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Highlight flood protection

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This will automatically /notice and /ignore someone who floods the channel with your nick. Feel free to edit the numbers and whatnot


>on $*:text:$(/\Q $+ $me $+ \E\b/iS):#:{  if (%flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] == $null) {    set -u6 %flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] 1  }  elseif (%flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] >= 4) {    notice $nick 11,1Highlight flood detected14,1. 9,1You will now be ignored for6,1 5 9,1minutes14,1. 10,1Next time don't fucking highlight rape me14,1. 8,1Thank you and have a great fucking day14,1!    ignore -u300 $wildsite    unset %flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ]  }  else { inc -u6 %flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] }}

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