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Ban Enforcer

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>This will kick everyone on the channel with an address matching the ban. It wont trigger if the ban matches your address. ; Simply put this into remotes and it'll do the rest. ; Note: Make sure your IAL is on. Turn it on by typing /ial on ; Script enviornment: Remotes on *:load: { if ($ial) { return } else { echo $colour(info) -a *** Ial is not on, type /ial on to be sure this script works. } } on @*:ban:#: { if ($banmask !iswm $address($me,5)) { var %_ban = $ialchan($banmask,#,0) while (%_ban) { kick # $ialchan($banmask,#,%_ban).nick Banned: Enforcing ban set by $nick $+ )-(14 $+ $banmask dec %_ban } } } 

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