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IRC Shoutcast Radio Bot V1

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Hello, someone made a radio bot, (kinda crappy and non modifiable)


and i was given the green light to rewrite it. so the base script was from suislebeat.ca but now i have rewrite it to 80%

i added a !schedule system, a !theme system, and there was no help file at all


so i wrote a !radio-help file for different levels.


1, 2, 5.


1 = everyone

2 = dj

5 = admin


When you install the script some windows will pop up, follow the instructions.

The adminpassword will be the same that you will use to do




Give the dj password to your dj's.


If you need help on installing a shoutcast server msg xplorer on #mircscripting i could provide you some tools too.



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