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Kick Hall Of Fame

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Addon che vi ricorda chi dove quando e perchè ha kickato by SirPsychoSexy





;|            .:SirPsychoSoft:.             |


;|  .:Codes By SirPsychoSexy                |

;|  .:Non Modificare Il Codice              |

;|  .:Per Evitare Errori.                   |

;|  .:Non Rippare Per Favore.               |

;|  .:Per Info,Bugs,Idee,Quel Che Ti Pare:  |

;|  .:#eMule-CHATTIAMO @ irc.MindForge.org  |

;|  .:#mIRC4Fun @ irc.IRC-Gate.org          |

;|  .:#MARIALAND @ irc.DarkSin.net          |

;|  .:#Italia @ irc.StarServ.org            |

;|  .:e-Mail: NnCiSoNo@gmail.it             |


;|           .:Kick Hall Of Fame:.          |


dialog w2w {

  title "Kick Hall Of Fame By SirPsychoSexy"

  size -1 -1 633 279

  option pixels

  list 1, 8 8 617 235, size

  text Totale Kicks: %w2wh, 2, 10 248 135 17

  button "Resetta", 3, 488 248 65 20

  button "Chiudi", 4, 560 248 65 20


on *:dialog:w2w:*:*: {

  if $devent = init {

    set %w2wh $lines(kickhalloffame\KHOF.txt)


    kmdx SetControlMDX w2w 1 listview grid report nosortheader rowselect showsel > kickhalloffame\views.mdx

    did -i w2w 1 1 headerdims 80:1 80:2 100:3 100:4 600:5

    did -i w2w 1 1 headertext Data $chr(9) Ora $chr(9) Nick $chr(9) Chan $chr(9) Motivo

    set %w2w 1

    while %w2w 

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