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Mute Ban (Cross Network)

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This is a cross network mute script, simply edit the network type in the script and either load into your remotes or save as, say "muteban.mrc" in your mIRC directory, and load like so: /load -rs muteban.mrc


The muteban works on the ident+host of the user, thus the ban is more effective than just muting on the nickname alone, it also prevents nickname changes during the muteban (if the IRCd provides such a feature)


Commands provided:

!q nick *OR* /q nick = Mute's nickname

!dq nick *OR* /dq nick = Demute's nickname

!tq nick secs *OR* /tq nick secs = Mute's nickname for X seconds before automatically removing the muteban itself


Added Aliases (so you can perform them directly from the mIRC Bot) By:Amiga600




>on *:text:!*q *:#: {  /mutemain $1-}alias q {  /mutemain !q $1-}alias tq {  /mutemain !tq $1-}alias dq {  /mutemain !dq $1-}alias mutemain {  msg # Debug: Command: $1 / Name: $2 / Timer(for tq): $3   ; ###### Multiple Network Muting System ######  ; !q nick       OR /q nick       = Mute's Nickname on Current channel  ; !dq nick      OR /dq nick      = Un-Mute's Nickname  ; !tq nick secs OR /tq nick secs = Mute's Nick for secs and automatically removes the mute  ;  ; ** Network Type **  ; inspircd = Mutes in the InspIRCd format  ; unreal === Mutes in the Unreal IRCd format  ; other ==== Mutes in other server format (eg. +q nick, usually set as +b %nick)  ;  set %mutenettype inspircd   ; ### Do not change anything below ###  if ($nick !isop $chan) notice $nick [Mute] Operators Only! | halt  if ($2 isop $chan) notice $nick [Mute] You cannot Mute Channel Operators! | halt  if ($2 = $me) notice $nick [Mute] You cannot Mute the Bot | halt   if ($address($2,3) = $null) {    notice $nick Sorry, That Nick does not exist!    halt  }  if ($1 = !q) {    set %mutemode +    notice $nick Muting User %2 ..    msg # $2 $+ :- You talk too much, now shutup for a few minutes..  }  if ($1 = !tq) {    if ($3 = $null) halt    set %mutemode +    notice $nick Muting User $2 for $3 seconds ..    if (%mutenettype = inspircd) ban -u $+ $3 # m: $+ $address($2,3) 3     if (%mutenettype = unreal) ban -u $+ $3 # ~q: $+ $address($2,3) 3     if (%mutenettype = other) ban -u $+ $3 # +b % $+ $address($2,3) 3    halt  }  if ($1 = !dq) {    set %mutemode -    notice $nick De-Muting User %2 ..    msg # $2 $+ :- You may now speak again..  }  if (%mutenettype = inspircd) mode # %mutemode $+ bb m: $+ $address($2,3) N: $+ $2 $+ !*@*  if (%mutenettype = unreal) mode # %mutemode $+ bb ~q: $+ $address($2,3) ~N: $+ $2 $+ !*@*  if (%mutenettype = other) mode # %mutemode $+ b % $+ $address($2,3)  if ($2 = $null) {    notice $nick Mute Usage: !q/!dq/!tq [nick] (!q=mute / !dq=demute / !tq=timed mute)  }} 

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