 2 minutes! To vote:) $c2(!<Nick/Number>) $c1(or) $c2(!!night) $c1(if you don't want to hang anyone...) ShowPlayers %GameChannel notice %GameChannel People, time to vote! timerToVote 1 120 Voting } } RejectRole { if ((%TimeToAccept == false) || ($WhatIs($1) == civilian) || (%AllConfirmed == yes)) return if ($WhatIs($1) == detective) { if (%DetectiveAccepted == yes) return msg $1 $c1(Your role will be given to somebody else) msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(detective) $c1(has rejected the role)... unset %detective GiveOutD } if ($WhatIs($1) == doctor) { if (%DoctorAccepted == yes) return msg $1 $c1(Your role will be given to somebody else) /msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(doctor) $c1(has rejected the role)... unset %doctor GiveOutH } if ($WhatIs($1) == killer) { if (%KillerAccepted == yes) return msg $1 $c1(Your role will be given to somebody else) /msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(killer) $c1(has rejected the role)... unset %killer GiveOutK } if ($WhatIs($1) == homeless) { if (%HomelessAccepted == yes) return msg $1 $c1(Your role will be given to somebody else) /msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(homeless) $c1(has rejected the role)... unset %homeless GiveOutB } if ($WhatIs($1) == mafia) { set %TempVar $fif(m.txt,$1) write -dl %TempVar m.txt write -dl %TempVar w.txt set %RandomNick $MafiaNumber($1) msg $1 $c1(Your role will be given to somebody else) msg %GameChannel $c1(It seems like the) $c2(mafia) $c1(has rejected the role)... GiveOutM %RandomNick } } Voting { set %BeginVoting no %TimeToVote = no if (%VotedVictim < 2) { msg %GameChannel $c1(During the entire day, the people didn't achive anything!) timer1 1 10 /night return } if (%z == 1) { msg %GameChannel 10The day was wasted, and there was no decision! timer1 1 10 /night return } if (%CiviliansVictim == 1night) { msg %GameChannel 10The people have decided not to hang anybody today! timer1 1 10 /night return } set %Voting yes msg %GameChannel $c1(Certain people agree that) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) $c1(should be blamed for what was done at night!) msg %GameChannel $c1(What do you have to say for yourself dear) $c2%CiviliansVictim) $c3(!done) $c1(to end... You have no more than 10 seconds!) timer1 1 10 EndVoting } AllActiveRoles { if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || (%Registration == on) || (%GameIsStopped == 1)) return set %ActiveRoles $c1(In total there are:) if (%TotalCivilian > 0) %ActiveRoles = %ActiveRoles $c2(civilians -) $c3(%TotalCivilian) $+ $c1($chr(44)) if (%TotalDetective > 0) %ActiveRoles = %ActiveRoles $c2(detective) $+ $c1($chr(44)) if (%TotalMafia > 0) %ActiveRoles = %ActiveRoles $c2(mafia -) $c3(%TotalMafia) $+ $c1($chr(44)) if (%TotalDoctor > 0) %ActiveRoles = %ActiveRoles $c2(doctor) $+ $c1($chr(44)) if (%TotalKiller > 0) %ActiveRoles = %ActiveRoles $c2(killer) $+ $c1($chr(44)) if (%TotalHomeless > 0) %ActiveRoles = %ActiveRoles $c2(homeless bum) $+ $c1(..) %ActiveRoles = $left(%ActiveRoles,-1) return %ActiveRoles } StartGame { set %TimeToAccept false if ($AllConfirmed == no) { set %Xy 1 msg %Detective Please join $c3(%CivilianChannel)) if (%TotalHomeless == 1) msg %Homeless $c1(Please join) $c3(%CivilianChannel)) while ($read(w.txt,%Xy)) { if ($read(m.txt,w,$+($read(w.txt,%Xy))) == $null) { write m.txt $read(w.txt,%Xy) msg $read(w.txt,%Xy) $c1(Please join) %$c2(%MafiaChannel) write -dl %Xy w.txt } inc %Xy } } msg %GameChannel $c1(The roles have been given out, and the game is about to start...) msg %GameChannel $AllActiveRoles /NightChecks } NightChecks { if ($read(q.txt,1) == $null) { Night | return } else { PlayersGone if ($VictoryAchieved == true) { EndGame return } } timer1 1 10 Night } SleepyPeople { if ($read(q.txt,1) == $null) { DetectivesMove | return } else { PlayersGone remove q.txt timerNextMove 1 15 DetectivesMove } } ShowPlayers { if (%GameIsPlaying == false) return %ListOfPlayers = $c1(List of players:) %x = 1 while (%x <= %NumberOfPlayers) { %ListOfPlayers = %ListOfPlayers $c3(%x) $+ .4 $read(l.txt,%x) inc %x } msg $1 %ListOfPlayers } Night { VictoryAchieved %NightTime = yes %DetectiveMoved = 0 %MafiaMoved = 0 %DoctorMoved = 0 %KillerMoved = 0 %BumMoved = 0 %DetectivesVictim = $null %MafiasVictim = $null %DoctorsVictim = $null %KillersVictim = $null %BumsVictim = $null %DWords = $null %MWords = $null %HWords = $null %KWords = $null %BWords = $null inc %nights msg %GameChannel $c1(It is now the) $c3(night) $c1(time, the people are sleeping tight, after a hard day of work. The only ones who are up, are those you are looking for trouble. The night will last 3 minutes 10!!) if (%Detective != $null) { msg %Detective $c2(Who's the victim?) $c1(To check:) $c3(!check <Nick/Number> [phrase]) $c1(to kill:) $c3(!kill <Nick/Number> [phrase]) | ShowPlayers %Detective } if ($read(m.txt,1) != $null) { msg $read(m.txt,1) $c2(Who's the victim?) $c1(To kill:) $c3(!kill <Nick/Number> [phrase]) | ShowPlayers $read(m.txt,1) } if (%Doctor != $null) { msg %Doctor $c2(Who's the victim?) $c1(To heal:) $c3(!heal <Nick/Number> [phrase]) | ShowPlayers %Doctor } if (%killer != $null) { msg %Killer $c2(Who's the victim?) $c1(To kill:) $c3(!kill <Nick/Number> [phrase]) | ShowPlayers %Killer } if (%Homeless != $null) { msg %Homeless $c2(Who's the victim?) $c1(To check:) $c3(!check <Nick/Number> [phrase]) | ShowPlayers %Homeless } notice %GameChannel Players, time to make your move! if (%Detective == $null) %DetectiveMoved = 1 if ($read(m.txt,1) == $null) %MafiaMoved = 1 if (%Doctor == $null) %DoctorMoved = 1 if (%Killer == $null) %KillerMoved = 1 if (%Homeless == $null) %BumMoved = 1 timerToEndNight 1 180 Day } PlayersGone { set %x 1 while ($read(q.txt,%x) != $null) { set %Quitter $read(q.txt,%x) if (%Quitter != $null) TakeOut %Quitter inc %x } } Day { VictoryAchieved msg %GameChannel $c1(Finally the) $c3(day) $c1(has come, they sun is shining bright, and the birds are singing. There is a cry heard through out the town "help!" A member of the town is now dead...) FoundOutRole %Detective FoundOutRole %Homeless set %NightTime no set %healed 0 timerDay 1 5 DetectivesMove } DetectivesMove { if ((%DetectivesVictim == $null) && (%TotalDetective > 0)) { BotAttacks %Detective | timerNextMove 1 15 MafiasMove | return } if (%DetectiveChecked == yes) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(could have been doing something better last night, but at least he now knows who is) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(is! $iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) timerNextMove 1 15 MafiasMove } else { if (%healed == 0) { if (%DoctorsVictim == %DetectivesVictim) { set %healed 1 msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(took many shots last night and almost killed) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1($iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) msg %GameChannel $c3(%DoctorsVictim) $c1(was near death, but thankfully the) $c3(doctor) $c1(knew what he was doing, and saved the poor soul! $iif(%HWords != $null,The doctor's words were:12 %HWords)) timerNextMove 1 15 MafiasMove return } } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == civilian) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(got in a fight and lost control of himself so he shot the) $c3(civilian) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $+ $c1(! $iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) | kick %CivilianChannel %DetectivesVictim You died if ($InGame(%DetectivesVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalCivilian } } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == detective) { msg %GameChannel $c3(Detective) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(could no longer handle the pressure he was under, so he decided to kill himself... $iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) | kick %CivilianChannel %DetectivesVictim You died if ($InGame(%DetectivesVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalDetective } } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == mafia) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(was going through a tough operation and in the end has managed to kill the) $c3(mafia) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $+ $c1(... $iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) | kick %MafiaChannel %DetectivesVictim You died if ($InGame(%DetectivesVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalMafia } } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == doctor) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(did not believe that the) $c3(doctor) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(had stiched up his sholder to his best efforts, so he deserved to die... $iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) | kick %CivilianChannel %DetectivesVictim You died if ($InGame(%DetectivesVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalDoctor } } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == killer) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $1(was sitting in the bar when he started fighting with the) $c3(killer) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $+ $c1(and was nothing short of victory! $iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) | kick %CivilianChannel %DetectivesVictim You died if ($InGame(%DetectivesVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalKiller } } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == homeless) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $1(got into an arguement with his best friend, and killed the) $c3(homeless bum) $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $+ $c1(... $iif(%DWords != $null,Detective's words were:12 %DWords)) | kick %CivilianChannel %DetectivesVictim You died if ($InGame(%DetectivesVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalHomeless } } if ($InGame(%DetectivesVictim) == yes) dec %NumberOfPlayers Punt %DetectivesVictim } timerNextMove 1 15 MafiasMove return } MafiasMove { if (%MafiasVictim == $null) { if ($read(m.txt,1) != $null) { BotAttacks $read(m.txt,1) | timerNextMove 1 15 KillersMove | /return } KillersMove return } if (%healed == 0) { if (%DoctorsVictim == %MafiasVictim) { set %healed 1 msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c1(had a meeting last night, and came to the conclusion that) $c2(%MafiasVictim) $c1(deserves to die! $iif(%MWords != $null,Mafia's words were:12 %MWords)) msg %GameChannel $c1(Nobody could touch) $c2(%DoctorsVictim) $c1(for the) $c3(doctor) $c1(was there to save a life! $iif(%HWords != $null,Doctor's words were:12 %HWords)) } } if ($WhatIs(%MafiasVictim) == civilian) { msg %GameChannel $c1(It wasn't long until the) $c3(mafia) $c1(decided to let) $c3(civilian) $c2(%MafiasVictim) $c1(rest in peace! $iif(%MWords != $null,Mafia's words were:12 %MWords)) | kick %CivilianChannel %MafiasVictim You died if ($InGame(%MafiasVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalCivilian } } if ($WhatIs(%MafiasVictim) == detective) { msg %GameChannel $c1(Well people, today was a sad day, for the) $c3(mafia) $c1(had finally found the) $c3(detective) $c2(%MafiasVictim) $c1(and put a bullet through the head! $iif(%MWords != $null,Mafia's words were:12 %MWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %MafiasVictim You died if ($InGame(%MafiasVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalDetective } } if ($WhatIs(%MafiasVictim) == mafia) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c1(hand a great conflict last night, and it ended in a killing of the) $c3(mafia's) $c2(%MafiasVictim) $+ $c1(... $iif(%MWords != $null,Mafia's words were:12 %MWords)) kick %MafiaChannel %MafiasVictim You died if ($InGame(%MafiasVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalMafia } } if ($WhatIs(%MafiasVictim) == doctor) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c1(did not like the fact that the majority of their victims live to see the next day after their visit, so they killed the) $c3(doctor) $c2(%MafiasVictim) $+ $c1(... $iif(%MWords != $null,Mafia's words were:12 %MWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %MafiasVictim You died if ($InGame(%MafiasVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalDoctor } } if ($WhatIs(%MafiasVictim) == killer) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c1(are aware of their competition, so they burtally shot and killed the) $c3(killer) $c2(%MafiasVictim) $+ $c1(... $iif(%MWords != $null,Mafia's words were:12 %MWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %MafiasVictim You died if ($InGame(%MafiasVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalKiller } } if ($WhatIs(%MafiasVictim) == homeless) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c1(were afraid of getting traced, so they threw a grenade they had on them in the dumpster and by chance killing the) $c3(homeless bum) $c2(%MafiasVictim) $+ $c1(... $iif(%MWords != $null,Mafia's words were:12 %MWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %MafiasVictim You died if ($InGame(%MafiasVictim) == yes) { dec %TotalHomeless } } if ($InGame(%MafiasVictim) == yes) dec %NumberOfPlayers Punt %MafiasVictim timerNextMove 1 15 KillersMove } KillersMove { if (%TotalKiller < 1) { DoctorsMove | return } if (%KillersVictim == $null) { BotAttacks %Killer | timerNextMove 1 15 DoctorsMove | return } if (%healed == 0) { if (%DoctorsVictim == %KillersVictim) { set %healed 1 msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(killer) $c1(got a little to careless with) $c2(%victman) $+ $c1(, and couldn't get the job done! $iif(%KWords != $null,Killer's words were:12 %KWords)) msg %GameChannel $c2(%victdok) $c1(didn't die for the) $c3(doctor) $c1(was right at the scene of the crime! $iif(%HWords != $null,The doctor's words were:12 %HWords)) goto doc } } if ($WhatIs(%KillersVictim) == civilian) { msg %GameChannel $c1(At night the) $c3(killer) $c1(got the blood of the innocent as he wanted, and killed) $c3(civilian) $c2(%KillersVictim) $+ $c1(! $iif(%KWords != $null,Killer's words were:12 %KWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %KillersVictim You died if ($InGame(%KillersVictim) == yes) dec %TotalCivilian } if ($WhatIs(%KillersVictim) == detective) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The crazy) $c3(killer) $c1(decapitated) the $3(detective) $2(%KillersVictim) $c1(and carved his name into the skull! $iif(%KWords != $null,Killer's words were:12 %KWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %KillersVictim You died if ($InGame(%KillersVictim) == yes) dec %TotalDetective } if ($WhatIs(%KillersVictim) == mafia) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(killer) $c1(saw a mob and wanted to join, but after getting rejected he killed the) $3(mafia) $2(%KillersVictim) $+ $c1(! $iif(%KWords != $null,Killer's words were:12 %KWords)) kick %MafiaChannel %KillersVictim You died if ($InGame(%KillersVictim) == yes) dec %TotalMafia } if ($WhatIs(%KillersVictim) == doctor) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(doctor) $2(%KillersVictim) $c1(was out helping the people in town, then suddenly got stabbed in the back with a dagger by the visious) $3(killer) $+ $c1(! $iif(%KWords != $null,Killer's words were:12 %KWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %KillersVictim You died if ($InGame(%KillersVictim) == yes) dec %TotalDoctor } if ($WhatIs(%KillersVictim) == killer) { msg %GameChannel $c1(Going crazy from boredom, the) $c3(killer) $c2(%KillersVictim) $c1(decided to commit suicide, and jabbed a knife right into the throat! $iif(%KWords != $null,Killer's words were:12 %KWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %KillersVictim You died kick %MafiaChannel %KillersVictim You died if ($InGame(%KillersVictim) == yes) dec %TotalKiller } if ($WhatIs(%KillersVictim) == homeless) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(killer) $c1(noticed that the) $3(homeless bum) $2(%KillersVictim) $c1(was asking for money, so decided to have some fun by stabbing the bum in the eyes and snapping his neck! $iif(%KWords != $null,Killer's words were:12 %KWords)) kick %CivilianChannel %KillersVictim You died if ($InGame(%KillersVictim) == yes) dec %TotalHomeless } if ($InGame(%KillersVictim) == yes) dec %NumberOfPlayers Punt %KillersVictim :doc timerNextMove 1 15 DoctorsMove } DoctorsMove { if (%TotalDoctor < 1) { BumsMove | return } if (%DoctorsVictim == $null) { if (%TotalDoctor > 0) { BotAttacks %Doctor | timerNextMove 1 15 BumsMove | return } } if (%healed == 0) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(doctor) $c1(thought that) $c2(%DoctorsVictim) $c1(looked too ill, so he decided to stay there over night... $iif(%HWords != $null,Doctor's words were:12 %HWords)) } else { BumsMove | return } timerNextMove 1 15 BumsMove } BumsMove { if (%BumsVictim == $null) { if (%TotalHomeless > 0) { BotAttacks %Homeless | timerNextMove 1 15 StartVoting | return } StartVoting return } msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(homeless bum) $c1(at night started snooping around) $c2(%BumsVictim) $+ $c1('s stuff.. $iif(%BWords != $null,Homeless' words were:12 %BWords)) timerNextMove 1 15 StartVoting } BotAttacks { if ($WhatIs($1) == Civilian) { msg %GameChannel $c(The bot had to take real action, so) $c2(civilian) $c3($1) $c1(was put face-first into a wall, and shot in the back!) kick $1 %CivilianChannel You died. if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %TotalCivilian } if ($WhatIs($1) == Detective) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c2($1) $c1(got too drunk and started a fight with the bot, and you could see how that ended...) kick $1 %CivilianChannel $c1(You died.) set %DetectiveMoved yes if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %TotalDetective } if ($WhatIs($1) == Mafia) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c2($1) $c1(got too drunk and started a fight with the bot, and you could see how that ended...) kick $1 %MafiaChannel $c1(You died.) set %MafiaMoved yes if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %TotalMafia } if ($WhatIs($1) == Doctor) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(doctor) $c2($1) $c1(got too drunk and started a fight with the bot, and you could see how that ended...) kick $1 %CivilianChannel $c1(You died.) set %DoctorMoved yes if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %TotalDoctor } if ($WhatIs($1) == Killer) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(killer) $c2($1) $c1(got too drunk and started a fight with the bot, and you could see how that ended...) kick $1 %CivilianChannel $c1(You died.) set %KillerMoved yes if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %TotalKiller } if ($WhatIs($1) == Homeless) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(homeless bum) $c2($1) $c1(got too drunk and started a fight with the bot, and you could see how that ended...) kick $1 %CivilianChannel $c1(You died.) set %HomelessMoved yes if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %TotalHomeless } if ($InGame($1) == yes) dec %NumerOfPlayers punt $1 } VotingStats { unset %Voted* set %x 1 set %y 0 set %z 0 var %VotingMessage = $c4(Voting Statistics:) while ($hget(VotingResults,%x).data) { set %User $hget(VotingResults,%x).data inc %Voted $+ $hget(VotingResults,%x).data if (%User !isin %VotingMessage) set %VotingMessage %VotingMessage $iif(%User != 1night,$c2(%User),$c5($right(%User,-1))) $c4(-) $c3($+(!,Voted,%User)) $+ $c4(.) if (%z < $eval($+(%,Voted,$hget(VotingResults,%x).data),2)) { set %z $eval($+(%,Voted,$hget(VotingResults,%x).data),2) | set %CiviliansVictim $hget(VotingResults,%x).data } inc %x inc %y } set %VotingMessage %VotingMessage $c3($+([,%y,:,%NumberOfPlayers,])) msg %GameChannel $regsubex(%VotingMessage,/!(Voted\w+)/ig,$(%\1,2)) if ($calc(%z / %NumberOfPlayers) >= .6) { timers off | timerYesNo 1 5 Voting | unset %D } } ThoseVoted { if (%GameIsPlaying == false) return if (%Voting == no) return if ($InGame($1) == no) return if ($left($2,1) != !) return set %Vote $right($2,-1) if ($PlayerNumber(%Vote) == yes) %Victim = $read(l.txt,%Vote) else %Victim = %vote %Vote = %Victim if (%Vote == !night) { set %Vote 1night } if (($InGame(%Vote) == no) && (%Vote != 1night)) { msg %GameChannel $c1(There is no) $c2(%Vote) $c1(in the game...) return } hadd VotingResults $1 %Vote VotingStats } YesNoVoting { if (%Against >= %For ) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The defendant) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) $c1(is safe! Now's the time to celebrate!) timerGoToNight 1 10 Night return } if ($calc(%Against + %For) <= $calc((%NumberOfPlayers -1)/2)) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The people haven't come to a conclusion!) timerGoToNight 1 10 Night return } if (%CiviliansVictim == $null) goto CheckForEnd if ($WhatIs(%CiviliansVictim) == civilian) { msg %GameChannel $c1(Today the people have decided to hang the) $c3(civilian) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if ($InGame(%CiviliansVictim) == yes) dec %TotalCivilian } if ($WhatIs(%CiviliansVictim) == detective) { msg %GameChannel $c1(People what have you done? You just hang the) $c3(detective) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if ($InGame(%CiviliansVictim) == yes) dec %TotalDetective } if ($WhatIs(%CiviliansVictim) == mafia) { msg %GameChannel $c1(Hooray! The town has finally gotten rid of the evil) $c3(mafia) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if ($InGame(%CiviliansVictim) == yes) dec %TotalMafia } if ($WhatIs(%CiviliansVictim) == doctor) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The townspeople were fed up with the constant medicine mixup, so they hung the) $c3(doctor) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if ($InGame(%CiviliansVictim) == yes) dec %TotalDoctor } if ($WhatIs(%CiviliansVictim) == killer) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The good people of the village have had enough of the innocent people dying, and killed off the) $c3(killer) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if ($InGame(%CiviliansVictim) == yes) dec %TotalKiller } if ($WhatIs(%CiviliansVictim) == homeless) { msg %GameChannel $c1(The people could no longer stand the horrible stench of the) $c3(homeless bum) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if ($InGame(%CiviliansVictim) == yes) dec %TotalHomeless } if ($InGame(%CiviliansVictim) == yes) dec %NumberOfPlayers Punt %CiviliansVictim goto CheckForEnd :CheckForEnd if ($VictoryAchieved == true) { EndGame return } timerVotingOver 1 10 Night } VoteFor { if ($InGame($1) == no) return if (%GameIsStopped == true) return if (%GameIsPlaying == false) return if (%EndVoting == no) return if ($1 == %CiviliansVictim) return if ($hget(VotingResults,$1) == $null) { inc %For | inc %TotalVoted } if ($hget(VotingResults,$1) == no) { inc %For | dec %Against } hadd VotingResults $1 Yes msg %GameChannel $c2($+($chr(91),%For,:,%Against,$chr(93))) $+ $c3($+($chr(91),%TotalVoted,:,$calc(%NumberOfPlayers -1),$chr(93))) $c1(The townperson) $c2($1) $c1(has voted) $c3(for) $c1(the hanging of) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if (%For > $calc((%NumberOfPlayers - 1)/2) ) { timer1 -o 1 7 YesNoVoting } elseif (%Against > $calc((%NumberOfPlayers - 1)/2) ) { timer1 -o 1 7 YesNoVoting } elseif ($calc(%Pro + %Against) == $calc(%NumberOfPlayers - 1) ) { timer1 -o 1 7 YesNoVoting } } VoteAgainst { if ($InGame($1) == no) return if (%GameIsStopped == true) return if (%GameIsPlaying == false) return if (%EndVoting == no) return if ($1 == %CiviliansVictim) return if ($hget(VotingResults,$1) == $null) { inc %Against | inc %TotalVoted } if ($hget(VotingResults,$1) == yes) { inc %Against | dec %For } hadd VotingResults $1 No msg %GameChannel $c2($+($chr(91),%For,:,%Against,$chr(93))) $+ $c3($+($chr(91),%TotalVoted,:,$calc(%NumberOfPlayers -1),$chr(93))) $c1(The townperson) $c2($1) $c1(has voted) $c3(against) $c1(the hanging of) $c2(%CiviliansVictim) if (%For > $calc((%NumberOfPlayers - 1)/2) ) { timer1 -o 1 7 YesNoVoting } elseif (%Against > $calc((%NumberOfPlayers - 1)/2) ) { timer1 -o 1 7 YesNoVoting } elseif ($calc(%Pro + %Against) == $calc(%NumberOfPlayers - 1) ) { timer1 -o 1 7 YesNoVoting } } VictoryAchieved { if (%NumberOfPlayers == 1) { if (%TotalMafia == 1) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The wins goes to mafia!) inc %MafiaWon EndRoles return true } } if (%NumberOfPlayers == 1) { if (%TotalKiller == 1) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The wins goes to civilians!) inc %CiviliansWon EndRoles return true } } if (%NumberOfPlayers == 1) { if (%TotalDoctor == 1) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The wins goes to civilians!) inc %CiviliansWon EndRoles return true } } if (%NumberOfPlayers == 2) { if (%TotalKiller == 1) { if (%TotalMafia == 1) msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } if (%NumberOfPlayers == 1) { if (%TotalHomeless == 1) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The wins goes to civilians!) inc %CiviliansWon EndRoles return true } } if (%NumberOfPlayers == 1) { if (%TotalCivilian == 1) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The wins goes to mafia!) inc %MafiaWon EndRoles return true } } if ($read(m.txt,1) == $null) { if (%Killer == $null ) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) >= 1 ) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The wins goes to thecivilian!) inc %CiviliansWon EndRoles return true } } } if ($read(m.txt,1) != $null) { if (%Detective == $null) { if (%Killer == $null ) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) <= 1 ) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The wins goes to themafia!) inc %MafiaWon EndRoles return true } } } } if (%Killer != $null) { if (%Detective == $null) { if ($read(m.txt,1) == $null ) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) <= 1 ) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The winner is the killer!) inc %KillerWon EndRoles return true } } } } if (%TotalDetective == 1) { if (%TotalKiller == 1) { if (%TotalPlayers == 2) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } } if (%TotalMafia == 1) { if (%TotalKiller == 1) { if (%TotalPlayers == 2) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } } if (%TotalKiller == 1) { if (%TotalDetective == 0) { if (%TotalMafia == 0) { if (%TotalPlayers < 3) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! The winnder is the killer!) inc %KillerWon EndRoles return true } } } } if (%TotalMafia == 1) { if (%TotalDetective == 1) { if (%TotalKiller == 0) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) == 0) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } } } if (%TotalMafia == 1) { if (%TotalDetective == 1) { if (%TotalKiller == 0) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) == 0 ) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } } } if (%TotalKiller == 1) { if (%TotalDetective == 1) { if (%TotalMafia == 0) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) == 0 ) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } } } if (%TotalMafia == 1) { if (%TotalKiller == 1) { if (%TotalDetective == 0) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) == 0 ) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } } } if (%TotalMafia == 0) { if (%TotalKiller == 0) { if (%TotalDetective == 0 ) { if ($calc(%TotalCivilian + %TotalDoctor + %TotalHomeless) == 0 ) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! Everybody lost!) inc %Ties EndRoles return true } } } } if (%NumberOfPlayers == 0) { msg %GameChannel $c2(Game over! It's a tie and everybody lost!) inc %Ties EndRoles EndGame return true } return false } Leaving { if (%GameIsPlaying == false) return if ($GameIsStopped == true) return if ($InGame($1) == yes) return if (%Registration == on) { punt $1 msg %GameChannel $c2($1) $c1(is no longer in the game...) %numplayers = %numplayers - 1 return } if ($1 ison %GameChannel) mode %GameChannel -v $1 msg %GameChannel $c2($1) $c1(has until either the day or night to get back, or else the bot will have to do some dirty work...) kick %CivilianChannel $1 You left kick %MafiaChannel $1 You left } JoinGameChannel { if ($1 == $me) { EndGame } inc %Visitors notice $1 $c2($1) $c1(welcome to the internet IRС-game channel) $c2("Mafia") $c1(you are visitor number) $c3(%Visitors) if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) && (%GameIsStopped == false)) { notice $1 $c1(To start the game, type in) $2(!start) $c1(in the channel, but keep in mind that you need at least $c3(3) $c1(players...)) return } if (%Registration == on) { notice $1 $c1(There is currently a registeration for the game! Type in) $c2(!reg) $c1(to register for the game!) return } if (%GameIsPlaying == 1) { if ($GotKicked($1) > 0) { mode %GameChannel +v $1 msg %GameChannel $c1($1 $+ , You're back in the game!) if (%NightTime == yes) { if ($EveryoneMoved == no) { msg %GameChannel $c1(Just in case you have a role and you haven't made your move yet, do it now...) timer1 off timer1 1 180 Day } } %t = $GotKicked($1) write -dl %t q.txt return } notice $1 $c1(Sadly, the game has already started. Please wait for the game to end...) return } } EveryoneMoved { if (%DetectiveMoved > 0) { if (%MafiaMoved > 0 ) { if (%KillerMoved > 0 ) { if (%DoctorMoved > 0 ) { if (%BumMoved > 0 ) return yes } } } } return no } GotKicked { set %x 1 while ($read(q.txt,%x)) { if ($read(q.txt,%x) == $1) return %x if ($read(q.txt,%x) == $null) return 0 inc %k } return 0 } Reg { if (%GameIsPlaying == false) StartTheGame $1 if (%Registration == off) return if ($InGame($1) == yes) return inc %NumberofPlayers write l.txt $1 if ($1 ison %GameChannel) mode %GameChannel +v-ho $1 $1 $1 notice $1 $c1(You have registered as player number) $c2(%NumberOfPlayers) } ReggedByOp { if (($2 !isop %GameChannel) && ($2 !ishop %GameChannel)) return if ($1 !ison %GameChannel) return if (%GameIsPlaying == false) StartTheGame if (%Registration == off) return if ($InGame($1) == yes) return inc %NumberofPlayers write l.txt $1 mode %GameChannel +v-ho $1 $1 $1 msg %GameChannel $c3($1) $c1(has been registered registered as player number) $c2(%NumberOfPlayers) $c1(by staff member) $c3($2) } Kill { set %VictimsName $null if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || (%GameIsStopped == true) || (%NightTime == no) || ($InGame($2) == no)) return if ($PlayerNumber($1) == yes) set %VictimsName $read(l.txt,$1) else set %VictimsName $1 if ($InGame(%VictimsName) == no) { msg $2 $c1(There is no such player! Please try again...) | return } if ($WhatIs($2) == detective) { if (%DetectiveMoved > 0) { msg $2 $c2(Sorry, but you've already made your move...) | return } set %DetectivesVictim %VictimsName set %DetectiveChecked no set %DetectiveMoved 1 set %DWords $3- msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(got bored out of his mind, so he decided to do something about it...) msg $2 $c1(You have decided to kill) $c2(%VictimsName) msg %CivilianChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(decided to kill) $c2(%VictimsName) } if ($read(m.txt,1) == $2) { if (%MafiaMoved > 0) { msg $2 $c2(Sorry, but you've already made your move...) | return } set %MafiasVictim %VictimsName set %MafiaMoved 1 set %MWords $3- msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c1(gathered up in a very dark ally, and decided to get some work done...) msg $2 $c1(You have decided to kill) $c2(%VictimsName) msg %MafiaChannel $c1(The) $c3(mafia) $c1(decided to kill) $c2(%VictimsName) } if ($WhatIs($2) == killer) { if (%KillerMoved > 0) { msg $2 $c2(Sorry, but you've already made your move...) | return } set %KillersVictim %VictimsName set %KillerMoved 1 set %KWords $3- msg $2 $c1(You have decided to kill) $c2(%VictimsName) msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(killer) $c1(got thirsty for some blood, so now is off to quench that thirst...) } if ($EveryoneMoved == yes) { timers off | timerGoToDay 1 10 Day } } Check { set %VictimsName $null if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || (%GameIsStopped == true) || (%NightTime == no) || ($InGame($2) == no)) return if ($PlayerNumber($1) == yes) set %VictimsName $read(l.txt,$1) else set %VictimsName $1 if ($InGame(%VictimsName) == no) { msg $2 $c1(There is no such player! Please try again...) | return } if ($WhatIs($2) == detective) { if (%DetectiveMoved > 0) { msg $2 $c2(Sorry, but you've already made your move...) | return } set %DetectivesVictim %VictimsName set %DetectiveChecked yes set %DetectiveMoved 1 set %DWords $3- msg $2 $c1(You have decided to check) $c2(%VictimsName) msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(got bored out of his mind, so he decided to do something about it...) msg %CivilianChannel $c1(The) $c3(detective) $c1(decided to check) $c2(%VictimsName) } if ($WhatIs($2) == homeless) { if (%bomdone > 0) { msg $2 $c2(Sorry, but you've already made your move...) | return } set %BumsVictim %VictimsName set %BumMoed 1 %BWords $3- msg $2 $c1(You have decided to check) $c2(%VictimsName) msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(homeless bum) $c1(is out digging in trash...) } if ($EveryoneMoved == yes) { timer1 off | timerGoToDay 1 10 Day } } Heal { set %VictimsName $null if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || (%GameIsStopped == true) || (%NightTime == no) || ($InGame($2) == no)) return if ($PlayerNumber($1) == yes) set %VictimsName $read(l.txt,$1) else set %VictimsName $1 if ($InGame(%VictimsName) == 0) { msg $2 $c1(There is no such player in the game! Please try again...) | return } if (%DoctorMoved > 0) { msg $2 $c2(Sorry, but you've already made your move...) | return } if (%LastPersonHealed == %VictimsName) msg $2 $c1(Sorry, as kind as you may be, but you can't heal the same person more than once in a row!) set %LastPersonHealed %VictimsName set %DoctorsVictim %VictimsName set %DoctorMoved 1 msg %GameChannel $c1(The) $c3(doctor) $c1(got a call, so he collected his pills and syringes...) msg $2 $c1(You have decided to heal) $c2(%VictimsName) set %HWords $3- if ($EveryoneMoved == yes) { timers off | timerGoToDay 1 10 Day } } PlayerNumber { if (!$1) return no if ($1 !isnum) return no else { if ($read(l.txt,$1)) return yes } return no } ShowTeams { set %x 1 :next1 set %y 1 :next2 if (%y == %x) { inc %y | goto next2 } if (%x > %TotalMafia) goto GoodTeam if (%y > %TotalMafia) { inc %x | goto next1 } msg $read(m.txt,%x) $c3(Mafia number: %j) $c2($read(m.txt,%y)) inc %x goto next2 :GoodTeam if (%TotalHomeless != 0) { msg %Detective $c3(Homeless bum:) $c2(%Homeless) msg %Homeless $c3(Detective:) $c(%Detective) } } WhatIs { if (%WasDetective == $1) return Detective if (%WasKiller == $1) return Killer if (%WasDoctor == $1) return Doctor if (%WasHomeless == $1) return Homeless set %x 1 while ($read(w.txt,%x) != $null) { if ($read(w.txt,%x) == $1) return Mafia inc %x } return civilian } ChangedNick { if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || ($GameIsStopped == true) || ($InGame($1) == no)) return if (%Registration == on) { Punt $1 write l.txt $2 mode %GameChannel +v $2 msg %GameChannel $c2($2) $c1(you've been re-registered with the new nick!) return } if ($GotKicked($1) == > 0) return msg %GameChannel $c1(Everybody, remember this once and for all, especially you) $c2($2) $+ $c1(! Changing your nick during the game results in death!) if ($2 ison %GameChannel) mode %GameChannel -v $2 msg %GameChannel $c2($2) $c1(you will be excluded from the game...) write q.txt $1 } EndGame { close -m set %GameIsPlaying false timerUnsetM 1 10 mode %GameChannel -m { set %prefix $+(-,$str(v,$modespl)) } :start set %massing $nick($chan,0) while (%massing) { if ($nick(%GameChannel,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) } if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 } dec %massing } mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 return } MafiaNumber { set %x 1 while ($read($read(m.txt,x))) { if ($1 == $read(m.txt,%x)) return %x if ($read(m.txt,%x) == $null) return 0 inc %x } } fif { var %find = $read($1,tw,$2) return $readn } FoundOutRole { if ((%GameIsPlaying == false) || (%GameIsStopped == true)) return if (($WhatIs($1) != Detective) && ($WhatIs($1) != homeless)) return if (($WhatIs($1) == Detective) && (%DetectivesVictim != $null) && (%DetectiveChecked == yes)) { if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == civilian) { msg $1 $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(civilian) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(civilian) | return } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == detective) { msg $1 $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(detective) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(detective) | return } if ( $role(%victname) == 3 ) { msg $1 4 $+ %victname 10- is the 12killer10! | /msg %CivilianChannel 4 $+ %victname 10- is the 12killer10! 10To invite the player here, type in 4!invite nick } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == mafia) { msg $1 $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(mafia) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(mafia) | return } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == doctor) { msg $1 $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(doctor) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(dotor) | return } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == killer) { msg $1 $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(killer) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(killer) | return } if ($WhatIs(%DetectivesVictim) == homeless) { msg $1 $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(homeless bum) | /msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%DetectivesVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(homeless bum) | return } } if (($WhatIs($1) == Homeless) && (%BumsVictim != $null)) { if ($WhatIs(%BumsVictim) == civilian) { msg $1 $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(civilian) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(civilian) | return } if ($WhatIs(%BumsVictim) == detective) { msg $1 $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(detective) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(detective) | return } if ( $role(%victname) == 3 ) { msg $1 4 $+ %victname 10- is the 12killer10! | /msg %CivilianChannel 4 $+ %victname 10- is the 12killer10! 10To invite the player here, type in 4!invite nick } if ($WhatIs(%BumsVictim) == mafia) { msg $1 $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(mafia) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(mafia) | return } if ($WhatIs(%BumsVictim) == doctor) { msg $1 $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(doctor) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(dotor) | return } if ($WhatIs(%BumsVictim) == killer) { msg $1 $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(killer) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(killer) | return } if ($WhatIs(%BumsVictim) == homeless) { msg $1 $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(homeless bum) | msg %CivilianChannel $c2(%BumsVictim) $c1(- is the) $c3(homeless bum) | return } } } AllAccepted { if (%DetectiveAccepted == no) return no if (%DoctorAccepted == no) return no if (%KillerAccepted == no) return no if (%HomelessAccepted == no) return no set %x 1 while ($read(a.txt,t,$calc(%x)) != $null) { if ($read(a.txt,t,%x) == no) return no inc %x } if ($read(a.txt,t,%x) == $null) return yes }
  20. Hello!! This is a Unscramble Game by myself he Works with random nicks of the chan To load Paste in: Alt+R file/new To play type in the channel: !wnick (english version) enjoy 😉 on *:text:!wnick:#: { if (%qnick.game-status != on) { set %qnick.game-status on set %qnick.game-nick $qnickrand($chan) set %qnick.game-last-nick %qnick.game-nick if (!%qnick.game-games) { set %qnick.game-games 1 } if (%qnick.game-games) { inc %qnick.game-games } /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7E 7N14ew Nic7K 12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7T14o Stop this nic7K9:4 !wstop /nscrammble %qnick.game-nick $chan set %qnick.game-start $ctime } else { if (!%floo-time) { set -u15 %floo-time ok /nscrammble %qnick.game-nick $chan } } } alias qnickrand { var %qnick.game-nick1 = $nick($1,$r(1,$nick($1,0))) while ( %qnick.game-nick1 = %qnick.game-last-nick ) { set %qnick.game-nick1 $nick($1,$r(1,$nick($1,0))) } return %qnick.game-nick1 } alias nscrammble { /msg $2 7W14nick-Gam7e 12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7U14nscramble this NickNam7E9: $misturecs(%qnick.game-nick) } on *:text:%qnick.game-nick:#: { if (%qnick.game-status == on) { /msg $chan 7[4 $nick 7] 7W14inns the gam7E 12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7T14imeGam7E9: $duration($calc($ctime - %qnick.game-start)) 7T14he nickname wa7S:4 %qnick.game-nick /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e 7T14o new gam7E4 !wnick set %qnick.game-status off unset %qnick.game-nick } } on *:text:!wstop:#: { if (%qnick.game-status == on) { /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e 12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7T14imeGam7E9: 9 $duration($calc($ctime - %qnick.game-start)) 7S14toped!!7! /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e 7N14oOne get it right!!! The Scrambled nickname wa7S9:4 %qnick.game-nick set %qnick.game-status off unset %qnick.game-nick /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e 7T14o a new scrambled nick Typ7E9:4 !wnick } } ;# yeahss you never seen this!!! # ;# Becouse this on IS MINE ONE :pPpP # alias misturecs { var %trrr = $lower($1) var %trr = $len($1) var %trr1 = 1 while (%trr1 <= %trr) { var %trr2 = %trr2 $+ $mid(%trrr,%trr1,1) $+ . inc %trr1 } var %tra = %trr2 var %tr = $numtok(%trr2,46) var %tr1 = 1 var %tr2 = %tr while (%tr1 <= %tr) { set %tr3 $rand(1,%tr2) var %trr12 = $remove(%tra,.) var %tr4 = %tr4 $+ $mid(%trr12,%tr3,1) var %tra = $deltok(%tra,%tr3,46) dec %tr2 inc %tr1 } return %tr4 } ;############ The End :)~ ##################
  21. SCRIPT ID: GUESSINGBOT Hello! This is an IRC Game Script! Remember the classic guessing games where the bot selects a random number and you try to guess it?? Well! Time for a change, don't you think? This Bot Script will ask you to select a number from 1 to 7 and will try to guess it! As more users play the bot will become "smarter" and guess right more times than wrong! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::v0.5 > 28/7/2016 :: ::Added: Auto Cancel After Player 1min idle (idle as in no game commands used) :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;;Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr;; http://humanity.ucoz.com ;; More Scripts! ;;Current version: v0.5 ;; ;;Have Fun;;; ;; http://hawkee.com/snippet/16940/ ;; ON *:TEXT:*:#: { if ($strip($1) == !guess) { if (!%GUESSINGBOTversion) || (%GUESSINGBOTversion != v0.5) { set %GUESSINGBOTversion v0.5 } if (!%guesson) { st-gb $nick $chan !ready set %guesson readywait .timer 1 1 msg $chan Hey $nick ... Think of a number from 1 to 7 and i'll try to guess it! Type !ready when you're ready! set %guessnick $nick set %guesschan $chan } elseif (%guesson) { .timer 1 1 msg $chan Hey! I'm an mIRC Script not Ainstain! You wait for your turn $+($nick,.) I'm guessing $+(%guessnick,'s) number at the moment. } } elseif ($strip($1) == !ready) { if (%guesson == readywait) && (%guessnick == $nick) && (%guesschan == $chan) { .timerst-gb 1 60 st-gb $nick $chan !utry .timer 1 1 msg $chan OK! Now you have to define how many tries i got! Type !utry 1-5 set %guesson utrywait } } elseif ($strip($1) == !utry) { if (%guesson == utrywait) && (%guessnick == $nick) && (%guesschan == $chan) { if ($strip($2) isnum 1-5) { .timerst-gb 1 60 st-gb $nick $chan !uright/!uwrong set %utry $strip($2) set %guesson guessing .timer 1 1 msg $chan Alright! I'm gonna start guessing now! If i guess right type: !uright .timer 1 2 msg $chan If i guess wrong type !uwrong .timer 1 3 guessnum } } } elseif ($strip($1) == !uright) || ($strip($1) == !uwrong) { if (%guesson == guessing) && (%guessnick == $nick) && (%guesschan == $chan) { .timerst-gb 1 60 st-gb $nick $chan !uright/!uwrong if ($strip($1) == !uright) { if (!%fguess) { set %fguess 1 } inc $+(%,num,%crand) 1 inc %foundnums 1 inc %totnums 1 .timerst-gb* off .timer 1 1 msg $chan Yayyyy! I found it on my $ord(%guessnum) attempt! I'm so damn smart! Thanks for playing with me $nick <3 .timer 1 5 msg %guesschan Out of %totnums numbers i have guessed right %foundnums and wrong %notfoundnums if (!%adv) { set -u1200 %adv 1 | .timer 1 10 msg %guesschan The Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr :.::. http://humanity.ucoz.com .::.: } unset %guess* %crand %saidguess %nfrands %utry } else { .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan uuuh! Cmon! .timer 1 2 guessnum } } } } alias guessnum { inc %guessnum 1 if (%guessnum <= %utry) { if (!%fguess) { if ($numtok(%nfrands,32) < %utry) { var %rand = $rand(1,7) while ($istok(%nfrands,%rand,32)) { var %rand = $rand(1,7) } set %nfrands $addtok(%nfrands,%rand,32) set %crand %rand .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Is it..... %rand ???? } } elseif (%fguess) { var %t = %guessnum var %max = 0 while (%t <= 7) { if ($($+(%,num,%t),2) > %max) { var %max = %t ;OrFeAsGr http://humanity.ucoz.com } inc %t } if (%max == 0) || (%max == %guesslmax) || ($istok(%saidguess,%max,32)) { var %randx = $rand(1,7) while ($istok(%saidguess,%randx,32)) { var %randx = $rand(1,7) } set %saidguess $addtok(%saidguess,%randx,32) set %crand %randx .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Is the number you thought of.... %randx } elseif (%max != 0) || (%max != %guesslmax) || (!$istok(%saidguess,%max,32)) { set %saidguess $addtok(%saidguess,%max,32) set %guesslmax %max .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Maybe it is... idk... %max ?? } } } elseif (%guessnum > %utry) { .timerst-gb* off inc %totnums 1 inc %notfoundnums 1 .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Oh damn it! I lost all my chances! .timer 1 2 msg %guesschan Thanks for playing %guessnick .timer 1 6 msg %guesschan Out of %totnums numbers i have guessed right %foundnums and wrong %notfoundnums if (!%adv) { set -u1200 %adv 1 | .timer 1 10 msg %guesschan The Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr :.::. http://humanity.ucoz.com .::.: } unset %guess* %crand %saidguess %nfrands %utry } ;;;;;The Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr;;;;;; ;;;;;;http://hawkee.com/snippet/16940/;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;http://humanity.ucoz.com;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;Check Out Humanity IRC Bot;;;;;;;;;;;; } alias st-gb { if ($timer(st-gb).secs) { .timerst-gb* off } .timerst-gb 1 60 msg $2 $1 Didn't Use $3 Command In Time... Now Accepting New Player! .timerst-gb2 1 60 unset %crand %saidguess %nfrands %utry %guess* }
  22. SCRIPT ID: EMAIL Hi! This is one more mIRC Script by OrFeAsGr ! Quick FAQ -What do i need your script for? This script uses the API provided by https://mailboxlayer.com/ to verify if the email you request is a real email -Neat! How does it work? The script triggers with a channel message! Type !emailver (Of course without the < and > around the email address) The bot responds with a channel message! -Do i need something extra for the script to work? Yes and no. I have registered for a free account on https://mailboxlayer.com/ so the limit of requests is 1000 per month. If some users start using the script the limit will be reached soon and the script will message the following error: Code: 104 Type: "usage_limit_reached" Info: User has reached or exceeded his subscription plan's monthly API Request Allowance. You could use the key i provide to test if the limit isn't reached at the time but soon you'll have to easily sign up at https://mailboxlayer.com/ and get your API key. Then replace my key with yours at line 8 of the script. i.e this line: return 00564d4dfd1e326146ed7568f367b2f6 (do not erase return) So this is all i had to explain! Here's the script! v0.1 24/6/2016 -Added version and ID for Update Checker! ;;; v0.1 24/6/2016 ;;; ;;; http://humanity.ucoz.com ;;; alias emailver { sockopen emailver apilayer.net 80 set %emailver $1 set %emailchan $2 } alias emailverapikey { return 00564d4dfd1e326146ed7568f367b2f6 } ON *:SOCKOPEN:emailver: { if ($sockerr) { msg %emailchan 10An Error Occured While Verifying %emailver | unset %emailver %emailchan | sockclose $sockname } sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $iif(%emailver, $+(/api/check?access_key=,$emailverapikey,&email=,$v1,&smtp=1&format=1), $null) HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: apilayer.net sockwrite $sockname $crlf } ON *:SOCKREAD:emailver: { if ($sockerr) { msg %emailchan An Error Occured While Verifying %emailver | unset %emailchan %emailver | sockclose $sockname } var %ev sockread %ev if (*smtp_check":true* iswm %ev) { msg %emailchan 3Email14: %emailver $+($chr(03),03,$chr(10004)) 7Exists14! unset %emailchan unset %emailver sockclose $sockname } elseif (*smtp_check":false* iswm %ev) { msg %emailchan 3Email14: %emailver $+($chr(03),04,$chr(10008)) 7Doesn14'7t Exist14! unset %emailver sockclose $sockname } elseif (*success": false* iswm %ev) { set %evfalse 1 } if (%evfalse) { if (*code":* iswm %ev) { set %errorcode $remove($gettok(%ev,2,58),$chr(44)) } if (*type":* iswm %ev) { set %errortype $remove($gettok(%ev,2,58),$chr(44)) } if (*info":* iswm %ev) { set %errorinfo $remove($gettok(%ev,2,58),$chr(44)) unset %evfalse sockclose $sockname msg %emailchan 10Your Request For %emailver 10Returned the following error14: .timer 1 1 msg %emailchan 10Code14: %errorcode 10Type14: %errortype 10Info14: %errorinfo .timer 1 2 unset %emailchan %errorinfo %errortype %errorcode } } } ON *:TEXT:*:#: { if (!emailver == $strip($1)) { if (!%EMAILversion) || (%EMAILversion != v0.1) { set %EMAILversion v0.1 } if (*@*.* !iswm $strip($2)) { .timer 1 1 msg $chan 10The email you requested was not checked because it doesn't match the usual format of email adresses14. Please provide a valid email (e.g oneemail@someserver.com) } elseif (*@*.* iswm $strip($2)) { if (!%emvdel) { set -u100 %emvdel 1 emailver $strip($2) $chan } } } } ;;;;;;Script by OrFeAsGr;;;;;;;; ;;;;http://humanity.ucoz.com;;;; ;;;;;;Humanity I.R.C Bot;;;;;;;;
  23. Below is a very simple example of how to create a basic websocket using node.js. Websockets are great for maintaining a server/client relationship without as much of the overhead of HTTP web traffic. Today, websockets are used to build a magnitude of browser-based real-time applications (live chats, multiplayer games). Basically it's a persistent connection between the server and client in which both applications can send data. Typically, long-polling or Flash have been used as alternatives. First, you'll need to install the "websocket" package using the Node Package Manager. 1 npm install websocket You may get an error about the Native code not compiling. (attow) I haven't looked into how to resolve that but the websocket package typically still works. Next we'll setup the server and client. Using the javascript below as a basic skeleton, you'll want to start the server just as any other node snippet. In our example, the server will listen for connections and reply "hello" (to any and everything the client sends) then another message shortly after. ar server = require('websocket').server, http = require('http'); var socket = new server({ httpServer: http.createServer().listen(1337) }); socket.on('request', function(request) { var connection = request.accept(null, request.origin); connection.on('message', function(message) { console.log(message.utf8Data); connection.sendUTF('hello'); setTimeout(function() { connection.sendUTF('this is a websocket example'); }, 1000); }); connection.on('close', function(connection) { console.log('connection closed'); }); }); Once the server has been started, you can use the code below in any HTML5 browser (that carries websocket support) to establish a connection to the server. In this example, the client sends a "hello" message when it opens the connection and puts anything it receives into the #content div. <div id="content"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var content = document.getElementById('content'); var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:1337'); socket.onopen = function () { socket.send('hello from the client'); }; socket.onmessage = function (message) { content.innerHTML += message.data +'<br />'; }; socket.onerror = function (error) { console.log('WebSocket error: ' + error); }; </script>
  24. So. Last night I decided to try out kvirc. I'll be honest I don't like it. Its too picturey I like basic text. But out of all features, one feature really caught my eye. "The AVATAR Idea" The concept of users having avatars on IRC. I really liked this idea, a friend on a chat server told be it used DCC. I asked about how it worked and he werent to sure as he didn't use that feature. So after playing around with mIRC and kvirc I found out how it works. Its just CTCP's and DCC's 😄 So I spent till 5am coding this damn thing up after a lot of dead ends and troubleshooting I've sorted it. So have fun, Report any bugs you find. NOTE: Currently two mIRC clients don't properly swap avatars. I intend to fix this soon! Leave comments, bug reports and suggestions below. I intend to setup a bug reporting system for my scripts! Find me at irc.ilkotech.co.uk in #ilkotech if you want help with anything mIRC related! ;The AVATAR Idea. ;This nice feature is used in kvirc, and its nice. ;So why not let mIRC do the same? ;So thats what I intend to do with this script. ;Unluckily i've never used DCC in scripts so this will be a test. ;Script by Thomas Edwards (TMFKSOFT) ;Copyright Ilkotech.co.uk & Thomas Edwards 2011 ;I plan for it to modify the address book :) ;Let the games begin. menu nicklist { - Notify Avatar:/avatar_send $1 View Avatar:/avatar_view $1 } menu * { Set Avatar:/avatar_set } alias avatar_send { if (%avatar_name != $null) { ctcpreply $1 AVATAR $replace(%avatar_name,$chr(32),_) %avatar_size } else { echo 4You have not set an avatar. Set one via /avatar_set } } alias avatar_set { var %file $sfile($mircdir $+ avatars\,Select Avatar) set %avatar_size $file(%file).size set %avatar_name $right(%file,$calc(0 - $pos(%file,\,$count(%file,\)))) set %avatar_path %file echo Avatar set! } alias avatar_view { if ($1 == $me) { if (%avatar_name != $null) { window -osCdbptw0 @Avatar 0 0 256 256 drawpic -s @Avatar 0 0 256 256 %avatar_path } else { echo 4You have not set an avatar. Set one via /avatar_set } } else { if ($readini(avatars.ini,others,$1) != $null) { window -soCdbptw0 @Avatar 0 0 265 292 drawpic -s @Avatar 0 0 256 256 avatars\ $+ $readini(avatars.ini,others,$1) } } else { echo -t [Avatar] $1 does not have an Avatar. Why not politely ask them for it? } } on *:CTCPREPLY:AVATAR*:{ echo -t $active [Avatar] $nick changes their avatar to $qt($2) if ($exists(avatars\) == $FALSE) { mkdir avatars } if ($exists(avatars\ $+ $2) == $FALSE) { raw -q NOTICE $nick :DCC GET $2 $3 $+ set %avatar_recv 1 } echo Avatar exists. Updating user avatar. writeini avatars.ini others $nick $2 HALTDEF } CTCP *:DCC:{ if ($2 == GET) { echo Sending Avatar. File: $replace(%avatar_name,$chr(32),_) Size: %avatar_size User: $nick dcc SEND $nick %avatar_path } } on *:FILERCVD:*:{ if (%avatar_recv == 1) { copy -o $file($filename).shortfn avatars\ remove $file($filename).shortfn unset %avatar_recv } } on *:NICK:{ if ($readini(avatars.ini,others,$nick) != $null) { writeini avatars.ini others $newnick $readini(avatars.ini,others,$nick) remini avatars.ini others $nick } }
  25. !Ng-game - Start Game !guess 1 - 100 - Play Game !ad - Ad for the script !Ngg-End - End Game !a - Get The Answer send to you in PM {OWNER ONLY} NOTE: Thanks to ICE and Relurk for helpin ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; Number Guessing Game ; ; By Dj 801 ; ; ; ; irc.wubnet.org:6667 ; ; #dj801,#mIRC,#games ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; on *:LOAD: { .timer 1 1 /echo -a 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) 9,1 Thanks for Loading Number Guessing Game 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ .timer 1 2 /set %ng-game-owner $$?="Game Owner:" .timer 1 3 /set %ng-game-chan $$?="Game Channel:" } Menu Channel { Number Guessing Game .Settings ..Channel Owner ...Owner:/echo -a 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) 9,1 The Game Owner is %ng-game-owner 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ ...Change Owner:/set %ng-game-owner $$?="New Game Owner:" | /echo -a 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) 9,1 The New Game Owner is %ng-game-owner 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ ..Channel ...Channel:/echo -a 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) 9,1 The Game Channel is %ng-game-chan 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ ...Change Channel:/set %ng-game-owner $$?="New Game Channel:" | /echo -a 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) 9,1 The New Game Channel is %ng-game-chan 4,1 $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ $chr(171) $+ } on *:TEXT:*:%ng-game-chan: { if ($1 == !Ng-Game) { set %number $r(1,100) | msg $chan The Number Guessing game has begun. Type !Guess <Number 1 - 100 to play> | halt } elseif (!Guess isin $1-) { if (%number isin $2) { msg $chan 4 Well Done $nick The Number Was $2 } if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan 4 $nick Be sure to include a number when you guess. } if ($2 > 100) { msg $chan 3Please only guess numbers 1 - 100 } if ($2 < 1) { msg $chan 3Please only guess numbers 1 - 100 } if ($2 < %number ) { msg $chan 3It's Higher Than $2 } if ($2 > %number ) { msg $chan 3It's Lower Than $2 } } if (!ad isin $1) { msg $chan This was made by dj801. Dj 801: http://www.hawkee.com/profile/48694/ | msg $chan Thanks to ICE and Relurk for helping with the script } if (!Ngg-End isin $1) && ($nick isop $chan) { msg $chan The number guessing game has been ended by $nick. | unset %number } if (!a isin $1) && ($nick == %owner) { inc %number | msg $nick The Number is %number } }
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