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Facebook Status Script v1.0

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Heres something I found that maybe interesting for some, you may have to update it as its a bit old. Was done in 2010. :re


Hello all! I have been pondering for ages on how to make a Facebook status updater script. And I have finally done it with the help of a friend and looking at a few php scripts.




/FBUpdate (Status you want here)


How to:


Replace EMAIL HERE and PASSWORD HERE with your own email and pass

First run /FBSetup to get all of the cookies. And you only need to run this command once unless your cookies expire.

Then run /FBUpate (string here)


>;------ Facebook Script by Ron Young -------;;------ Please leave the comments and credits ------;alias FBSetup {sockclose fbssockopen fbs m.facebook.com 80echo -a ---- Starting Facebook Script ----}alias FBUpdate {set %updatefb $1- (Powered by FSSv1)sockclose fb9sockopen fb9 m.facebook.com 80}on *:sockopen:fbs: {var %user EMAIL EHREvar %pass PASSWORD HERE  var %data email= $+ %user $+ &pass= $+ %pass $+ &login=Log insockwrite -nt $sockname POST /login.php?http HTTP/1.1sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: m.facebook.com  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Length: $len(%data)   sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $+ %data}on *:sockread:fbs: {var %fsockread %fif $regex(%f,Location: http://m.facebook.com/(.*)) {echo -a ---- Retrieving cookies ----set %fburl / $+ $regml(1)}if $regex(%f,Set-Cookie: cur_max_lag=(.*); path=) {set %fbc1 cur_max_lag= $+ $regml(1)}if $regex(%f,Set-Cookie: datr=(.*); expires=) {set %fbc2 datr= $+ $regml(1)}if $regex(%f,Set-Cookie: m_user=(.*); expires=) {set %fbc3 m_user= $+ $regml(1)}if $regex(%f,Set-Cookie: made_write_conn=(.*); path=) {set %fbc4 made_write_conn= $+ $regml(1)}sockclose fb2sockopen fb2 m.facebook.com 80}on *:sockopen:fb2: {  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET %fburl HTTP/1.1  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: m.facebook.comset %cookie $+(%fbc1,;,$chr(32),%fbc2,;,$chr(32),%fbc3,;,$chr(32),%fbc4)  sockwrite -nt $sockname Cookie: %cookie  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf }on *:sockread:fb2: {var %f2sockread %f2if $regex(%f2,action="\/a(.*)" method=) {set %fburl1 $+(/a,$regml(1))}if $regex(%f2,name="fb_dtsg" value="(.*)" \/>) {set %fbv2 post_form_id= $+ $regml(1)echo -a ---- All information stored. Use /FBUpdate to update your status ----}}on *:sockopen:fb9: {var %data $+(%fbv1,&,%fbv2,&status=,%updatefb,&update=Share)  sockwrite -nt $sockname POST %fburl1 HTTP/1.1  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: m.facebook.com  sockwrite -nt $sockname Cookie: %cookie  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Length: $len(%data)  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $+ %dataecho -a ---- Status updated ----}

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