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PM/notice Blocker

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You may be wondering, why a Notice blocker? well since a pm blocker has become really common amongst mIRC users, i thought "Well, don't people use bots to spam people another way, like using /notice?". So i got with a friend and he helped me to make this code. This is a super easy to use code, paste into your Remotes, and right click some where, and you'll find PM Blocker and NOTICE Blocker, a few simple clicks and you're done. Also ive had some known trouble with the PM/Notice blocker message, if you have an idea on how to make it better please tell me.


>alias pmblock {  if ($1 == $null) {	echo -a Commands: on, off, status, blockmsg  }  elseif ($1 == on) {	if (%pmblock == true) {	  echo -a Error: Private Messages already blocked	}	else {	  close -m	  set %pmblock true	  echo -a Private Messages are now being blocked	}  }  elseif ($1 == off) {	if (%pmblock == false) {	  echo -a Error: Private Messages already not blocked	}	else {	  set %pmblock false	  echo -a Private Messages are no longer blocked	}  }  elseif ($1 == status) {	if (%pmblock == true) {	  echo -a Current Status: ENABLED	}	elseif (%pmblock == false) {	  echo -a Current Status: DISABLED	}	else {	  echo -a Current Status: UNKNOWN	}  }  elseif ($1 == blockmsg) {	if (!$2) { echo -a Commands: set, show, default }	elseif ($2 == set) { set %pmblock.msg $3- | echo -a PM Blocking Message Set to " $+ $3- $+ " }	elseif ($2 == show) { echo -a PMBLOCK MESSAGE: %pmblock.msg }	elseif ($2 == default) { set %pmblock.msg [PMBLOCK] Private Messages are currently being blocked | echo -a PM Blocking Message Set to "{PMBLOCK Private Messages are currently being blocked." }  }}alias noticeblock {  if ($1 == $null) {	echo -a Commands: on, off, status, blockmsg  }  elseif ($1 == on) {	if (%noticeblock == true) {	  echo -a Error: Notices already blocked	}	else {	  set %noticeblock true	  echo -a Notices are now being blocked	}  }  elseif ($1 == off) {	if (%noticeblock == false) {	  echo -a Error: Notices already not blocked	}	else {	  set %noticeblock false	  echo -a Notices are no longer blocked	}  }  elseif ($1 == status) {	if (%noticeblock == true) {	  echo -a Current Status: ENABLED	}	elseif (%noticeblock == false) {	  echo -a Current Status: DISABLED	}	else {	  echo -a Current Status: UNKNOWN	}  }  elseif ($1 == blockmsg) {	if (!$2) { echo -a Commands: set, show, default }	elseif ($2 == set) { set %noticeblock.msg $3- | echo -a NOTICE Blocking Message Set to " $+ $3- $+ " }	elseif ($2 == show) { echo -a NOTICEBLOCK MESSAGE: %noticeblock.msg }	elseif ($2 == default) { set %noticeblock.msg [NOTICEBLOCK] Notices are currently being blocked | echo -a NOTICE Blocking Message Set to "[NOTICEBLOCK] Notices are currently being blocked." }  }}on *:START: {  if (%pmblock.msg == $null) { set %pmblock.msg [PMBLOCK] Private Messages are currently being blocked }  if (%noticeblock.msg == $null) { set %noticeblock.msg [NOTICEBLOCK] Notices are currently being blocked }}on *:UNLOAD: {  unset %pmblock*  unset %noticeblock*}on *:OPEN:?:*: {  if (%pmblock == true) {	closemsg $nick	.notice $nick %pmblock.msg  }}on ^*:NOTICE:*:*: {  if (%noticeblock == true) {	haltdef	.notice $nick %noticeblock.msg  }}menu channel,query,menubar {  PM Blocker  .Block Private Messages:pmblock on  .Unblock Private Messages:pmblock off  .Set PM Blocker Block Message:pmblock blockmsg $?="What Block Message?"  NOTICE Blocker  .Block Notices:noticeblock on  .Unblock Notices:noticeblock off  .Set NOTICE Blocker Block Message:noticeblock blockmsg $?="What Block Message?"}




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