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Nick Cycle

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Se avete molti nick questo addon vi farà comodo lo avviate e fa il ciclo dei vostri nick perchè non scadano by ][^bull^][




>alias ncycle { if $dialog(ncycle) = $null { dialog -m ncycle ncycle } | else halt }dialog ncycle {  title NickCycle - ][^bull^][  size -1 -1 170 340  button Ferma il Cycle,111,10 272 153 25,ok  button Inizia il Cycle,666,10 242 153 25  button Info,66,10 302 40 20,ok  button OK,100,80 302 40 20,ok  button Cancel,200,123 302 40 20,cancel  box "",1,1 -5 258 305  text "Nick:",5,60 10 40 15  edit "" ,3,10 30 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,8,10 50 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,11,10 70 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,14,10 90 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,17,10 110 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,20,10 130 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,23,10 150 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,26,10 170 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,29,10 190 120 20,center,autohs  edit "" ,32,10 210 120 20,center,autohs  button clr,36,135 32 30 16  button clr,37,135 52 30 16  button clr,38,135 72 30 16  button clr,39,135 92 30 16  button clr,40,135 112 30 16  button clr,41,135 132 30 16  button clr,42,135 152 30 16  button clr,43,135 172 30 16  button clr,44,135 192 30 16  button clr,45,135 212 30 16}ON *:dialog:ncycle:*:*: {  if ($devent = init) {    did -a ncycle 3 $gettok(%n1k1,1,32)    did -a ncycle 8 $gettok(%n1k1,2,32)    did -a ncycle 11 $gettok(%n1k1,3,32)    did -a ncycle 14 $gettok(%n1k1,4,32)    did -a ncycle 17 $gettok(%n1k1,5,32)    did -a ncycle 20 $gettok(%n1k1,6,32)    did -a ncycle 23 $gettok(%n1k1,7,32)    did -a ncycle 26 $gettok(%n1k1,8,32)    did -a ncycle 29 $gettok(%n1k1,9,32)    did -a ncycle 32 $gettok(%n1k1,10,32)  }  if ($devent = edit) { set %n1k1 $did(3) $did(8) $did(11) $did(14) $did(17) $did(20) $did(23) $did(26) $did(29) $did(32) }  if ($devent = sclick) {    if $did = 36 { did -ru ncycle 3 }    if $did = 37 { did -ru ncycle 8 }    if $did = 38 { did -ru ncycle 11 }    if $did = 39 { did -ru ncycle 14 }    if $did = 40 { did -ru ncycle 17 }    if $did = 41 { did -ru ncycle 20 }    if $did = 42 { did -ru ncycle 23 }    if $did = 43 { did -ru ncycle 26 }    if $did = 44 { did -ru ncycle 29 }    if $did = 45 { did -ru ncycle 32 }    if $did = 66 { o.o.o }    if $did = 666 { n1kcycl3 }    if $did = 111 { timercycle* off | echo -at * TimerCycles Halted }  }}alias o.o.o { if ($window(@Quick)) window -c @Quick | window -da +s  @Quick 200 200 500 200 | aline -p @Quick 0,7 NickCycle v1: Inserire i nick negli appositi spazi e premere il pulsante "Inizia il Cycle" per iniziare il ciclo. I nick inseriti verranno impostati automaticamente. Questo processo fa si che sia possibile gestire gruppi di nick anche molto numerosi cercando di impedire che si droppino per il non-utilizzo. | aline -p @Quick  | aline -p @Quick 0,7 THis AdDOn iS pOweREd bY 1,7][^bull^][  | aline -p @Quick  | aline -p @Quick Doppio click nella finestra per chiuderla. }menu @Quick {  dclick:{ .window -c @Quick }}alias n1kcycl3 {  if ($gettok(%n1k1,1,32) != $null) { nick $gettok(%n1k1,1,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,2,32) != $null) { .timercycle1 1 30 nick $gettok(%n1k1,2,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,3,32) != $null) { .timercycle2 1 60 nick $gettok(%n1k1,3,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,4,32) != $null) { .timercycle3 1 90 nick $gettok(%n1k1,4,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,5,32) != $null) { .timercycle4 1 120 nick $gettok(%n1k1,5,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,6,32) != $null) { .timercycle5 1 150 nick $gettok(%n1k1,6,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,7,32) != $null) { .timercycle6 1 180 nick $gettok(%n1k1,7,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,8,32) != $null) { .timercycle7 1 210 nick $gettok(%n1k1,8,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,9,32) != $null) { .timercycle8 1 230 nick $gettok(%n1k1,9,32) }  if ($gettok(%n1k1,10,32) != $null) { .timercycle9 1 260 nick $gettok(%n1k1,10,32) }}menu menubar,channel,status {  NickCycle:ncycle}on *:load:echo -at Loaded NickCycle by ][^bull^][. Type /ncycle to open dialogon *:unload:echo -at :( load me /load -rs NickCycle.bull

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