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Idle Popup

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A little tidbit that gives you people's idle times on a popup menu when you right-click them. Also provided is the ability to act in any way you choose on their idle (note however, this does not function automatically. There are other scripts available that auto-check idle times for things such as idle-kicking.)


I also provided a little nagger that, when you click on their Idle Time and they've been idle more than an hour, will just message the active channel with a nag in their direction. However, you may make the idlecheck alias as complicated as you so desire (e.g., warning after half-hour, kick after hour, etc.)


If you don't want the nag there, remove it and the comments, but leave the idlecheck alias so you won't get nagged at by mIRC if you accidentally click on their Idle Time.


Edit: Backed the idlecheck alias out, and decided to go with noop, so as to provide simple functionality.


>menu nicklist {  -  Idle $duration($nick($active,$$1).idle,3) : noop} ;If you would like to have the Idle Popup perform a command when clicked,;Just remove the noop and script whatever you would prefer.

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