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This is a forum request made by toclafane1 who wants a script to be able to report the info about a snippet or script's title, likes, average score, date added, and last updated via its link when posted.> check out www.hawkee.com/snippet/9097/ Title: RottenTomato Movie Search Likes: 2 like(s) Average Score: 6.5 (of 2 scores) Date Added: Oct 23, 2011 Last Updated: Oct 24, 2011> let's see about this link: http://www.hawkee.com/scripts/23905971/ Title: Password Character Picker Developer: Jonesy44 Likes: 0 like(s) Date Added: Nov 12, 2011 ```mirc on *:exit: if ($isfile(hawkee)) .remove hawkee on *:sockclose:hawkeesnippet_*:{ .play -c $token($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) hawkee 2000 } on *:sockopen:hawkeesnippet_*:{ if (!$sockerr) { write -c hawkee tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark var %hawkee = sockwrite -nt $sockname %hawkee GET $2 HTTP/1.0 %hawkee Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) %hawkee Connection: close } else $3-4 $sock($sockname).addr is having a technical difficulty. Try again later. } on $*:text:/(http\072\/\/)?w{3}\.hawkee\.com(\/s(nippet|cripts).*\/)/:#:{ if (!$play(#)) { var %hawkeee = $+(hawkeesnippet_script,$site,$str($ticks,3)) var %hawkeeinfo = $remove($+($regml(1),$regml(2)),http://) sockopen %hawkeee www.hawkee.com 80 sockmark %hawkeee $!bvar(&hawkee,1-).text %hawkeeinfo .msg # } } on *:sockread:hawkeesnippet_*:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark | sockread &hawkee if (!$sockerr) { var %d = /(?s)(Description)(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/ var %t = /(.*)-/, %l = /(\d+)<\/b>( like\(s\))<\/span>/ var %s = /px">(.*)<\/b>.*(\(.*\))<\/span>/, %a = /(.*)/ var %lu = /(?s)Last Updated <\/td>(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/ if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%t)) { write hawkee $3-4 $+($chr(2),Title:,$chr(2)) $regml(1) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/-bottom: 6px;">(.*) on *:sockclose:hawkeesnippet_*:{ .msg %HawkeeC [14TiTLE] $+(7,%Hawkee_Title,) $+($iif(%Hawkee_Score,$+(15,$chr(40),,$v1)),$iif(%Hawkee_Likes,$+($chr(32),14-4#14-) $v1 $+(3like,$iif($v1 > 1,s),15,$chr(41),))) 14Added: $iif(%Hawkee_DateA != %Hawkee_DateU,$v1 5Updated: $v2,$v1) $iif(%Hawkee_Devl,14by: $v1) | unset %Hawkee* } on *:sockopen:hawkeesnippet_*:{ if ($sockerr) { $3-4 $sock($sockname).addr is having a technical difficulty. Try again later. | return } tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark var %hawkee = sockwrite -nt $sockname %hawkee GET $2 HTTP/1.0 %hawkee Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) %hawkee Connection: close } on $*:text:/(http\072\/\/)?w{3}\.hawkee\.com(\/s(nippet|cripts).*\/)/:#:{ if (!%Hawkee) { set -u30 %HawkeeC # var %hawkeee = $+(hawkeesnippet_script,$site,$str($ticks,3)) var %hawkeeinfo = $remove($+($regml(1),$regml(2)),http://) sockopen %hawkeee www.hawkee.com 80 sockmark %hawkeee $!bvar(&hawkee,1-).text %hawkeeinfo .msg # } } on *:sockread:hawkeesnippet_*:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark | sockread &hawkee if ($sockerr) { $3-4 $sock($sockname).addr is having a technical difficulty. Try again later. | return } ;******************************************************************************************************** var %d = /(?s)(Description)</h1>(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/ var %t = /<title>(.*)-/, %l = /<b>(\d+)<\/b>( like\(s\))<\/span>/ var %s = /px"><b>(.*)<\/b>.*(\(.*\))<\/span>/, %a = /(.*)</b></td>/ var %lu = /(?s)Last Updated <\/td>(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/ ;******************************************************************************************************** if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%t)) { set %Hawkee_Title $regml(1) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/-bottom: 6px;">(.*)</div>/)) { set %Hawkee_Devl $regml(1) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%l)) { set %Hawkee_Likes $regml(1) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%s)) { set %Hawkee_Score $+($regml(1),14/10) } if (date added isin [ [ $1 ] ]) && ($regex($v2,%a)) { set %Hawkee_DateA $token($regml(1),-1,62) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%lu)) { set %Hawkee_DateU $token($token($regml(1),3,62),1,60) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/6px;"><b>(\S+ \d+, \d{4})/)) { set %Hawkee_DateA $regml(1) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/center;">(\S+ \d+, \d{4})/)) { set %Hawkee_DateU $regml(1) } ;******************************************************************************************************** }
This is a forum request made by maria who wishes to have the latest comment checked via reddit.com. The script will then send the info to a channel with its title, short link and by whom. I thought I'd make this a snippet submission to benefit those who find it useful or usable. Usage: right-click on your channel or nick list to toggle "Reddit On" and "Reddit Off" to get started. Edit: I've updated the script to include the latest post as requested by maria previously. alias -l reddit { var %i = 1, %socks = reddit reddit2 while ($gettok(%socks,%i,32)) { var %v1 = $v1 if ($sock(%v1)) sockclose $v1 sockopen %v1 www.reddit.com 80 sockmark %v1 msg $1 inc %i } } alias -l trans { return $replace($1,<,<,>,>,",", ,$chr(160),&,&,&#39;,') } on *:sockclose:reddit*:{ if ($sock($sockname).name == reddit) { if ($hget(data2)) && ($hget(data3)) && ($hget(data4)) { $sock($sockname).mark $+($chr(2),Latest Comment:,$chr(2)) $& [ [ $remove($+($hget(data2,1).item,$chr(32),$hget(data2,1).data),r/) ] ] $sock($sockname).mark $+($chr(2),Latest Post:,$chr(2)) $& $+($hget(data3,1).item,$chr(32),$hget(data3,1).data) - $& $hget(data4,1).item by $hget(data5,1).item hfree -w data* } } else { if ($sock(reddit2)) sockclose $v1 sockopen reddit2 www.reddit.com 80 sockmark reddit2 msg $1 } } menu channel,nicklist { Reddit .ON { if (!%reddits) { set -e %reddits $$?"Which Reddit to Watch?" set -e %reddittime $$?"How often do you want the latest post checked $& and sent to the channel in seconds?" $+(.timer,#,$network) 0 %reddittime reddit # echo 2 # * Reddit Set for: $+($chr(2),%reddits) echo 2 # * Time Interval in Seconds: $+($chr(2),%reddittime) if (%true) unset $v1 } else echo 4 # * Reddit is Already Switched On! } .OFF { if (%reddits) { $+(.timer,#,$network) off echo 2 * Reddit Has Been Turned Off! unset %reddit* %true } else echo 4 # * Reddit is Already Switched Off! } } on *:sockopen:reddit*:{ if ($sockerr) { echo 4 $gettok($sock(reddit).mark,2,32) Error Connecting to $sock(reddit).addr sockclose reddit } if ($sock($sockname).name == reddit) { var %reddit = sockwrite -nt reddit %reddit GET $+(/r/,%reddits,/comments?limit=1) HTTP/1.0 %reddit Connection: close %reddit Host: $+($sock(reddit).addr,$str($crlf,2)) } else { var %reddit2 = sockwrite -nt reddit2 %reddit2 GET $+(/r/,%reddits,/new.json?sort=new) HTTP/1.0 %reddit2 Connection: close %reddit2 Host: $+($sock(reddit).addr,$str($crlf,2)) } } on *:sockread:reddit*:{ if ($sockerr) { echo 4 $gettok($sock(reddit).mark,2,32) Error Reading $sock(reddit).addr sockclose reddit } if ($sock($sockname).name == reddit) { sockread &reddit var %g = $regsubex($bvar(&reddit,1-).text,/\/r\/|&#\d+;/g,) if ($regex(%g,/<\/div><\/form><ul class="flat-list buttons">(.*)/)) { hadd -m data $+($sock(reddit).addr,/tb/,$gettok($iif($regex($regml(1),$& /\/comments\/(\S+)\//),$trans($regml(1))),1,47)) } if ($regex(%g,/class="title" rel="nofollow" >(.*)class="author/)) { hadd -m data2 $gettok($trans($regml(1)),1,60) - $& $!+($chr(3),12,$hget(data,1).item,$chr(3)) by $+($chr(3),05,$& $iif($regex($regml(1),/\/user\/(\S+)"/),$regml(1))) } } else { sockread &reddit2 var %g2 = $bvar(&reddit2,1-).text if ($regex(%g2,/"title"\: "(.*)"/)) { hadd -m data3 $gettok($trans($regml(1)),1,34) } if ($regex(%g2,/"id"\: "(.*)"/)) { hadd -m data4 $+($chr(3),12,$gettok($+(http://redd.it/,$& $trans($regml(1))),1,34),$chr(3)) sockclose $sockname } if ($regex(%g2,/"author"\: "(.*)"/)) { hadd -m data5 $+($chr(3),05,$gettok($regml(1),1,34)) } } } on me:*:join:#:{ if (%true) notice $me Reddit has been toggled off. Right-click on $& the nicklist or channel to toggle it on. | unset %true } on *:disconnect: if (%reddits) $+(.timer,#,$network) off | set -e %true 1 on me:*:part:#: if (%reddits) $+(.timer,#,$network) off | set -e %true 1 on *:kick:#:{ if ($knick == $me) && (%reddits) $+(.timer,#,$network) off set -e %true 1 } on *:quit:{ if ($nick == $me) && (%reddits) { var %c = 1 while ($comchan($me,%c)) { $+(.timer,$v1,$network) off set -e %true 1 inc %c } } }
This work below is yet another forum request that I've decided to submit as a part of my snippet collection. For those who find this snippet useful, It's for the bot client, and the trigger is either !facts, @facts, .facts or !jokes, @jokes, .jokes. on $*:text:/^[!@.](fact|joke)s$/iS:#:{ if (!%f) { inc -u3 %f var %s = $+(rjf,$str($ticks,2),$site) if ($sock(%s)) sockclose $v1 sockopen %s www.randomfunfacts.com 80 sockmark %s .msg # $regml(1) } } on *:sockclose:rjf*:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark var %s = $+(rjf,$str($ticks,2),$site) if ($sock(%s)) sockclose $v1 sockopen %s www.jokesclean.com 80 sockmark %s $1-2 } on *:sockopen:rjf*:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark if ($sockerr) { $1-2 Error: Connection Issue... sockclose $sockname } else { if ($3 == fact) { var %rjf = sockwrite -nt $sockname %rjf GET / HTTP/1.1 %rjf Connection: close %rjf Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) } else { var %rjf = sockwrite -nt $sockname %rjf GET /OneLiner/Random/ HTTP/1.0 %rjf Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) } } } on *:sockread:rjf*:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark if ($sockerr) { $1-2 Error: Issues in Reading... sockclose $sockname halt } goto $iif($3 == fact,fact,joke) :fact sockread &rjf var %info = $regsubex($bvar(&rjf,1-).text,/<[^>]*>|\t$& $+ RLOpenInNewWindow|"1";|var RLRepeatKeywords/g,$chr(32)) if ($gettok($replace(%info, ,$chr(94)),2,94)) { $1-2 $remove($gettok($v1,11-,32),24c6) sockclose $sockname | halt :joke var %jokes sockread %jokes if ($regex(%jokes,/(.*)<\/font><\/p>/)) { $sock($sockname).mark $replace($gettok($regml(1),3-,62), ,$chr(32)) sockclose $sockname } halt } }
Version 1.7.0
1 download
Basically its like a table top RPG for mIRC. It also has a feature so that you can download addons (addons still in production as of 7/03/2010) to customize your RPGenerator to suit the needs of your RPG character. Right now its current motive is to promote my RPG DarkCastle RPG ( http://darkcastle.darkbb.com ) and to bring a new level of RPG to IRC. Please enjoy. Addons will be available soon! Also PLEASE read the ReadMe file! It contains loading instructions that MUST be followed for proper installation of the RPGenerator. Also, requires two players! If you'd like to play me I can be found in my RPG (link above.) NOTE: Please do not hack, edit, or mod this game. If you mod it I will remove it. -
MASS JOIN KICKER II Stomps out large amounts of clones/spam bots from entering your channel. Triggered at 7 joins in 5 seconds, it automatically locks down the channel and kicks out all the clones/spam bots that come in. Just copy and paste to your remotes After loading if it asks to run initialization commands, click "Yes". Then right click and go down to MASS JOIN KICKER II and it can be toggled on and off. ;MASS JOIN KICKER II ;By Neo Nemesis ;Contributors: Jethro_ ;Thanks to: Hawkee Forums on *:START: { massjoin } on *:LOAD: { massjoin } on *:CONNECT: { massjoin } alias -l massjoin { if ($hget(massjoin) == $null) { hmake massjoin 750 } } alias -l abmj { echo -a 12,1*!14 MASS JOIN KICKER II 12!* echo -a 12,1*!14 By Neo Nemesis 12!* echo -a 12,1*!14 http://mirc-deluxe.webs.com 12!* } on @*:JOIN:#: { if (%massjoin == $true) { set -u15 %mj1 $addtok(%mj1,$nick,44) hinc -mu5 massjoin JOIN 1 if ($hget(massjoin,JOIN) >= 7) { if (%modechan != $true) { mode $chan +im set -u15 %modechan $true set -u15 %mj2 1 notice $chan 12*! 4MASS JOIN DETECTED12 !* 2- 12channel locked down for4 5-7 minuets.12 Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. .timermjs 1 300 mode $chan -im } while (%mj2 <= $numtok(%mj1,44)) { if ($gettok(%mj1,%mj2,44) ison $chan) && ($gettok(%mj1,%mj2,44) !isreg $chan) { if (%mj2 <= 8) { .timermj $+ %mj2 -m 1 $calc(780 * %mj2 kick $chan $gettok(%mj1,%mj2,44) 2MASS JOIN KICKER II - By Neo Nemesis } elseif (%mj2 > 8) { .timermj $+ %mj2 -m 1 $calc(897 * %mj2) kick $chan $gettok(%mj1,%mj2,44) 2MASS JOIN KICKER II - By Neo Nemesis } } inc %mj2 } } } } menu status,query,nicklist,channel { MASS JOIN KICKER II - $iif(%massjoin = $true,ON,OFF) .ON:/set %massjoin $true .OFF:/set %massjoin $false .About:/abmj }
Using mIRC's raw numeric events, this script modifies the information that is shown when you do /whois or /whowas. Shows more info on the user. DeluXe Whois II - By Neo Nemesis ;whois script raw 311:*: { echo -a $+ $color(whois) $+ - | echo -a 12*!*14 DeluXe Whois II 12*!*4 ( $+ $2 $+ )12 *!* | echo -a 4Hostmask: $+ $color(whois) *!*@ $+ $4 $+ | echo -a 4E-mail: $+ $color(whois) $3 $+ | echo -a 4Fullname: $+ $color(whois) $6- $+ | halt } raw 307:*: { echo -a 4Registered: $+ $color(whois) $4- $+ | halt } raw 319:*: { echo -a 4Channels: $+ $color(whois) $3- $+ | halt } raw 312:*: { if (%whowas != $true) { echo -a 4Server: $+ $color(whois) $3 $+ | echo -a 4IRCd: $+ $color(whois) $4- $+ | halt } | elseif (%whowas == $true) { echo -a 4Server: $+ $color(whois) $3 | echo -a 4Date: $+ $color(whois) $4- | unset %whowas | halt } } raw 317:*: { echo -a 4Idle time: $+ $color(whois) $duration($3) $+ | echo -a 4Sign on: $+ $color(whois) $asctime($4) $+ | halt } raw 313:*: { echo -a 4IRCop: $+ $color(whois) $5- $+ | halt } raw 310:*: { echo -a 4Helpful: $+ $color(info) $3- $+ | halt } raw 309:*: { echo -a 4Language: $+ $color(info) $3- $+ | halt } raw 325:*: { echo -a 4Language Filter: $+ $color(info) $3- $+ | halt } raw 301:*: { echo -a 4Away: $+ $color(info) $3- $+ | halt } raw 318:*: { echo -a 12*!*14 End of /whois 12*!* | echo -a $+ $color(whois) $+ - | halt } raw 314:*: { %whowas = $true | echo -a $+ $color(whois) $+ - | echo -a 12*!*14 DeluXe Whowas 12*!*4 ( $+ $2 $+ )12 *!* | echo -a 4Hostkmask: $+ $color(whois) *!*@* $+ $4 $+ | echo -a 4E-mail: $+ $color(whois) $3 $+ | echo -a 4Fullname: $+ $color(whois) $6- | halt } raw 406:*: { echo -a $+ $color(whois) $+ - | echo -a 12*!*14 $2 there was no such nickname. 12*!* | halt } raw 369:*: { echo -a 12*!*14 End of /whowas 12*!* | echo -a $+ $color(whois) $+ - | halt } raw 344:*: { echo -a 4SSL: $+ $color(whois) $4- $+ | halt } raw 334:*: { if (interests isin $1-) { echo -a 4Interests: $+ $color(whois) $4- $+ } | elseif (location isin $1-) { echo -a 4Location: $+ $color(whois) $4- $+ } | elseif (occupation isin $1-) { echo -a 4Occupation: $+ $color(whois) $4- $+ } | halt } raw 379:*: { echo -a 4User Modes: $+ $color(whois) $6- | halt } raw 671:*: { echo -a 4Secure Connection: $+ $color(whois) $3- | halt } raw 320:*: { echo -a 4Info: $+ $color(whois) $3- | halt } raw 338:*: { echo -a 4IP: $+ $color(whois) $3- | halt } raw 340:*: { echo -a 4IP: $+ $color(whois) $2- | halt }
Updated to version 1.81, fixed the bugs from 1.76 DeluXe MP3 1.81 is a nice MP3 player for your mIRC. It works nicely and doesn't require you moving any MP3 files into a certain directory, and can play mp3 files that are stored anywhere on your computer! It can play only .mp3 format sound files. Has a customizable colour pop-up (for music info) As well as a built in volume control and iconic buttons. It also has a nice "size efficient" look and fits nicely right at the top of your screen, under the toolbar or wherever you want to put it! Much more better than its built-into-the-custom-toolbar counter-part version 1.5 which will be featured in mIRC-DeluXe 1.5.5 (Hopefully to be released soon). Made by request for Shizuma ❤️ Available to everyone, try it out let me know what you think. PLEASE READ THE README!!! FILE LOCATED IN THE ZIP FILE IT CONTAINS SPECIAL LOADING INSTRUCTIONS THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED IN ORDER FOR THE SCRIPT INITIATE PROPERLY. WORKS THE BEST IN C:\mIRC\ Works best on mIRC 6.35 and Windows XP. As for Windows Vista and Windows 7 I am unsure how they will work. Version 1.76 had compatibility problems with Windows Vista for some reason, hopefully those problems were eliminated in 1.81 DeluXeMP3181.zip
ntended for a channel bot. Just copy and paste into remotes. mIRC 6.35+ Gives information on youtube links when posted in the channel, and can now also do YOUTBUE SEARCHES! Triggered when YouTube link is posted in chat.... YouTube Link Info: [15:42] <@Neo-Nemesis> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwY3Ftfdy6M [15:42] <@Boris_III> YouTube Title: Iron Maiden - Killers [15:42] <@Boris_III> YouTube Info: Iron Maiden - Killers Members: Paul Di'Anno - vocals Steve Harris - bass guitar Dave Murray - guitar Adrian Smith - guitar Clive Burr - drums Iron Maiden's o... Triggered when user types !youtube YouTube Search: [15:43] <@Neo-Nemesis> !youtube Iron Maiden [15:43] <@Boris_III> YouTube Search - About 105,000 results - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Iron+Maiden&aq=f [15:43] <@Boris_III> YouTube Official YouTube Channel Link http://www.youtube.com/user/ironmaiden?blend=1 [15:43] <@Boris_III> YouTube Iron Maiden Wasted Years Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwB9zg7Tbx8 [15:43] <@Boris_III> YouTube Iron Maiden, ACDC and Guns N Roses 4 LIFE Link http://www.youtube.com/user/benoitiginla12?blend=3 [15:43] <@Boris_III> YouTube aces high Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sam5omG0v0 ;YouTube Info 2.0 ;By Neo Nemesis on *:TEXT:*youtube*:#: { if ($1 == !youtube) { %c.ytb = $chan YouTube search $2- } else { %c.ytb = $chan YouTube $1 } } alias s.YTB.Parse { if (& isin $remove($gettok($1-,2,32),href=",$chr(34))) { return $replace($remove($gettok($remove($1-,<h3>,<b>,</b>,</h3>),2,62),</a),",$chr(34),',$chr(39),&,$chr(38)) 4Link15 http://www.youtube.com $+ $gettok($remove($gettok($1-,2,32),href=",$chr(34)),1,38) } else { return $replace($remove($gettok($remove($1-,<h3>,<b>,</b>,</h3>),2,62),</a),",$chr(34),',$chr(39),&,$chr(38)) 4Link:15 http://www.youtube.com $+ $remove($gettok($1-,2,32),href=",$chr(34)) } } alias YouTube { if ($1 == search) { ;search unset %ysrc* sockclose s.ytb %ysrch = /results?search_query= $+ $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(43)) $+ &aq=f sockopen s.ytb www.youtube.com 80 } else { unset %ytb* sockclose ytb %ytb1 = $remove($1,http://,www.,youtube,.com) sockopen ytb www.youtube.com 80 } } on *:SOCKOPEN:s.ytb: { sockwrite -n $sockname GET %ysrch HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.youtube.com sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:s.ytb: { sockread %ysrc.1 if (About <strong> isin %ysrc.1) { .timerYTB6 1 1 msg %c.ytb 1,0You0,4Tube15,1 Search - $remove(%ysrc.1,<strong>,</strong>) - http://www.youtube.com $+ %ysrch %ysrc.3 = $true } if (dir="ltr" title=" isin %ysrc.1) && (%ysrc.3 == $true) { if (%ysrc.2) { inc %ysrc.2 } else { %ysrc.2 = 1 } if (%ysrc.2 <= 4) { .timerYTBb $+ %ysrc.2 1 $calc(%ysrc.2 + $rand(1,2)) msg %c.ytb 1,0You0,4Tube15,1 $s.YTB.Parse(%ysrc.1) } else { sockclose s.ytb } } } on *:SOCKOPEN:ytb: { sockwrite -n $sockname GET %ytb1 HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.youtube.com sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:ytb: { sockread %ytb2 if (<meta name=" isin %ytb2) { if (="title" content=" isin %ytb2) { %ytb.title = $remove(%ytb2,<meta name="title" content=",">) .timerYTB1 1 1 msg %c.ytb 1,0You0,4Tube15,1 Title: $replace(%ytb.title,',$chr(39),",$chr(34),&,$chr(38)) $+ } if (="description" content=" isin %ytb2) { %ytb.desc = $remove(%ytb2,<meta name="description" content=",">) .timerYTB2 1 2 msg %c.ytb 1,0You0,4Tube15,1 Info: $replace(%ytb.desc,',$chr(39),",$chr(34),&,$chr(38)) $+ } if (%ytb.title) && (%ytb.desc) { sockclose ytb } } }
Simple LAZOR script. Variation of the FIRIN' MAH LAZOR snippet. Contributors: Maximus Commands /minilazor Examples: /minilazor This fires the mini lazor at the active window. /minilazor napa182 This fires the mini lazor at napa182 /minilazor #channel This fires the mini lazor at #channel Paste in remotes or in aliases file. If your going to paste in the aliases file, remove the "alias" infront of MiniLazor in the code snippet below. alias MiniLazor { if ($1 == $null) && ($active != status window) { %minilazor = $active } elseif ($1 != $null) { %minilazor = $1 } .timermlzr -m 10 1000 msg %minilazor 7,4./¯/_____________________________\ .timermlzr1 -m 10 1050 msg %minilazor 7,4| 4,7D7,4R4,7. 7,4O4,7C7,4T4,7O7,4G4,7O7,4N4,7A7,4P4,7U7,4S4,7! 7,4B7,4L4,7A7,4R4,7R7,4R4,7R7,4G4,7G7,4G7,4H4,7H7,4!4,4***7,4| .timermlzr2 -m 10 1075 msg %minilazor 7,4.\_\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/
Version 1.6.0
This is a nice mIRC with many features. Emoticons, Media player, favorite channels manager, notify list manager, query blocker (gate keeper), YouTube support, channel protections, flood protections, custom toolbar/menubar, OP Control Panel, Troll Smasher, Color Cut Script, CD Tray opener and more! mIRC DeluXe has a extensive online help center, and can be accessed with the /dxhelp command. THIS SCRIPT REQUIRES: mIRC v6.35+ Windows XP+ and DirectX 9.0+ without ALL THREE of these items the program will not work. PLEASE READ THE "READ ME 1ST!!!.txt FILE CONTAINED IN THE .rar FILE IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED. 1.6.00 Changes: First public release! 3 different editions will shortly be available. Final Fantasy Edition (Special Edition), Professional Killer Edition (Special Edition), DeluXe Lite 1.6 (normal edition). Visit website for more info on editions. Fixed a few more bugs, recoded new Troll Smasher II, recoded black list, added SpamGuard 1.0 (non-lite versions only) added Google Search (non-lite versions only), added new online help center. New graphics! Also added a check for updates feature, that will check for patches or new versions of mIRC DeluXe! 1.5.84 Changes: Fixed the last of the quirks in the favorite channels auto-join (hopefuly), small media player bug fixes, another emoticon bug fix (from error in 1.5.83). And squashed a couple quirks here and there. 1.5.83 Changes: Fixed many media player bugs now DeluXe Media Player 1.05 beta. Fixed menubar bug when selecting mIRC options. Turned on show mode prefix. Fixed YouTube scanner bug. Fixed server notice event. Fixed a few typos. Recoded away system and changed it to DCX.dll instead of MDX.dll. Modified IAL Checker. Recoded Favorite Channels list with DCX instead of MDX. Fixed a feq quirks here and there. 1.5.82 Changes: Fixed emoticon bug, Fixed right click on nick list bug, fixed server list bug in options menu, added YouTube scanner, added multiple file uploader to the Media player, recoded whois script, updated help file, fixed YouTube and Join "nothing on enter" bug, added /j command, fixed (hopefuly) server notice bug, fixed favorite channel auto join bug added CD Tray opener 1.5.81 Changes: Fixed user interface auto-rename bug added enable feature to user interface, set away dialog on desktop, added DNS to active window, added emoticons, fixed OPCP bugs, fixed ¯°º·º°¯ DeluXe Lite ¯°º·º°¯ fullname bug, modified nick list colors, updated help file. 1.5.8 Changes: Fixed Troll Smasher colors bug, fixed user interface auto identify bug. 1.5.7 Changes: Made it "lite" removed RPGenerator added Troll Smasher, fix a few small bugs and removed need for loading screen on start up. -
A nice protection script, has channel protections from Deop, Ban, Kick and also has flood protections. ;Protection Script Z31 ;Made for mIRC Script Z31 ;By Neo Nemesis ;Version 1.1 on *:LOAD: { writeini z31.ini main protect on,on,on,on,on,on,2,5,on echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * Protection Script Z31 Loaded successfuly! Use /protection for the options menu! } menu channel,nicklist,query,status { Protection Script Z31:/protection } alias protection { if (!$1) { dialog -m protect protect } if ($1 == op) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,1,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,1,44) } } if ($1 == kick) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,2,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,2,44) } } if ($1 == ban) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,3,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,3,44) } } if ($1 == massjoin) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,4,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,4,44) } } if ($1 == flood) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,5,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,5,44) } } if ($1 == iflood) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,6,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,6,44) } } if ($1 == timer) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,7,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,7,44) } } if ($1 == num) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,8,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,8,44) } } if ($1 == pmflood) { if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,9,44) } elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,9,44) } } } alias protect.file { return $readini(z31.ini,Main,Protect) } alias z31.file { return $readini(z31.ini,$1,$2) } alias exempt { if ($1 == chan) { if (!$2) { return $z31.file(exempt,01) } if ($2 == add) { writeini z31.ini exempt 01 $addtok($z31.file(exempt,01),$3,44) } if ($2 == del) { if ($z31.file(exempt,01) == $3) { remini z31.ini exempt 01 } elseif ($z31.file(exempt,01) != $3) { writeini z31.ini exempt 01 $remtok($z31.file(exempt,01),$3,1,44) } } elseif ($2) { if ($z31.file(exempt,01)) { %Z31.1 = 1 while (%Z31.1 <= $numtok($z31.file(exempt,01),44)) { if ($gettok($z31.file(exempt,01),%Z31.1,44) == $2) { return $true } else { inc %Z31.1 } } } return $false } } if ($1 == user) { if (!$2) { return $z31.file(exempt,02) } if ($2 == add) { writeini z31.ini exempt 02 $addtok($z31.file(exempt,02),$3,44) } if ($2 == del) { if ($z31.file(exempt,02) == $3) { remini z31.ini exempt 02 } elseif ($z31.file(exempt,02) != $3) { writeini z31.ini exempt 02 $remtok($z31.file(exempt,02),$3,1,44) } } elseif ($2) { if ($z31.file(exempt,02)) { %Z31.2 = 1 while (%Z31.2 <= $numtok($z31.file(exempt,02),44)) { if ($gettok($z31.file(exempt,02),%Z31.2,44) == $2) { return $true } else { inc %Z31.2 } } } return $false } } if ($1 == host) { if (!$2) { return $z31.file(exempt,03) } if ($2 == add) { writeini z31.ini exempt 03 $addtok($z31.file(exempt,03),$3,44) } if ($2 == del) { if ($z31.file(exempt,03) == $3) { remini z31.ini exempt 03 } elseif ($z31.file(exempt,03) != $3) { writeini z31.ini exempt 03 $remtok($z31.file(exempt,03),$3,1,44) } } elseif ($2) { if ($z31.file(exempt,03)) { %Z31.3 = 1 while (%Z31.3 <= $numtok($z31.file(exempt,03),44)) { if ($gettok($z31.file(exempt,03),%Z31.3,44) == $2) { return $true } else { inc %Z31.3 } } } return $false } } } dialog protect { size -1 -1 445 272 title Protection box "Protections"1, 5 5 140 205 check "DeOP Protection"2, 10 20 98 15 check "Kick Protection"3, 10 35 90 15 check "Ban Protection"4, 10 50 88 15 check "Mass Join Protection"5, 10 65 115 15 check "Flood Protection"6, 10 80 95 15 check "Invite Flood Protection"7, 10 95 128 15 text "Flood trigger:"8, 10 110 80 15 edit ""9, 20 125 40 23 text "Joins/Messages"10, 65 130 75 15 text "in"11, 23 150 15 15 edit ""12, 20 165 40 23 text "seconds."13, 65 170 50 15 check "PM Flood Protection"28, 10 190 113 15 box "Exceptions"14, 150 5 293 265 tab "Channels"15, 155 20 280 245 tab "Users"16 tab "Hostmasks"17 ;tab 15 list 18, 160 45 270 200,vsbar,tab 15 button "Add"19, 160 235 80 23,tab 15 button "Remove"20, 245 235 80 23,tab 15 ;tab 16 list 21, 160 45 270 200,vsbar,tab 16 button "Add"22, 160 235 80 23,tab 16 button "Remove"23, 245 235 80 23,tab 16 ;tab 17 list 24, 160 45 270 200,vsbar,tab 17 button "Add"25, 160 235 80 23,tab 17 button "Remove"26, 245 235 80 23,tab 17 button "Close"27, 35 225 80 23,ok } on *:DIALOG:protect:init:*: { if ($protection(op) == on) { did -c protect 2 } if ($protection(kick) == on) { did -c protect 3 } if ($protection(ban) == on) { did -c protect 4 } if ($protection(massjoin) == on) { did -c protect 5 } if ($protection(flood) == on) { did -c protect 6 } if ($protection(iflood) == on) { did -c protect 7 } did -a protect 9 $protection(num) did -a protect 12 $protection(timer) if ($exempt(chan)) { %Z31.4 = 1 while (%Z31.4 <= $numtok($exempt(chan),44)) { did -a protect 18 $gettok($exempt(chan),%Z31.4,44) inc %Z31.4 } } if ($exempt(user)) { %Z31.5 = 1 while (%Z31.5 <= $numtok($exempt(user),44)) { did -a protect 21 $gettok($exempt(user),%Z31.5,44) inc %Z31.5 } } if ($exempt(host)) { %Z31.6 = 1 while (%Z31.6 <= $numtok($exempt(host),44)) { did -a protect 24 $gettok($exempt(host),%Z31.6,44) inc %Z31.6 } } if ($protection(pmflood) == on) { did -c protect 28 } unset %Z31.* } on *:DIALOG:protect:sclick:*: { if ($did == 2) { if ($did(2).state == 1) { protection op on } else { protection op off } } if ($did == 3) { if ($did(3).state == 1) { protection kick on } else { protection kick off } } if ($did == 4) { if ($did(4).state == 1) { protection ban on } else { protection ban off } } if ($did == 5) { if ($did(5).state == 1) { protection massjoin on } else { protection massjoin off } } if ($did == 6) { if ($did(6).state == 1) { protection flood on } else { protection flood off } } if ($did == 7) { if ($did(7).state == 1) { protection iflood on } else { protection iflood off } } if ($did == 19) { %z31.7 = $input(Please enter the channel you wish to add to the exception list.,oe,Protection) if ($chr(35) !isin %z31.7) { %z31.dump = $input(You must enter the # symbol before the channel name.,oh,Protection) } elseif ($chr(35) isin %z31.7) { exempt chan add %z31.7 did -a protect 18 %z31.7 } } if ($did == 20) { if (!$did(18).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Please select the channel you wish to remove from the exception list first.,oh,Protection) } elseif ($did(18).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Are you sure you want to remove $did(18).seltext from the exception list?,yw,Protection) if (%z31.dump == $true) { exempt chan del $did(18).seltext did -r protect 18 if ($exempt(chan)) { %Z31.4 = 1 while (%Z31.4 <= $numtok($exempt(chan),44)) { did -a protect 18 $gettok($exempt(chan),%Z31.4,44) inc %Z31.4 } } } } } if ($did == 22) { %z31.8 = $input(Please enter the user name you wish to add to the exception list.,oe,Protection) if (%z31.8 != $false) && (%z31.8 != $null) { exempt user add %z31.8 did -a protect 21 %z31.8 } } if ($did == 23) { if (!$did(21).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Please select the user name you wish to remove from the exception list first.,oh,Protection) } elseif ($did(21).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Are you sure you want to remove $did(21).seltext from the exception list?,yw,Protection) if (%z31.dump == $true) { exempt user del $did(21).seltext did -r protect 21 if ($exempt(user)) { %Z31.5 = 1 while (%Z31.5 <= $numtok($exempt(user),44)) { did -a protect 21 $gettok($exempt(user),%Z31.5,44) inc %Z31.5 } } } } } if ($did == 25) { %z31.9 = $input(Please enter the hostmask you wish to add to the exception list. NOTE: It must be a valid hostmask!,oe,Protection) if ($chr(46) !isin %z31.9) || ($chr(64) !isin %z31.9) || ($chr(33) !isin %z31.9) { %z31.dump = $input(%z31.9 is not a valid host mask.,oh,Protection) } elseif ($chr(46) isin %z31.9) && ($chr(64) isin %z31.9) && ($chr(33) isin %z31.9) { exempt host add %z31.9 did -a protect 24 %z31.9 } } if ($did == 26) { if (!$did(24).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Please select the hostmask you wish to remove from the exception list first.,oh,Protection) } elseif ($did(24).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Are you sure you want to remove $did(24).seltext from the exception list?,yw,Protection) if (%z31.dump == $true) { exempt host del $did(24).seltext did -r protect 24 if ($exempt(host)) { %Z31.6 = 1 while (%Z31.6 <= $numtok($exempt(host),44)) { did -a protect 24 $gettok($exempt(user),%Z31.6,44) inc %Z31.6 } } } } } if ($did == 28) { if ($did(28).state == 1) { protection pmflood on } else { protection pmflood off } } :end unset %z31.* } on *:DIALOG:protect:edit:9: { if ($did(9).text) { protection num $did(9).text } } on *:DIALOG:protect:edit:12: { if ($did(12).text) { protection timer $did(12).text } } alias IsExempt { if ($1) { if ($exempt(chan,$1) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(user,$1) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,0)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,1)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,2)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,3)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,4)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,5)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,6)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,7)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,8)) == $true) { return $true } if ($exempt(host,$address($1,9)) == $true) { return $true } else { return $false } } } on *:DEOP:#: { if ($protection(op) == on) { if ($nick == $me) || ($nick == ChanServ) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } if ($opnick == $me) { %z31-op = $true %z31-chan = $chan %z31-nick = $nick .timerZ31.1 1 1 chanserv op $chan $me } } :end } on *:OP:%z31-chan: { if (%z31-op == $true) || (%z31-kick == $true) || (%z31-ban == $true) { if (%z31-nick ison $chan) { mode $chan -ob %z31-nick %z31-banmask .timerZ31.3 -m 1 1500 kick $chan %z31-nick Kicked by $me 4(OP Abuse) } } unset %z31-* } on @*:KICK:#: { if ($protection(kick) == on) { if ($nick == $me) || ($nick == ChanServ) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } if ($knick == $me) { %z31-kick = $true %z31-chan = $chan %z31-nick = $nick .timerZ31.4 1 1 join %z31-chan } } :end } alias IsBanned { if ($me isin $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,0) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,1) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,2) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,3) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,4) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,5) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,6) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,7) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,8) == $1) { return $true } if ($address($me,9) == $1) { return $true } if ($gettok($host,4,46) isin $1) { return $true } else { return $false } } on @*:BAN:#: { if ($protection(ban) == on) { if ($nick == $me) || ($nick == ChanServ) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } if ($IsBanned($banmask) == $true) { set -u8 %z31-ban $true set -u8 %z31-banmask $banmask set -u8 %z31-chan $chan set -u8 %z31-nick $nick .timerZ31.6 1 1 mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick .timerZ31.7 1 2 kick $chan $nick Kicked by $me 4(OP Abuse) } } :end } raw *:*: { if (%z31-kick == $true) { if ($numeric == 471) || ($numeric == 473) || ($numeric == 474) || ($numeric == 475) { .timerZ31.5 1 1 chanserv invite %z31-chan halt } } } on ^*:NOTICE:*:*: { if (%z31-op == $true) || (%z31-kick == $true) || (%z31-ban == $true) && ($nick == ChanServ) { %chanserv = $strip($1-) if (access denied isin %chanserv) || (permission denied isin %chanserv) || (You do not have access isin %chanserv) { echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * ChanServ could not complete the operation on %z31-chan $+ . (Access Denied) unset %z31-* } if (not registered isin %chanserv) { echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * ChanServ could not complete the operation on %z31-chan $+ . (Channel not registered) unset %z31-* } unset %chanserv halt } } on @*:JOIN:#: { if ($protection(massjoin) == on) { if ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($nick isreg $chan) { goto end } inc % [ $+ [ $chan ] ] %clones. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $addtok(%clones. [ $+ [ $chan ] ],$nick,44) .timerJOINS1 1 $protection(timer) unset % [ $+ [ $chan ] ] .timerJOINS2 1 $protection(timer) unset %clones. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] if (% [ $+ [ $chan ] ] >= $protection(num)) { mode $chan +dim .timerJOINS* off .timerMODE 1 300 mode $chan -dim clonek $chan } } :end } alias clonek { %kick = 1 while (%kick <= $numtok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],44)) { if ($gettok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],%kick,44) ison $1) { .timerCK $+ %kick -m 1 $calc(1300 * %kick + 660) kick $chan $gettok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],%kick,44) Mass Join 4(Clone) } inc %kick } if (!$timerKICK*) { .timerKICK $+ $rand(1,999) 1 $calc($numtok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],44) + 2) ck.us $1 } } alias ck.us { unset % [ $+ [ $1 ] ] unset %clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] unset %kick } on *:TEXT:*:#: { if ($protection(flood) == on) { if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick } if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { if ($me isop $chan) { .timer $+ $nick $+ 1 1 1 kick $chan $nick Slow down! 4(Flooding) } elseif ($me !isop $chan) { .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@* .echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) $chan by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes. } unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } } :end } on *:NOTICE:*:#: { if ($protection(flood) == on) { if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick } if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { if ($me isop $chan) { .timer $+ $nick $+ 1 1 1 kick $chan $nick Slow down! 4(Flooding) } elseif ($me !isop $chan) { .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@* .echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) $chan by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes. } unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } } :end } on *:ACTION:*:#: { if ($protection(flood) == on) { if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick } if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { if ($me isop $chan) { .timer $+ $nick $+ 1 1 1 kick $chan $nick Slow down! 4(Flooding) } elseif ($me !isop $chan) { .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@* .echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) $chan by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes. } unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } } :end } on *:TEXT:*:?: { if ($protection(pmflood) == on) { if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick } if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@* .echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Private Message by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes. close -m $nick unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } } :end } on *:ACTION:*:?: { if ($protection(pmflood) == on) { if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick } if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@* .echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Private Message by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes. close -m $nick unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } } :end } on *:NOTICE:*:?: { if ($protection(flood) == on) { if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick } if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@* .echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Notice by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes. close -m $nick unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } } :end } on *:INVITE:#: { if ($protection(iflood) == on) { if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end } inc %invites if (!$timer(invite)) { .timerinvite 1 $protection(timer) unset %invites } if (%invites >= $calc($protection(num) - 1)) { ignore -iu240 *!*@* echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * - 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Invite Flood - All invites ignored for 4 minutes. } } :end }
V5 - Better, faster, stronger. About IRC Guard 5000: http://CodersElite.site90.net/PG5KHelp.htm First: Just copy snippet below. Open notepad and paste code into notepad, the SAVE FILE AS criptnamehere.mrc into your mIRC directory. Then: In mIRC press ALT+R when the script editor pops up go to FILE select LOAD and select scriptnamehere.mrc and click okay, allow initialization commands to run. Or: Once the file is saved into the mIRC directory use: /load -rs scriptnamehere.mrc and allow the initialization commands to run. IRC Guard 5000 (V5) is a blacklist made to repel pedophiles, creeps, trolls and other undesirable users on IRC. you must have channel operator (+o) status on a channel to use this script! Please report all bugs here! Looking for V4? Get the source code here: http://CodersElite.site90.net/PG5K.htm ;IRC Guard 5000 (V5) ;Better, Faster, Stronger. ;By Neo Nemesis ;Basically a black list designed to ;repel IRC stalkers, creepers, pedos ;and other undesirables ;Special thanks to Jethro_, Bofh, Gemstone, Manit and gasak :D ;And thanks to the memebers of Hawkee forums! ;List Update check on start on *:LOAD: { echo -a * IRC Guard 5000 (V5) is loading... ;set -u0 %crl.01 on,on,on,on,on,ban,2,You are not welcome here! ;checking for older versions if ($isfile(PG5K.ini) == $true) { if ($creep.file(01)) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Do you wish to save old entries from V4?,yi,IRC Guard 5000 $chr(40) $+ V5 $+ $chr(41)) if (%CRP_DUMP == $true) { echo -a * Saving old entries and options... ;saving old entries. Most of them save ;right over except for user white list. ;$creep.file(05) is parsed. if ($creep.file(02)) { set -u0 %crl.ubl $creep.file(02) } if ($creep.file(03)) { set -u0 %crl.ibl $creep.file(03) } if ($creep.file(04)) { set -u0 %crl.cwl $creep.file(04) } if ($creep.file(05)) { set -u0 %num 1 while (%num <= $numtok($creep.file(05),44)) { if ($chr(33) isin $gettok($creep.file(05),%num,44)) && ($chr(64) isin $gettok($creep.file(05),%num,44)) { set -u0 %crl.hwl $addtok(%crl.hwl,$gettok($creep.file(05),$num,44),44) } else { set -u0 %crl.uwl $addtok(%crl.uwl,$gettok($creep.file(05),$num,44),44) } inc %num } if ($creep.file(06)) { set -u0 %crl.nwl $creep.file(06) } ;if ($creep.file(kickmsg) != You are not welcome here!) { set -u0 %crl.opt on,on,on,on,on,ban,2, $+ $remove($creep.file(kickmsg),$chr(44)) } set -u0 %crl.opt on,on,on,on,on,ban,2,You are not welcome here! remini PG5K.ini PG5K } } } } if (%crl.opt) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 %crl.opt } elseif (!%crl.opt) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 on,on,on,on,on,ban,2,You are not welcome here! } if (%crl.ubl) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 02 %crl.ubl } if (%crl.ibl) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 03 %crl.ibl } if (%crl.cwl) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 06 %crl.cwl } if (%crl.uwl) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 07 %crl.uwl } if (%crl.hwl) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 08 %crl.hwl } echo -a * IRC Guard 5000 V5 has finished loading. Use /creep to access the main menu, you can also use /creep help for help, or you can select it from the popup menus throughout mIRC. } on *:START: { if ($creep(enable) == on) { PG5K_Update GET } } alias creep { if (!$1) && (!$dialog(creep)) { dialog -m creep creep } if ($1 == enable) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),1,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2,1,44) } } if ($1 == update) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),2,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2,2,44) } } if ($1 == scan1) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),3,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2,3,44) } } if ($1 == scan2) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),4,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2,4,44) } } if ($1 == scan3) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),5,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2,5,44) } } if ($1 == action) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),6,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2,6,44) } } if ($1 == bantype) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),7,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2,7,44) } } if ($1 == kickmsg) { if ($isid == $true) { return $gettok($creep.file(01),8,44) } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K 01 $puttok($creep.file(01),$2-,8,44) } } if ($1 == add) { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K $2 $addtok($creep.file($2),$3-,44) } if ($1 == del) { if ($creep.file($2) == $3-) { remini PG5K.ini PG5K $2 } else { writeini PG5K.ini PG5K $2 $remtok($creep.file($2),$3-,1,44) } } if ($1 == help) { run http://CodersElite.site90.net/PG5KHelp.htm } if ($1 == cmsg1) { return 4/!\ CREEP ALERT /!\ $gettok($creep.file(01),8,44) } if ($1 == cmsg2) { return 4/!\ CREEP ALERT /!\ You have been added to my black list creep! } } alias creep.file { return $readini(PG5K.ini,PG5K,$1) } alias IsListed { return $istok($creep.file($1),$2,44) } alias IsListed_WC { set -u0 %CRP_WC 1 while (%CRP_WC <= $numtok($creep.file(05),44)) { if ($remove($gettok($creep.file(05),%CRP_WC,44),$chr(42)) isin $1) { return $true } inc %CRP_WC } return $false } alias C_LMngr { if ($1 == gui_bl) && (!$dialog(C_LMngr)) { dialog -mo C_LMngr C_LMngr } if ($1 == gui_wl) && (!$dialog(C_LMngr_)) { dialog -mo C_LMngr_ C_LMngr_ } ;/C_LMngr add -iuihwcUHnd <info> if ($1 == add) { if ($2 === -u) { %CLM_ = user name,02,07,0 | goto parse } if ($2 === -i) { %CLM_ = ident,03,00,0 | goto parse } if ($2 === -h) { %CLM_ = host mask,04,08,0 | goto parse } if ($2 === -w) { %CLM_ = wildcard,05,00,0 | goto parse } if ($2 === -c) { %CLM_ = channel,06,00,1 | goto parse } if ($2 === -U) { %CLM_ = user name,07,02,1 | goto parse } if ($2 === -H) { %CLM_ = host mask,08,04,1 | goto parse } if ($2 === -n) { %CLM_ = network,09,00,1 | goto parse } if ($2 === -d) { ;add to update list } else { goto end } :parse %CLM_p = $gettok(%CLM_,1,44) %CLM_al = $gettok(%CLM_,2,44) %CLM_ol = $gettok(%CLM_,3,44) %CLM_c = $gettok(%CLM_,4,44) if ($IsListed(%CLM_al,$3-) == $true) { if (%CLM_c == 0) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(The %CLM_p ' $+ $3- $+ ' is already listed in the black list.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) | goto end } elseif (%CLM_c == 1) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(The %CLM_p ' $+ $3- $+ ' is already listed in the white list.,oh IRC Guard 5000) | goto end } } if (%CLM_ol != 00) && ($IsListed(%CLM_ol,$3-) == $true) { if (%CLM_c == 0) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(The %CLM_p ' $+ $3- $+ ' is white listed and cannot be added to the black list.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) | goto end } elseif (%CLM_c == 1) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(The %CLM_p ' $+ $3- $+ ' is black listed and caoont be added to the white list.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) | goto end } } else { creep add %CLM_al $3- if ($dialog(creep)) { did -a creep $iif(%CLM_c = 0,2,30) $3- } else { if (%CLM_c == 0) { echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * $3- added to the black list. } elseif (%CLM_c == 1) { echo -a $+ $color(info) $+ * $3- added to the white list. } } if (%CLM_p == user name) { set -u0 %CRP_Sca 1 while (%CRP_Sca <= $chan(0)) { if ($3 ison $chan(%CRP_Sca)) && ($me isop $chan(%CRP_Sca)) { CR_J $3 $chan(%CRP_Sca) } inc %CRP_Sca } } goto end } } if ($1 == del) { %CLM_r = 2 while (%CLM_r <= 9) { if ($IsListed(0 $+ %CLM_r,$2-) == $true) { creep del 0 $+ %CLM_r $2- } else { inc %CLM_r } } } if ($1 == clear) { if ($2 == bl) { did -r creep 2 set -u0 %CRP_bln 2 while (%CRP_bln <= 5) { remini PG5K.ini PG5K 0 $+ %CRP_bln inc %CRP_bln } } elseif ($2 == wl) { did -r creep 30 set -u0 %CRP_wln 6 while (%CRP_wln <= 9) { remini PG5K.ini PG5K 0 $+ %CRP_wln inc %CRP_wln } } } if ($1 == load) { set -u0 %CLM_l 2 while (%CLM_l <= 9) { if (%CLM_l <= 5) { %CLM_id = 2 } elseif (%CLM_l > 5) { %CLM_id = 30 } if ($creep.file(0 $+ %CLM_l)) { didtok creep %CLM_id 44 $creep.file(0 $+ %CLM_l) } inc %CLM_l } goto end } :end unset %CLM_* } alias CR_J { if ($IsListed(06,$2) == $true) || ($IsListed(07,$1) == $true) || ($IsListed(09,$network) == $true) { goto end } set -u0 %CR_Jwl 0 while (%CR_Jwl <= 9) { if ($IsListed(08,$address($1,%CR_Jwl)) == $true) { goto end } inc %CR_Jwl } if ($creep(scan1) == on) { if ($IsListed(03,$gettok($gettok($address($1,5),2,33),1,64)) == $true) { if ($IsListed(02,$1) == $false) { creep add 02 $1 } goto User_Check } elseif ($IsListed(03,$gettok($gettok($address($1,5),2,33),1,64)) == $false) { if ($IsListed(02,$1) == $true) { creep add 03 $gettok($gettok($address($1,5),2,33),1,64) } goto User_Check } } :User_Check if ($IsListed(02,$1) == $true) { goto User_Run } if ($IsListed_WC($address($1,5)) == $true) { goto User_Run } set -u0 %CR_N 0 while (%CR_N <= 9) { if ($IsListed(04,$address($1,%CR_N)) == $true) { goto User_Run } inc %CR_N } goto end :User_Run if ($creep(action) == ban) { CR_K $creep(bantype) $2 $1 } else { CR_K 11 $2 $1 } :end } alias CR_K { if ($1 <= 9) { mode $2 +b $address($3,$1) goto kick } if ($1 == 10) { mode $2 +b $3 $+ !*@* goto kick } if ($1 == 11) { goto kick } :kick .timerCRP $+ $rand(1,99999) -m 1 $rand(800,1600) kick $2 $3 $creep(cmsg1) } ;Auto Update alias PG5K_Update { if ($1 == GET) { sockclose PG5K sockopen PG5K coderselite.site90.net 80 } if ($1 == Run) { if ($IsListed(10,$2) == $true) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(You already have this list update.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) } else { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Are you sure you want to acquire the ' $+ $2 $+ ' list update?,yw,IRC Guard 5000) } if (%CRP_DUMP == $true) { did -r PG5K_U 5 did -a PG5K_U 5 UPDATING PLEASE WAIT ;UGH >.< Below Necessary for faster processing through large lists. if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 02 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,164),2,61) } if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],4,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 03 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],4,164),2,61) } if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],5,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 04 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],5,164),2,61) } if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],6,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 05 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],6,164),2,61) } if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],7,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 06 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],7,164),2,61) } if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],8,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 07 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],8,164),2,61) } if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],9,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 08 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],9,164),2,61) } if ($gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],10,164),2,61) != none) { AL_U 09 $gettok($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],10,164),2,61) } creep add 10 $remove($gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,164) - $gettok(% [ $+ [ $2 ] ],2,164),$chr(44)) did -r PG5K_U 5 did -a PG5K_U 5 Update complete :) set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(List update ' $+ $2 $+ ' complete.,o,IRC Guard 5000) did -r PG5K_U 6 didtok PG5K_U 6 44 $creep.file(10) did -r PG5K_U 5 did -a PG5K_U 5 My updates } } } alias AL_U { set -u0 %AL_U 1 while (%AL_U <= $numtok($2-,44)) { if ($IsListed($1,$gettok($2-,%AL_U,44)) == $true) { goto inc } else { creep add $1 $gettok($2-,%AL_U,44) if ($dialog(creep)) { if ($remove($1,0) <= 5) { did -a creep 2 $gettok($2-,%AL_U,44) } elseif ($remove($1,0) >= 6) { did -a creep 30 $gettok($2-,%AL_U,44) } } } :inc inc %AL_U } } on *:SOCKOPEN:PG5K: { sockwrite -n $sockname GET /PG5KProtocol_II.htm HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: coderselite.site90.net sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:PG5K: { sockread %PG5K_Ur if (%PG5K_Ur == <br>) { noop } if ($gettok(%PG5K_Ur,1,62) == PACKAGES) { %PG5K_UP = $gettok(%PG5K_Ur,2,62) } if (%PG5K_UP) && ($chr(164) isin %PG5K_Ur) { %PG5K_UT = $gettok(%PG5K_Ur,1,62) % [ $+ [ %PG5K_UT ] ] = $gettok(%PG5K_Ur,2,62) } if (%PG5K_Ur == CONTENT>END) { sockclose PG5K if (!$dialog(PG5K_U)) { dialog -m PG5K_U PG5K_U } else { did -r PG5K_U 1,2,6 did -a PG5K_U 1 There are $numtok(%PG5K_UP,44) updates didtok PG5K_U 2 44 %PG5K_UP if ($creep.file(10)) { didtok PG5K_U 6 44 $creep.file(10) } did -z PG5K_U 6 } } } ;placement alias PG5K_U { if ($1 == x) { if ($dialog(creep)) { return $calc($dialog(creep).x - 306) } else { return -1 } } if ($1 == y) { if ($dialog(creep)) { return $dialog(creep).y } else { return -1 } } } dialog PG5K_U { size $PG5K_U(x) $PG5K_U(y) 300 300 title IRC Guard 5000 - List Updates box ""1, 5 5 290 130 list 2, 10 20 280 100 button "Get Update"3, 10 107 80 23 button "Get Info"4, 95 107 80 23 box "My Updates"5, 5 140 290 130 list 6, 10 155 280 100,sort,hsbar button "Remove"7, 10 242 80 23 button "Help"8, 95 242 80 23 button "Close"9, 110 274 80 23,ok } on *:DIALOG:PG5K_U:init:*: { did -a PG5K_U 1 There are $numtok(%PG5K_UP,44) updates didtok PG5K_U 2 44 %PG5K_UP if ($creep.file(10)) { didtok PG5K_U 6 44 $creep.file(10) } did -z PG5K_U 6 } on *:DIALOG:PG5K_U:sclick:*: { if ($did == 3) { if (!$did(2).sel) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Please select the list update package you would like to acquire.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) } else { PG5K_Update Run $did(2).seltext } } if ($did == 4) { if (!$did(2).sel) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Please select the list update package you would like information about.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) } else { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input($gettok(% [ $+ [ $did(2).seltext ] ],2,164),oi,IRC Guard 5000 - $gettok(% [ $+ [ $did(2).seltext ] ],1,164)) } } if ($did == 7) { if (!$did(6).sel) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP = $input(Please select the list update you would like to remove.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) } else { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Are you sure you want to remove ' $+ $did(6).seltext $+ ' ?,yw,IRC Guard 5000) if (%CRP_DUMP == $true) { creep del 10 $did(6).seltext did -r PG5K_U 6 if ($creep.file(10)) { didtok PG5K_U 6 44 $creep.file(10) } } } } if ($did == 8) { creep help } } dialog C_LMngr { size -1 -1 300 100 title IRC Guard 5000 - Add to Black List box "Entry to add"1, 5 5 290 45 edit ""2, 10 20 280 23 radio "User name"3, 24 55 70 15 radio "Host mask"4, 95 55 70 15 radio "Ident"5, 165 55 45 15 radio "Wildcard"6, 212 55 60 15 button "Add"7, 25 75 80 23 button "Close"8, 110 75 80 23,cancel button "Help"9, 195 75 80 23 } on *:DIALOG:C_LMngr:init:*: { %C_LM = -u did -c C_LMngr 3 } on *:DIALOG:C_LMngr:sclick:*: { if ($did == 3) { %C_LM = -u } if ($did == 4) { %C_LM = -h } if ($did == 5) { %C_LM = -i } if ($did == 6) { %C_LM = -w } if ($did == 7) { if (!$did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Please enter what you would like to enter into the black list and select the appropriate category.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { if (%C_LM == -u) { if ($chr(42) isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(33) isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(64) isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid user name.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } elseif (%C_LM == -h) { if ($chr(33) !isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(64) !isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid host mask.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } elseif (%C_LM == -i) { if ($chr(42) isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(33) isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(64) isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid ident.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } elseif (%C_LM == -w) { if ($chr(42) !isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(33) isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(64) isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid wildcard.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } :add C_LMngr add %C_LM $did(C_LMngr,2).text dialog -x C_LMngr unset %C_LM } } :end } on *:DIALOG:C_LMngr:close:*: { unset %C_LM } dialog C_LMngr_ { size -1 -1 300 100 title IRC Guard 5000 - Add to White List box "Entry to add"1, 5 5 290 45 edit ""2, 10 20 280 23 radio "Channel"3, 17 55 58 15 radio "User name"4, 78 55 68 15 radio "Host mask"5, 148 55 71 15 radio "Network"6, 218 55 60 15 button "Add"7, 25 75 80 23 button "Close"8, 110 75 80 23,cancel button "Help"9, 195 75 80 23 } on *:DIALOG:C_LMngr_:init:*: { %CLM = -c did -c C_LMngr_ 3 } on *:DIALOG:C_LMngr_:sclick:*: { if ($did == 3) { %CLM = -c } if ($did == 4) { %CLM = -U } if ($did == 5) { %CLM = -H } if ($did == 6) { %CLM = -n } if ($did == 7) { if (!$did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Please enter what you would like to enter into the white list and select the appropriate category.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { if (%CLM == -c) { if ($chr(35) !isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid channel.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } if (%CLM == -U) { if ($chr(42) isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(33) isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(64) isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid user name.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } if (%CLM == -H) { if ($chr(33) !isin $did(2).text) || ($chr(64) !isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid host mask.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } if (%CLM == -n) { if ($chr(32) isin $did(2).text) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(' $+ $did(2).text $+ ' is not a valid network.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) goto end } else { goto add } } :add C_LMngr add %CLM $did(2).text dialog -x C_LMngr_ unset %CLM } } :end } on *:DIALOG:C_LMngr_:close:*: { unset %CLM } dialog creep { size -1 -1 300 311 title IRC Guard 5000 [/creep] box "Black List"1, 5 5 290 275 list 2, 10 20 280 240,sort button "Add"3, 25 251 80 23 button "Remove"4, 110 251 80 23 button "Clear"5, 195 251 80 23 button "Help"6, 70 284 80 23 button "Close"7, 155 284 80 23,ok check ":D"8, 270 289 25 18,push ;tabs tab "Options"9, 5 284 290 200 tab "White List"10 tab "About"11 button "Help"12, 70 485 80 23 button "Close"13, 155 485 80 23,cancel check ":D"14, 270 490 25 18,push ;tab 9 "Options" check "Enable black list"15, 10 310 93 15,tab9 box "List Update"16, 10 325 145 45,tab9 check "Enable"17, 15 343 50 15,tab9 button "Check updates"18, 70 341 80 20,tab9 box "User Scan5K"19, 10 370 145 65,tab9 check "Scan user ident"20, 15 385 91 15,tab9 check "Scan nick changes"21, 15 400 105 15,tab9 check "Scan channel on join"22, 15 415 115 15,tab9 box "Action"23, 160 310 130 50,tab9 radio "Kick user"24, 165 325 60 15,tab9 radio "Kick/ban user"25, 165 340 83 15,tab9 box "Ban Type"26, 160 360 130 45,tab9 combo 27, 165 375 120 150,drop,tab9 box "Kick Message"28, 10 435 280 42,tab9 edit ""29, 15 449 270 23,tab9 ;tab 10 "white list" list 30, 10 315 280 145,sort,tab10 button "Add"31, 25 445 80 23,tab10 button "Remove"32, 110 445 80 23,tab10 button "Clear"33, 195 445 80 23,tab10 ;tab 11 "about" text "IRC Guard 5000"34, 98 345 80 15,tab11 text "Version: 5.0.0 V5"35, 96 385 100 15,tab11 text "By: Neo Nemesis"36, 98 400 80 15,tab11 link "http://CodersElite.site90.net"37, 75 420 150 15,tab11 } on *:DIALOG:creep:init:*: { did -h creep 9 C_LMngr load did -a creep 27 0: *!user@host did -a creep 27 1: *!*user@host did -a creep 27 2: *!*@host did -a creep 27 3: *!*user@*.host did -a creep 27 4: *!*@*.host did -a creep 27 5: nick!user@host did -a creep 27 6: nick!*user@host did -a creep 27 7: nick!*@host did -a creep 27 8: nick!*user@*.host did -a creep 27 9: nick!*@*.host did -a creep 27 10: nick!*@* if ($creep(enable) == on) { did -c creep 15 } if ($creep(update) == on) { did -c creep 17 PG5K_Update GET } if ($creep(scan1) == on) { did -c creep 20 } if ($creep(scan2) == on) { did -c creep 21 } if ($creep(scan3) == on) { did -c creep 22 } if ($creep(action) == kick) { did -c creep 24 } elseif ($creep(action) == ban) { did -c creep 25 } did -c creep 27 $calc($creep(bantype) + 1) did -a creep 29 $creep(kickmsg) } on *:DIALOG:creep:sclick:*: { if ($did == 3) { C_LMngr gui_bl } if ($did == 4) { if (!$did(2).sel) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Please select a entry from the black list you would like to remove.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) } else { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Are you sure you want to remove ' $+ $did(2).seltext $+ ' from the black list?,yw,IRC Guard 5000) } if (%CRP_DUMP == $true) { C_LMngr del $did(2).seltext did -r creep 2,30 C_LMngr load } } if ($did == 5) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Are you sure you want to clear all entries from the black list?,yw,IRC Guard 5000) if (%CRP_DUMP == $true) { C_LMngr clear bl } } if ($did == 6) { creep help } if ($did == 8) { dialog -s creep $dialog(creep).x $dialog(creep).y 300 510 did -h creep 6,7,8 did -v creep 9,12,13,14 did -c creep 14 } if ($did == 12) { creep help } if ($did == 14) { dialog -s creep $dialog(creep).x $dialog(creep).y 300 311 did -h creep 9,12,13,14 did -v creep 6,7,8 did -u creep 8 } if ($did == 15) { if ($did(15).state == 1) { creep enable on } else { creep enable off } } if ($did == 17) { if ($did(17).state == 1) { creep update on } else { creep update off } } if ($did == 18) { PG5K_Update GET } if ($did == 20) { if ($did(20).state == 1) { creep scan1 on } else { creep scan1 off } } if ($did == 21) { if ($did(21).state == 1) { creep scan2 on } else { creep scan2 off } } if ($did == 22) { if ($did(22).state == 1) { creep scan3 on } else { creep scan3 off } } if ($did == 24) { creep action kick } if ($did == 25) { creep action ban } if ($did == 27) { creep bantype $calc($did(27).sel - 1) } if ($did == 31) { C_LMngr gui_wl } if ($did == 32) { if (!$did(30).sel) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Please select the entry from the white list you wish to remove.,oh,IRC Guard 5000) } else { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Are you sure you want to remove ' $+ $did(30).seltext $+ ' from the white list?,yw,IRC Guard 5000) if (%CRP_DUMP == $true) { C_LMngr del $did(30).seltext did -r creep 2,30 C_LMngr load } } } if ($did == 33) { set -u0 %CRP_DUMP $input(Are you sure you want to clear all entries from the white list?,yw,IRC Guard 5000) if (%CRP_DUMP == $true) { C_LMngr clear wl } } if ($did == 37) { run http://CodersElite.site90.net } } on *:DIALOG:creep:edit:29: { if ($did(29).text) { creep kickmsg $did(29).text } else { creep kickmsg You are not welcome here! } } on *:DIALOG:creep:close:*: { if ($dialog(C_LMngr)) { dialog -x C_LMngr } if ($dialog(C_LMngr_)) { dialog -x C_LMngr } if ($dialog(PG5K_U)) { dialog -x PG5K_U } } ;checking system ;check for black listed users when they join on @*:JOIN:#: { if ($nick == $me) { goto end } if ($creep(enable)) { CR_J $nick $chan } :end } ;check for black listed users in channel when you join (after being opped) on *:OP:#: { if ($creep(scan3) == on) { %CR_Sc = $true who $chan } } ;check for black listed users on nick change on *:NICK: { if ($creep(scan2) == on) { set -u0 %CR_nc 1 while (%CR_nc <= $chan(0)) { if ($me isop $chan(%CR_nc)) && ($newnick ison $chan(%CR_nc)) { CR_J $newnick $chan(%CR_nc) } inc %CR_nc } } } ;scanning on join raw 352:*: { if (%CR_Sc == $true) { CR_J $6 $2 halt } } raw 315:*: { if (%CR_Sc == $true) { unset %CR_Sc halt } } ;popup menus - thanks to Jethro_ menu query,nicklist,channel,status,menubar { $iif($menu == nicklist,IRC Guard 5000) .Main Menu:/creep .List Update Manager:/PG5K_Update GET .- .Add User ..Black List ...Nickname:/C_LMngr add -u $1 ...Ident:C_LMngr add -i $gettok($gettok($address($1,5),2,33),1,64) ...Hostmask ....0 *!user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,0) ....1 *!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,1) ....2 *!*@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,2) ....3 *!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,3) ....4 *!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,4) ....5 nick!user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,5) ....6 nick!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,6) ....7 nick!*@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,7) ....8 nick!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,8) ....9 nick!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,9) ..White List ...Nickname:/C_Mngr add -U $1 ...Hostmask ....0 *!user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,0) ....1 *!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,1) ....2 *!*@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,2) ....3 *!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,3) ....4 *!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,4) ....5 nick!user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,5) ....6 nick!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,6) ....7 nick!*@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,7) ....8 nick!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,8) ....9 nick!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,9) $iif($menu == query,IRC Guard 5000) .Main Menu:/creep .List Update Manager:/PG5K_Update GET .- .Add User ..Black List ...Nickname:/C_LMngr add -u $1 ...Ident:C_LMngr add -i $gettok($gettok($address($1,5),2,33),1,64) ...Hostmask ....0 *!user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,0) ....1 *!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,1) ....2 *!*@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,2) ....3 *!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,3) ....4 *!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,4) ....5 nick!user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,5) ....6 nick!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,6) ....7 nick!*@host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,7) ....8 nick!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,8) ....9 nick!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -h $address($1,9) ..White List ...Nickname:/C_Mngr add -U $1 ...Hostmask ....0 *!user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,0) ....1 *!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,1) ....2 *!*@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,2) ....3 *!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,3) ....4 *!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,4) ....5 nick!user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,5) ....6 nick!*user@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,6) ....7 nick!*@host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,7) ....8 nick!*user@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,8) ....9 nick!*@*.host:/C_LMngr add -H $address($1,9) $iif($menu == channel,IRC Guard 5000) .Main Menu:/creep .List Update Manager:/PG5K_Update GET .Whitelist Channel ..Add:/C_LMngr add -c $chan ..Remove:/C_LMngr del $chan $iif($menu == status,IRC Guard 5000) .Main Menu:/creep .List Update Manager:/PG5K_Update GET .- .Whitelist Network ( $+ $network $+ ) ..Add:/C_LMngr add -n $network ..Remove:/C_LMngr del $network .Whitelist Server ( $+ $server $+ ) ..Add:/C_LMngr add -n $server ..Remove:/C_LMngr del $server $iif($menu == menubar,IRC Guard 5000) .Main Menu:/creep .List Update Manager:/PG5K_Update GET .- .Whitelist Network ( $+ $network $+ ) ..Add:/C_LMngr add -n $network ..Remove:/C_LMngr del $network .Whitelist Server ( $+ $server $+ ) ..Add:/C_LMngr add -n $server ..Remove:/C_LMngr del $server
Version 1.0.0
DeluXe GateKeeper 1.4 ReadMe.txt 10-17-2012 By Neo Nemesis mIRC 6.35, 7.25 OR HIGHER THIS SCRIPT IS PROVIDED AS-IS. Please use the command /blocker to access this script's features and options. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) DOWNLOAD & OPEN GateKeep.zip (or GakeKeep.rar) 2) EXTRACT THE FOLDER TITLED "DX" INTO YOUR mIRC DIRECTORY 3) RUN mIRC 4) USE THIS COMMAND IN mIRC: /load -rs DX\DXGKEEP.dxe FEATURES MAIN COMMAND: /blocker ^^ This command brings up the options dialog where you can toggle your Gate Keeper. Variable Settings, can be set to accept all messages, prompt for permission first or ignore all messages. Customizable event messages allow you to assign different messages to accepted, declined, ignored and even more messages. Message prompt window color can be set to whatever color you want with a drop down color combo box. DIALOG WALK-THRU Accept All Messages - This is basically the "off" setting Prompt All Messages - This is basically the "on" setting. A prompt window will pop up on your screen with the name, and message from who ever is sending you a private message. The prompt window has 3 options, Accept, Decline and Ignore. Ignore All Messages - With this 3rd option enabled, the script is niether on nor off, but is still running. It automatically declines all incoming private messages until you set it back to one of the previouw two settings. Message Window Color - This allows you to set the color of the prompt window that pops up when the script is in "Prompt All Messages" mode. Do Not Prompt For Users In My Notify List - Anyone in your notify list is ignored by this script when this feature is enabled. Gate Keeper Messages - These messages are customizable for the events in which the Gate Keeper handles. You can put whatever you want there I suppose, but I didn't intend for people to be rude about ignored or declined messages. Thank you! -
Ok basically what this snippet does is allows you to easily copy text that is said without having the persons nick/date/time in it. Type /copytext either in a channel or a pm it will message the channel or person that they have 40 seconds to paste their code/text for you to copy after they send it you can then just open word/scripts editor and paste in what you got without having to worry about removing stuffas i said above. Fixed a bug i didn't realise was there. The second version just has the choice to have it auto copy to a .txt file then auto load the scripts into your scripts editor. Only use if you trust the person or they could gain access to your comp easily via malicious scripts Menu Menubar { Auto Text copier settings ..$iif(%text@window,$style(2)) Auto copy @window on: { .set %text@window on } ..$iif(!%text@window,$style(2)),$style(2)) Auto copy @window off: { .unset %text@window } ..$iif(%autocopyload,$style(2)) Auto copy and load on: { .set %autocopyload on } ..$iif(!%autocopyload,$style(2)),$style(2)) Auto copy and load off: { .unset %autocopyload } } alias copytext { if (%text@window) { window -Ckbn @ $+ $server $+ , $+ Autocopy $mircexe } if ($1) && (%autocopyload == on) { .set %copytextfile $1 $+ .txt | .timercopy1 1 55 load -rs scripts\ $+ %copytextfile | .timercopy2 1 60 .unset %copytextfile } if (# !isin $active) && ($active != Status Window) { .set %copynick $active .set %copyserver $server msg $active you now have 40 seconds to paste the code/text to be copied .clipboard .enable #copytext2 .timercopy3 1 40 .disable #copytext2 .timercopy4 1 60 .unset %copynick .timercopy5 1 60 .unset %copyserver } else { .set %copychan $active .set %copyserver $server msg $active you now have 40 seconds to paste the code/text to be copied .clipboard .enable #copytext .timercopy6 1 40 .disable #copytext .timercopy7 1 60 .unset %copychan .timercopy8 1 60 .unset %copyserver } } #copytext off on *:text:*:#: { if ($chan == %copychan) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%text@window) { /clipboard -an $Strip($1-) aline -pd @ $+ $server $+ , $+ Autocopy $Strip($1-) } elseif ($chan == %copychan) && ($server == %copyserver) { /clipboard -an $Strip($1-) } if ($chan == %copychan) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%copytextfile) { write scripts\ $+ %copytextfile $Strip($1-) } } #copytext end #copytext2 off on *:text:*:?: { if ($nick == %copynick) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%text@window) { /clipboard -an $Strip($1-) aline -pd @ $+ $server $+ , $+ Autocopy $Strip($1-) } elseif ($nick == %copynick) && ($server == %copyserver) { /clipboard -an $Strip($1-) } if ($nick == %copynick) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%copytextfile) { write scripts\ $+ %copytextfile $Strip($1-) } } #copytext2 end alias copyend { .timercopy1 off .timercopy2 off .timercopy3 off .timercopy4 off .timercopy5 off .timercopy6 off .timercopy7 off .timercopy8 off if ($group(#copytext) == on) { .disable #copytext } else { .disable #copytext2 } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- code for bots on *:text:*:#: { if ($nick == Balor) && ($1 == .copytext) { .msg $nick you now have 40 seconds to paste the code/text to be copied .set %copytextfile $2 $+ .txt .timercopy1 1 55 load -rs scripts\ $+ %copytextfile .timercopy2 1 60 .unset %copytextfile .enable #copytext2 .timercopy3 1 40 .disable #copytext2 } } #copytext2 off on *:text:*:?: { if ($nick == balor) { write scripts\ $+ %copytextfile $Strip($1-) } } #copytext2 end
This is basically a dialog that acts as an online buddy list. When it's open it will display your online/offline people in your notify list in one of the two list boxes. When you change windows if the window you change to is connected to a different server it will auto change the people shown to the ones in that server. This is basically a beta i'm not done with it yet. If you click the edit button it will open up the address book on the notify section which will allow you to edit the people in your notify list add notes/networks etcetc. If you add a network it will show in the dialog when it's open to the right of the nick. Also if you double click on a nick in the online list box area it will open a pm with that person. It also auto shows their Address information as it is shown in the address book. If you right click in the nicklist on the channel it will allow you to easily add nicknames to the notify list/remove them or turn it on and off you can also turn it on and off from the dialog itself. I do suggest going into the address book itself and editing the nicks in their so they are server/network specific by adding a network.server name/address to it Add to a new remotes file. I mae it small and compact enough that it can easily be left open with mIRC and not take up too much of the screen it is set so it cannot be minimized before the questions start coming on that yes it can be set to do so by changing .Friendslist: dialog $iif($dialog(Friendslist.System),-v,-m Friendslist.System) Friendslist.System to Friendslist: dialog $iif($dialog(Friendslist.System),-v,-md Friendslist.System) Friendslist.System Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel { Tools .Friendslist: dialog $iif($dialog(Friendslist.System),-v,-m Friendslist.System) Friendslist.System } Dialog Friendslist.System { Title "FriendslistSystem" Size -1 -1 120 130 Option dbu list 1, 02 02 80 72, hsbar vsbar list 2, 02 65 80 72, hsbar vsbar button "On ", 3, 84 02 30 10, flat button "Off ", 4, 84 13 30 10, flat button "Edit ", 5, 84 24 30 10, flat } on *:DIALOG:Friendslist.System:*:*: { if ($devent == init) { did -az Friendslist.system 1 Online did -az Friendslist.system 2 Offline friendlist .set %notifyserver $server .set %friendlistcid $cid if ($group(#notify) == On) { did -b Friendslist.System 3 } if ($group(#notify) == Off) { did -b Friendslist.System 4 } ;.services memo $did(13).text send $did(12).text } if ($devent == dclick) { if ($did == 1) { scid $activecid .query $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) } if ($did == 2) { if ($cschecker2) { scid $activecid .services memo $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) send $$?=" what memo do you wish to send to $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) " } else { scid $activecid msg memoserv send $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,46) $$?=" what memo do you wish to send to $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) " } } } if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 3) { notify on did -b Friendslist.System 3 did -e Friendslist.System 4 } if ($did == 4) { notify off did -b Friendslist.System 4 did -e Friendslist.System 3 } if ($did == 5) { .abook -n } } } alias friendlist { var %num = $notify(0), %list = 1 while %list <= %num { if ($notify(%list).ison) { did -az Friendslist.system 1 $notify(%list) : $notify(%list).addr : $notify(%list).network } else { did -az Friendslist.system 2 $notify(%list) : $notify(%list).network inc %offline } inc %list } } on ^*:NOTIFY: { if ($cid == %friendlistcid) { refreshing } haltdef } on ^*:UNOTIFY: { if ($cid == %friendlistcid) { refreshing } haltdef } alias refreshing { did -r Friendslist.system 1,2 did -az Friendslist.system 1 Online did -az Friendslist.system 2 Offline Friendlist } on *:ACTIVE:*: { if (%friendlistcid != $cid) && ($dialog(Friendslist.system)) { refreshing .set %friendlistcid $cid .set %notifyserver $server } } menu nicklist, { Tools .Friendlist ..$iif($group(#notify) == On,$style(2)) Friendlist on: { notify on | .enable #notify } ..$iif($group(#notify) == Off,$style(2)) Friendlist off: { notify off | .disable #notify } ..Add/Delete from list ...Add $$1: { .notify $$1 } ...Del $$1: { .notify -r $$1 } ...Add Manually: { .notify $$?="Enter Notify Nickname" } ...Del Manually: { .notify -r $$?="Enter Notify Nickname" } } #notify off #notify end alias notify { if ($1 == on) { .enable #notify notify on } if ($1 == off) { .disable #notify notify off } } alias cschecker2 { if (%notifyserver == $read(cscheck.txt,w,%notifyserver)) { return $true } else { return $false } } on *:connect:{ .enable #chatspacecheck .version } #chatspacecheck on raw 351 :*: { if (CS isin $1- ) && ($server != $read(cscheck.txt,w,$server)) { write cscheck.txt $server .disable #chatspacecheck } elseif (CS !isin $1- ) { .disable #chatspacecheck } } #chatspacecheck end
Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel { .Mirc profile system: dialog $iif($dialog(mircprofile.system),-v,-md mircprofile.system) mircprofile.system } Dialog mircprofile.system { Title "mircprofilesystem" Size -1 -1 146 86 Option dbu list 1, 02 02 90 90, hsbar vsbar Button "add" ,2, 94 02 50 10, autohs Button "login" ,3, 94 14 50 10, autohs Button "edit" ,4, 94 26 50 10, autohs } on *:Dialog:mircprofile.system:*:*: { if ($devent == init) { set %usernames $readini(mircprofile.ini, users, loginnames) testwhile } if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 2) { openeditor .dialog -x mircprofile.system } if ($did == 3) { if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a profile to log into from the list) } else { var %vartest $?="what's your pw" if (%vartest == $readini(mircprofile.ini, $did(1).seltext ,Pass)) { .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext .nick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,nick)) .anick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,altnick)) .emailaddr $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,Email)) .identd on $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,ident)) if ($readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy)) { .server -m $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy)) } } } } if ($did == 4) { if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a profile to edit into from the list) } else { .set %editprofile $did(1).seltext set %vartest $?="what's your pw" if (%vartest == $readini(mircprofile.ini, $did(1).seltext ,Pass)) { .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext openeditor .dialog -x mircprofile.system } } } } } alias openeditor { dialog -v,-md profeditor.system profeditor.system } Dialog profeditor.system { Title "mircprofileeditor" Size -1 -1 55 97 Option dbu edit "Enter real name" ,1, 02 02 50 10, autohs edit "Enter email" ,2, 02 12 50 10, autohs edit "Enter ident" ,3, 02 22 50 10, autohs edit "Enter nick " ,4, 02 32 50 10, autohs edit "Enter alt nick" ,5, 02 42 50 10, autohs edit "Enter server addy" ,6, 02 52 50 10, autohs edit "Enter server pw" ,7, 02 62 50 10, autohs Button "save" ,9, 02 74 50 10, autohs Button "delete" ,10, 02 86 50 10, autohs } on *:Dialog:profeditor.system:*:*: { if ($devent == init) { if (%editprofile) { .did -r profeditor.system 1-7 .did -a profeditor.system 1 %editprofile .did -a profeditor.system 2 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Email)) .did -a profeditor.system 3 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,ident)) .did -a profeditor.system 4 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,nick)) .did -a profeditor.system 5 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,altnick)) .did -a profeditor.system 6 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,serveraddy)) .did -a profeditor.system 7 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Pass)) } } if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 9) { .set %usernames $addtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44) .timer 1 2 addprofnick writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text email $did(2).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text ident $did(3).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text nick $did(4).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text altnick $did(5).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text serveraddy $did(6).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text pass $did(7).text } if ($did == 10) { remini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text set %usernames $remtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44) .timer 1 2 addprofnick } } if ($devent == close) { .unset %editprofile .unset %mircprofile .unset %vartest } } alias openmircprofsystem { dialog -v,-md mircprofile.system mircprofile.system } alias addprofnick { if (!%usernames) { remini mircprofile.ini users .dialog -x profeditor.system openmircprofsystem .unset %editprofile .unset %mircprofile } else { .writeini -n mircprofile.ini users loginnames %usernames .dialog -x profeditor.system openmircprofsystem .unset %editprofile .unset %mircprofile } } alias testwhile { var %a = 1, %b = $numtok(%usernames,44) while (%a <= %b) { did -a mircprofile.system 1 $gettok(%usernames,%a,44) inc %a } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel { .Mirc profile system: dialog $iif($dialog(mircprofile.system),-v,-md mircprofile.system) mircprofile.system } Dialog mircprofile.system { Title "mircprofilesystem" Size -1 -1 146 86 Option dbu list 1, 02 02 90 90, hsbar vsbar Button "add" ,2, 94 02 50 10, autohs Button "login" ,3, 94 14 50 10, autohs Button "edit" ,4, 94 26 50 10, autohs } on *:Dialog:mircprofile.system:*:*: { if ($devent == init) { set %usernames $readini(mircprofile.ini, users, loginnames) testwhile } if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 2) { openeditor .dialog -x mircprofile.system } if ($did == 3) { if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a profile to log into from the list) } else { .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext .nick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,nick)) .anick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,altnick)) .emailaddr $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,Email)) .identd on $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,ident)) if ($readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy)) { .server -m $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy)) } } } if ($did == 4) { if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a profile to edit into from the list) } else { .set %editprofile $did(1).seltext set %vartest $?="what's your pw" if (%vartest == $readini(mircprofile.ini, $did(1).seltext ,Pass)) { .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext openeditor .dialog -x mircprofile.system } } } } } alias openeditor { dialog -v,-md profeditor.system profeditor.system } Dialog profeditor.system { Title "mircprofileeditor" Size -1 -1 55 97 Option dbu edit "Enter real name" ,1, 02 02 50 10, autohs edit "Enter email" ,2, 02 12 50 10, autohs edit "Enter ident" ,3, 02 22 50 10, autohs edit "Enter nick " ,4, 02 32 50 10, autohs edit "Enter alt nick" ,5, 02 42 50 10, autohs edit "Enter server addy" ,6, 02 52 50 10, autohs edit "Enter server pw" ,7, 02 62 50 10, autohs Button "save" ,9, 02 74 50 10, autohs Button "delete" ,10, 02 86 50 10, autohs } on *:Dialog:profeditor.system:*:*: { if ($devent == init) { if (%editprofile) { .did -r profeditor.system 1-7 .did -a profeditor.system 1 %editprofile .did -a profeditor.system 2 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Email)) .did -a profeditor.system 3 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,ident)) .did -a profeditor.system 4 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,nick)) .did -a profeditor.system 5 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,altnick)) .did -a profeditor.system 6 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,serveraddy)) .did -a profeditor.system 7 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Pass)) } } if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 9) { .set %usernames $addtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44) .timer 1 2 addprofnick writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text email $did(2).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text ident $did(3).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text nick $did(4).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text altnick $did(5).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text serveraddy $did(6).text writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text pass $did(7).text } if ($did == 10) { remini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text set %usernames $remtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44) .timer 1 2 addprofnick } } if ($devent == close) { .unset %editprofile .unset %mircprofile .unset %vartest } } alias openmircprofsystem { dialog -v,-md mircprofile.system mircprofile.system } alias addprofnick { if (!%usernames) { remini mircprofile.ini users .dialog -x profeditor.system openmircprofsystem .unset %editprofile .unset %mircprofile } else { .writeini -n mircprofile.ini users loginnames %usernames .dialog -x profeditor.system openmircprofsystem .unset %editprofile .unset %mircprofile } } alias testwhile { var %a = 1, %b = $numtok(%usernames,44) while (%a <= %b) { did -a mircprofile.system 1 $gettok(%usernames,%a,44) inc %a } } Basically what this is is a profile system for mIRC which allows you to easily allow more than one person use one irc client or if you have multiple nicks with different info for each of them this will allow you to easily change information it should be self explanatory once it's open if you have questions ask this was a forum request by @unseen it's not 100% completed i plan to tweak it a bit and make it better but it is fully functional as is. By blackvenomm666
on *:connect: { .list } on *:snotice:*you cannot list within*: { .timerautorelist $+ . $+ $network 1 $calc($8 + 10) /list } know it's not very big or anything major but i got bored and tossed this together in a few seconds. it auto lists the channel list when you connect to a server. and for those that don't allow you to list within a certain ammount of time of connecting it will automatically retry the listing within the proper ammount of time By blackvenomm666
Menu nicklist,channel { .threewaychat: { .set %threeway1 $$?="Enter the first nick of who you want to threewaychat with" .set %threeway2 $$?="Enter the second nick of who you want to threewaychat with" .ctcp %threeway1 wanttothreewaychat with %threeway2 .ctcp %threeway2 wanttothreewaychat with %threeway1 threewaychat } } ctcp *:wanttothreewaychat:*: { .set %threeway1 $nick .set %threeway2 $3 dialog -v,-md yesorno.system yesorno.system } alias threewaychat { window -eCkbl20 @threewaychat 10 10 650 500 $mircexe aline -pd @threewaychat 7,1 $time(ddd h:nn:ss::tt) 3,1 Thank you for using threewaychat coded by Ryan aka Blackvenomm666 aline -pd @threewaychat 7,1 $time(ddd h:nn:ss::tt) 3,1 you have now started a threeway chat with %threeway1 and %threeway2 aline -l @threewaychat %threeway1 aline -l @threewaychat %threeway2 } menu @threewaychat { .commands ..clear:clear ..end threeway chat:{ .msg %threeway1 i'm leaving the threewaychat .msg %threeway2 i'm leaving the threewaychat .unset %threeway1 %threeway2 close -@ } } ctcp *:3way:*:{ if ($nick == %threeway1) || ($nick == %threeway2) { aline -pd @threewaychat $nick $2- } } on *:INPUT:@threewaychat: { aline -pd @threewaychat $me $1- .ctcp %threeway1 3way $1- .ctcp %threeway2 3way $1- } on *:close:@threewaychat: { echo -s closed .msg %threeway1 leftchat .msg %threeway2 leftchat .unset %threeway1 .unset %threeway2 } Dialog yesorno.System { Title "Yes or no" Size -1 -1 170 46 Option dbu text " " 1, 02 02 167 26, hsbar vsbar button "Yes ", 2, 02 24 45 20, flat button "No ", 3, 50 24 45 20, flat } on *:dialog:yesorno.System:init:*:{ did -az yesorno.system 1 Do you want to threeway chat with %threeway1 and %threeway2 } on *:dialog:yesorno.System:sclick:2:{ threewaychat dialog -x yesorno.system yesorno.system } on *:dialog:yesorno.System:sclick:3:{ .msg %threeway1 no thank you .unset %threeway1 %threeway2 dialog -x yesorno.system yesorno.system } This is a snippet that will allow you to have a three way chat with people privately,instead of in a channel. Just right click in the nicklist/channel and click threewaychat. It will pop up asking you who you want to threewaychat with it's pretty self explanatory anyone finds bugs or needs help with it just let me know. input scripts can mess with this if you try to use it turn them off. also you have to have your ctcp's on seeing as it runs off of ctcp's
Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel { Mp3: dialog $iif($dialog(mp3.System),-v,-md mp3.System) mp3.System } Dialog mp3.System { Title "mp3System" Size -1 -1 150 174 Option dbu ;-----Songs Tab 100 Tab "+ Songs " ,100, 02 02 148 22, tab 100 list 3, 40 32 109 90, hsbar vsbar tab 100 button "Play", 2, 0 32 37 10, flat tab 100 button "stop ", 4, 0 64 37 10, flat tab 100 button "pause ", 5, 0 48 37 10, flat tab 100 button "up", 7, 0 89 37 10, tab 100 button "down", 8, 0 105 37 10, tab 100 button "mute", 9, 0 121 37 10, tab 100 list 21, 40 125 109 55, hsbar vsbar tab 100 button "Repeat", 600, 0 153 37 10, tab 100 button "Shuffle", 700, 0 138 37 10, tab 100 menu "File", 23 menu "Directory",24,23 item "Add Directory", 15, item "Delete Directory", 16, menu "Close",27,23 item " Close", 25, item "Close And Stop Music", 26, ;-----Spam options Tab 200 Tab "+ Spam options " ,200, 02 02 170 22, tab 200 text "channels you are in", 201, 02 30 60 10, tab 200 list 202, 02 38 50 78, hsbar vsbar tab 200 text "Channels to spam", 204, 100 30 60 10, tab 200 list 203, 98 38 50 78, hsbar vsbar tab 200 button "add ", 205, 60 44 26 10, flat tab 200 button "delete ", 206, 60 97 26 10, flat tab 200 button "refresh ", 207, 60 70 26 10, flat tab 200 text "Mp3SpamType", 312, 02 118 37 10, tab 200 button "Random ", 301, 02 128 30 10, flat tab 200 button "BlueBlack ", 302, 40 128 30 10, flat tab 200 button "Redblack ", 303, 80 128 30 10, flat tab 200 button "Monkey", 304, 118 128 30 10, flat tab 200 button "Rosewhip ", 305, 02 144 30 10, flat tab 200 button "Fish ", 306, 40 144 30 10, flat tab 200 button "Fire1 ", 307, 80 144 30 10, flat tab 200 button "Fire2 ", 308, 118 144 30 10, flat tab 200 button "Turn spam off ", 309, 45 160 60 10, flat tab 200 } on *:DIALOG:mp3.system:init:*: { if (%mute == on) { did -r mp3.system 9 did -a mp3.system 9 unmute } if (%mute == off) || (%mute == $null) { did -r mp3.system 9 did -a mp3.system 9 mute } if (%repeat == 1) { did -r mp3.system 600 did -a mp3.system 600 repeat 1 } if (%repeat == all) { did -r mp3.system 600 did -a mp3.system 600 repeat all } if (%repeat == off) || (%repeat == !$null) { did -r mp3.system 600 did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off } if (%Shuffle == on) { did -r mp3.system 700 did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle on .set %repeat off } if (%Shuffle == off) || (%Shuffle == $null) { did -r mp3.system 700 did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off } didtok -az $dname 202 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/./g,$chan(\n) $chr(32)) var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { didtok -az $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a) inc %a } dialog -v mp3.system dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % var %dir = 1 while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) { did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir) inc %dir } } alias check { var %dir = 1 while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) { did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir) inc %dir } } alias spamit { say 3,1now playing %currentsong say Remaining time $asctime($round($calc(($insong.length - $insong.pos) / 1000),0),nn:ss),none) } on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:15: { var %mp31 = $replace($$?="Playlist Name:",$chr(32),_), %mp32 = $sdir(*,Choose a Music Folder,Add) if (%mp31 && %mp32) { writeini mp3.ini Directory %mp31 %mp32 } .set %mp3file %mp31 did -r mp3.system 3 noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-)) noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-)) did -r mp3.system 21 var %dir = 1 while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) { did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir) inc %dir } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:16: { var %mp31 = $replace($$?="Playlist Name:",$chr(32),_) if (%mp31) { remini mp3.ini Directory %mp31 } did -r mp3.system 21 var %dir = 1 while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) { did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir) inc %dir } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:25: { .dialog -x mp3.system mp3.system } on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:26: { .splay stop .dialog -x mp3.system mp3.system } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:700: { if (%Shuffle == off) || (%Shuffle == $null) { did -r mp3.system 700 did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle on .set %Shuffle on .set %repeat off did -r mp3.system 600 did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off } else { did -r mp3.system 700 did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off .set %Shuffle off } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:2: { if (%randspam == on) { .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7) var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } elseif (%spamall == on ) { var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } if ($insong.pause = $true) && (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { did -r mp3.system 5 did -a mp3.system 5 pause splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } elseif ($insong.pause = $true) && (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { did -r mp3.system 5 did -a mp3.system 5 pause splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } elseif (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } elseif (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:4: { if ($insong.pause = $true) { did -r mp3.system 5 did -a mp3.system 5 pause .splay stop dialog -t mp3.system Player:Stopped } else { .splay stop dialog -t mp3.system Player:Stopped } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:5:{ if ($insong.pause = $true) { splay resume dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel did -r mp3.system 5 did -a mp3.system 5 pause } else { splay -p pause dialog -v mp3.system dialog -t mp3.system Player:Paused did -r mp3.system 5 did -a mp3.system 5 resume } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:7:{ vol -v $calc( $vol(master) + 1000) dialog -v mp3.system dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:8:{ vol -v $calc( $vol(master) - 1000) dialog -v mp3.system dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:9:{ if (%mute == off) || (%mute == $null) { vol -vu1 dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol:muted .set %mute on did -r mp3.system 9 did -a mp3.system 9 unmute } else { vol -vu2 dialog -t mp3.system Unmuted .timer 1 2 dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % .set %mute off did -r mp3.system 9 did -a mp3.system 9 mute } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:11:{ vol -vu2 dialog -t mp3.system Unmuted .timer 1 2 dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % } on *:dialog:mp3.system:dclick:3:{ if (%randspam == on) { .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7) var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } elseif (%spamall == on ) { var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } if ($insong.pause = $true) && (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { did -r mp3.system 5 did -a mp3.system 5 pause splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } elseif ($insong.pause = $true) && (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { did -r mp3.system 5 did -a mp3.system 5 pause splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } elseif (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } elseif (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3) dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:close:*:{ if ($dialog(spam.system)) { .dialog -x spam.system } if ($dialog(Spamchan.System)) { .dialog -x Spamchan.System } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:19: { .dialog -v,-md spam.system spam.system } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:20: { .dialog -v,-md Spamchan.System Spamchan.System } on *:dialog:mp3.system:dclick:21:{ .set %mp3file $did(mp3.system,21).seltext did -r mp3.system 3 noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-)) noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-)) } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:205: { write spam $+ $server $+ .txt $did(mp3.system,202).seltext didtok -r $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a) spam } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:206: { if (!$did(203).sel) { noop $input(Please Highlite A Channel In Spam List Box To Delete,uwo,Error!) } | else { write -dl $+ $did(203).sel spam $+ $server $+ .txt | $chanlistalias } didtok -r $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a) spam } alias spam { var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { didtok -az $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a) inc %a } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:207: { didtok -r $dname 202 32 didtok -az $dname 202 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/./g,$chan(\n) $chr(32)) } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:301: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam on .set %spamall off } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:600:{ if (%repeat == off) { .set %repeat 1 did -r mp3.system 600 did -a mp3.system 600 repeat 1 did -r mp3.system 700 did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off .set %Shuffle off } elseif (%repeat == 1) { .set %repeat all did -r mp3.system 600 did -a mp3.system 600 repeat all did -r mp3.system 700 did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off .set %Shuffle off } else { .set %repeat off did -r mp3.system 600 did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:close:*:{ if (%repeat == on) { .set %repeat off } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:302: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam off .set %spamall on .set %spam1 on .set %spam2 off .set %spam3 off .set %spam4 off .set %spam5 off .set %spam6 off .set %spam7 off echo -a 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:303: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam off .set %spamall on .set %spam2 on .set %spam1 off .set %spam3 off .set %spam4 off .set %spam5 off .set %spam6 off .set %spam7 off echo -a 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:304: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam off .set %spamall on .set %spam3 on .set %spam1 off .set %spam2 off .set %spam4 off .set %spam5 off .set %spam6 off .set %spam7 off echo -a 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:305: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam off .set %spamall on .set %spam4 on .set %spam1 off .set %spam2 off .set %spam3 off .set %spam5 off .set %spam6 off .set %spam7 off echo -a 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext @}4-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:306: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam off .set %spamall on .set %spam5 on .set %spam1 off .set %spam2 off .set %spam3 off .set %spam4 off .set %spam6 off .set %spam7 off echo -a 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:307: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam off .set %spamall on .set %spam6 on .set %spam1 off .set %spam2 off .set %spam3 off .set %spam4 off .set %spam5 off .set %spam7 off echo -a 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:308: { set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt else { .set %randspam off .set %spamall on .set %spam7 on .set %spam1 off .set %spam2 off .set %spam3 off .set %spam4 off .set %spam5 off .set %spam6 off echo -a 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } } on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:309: { .set %randspam off .set %spamall off .set %spam1 off .set %spam2 off .set %spam3 off .set %spam4 off .set %spam5 off .set %spam6 off .set %spam7 off } on *:MP3END: { if ($dialog(mp3.system)) && (%repeat == 1) { .set %nextsong %mp3.system.songnumber .set %nextsong2 $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong) set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong .set %currentsong %nextsong2 if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3)) } elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma)) } $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3) $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) if (%randspam == on) { .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7) var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } elseif (%spamall == on ) { var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } } else { if (%shuffle == on) { .set %shufflenum $lines(shuffle.txt) .set %nextsong $rand(1, %shufflenum) .set %nextsong2 $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong) set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong .set %currentsong %nextsong2 write -c shuffle.txt noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,write shuffle.txt $nopath($1-)) noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,write shuffle.txt $nopath($1-)) $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3) $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong .set %currentsong %nextsong2 if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3)) } elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma)) } $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3) $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) if (%randspam == on) { .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7) var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } elseif (%spamall == on ) { var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } } .set %nextsong $calc(%mp3.system.songnumber + 1) .set %nextsong2 $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong) set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong .set %currentsong %nextsong2 if (%repeat == all) && (%nextsong2 == $null) { .set %nextsong 1 .set %nextsong2 $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong) set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong .set %currentsong %nextsong2 if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3)) } elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma)) } $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3) $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) if (%randspam == on) { .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7) var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } elseif (%spamall == on ) { var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } } else { if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3)) } elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma)) } $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3) $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) if (%randspam == on) { .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7) var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } elseif (%spamall == on ) { var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt) while (%a <= %b) { if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ } if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` } if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°< 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< } if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 } if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, } inc %a } } } } } This is my mp3 player standard features such as play pause stop repeat 1 song repeat all songs and shuffle, has two tabs one for the songs the other for spam options to add folders of music to the player click file then directory then add By blackvenomm666
HelpDesk SystemX 1.0b allows those who have a help channel to control it better with features that allows you or your assistants to help someone without the distractions and "noise" or unmoderated help rooms. Users come in, receive a wait time and have to wait until someone who is op and ready to assist them. After they have received help, they are devoiced so you can help the next person uninterrupted. helpdesksx_3410.zip
So what is trolling and who are internet/chat trolls? Troll (boyar. troublemaker) - a person involved in trolling. Initially, this was the name of the provocative message or action itself. The troll's goal is to produce lulz for himself and the visitors who see through him, at the expense of the less intelligent visitors who spend time and effort fighting him. The life ideal of the Troll is to interfere with everyone and listen to abuse at his address. If only to infiltrate somewhere where his presence is especially undesirable, to annoy everyone, to infuriate people and make them throw various objects at his head, then he feels that he has spent his time usefully. The highest goal and dream of this dog is to get under someone's feet and make them curse themselves for a whole hour. When he succeeds, his conceit becomes completely unbearable. Internet Trolls are wild, deeply unhappy, often immoral and immoral, flawed people, with big problems in their personal lives, and sometimes even with mental disorders!
Welcome popup window with animated glitter effect. All settings are made through the " ww_setting " alias. You can reconfigure this script to suit your preferences. For example, you can change: - the welcome text and its margin, the size, background and color of the window borders, the font and colors of the letters, as well as the speed of the glitter effect and the timer for delaying the window shutdown. ################################################### #################### # Name: Welcome Window v1.0 # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru) # Description: Welcome popup with animated glitter effect. ################################################### #################### on *:START: .timerWWSTART -m 1 1000 ww alias -l ww { ww_setting | www_window | www_window_decor | www_text_color} alias -l ww_setting { .hadd -m ww text Hello, $+($me,!) :))) .hadd -m ww win-name @Welcome .hadd -m ww win-size-x 20 .hadd -m ww win-size-y -10 .hadd -m ww margin-w 50 .hadd -m ww margin-h 30 .hadd -m ww color-bg $rgb(14,12,18) .hadd -m ww color-line $rgb(91,76,116) .hadd -m ww color-text $rgb(147,122,187) .hadd -m ww font ComicSansMS .hadd -m ww fsize 28 .hadd -m ww start-color 91 .hadd -m ww end-color 97 .hadd -m ww time-speed-color 150 .hadd -m ww time-closing 5000 } alias -l www_window { set %ww_w $calc($width($hget(ww,text),$hget(ww,font),$hget(ww,fsize),0,1) + ($hget(ww,margin-w) *2 )) set %ww_h $calc($height($hget(ww,text),$hget(ww,font),$hget(ww,fsize)) + ($hget(ww,margin-h) *2)) set %ww_mw $int($calc($window(-3).dw /2 + $hget(ww,win-size-x))) set %ww_x $calc($window(-2).dx + %ww_mw) set %ww_mh $int($calc($window(-3).dh /2 + $hget(ww,win-size-y))) set %ww_y $calc($window(-2).dy + %ww_mh) .window -pdBhiok0w0 +dL $hget(ww,win-name) %ww_x %ww_y %ww_w %ww_h | .window -a $hget(ww,win-name) .timerWW -m 1 $hget(ww,time-closing) .window -c $hget(ww,win-name) } alias -l ww_window_decor { .drawfill -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-bg) %ww_w %ww_h 0 0 .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 0 %ww_w 0 .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 $calc(%ww_h -1) %ww_w $calc(%ww_h -1) .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 0 0 %ww_h .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 $calc(%ww_w -1) 0 $calc(%ww_w -1) $calc(%ww_h -1) } alias -l ww_text_color { if (!%ww_cc) { set %ww_cc $hget(ww,start-color) } if (%ww_cc <= $hget(ww,start-color)) set %ww_nc 1 if (%ww_cc >= $hget(ww,end-color)) set %ww_nc 2 if (%ww_nc == 1) inc %ww_cc | if (%ww_nc == 2) dec %ww_cc if ($hget(ww,ctext)) .hdel -sw ww ctext var %ww_ct $replace($hget(ww,text),$chr(32),$chr(160)) var %ww_cl $len(%ww_ct) | var %ww_e %ww_cc | var %ww_w 1 var %ww_q 1 | while (%ww_q <= %ww_cl) { .hadd -m ww ctext $+($hget(ww,ctext),$chr(3),%ww_e,$mid(%ww_ct,%ww_q,1)) inc %ww_q | if (%ww_w == 1) inc %ww_e | if (%ww_w == 2) dec %ww_e if (%ww_e <= $hget(ww,start-color)) var %ww_w 1 | if (%ww_e >= $hget(ww,end-color)) var %ww_w 2 } if ($window($hget(ww,win-name))) { www_window_decor .drawtext -pr $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-text) $hget(ww,font) $hget(ww,fsize) $hget(ww,margin-w) $hget(ww, margin-h) $hget(ww,ctext) .timerWWTC -m 1 $hget(ww,time-speed-color) ww_text_color } } WelcomeWindow_v1.0.rar
Helps to color all nicknames found in messages in the colors from the address book that are present on the same channels where you are. Can detect nicknames even if they are followed by characters like " .,:=?!() ". Requirements: The script will only display all colors correctly in the latest versions of the mIRC client, which has a choice of 99 colors and shades. Setting: You can change the settings of the script parameters through the " color_nick_message_set " alias to the values you need. ################################################### #################### # Name: Color Nick Message v1.0 # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru) # Description: Colorizes all nicknames found in messages in colors from the address book that are present on the same channels where you are. ################################################### #################### alias -l color_nick_message_set { %cnm_ignore_color = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 36 37 48 60 88 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 97 %cnm_ignore_chan = #Services #MyChan %cnm_auto_color = true %cnm_method_color = 0 %cnm_sort_list = 1 } ------------------------------------------------- on *:NICK: color_nick_message_auto $newnick on *:JOIN:#: color_nick_message_auto $nick on ^*:TEXT:*:#: color_nick_message $nick $chan $1- on *:INPUT:#: if ($left($strip($1-),1) != /) { .msg $chan $1- | color_nick_message $me $chan $1- } alias -l color_nick_message_auto { if (%cnm_auto_color == true && $cnick($1) == 0) { var %cnm_key $+(-m,%cnm_method_color,s,%cnm_sort_list) :next1 | var %cnm_rcol $rand(1.98) | if ($istok(%cnm_ignore_color,%cnm_rcol,32)) goto next1 .cnick %cnm_key $1 %cnm_rcol } } alias -l color_nick_message { color_nick_message_set | if ($istok(%cnm_ignore_chan,$2.32)) { halt } | color_nick_message_auto $1 var %cnm_text $3- | var %cnm_stext $strip(%cnm_text) | var %cnm_inc 1 | while (%cnm_inc <= $numtok(%cnm_stext,32)) { var %cnm_tok $gettok(%cnm_stext,%cnm_inc,32) | var %cnm_rtok $remove(%cnm_tok,$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(44),.,=,:,?,!) if ($comchan(%cnm_rtok,0) > 0) { var %cnm_col $cnick(%cnm_rtok).color | var %cnm_ncol $+($chr(3),%cnm_col,%cnm_rtok,$chr(3)) var %cnm_rncol $replace(%cnm_tok,%cnm_rtok,%cnm_ncol) | var %cnm_text $puttok(%cnm_text,%cnm_rncol,%cnm_inc,32) } | inc %cnm_inc } if (%cnm_text) { var %cnm_nick $+(<,$chr(3),$cnick($1,1).color,$1,$chr(3),>) | .echo -t $2 %cnm_nick %cnm_text | halt} }
this code is to make autogline on ident if user is using irccloud , if he is with mibbit hostmask the script will make gline on ident , if user is with hostmask of real ip than the script will gline the hostmask , is user is with irccloud but he has vhost than the script will make whois on user to see if he is from irccloud and gline ident , if he is not with irccloud than the script will make gline on ip , hope this script is useful , the command is .g nick reason or without reason just .g nick , command can use only user that are in channel #opers , and thay can;t gline someone that isin too on channel #opers on *:text:.g *:#:{ set %reason $3- set %glineirccloud on set %idenGline $remtok($gettok($address($2.0),1.64),*,0.33) if (irccloud.com isin $address($2,2)) && ($nick ison #opers) && ($2 !ison #opers) || (mibbit.com isin $address($2,2)) { gline $addtok(%idenGline,*,64) +2h ° %reason ° | unset %glineirccloud | unset %idenGline | unset %reason } elseif (irccloud.com !isin $address($2,2)) && ($nick ison #opers) && ($2 !ison #opers) { whois $2 | set %glineirccloud on | set %reason $3- } elseif ($2 ison #opers) && ($nick ison #opers) { msg $nick Ju nuk mund te beni gline nje Ircop/Admin!! | unset %glineirccloud | unset %idenGline | unset %reason } } raw 378:*:{ if (%glineirccloud == on) && (irccloud.com isin $6) { gline $addtok(%idenGline,*,64) +2h ° %reason ° unset %glineirccloud unset %reason unset %idenGline } if (%glineirccloud == on) && (irccloud.com !isin $6) { gline $2 +2h ° %reason ° unset %glineirccloud unset %reason unset %idenGline } }
he script monitors the communication on the channel in order to search for the " # " symbol in the strings to detect advertising from other channels. If detected, it checks the real existence of such a channel by executing the " /WHO " command, and if it is on the list, it performs a "Kick+Ban" on the violator's nickname. ################################################### #################### # Name: No Spam Chan v1.1 # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru) # Description: The script monitors the communication on the channel in order to search for the symbol "#" in the strings to identify advertisements from other channels. ################################################### #################### alias -l nospamchan { ;# You can enable or disable options by changing the value to <yes> or <no> ;--------------------- ;# Type 1 = nick!ident@host ;# Type 2 = nick!*@host ;# Type 3 = *!ident@host ;# Type 4 = nick!*@* ;# Type 5 = *!ident@* ;# Type 6 = *!*@host ;# Type 7 = *!*@subnet* ;--------------------- .hadd -m nospamchan type-ban 6 .hadd -m nospamchan kick yes .hadd -m nospamchan ban yes .hadd -m nospamchan kick-text No channel ads! } -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- on *:TEXT:*#*:#: nospamchan_check $nick $chan $strip($1-) on *:ACTION:*#*:#: nospamchan_check $nick $chan $strip($1-) alias -l nospamchan_check { if ($1 == $server) halt | nospamchan .hadd -m nospamchan nick $1 .hadd -m nospamchan chan $2 .hadd -m nospamchan search $wildtok($3-,*#*,1,32) .who $hget(nospamchan,search) } raw 352:*: if ($2 == $hget(nospamchan,search)) { .hadd -m nospamchan found $2 | halt} | haltdef raw 315:*:{ if ($2 == $hget(nospamchan,found) && $hget(nospamchan,nick)) { ;--------------------- if ($hget(nospamchan,ban) == yes) { if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 1) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),5) if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 2) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),7) if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 3) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),0) if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 4) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $+($hget(nospamchan,nick),!*@*) if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 5) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $+($gettok($address($hget(nospamchan,nick),1),1,64) ,@*) if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 6) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),2) if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 7) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $+(*!*@,$gettok($gettok($address($hget(nospamchan,nick) .5),2.64),1-2.46),.*) } ;--------------------- if ($hget(nospamchan,kick) == yes) .kick $hget(nospamchan,chan) $hget(nospamchan,nick) $hget(nospamchan,kick-text) if ($hget(nospamchan,nick)) .hdel -sw nospamchan nick if ($hget(nospamchan,chan)) .hdel -sw nospamchan chan if ($hget(nospamchan,search)) .hdel -sw nospamchan search if ($hget(nospamchan,found)) .hdel -sw nospamchan found halt } haltdef } NoSpamChan_v1.1.rar