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This script will retrieve the weather for US zipcodes from the website http://www.localweather.net.



Update: Added alias so you can trigger it yourself and message the channel with the response.

Update: Added axtra error checking to the alias ( weatherm ). Thanks to Tokensoup.

Update: Added extra stuff for UV and Preassure. ( help from some one who wishes to remain namelss )

Update 1/13/09: Added alteration to specified line as noted by A Hylian Human.


Big Update 1/13/09: Redid entire script. Added forecast option.


Update 1/16/09: Altered triggers and adjusted a few of the script lines.

Triggers listed below:


Updates above no longer valid for the newest version of script.


Will list either weather or forecast.

!w 12345

!w 12345

!weather 12345

!weather 12345


Will list forecast.

!f 12345

!forecast 12345




>on $*:text:/^[!](w|weather|f|forecast)/Si:#: {  if ($2 isnum) {    if ($istok(!w !weather,$1,32)) { set %usweatherWF W }    if ($istok(!f !forecast,$1,32)) { set %usweatherWF F }    set %usweatherzip $2 | set %usweatherchan $chan    sockopen usweather www.localweather.net 80  }}on *:sockopen:usweather: {  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/weather/?pands=,%usweatherzip,&forecast=zandh) HTTP/1.1  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.localweather.net  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close  sockwrite -n $sockname Authorization: Basic   sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf}on *:sockread:usweather: {  sockread %whtemp  if (Location Not Found isin %whtemp) { set %whtempwrong Yes }  if (class="pname"> isin %whtemp) { set %whtemplocation $remove($nohtml(%whtemp),$chr(9)) }  ; Weather  if (Lat: isin %whtemp) { set %whtemplat $remove($nohtml(%whtemp),$chr(9)) }  if (class="u-met"> isin %whtemp) { inc %t_t 1 | set %whtemperC $+ %t_t $remove($nohtml(%whtemp),$chr(9)) }  ; Forecast  if (class="dt"> isin %whtemp) { inc %yy 1 | set %suweatherdate $+ %yy $remove($nohtml(%whtemp),$chr(9)) }  if (class="hi"> isin %whtemp) { inc %ii 1 | set %suweatherhi $+ %ii $remove($nohtml(%whtemp),$chr(9)) }  if (class="lo"> isin %whtemp) { inc %iii 1 | set %suweatherlo $+ %iii $remove($nohtml(%whtemp),$chr(9)) }  if (class="wx"> isin %whtemp) { inc %oo 1 | set %suweathercondition $+ %oo $remove($nohtml(%whtemp),$chr(9)) }}on *:sockclose:usweather: {   if (%whtempwrong = Yes) {     msg %usweatherchan That zip code is incorrect. Please try another one.    unset %t_t %y_y %whtemp* %usweather* %suweather* %oo %yy %ii  }  else {    msg %usweatherchan Location:12 %whtemplocation    if (%usweatherWF = W) {      var %whcurF $gettok(%whtemperC1,1,38) $+ $chr(176) F       var %whcurC $calc(($gettok(%whtemperC1,1,38) - 32) 8 5/9) $+ $chr(176) C      msg %usweatherchan Latitude:03 $removecs($gettok(%whtemplat,4,58),N,E,S,W,Lon) Longitude:03 $removecs($gettok(%whtemplat,5,58),N,E,S,W,Lon)      msg %usweatherchan Currently:07 %whcurF /07 %whcurC and $gettok(%whtemperC1,2-,67) $&        Feels Like:7 $replace($gettok($remove(%whtemperC2,Feels Like:),1,70),°,$+($chr(176),$chr(32),F)) $&        /07 $round($calc($gettok($remove(%whtemperC2,Feels Like:),1,38) -32) *5/9),1) $+ $+($chr(176),$chr(32),C)      msg %usweatherchan Dew Point:13 $replace($gettok($gettok(%whtemperC3,2,58),1,70),°,$chr(176)) $+ $+($chr(32),F)) $&        /13 $round($calc($gettok($remove(%whtemperC3,Dew Point:),1,38) -32) *5/9),1) $+ $+($chr(176),$chr(32),C) $&        Pressure:10 $+($gettok($remove(%whtemperC5,Pressure:),1,110),n) /10 $gettok(%whtemperC5,2,110)      msg %usweatherchan Website: http://www.localweather.net/weather/?pands= $+ %usweatherzip $+ &forecast=zandh    }    if (%usweatherWF = F) {      msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate2) 4>>12 $iif(%suweatherhi1 = %suweatherlo2,$usweather2(%suweatherlo1),$usweather2($v1)) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition2      msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate3) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi1) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition3       msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate4) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi2) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition4       msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate5) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi3) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition5       msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate6) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi4) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition6       msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate7) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi5) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition7       msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate8) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi6) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition8       $iif($gettok(%suweatherdate9,2,32) isnum,msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate9) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi7) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition9 )      $iif($gettok(%suweatherdate10,2,32) isnum,msg %usweatherchan 7 $+ $usweather(%suweatherdate10) 4>>12 $usweather2(%suweatherhi8) 4>>>3 %suweathercondition10 )    }    unset %t_t %y_y %whtemp* %usweather* %suweather* %oo %yy %ii %iii  }}alias usweather {  return $iif($istokcs(MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN,$left($1,3),32),$replace($1,$left($1,3),$+($left($1,3),$chr(32))),$+($1,$chr(32)))}alias usweather2 {  return $replacecs($replace($1,:,$+(:,$chr(32)),°,$+($chr(176),$chr(32))),F,$+(F,$chr(32)))}alias -l nohtml {  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^|]*>|]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x, )  return %x}


BY: Scakk

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