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mIRC Theme

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Seeing as everyone is wanting me to change this up a bit; I've decided I'm going to change it entirely. Here's a photo to go along with it.

NOTE: The raws may change for different networks, i'm not entirely sure.




>on *:LOAD:{  .color background 0   .color action 1   .color ctcp 1   .color info 1   .color info2 1   .color highlight 1   .color invite 1   .color join 1  .color own 1   .color part 1   .color quit 1   .color topic 1  .color wallop 1   .color whois 1   .color kick 1   .color mode 1   .color nick 1   .color other 1  .color notify 1   .color notice 1}on *:START:{ .timestamp -f 14hh04:14nn04.14ss  .timestamp on  font -z 12 calibri }on *:INPUT:#:{   if (/* !iswm $1) || ($ctrlenter) {    haltdef     .msg # $1-     echo -at [ $+ $levelc($me) $+ 14 $+ $me $+ ] $1-  } }on ^*:NOTICE:*:?:{   haltdef   echo -a ! $+ $timestamp 04» [14 $+ $nick $+ ]14 $1-}on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{   haltdef   echo -t $chan [ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1-}on ^*:RAWMODE:#:{   haltdef   echo -t $chan 4»ChanMode4» $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick sets4 $1 $+ 14 $2-}on ^*:JOIN:#:{  haltdef   if ($nick != $me) {     echo -t $chan 4»Joins4»14 $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ]   }   else {     who #     mode # +b     .timer. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 0 gett $chan  }}alias gett {   echo -t $1 4»Channel4»14 $1 4» $nick($1,0) 14Users 4» $nick($1,0,o) 14ops 4» $nick($1,0,h) 14halfops 4» $nick($1,0,v) 14voices 4» $nick($1,0,r) 14regulars  echo -t $1 14 $+ $str(—,33) }on ^!*:PART:#:{   haltdef   echo -t $chan 4»Parts4» $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ] $1- }on ^*:ACTION:*:#:{  haltdef   echo -t $chan 13* [ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1-}on ^*:NOTICE:*:#:{   haltdef   echo $chan - $+ $timestamp [ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1- }on ^*:KICK:#:{   haltdef   if ($knick != $me) {     echo -t $chan 4»Kicked4» $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick kicked $levelc($knick) $+ 14 $+ $knick [14 $+ $replace($gettok($address($knick,5),2,33),@,4@14) $+ ] $1-   }   else {    echo -tm 4»Kicked4» from14 # by $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ] $1-   }}on ^*:TEXT:*:?:{   query $nick   haltdef   echo -mt $nick [14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1- }on *:INPUT:?:{   if (/* !iswm $1) || ($ctrlenter) {     haltdef     .msg $active $1-     echo -at [14 $+ $me $+ ] $1-   }}on ^*:NICK:{  haltdef   var %x $comchan($newnick,0)   while (%x) {    echo -t $comchan($newnick,%x) 4»Nick4» 14 $nick  $+ $iif($newnick isop $comchan($newnick,%x),4 $+ $arrow,$iif($newnick ishop $comchan($newnick,%x),8 $+ $arrow,$iif($newnick isvoice $comchan($newnick,%x),12 $+ $arrow, $+ $arrow))) $+ 14 $newnick     dec %x   }}on ^*:QUIT:{   haltdef   var %x $comchan($nick,0)   while (%x) {     echo -t $comchan($nick,%x) 4»Quits4»4 $iif($nick isop $comchan($nick,%x),@,$iif($nick ishop $comchan($nick,%x),%,$iif($nick isvoice $comchan($nick,%x),+))) $+ 14 $+ $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ] $1-     dec %x   } }on ^*:SNOTICE:*:{   echo - $+ $timestamp 4» [14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1-   haltdef }on ^*:TOPIC:#:{   haltdef   echo -t $chan 4»Topic Change4»[ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ]4» $1-}on ^*:INVITE:#:{   haltdef   echo -ts 4»Invite4»14 $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ]  to14 # }on ^*:USERMODE:{   echo -t 4»UserMode4» changed [14 $+ $1- $+ ]   haltdef }on ^*:ACTION:*:?:{   haltdef   echo -mt $nick 13* [14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1- };1 = welcome to network blah;2 = your server is blah, IRCd;3 = server creation;4 = user/chan modes, ircd, server;5 = maxlists, lengths;353 = names;366 = end of /names;329 = numbers? spam.;352 = /who #chan - user result;315 = end of /who list;368 = end of chan ban list;324 = chanmodes;367 = ban list entry;378 = whois IP;376 = end of /motd;251 = there are x users and x invisible on x servers;252 = # of operators;253 = x unknown connections;254 = x channels formed;255 = i have x clients and x servers;265 = currect local users: x Max: x;266 = current global users: x Max: x;375 = server message of the day;341 = successful inviteraw *:*:{  haltdef  if ($istok(1 2 3 4 5 251 252 253 254 255 265 266 315 324 329 341 352 353 366 367 368 375 376 378,$numeric,32)) { halt }  elseif ($numeric == 332) { echo -t $2 4»Topic4» $3- }  elseif ($numeric == 333) { echo -t $2 4»Topic4» Set by14 $gettok($3,1,33) [14 $+ $iif(! isin $3,$replace($gettok($3,2,33),@,4@14),unknown host) $+ ]14 $asctime($4,mmm ddoo hh:nntt yyyy) }  elseif ($numeric == 313) { echo -a 14| $5- }  elseif ($numeric == 311) { echo -a 14|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯(14/whois $2 $+ ) | echo -a 14| $3 $+ @14 $+ $4 " $+ $6- $+ " }  elseif ($numeric == 319) {     tokenize 32 $3-     var %x 1     while (%x 4@14,$iif($left(%tok,1) == %,08% $+ 14,$iif($left(%tok,1) == +,12+14))) $+ $iif($left(%tok,1) == $chr(35),%tok,$right(%tok,-1))       inc %x     }     echo -a 14| on14 %ret   }  elseif ($numeric == 312) { echo -a 14| Server:14 $replace($3,.,.14) (14 $+ $4- $+ ) }  elseif ($numeric == 307) { echo -a 14| Identified }  elseif ($numeric == 317) {  echo -a 14| Signed on14 $asctime($4,mmm ddoo hh:nntt) Idle14 $duration($3) }  elseif ($numeric == 318) { echo -a 14|___________(14/whois $2 $+ ) }  elseif ($numeric == 335) { echo -a 14| is a Bot }  elseif ($numeric == 671) { echo -a 14| Secure Connection }  elseif ($numeric == 301) { echo -a 14| Away: $3- }  elseif ($numeric == 537) { echo -a 14| Immune to filtering }  elseif ($numeric == 310) { echo -a 14| Network Helper }  elseif ($numeric == 474) { echo -ts Cannot join14 $2 (14+b) }  elseif ($numeric == 401) { echo -a No such nick/channel (14 $+ $2 $+ ) }  elseif ($numeric == 492) { echo -sta 14 $+ $2 has (14+T) }  elseif ($numeric == 306) { echo -a You are now away. }  elseif ($numeric == 305) { echo -a You are no longer away. }  elseif ($numeric == 421) { echo -a (14 $+ $2 $+ ) $3- }  elseif ($numeric == 470) { echo -sm $alert Link14 $3 $+  $arrow $+ 14 $17 }  elseif ($numeric == 433) { echo -a Nickname14 $2 already in use. }   elseif ($numeric == 972) { echo -a Can't kick, channel14 +Q }   elseif ($numeric == 473) { echo -ts Cannot join14 $2 (14+i) }   elseif ($numeric == 475) { echo -ts Cannot join14 $2 (14+k) }   elseif ($numeric == 404) { echo -a $alert $3- }   elseif ($numeric == 320) { echo -a 14| $2- }   elseif ($numeric == 372) { echo -a 14Motd $arrow $+  $2- }   elseif ($numeric == 500) { echo -s (14 $+ $2 $+ ) Too many join requests }  elseif ($numeric == 322) { echo @List $2 $4 (14 $+ $3 users) $5- }  elseif ($numeric == 321) { echo @List Listing.. }  else { echo -tsm $alert Raw (14 $+ $numeric $+ ) $2- } }alias levelc { return 4 $+ $iif($1 isop $chan,@,$iif($1 === ChanServ,@,$iif($1 ishop $chan,%,$iif($1 isvoice $chan,+)))) }alias notice { if ($2) { .notice $1- | echo -q ! $+ $timestamp 4 $+  $arrow [14 $+ $1 $+ ] $2- } }alias query { query $1 | if ($2) { .msg $1- | echo -a $timestamp [14 $+ $me $+ ] $2- } }alias me { if ($1) { .describe $active $1- | if ($chan) { echo -at 13* [ $+ $levelc($me) $+ 14 $+ $me $+ ] $1- } | else { echo -at 13* [14 $+ $me $+ ] $1- } } }alias arrow { return $+($chr(151),$chr(155)) }alias alert { return 10[4•10] }alias list {  if (!$window(List)) {     window -e @List     list $1-  }} 


By: Grant-

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