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!Slang Urban Dictionary Script

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!Slang Urban Dictionary Script


I know several other people have made scripts that use Urban Dictionary. I've seen a few of them and I like mine better :)

*******************This Script Requires mIRC 6.32 or Higher***********************

This script will work with older versions of mIRC but some text will get cut of on longer posts.


Now then :) Because Urban Dictionary can be very offensive, I added a badword censor to this script. This might seem funny to some people, but it's not very funny when you come home from work and find you have been glined for racial slurs. If you don't add anything to the badword dictionary, then it doesn't do anything at all. FYI. It's there if you need it or want to use it.

Myself, I added some very offensive terms and racially offensive ones. The censor is very primitive. All it does is replace the words with $#%@! ;/

Anyhow! There is a !slang trigger - Syntax: !slang word|phrase || !slang number word|Phrase.

There is also a private alias - Syntax: /slang word|Phrase || /slang number word|Phrase.

Enjoy :) This is a fun script :)


***Updated Script Usage***




•Paste this code into a new remote and save it with a unique file name.


•Type +Slang in each channel you want this script to run in.


•-Slang to turn it off.



Triggers are now !slang, @slang and /slang(alias)




•!slang will notice the user.


•@slang will message the channel if the user has ops.


•/slang is a local alias to be typed from the bot.




Syntax is !slang # words here

Where ! could be @ or / and # is a number.

The number is optional.

Example: !slang 1 funny money

Example: @slang funny money


I also added a random word and attached it with !slang. If you type !slang without a number or search word it will return a random result.


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