Administrators chain Posted August 9, 2013 Administrators Report Share Posted August 9, 2013 To use: Copy this code and paste to a new file in wordpad or w/e *not notepad* Save with a unique filename with the extension .tcl Copy/Upload the .tcl file to your eggdrops scripts directory. Add a line like this to your eggdrop.conf -: Code 1 source scripts/youtubeurl.tcl Rehash or restart the eggdrop. (In the Party Line) Type .chanset #ChannelName +youtubeURL +/- youtubeURL as needed. That's it. The script will respond in channels with the +youtubeURL flag.See the top of the script to change the logo or text color. #################################################################### ## To use this script you must set channel flag +youtubeURL (ie .chanset #chan +youtubeURL) ## ############################################################################################## ############################################################################################## ## ## Start Setup. ## ## ############################################################################################## proc youtubesurl {nick host hand chan text} { if {[lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] +youtubeURL] != -1} { ## Change the characters between the "" below to change the logo shown with each result. ## set youtubelogo "\002\00301,00You\00300,04Tube\002\017" ## Change the format codes between the "" below to change the color/state of the text. ## set textf "\002\017" set tagcolor "\002" ############################################################################################## ## ## End Setup. ## ## ############################################################################################## set youtubecheck [regexp -all -nocase {(?:\/watch\?v=|youtu\.be\/)([\d\w-]{11})} $text match youtubeid] if {$youtubeid != ""} { set youtubesite set youtubeurl "/watch?v=${youtubeid}" set youtubeviews "" set youtubedesc "" set youtubeuser "" set youtubelikes "" set youtubedislikes "" set youtubedate "" if {[catch {set youtubesock [socket -async $youtubesite 80]} sockerr]} { putlog "$youtubesite $youtubeurl $sockerr error" return 0 } else { puts $youtubesock "GET $youtubeurl HTTP/1.0" puts $youtubesock "Host: $youtubesite" puts $youtubesock "User-Agent: Opera 9.6" puts $youtubesock "" flush $youtubesock while {![eof $youtubesock]} { set youtubevar " [gets $youtubesock] " if {[string match "*<span class=?watch-view-count*" $youtubevar]} { set youtubeviews "found" } elseif {[regexp -nocase {<title>(.*?)\s-\sYouTube<\/title>} $youtubevar match youtubedesc]} { set youtubedesc "${tagcolor}Title: ${textf}${youtubedesc}" } elseif {[regexp -nocase {attribution\scontent=(.*?)\%} $youtubevar match youtubeuser]} { set youtubeuser "${tagcolor}Uploader: ${textf}${youtubeuser}" } elseif {[regexp -nocase {dir="ltr">(.*?)<\/a><span class="yt-user-separator">} $youtubevar match youtubeuser]} { set youtubeuser "${tagcolor}Uploader: ${textf}${youtubeuser}" } elseif {[string match "found" $youtubeviews]} { set youtubeviews "${tagcolor}Views: ${textf}[string trimright [string trimleft ${youtubevar}]]" } elseif {[regexp -nocase {\"likes-count\">(.*?)<} $youtubevar match youtubelikes]} { set youtubelikes "${tagcolor}Likes: ${textf}${youtubelikes}" } elseif {[regexp -nocase {watch-video-date"\s>(.*?)<\/span>} $youtubevar match youtubedate]} { set youtubedate "${tagcolor}Uploaded: ${textf}${youtubedate}" putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[yturldehex "${youtubelogo} ${youtubedesc} ${youtubeviews} ${youtubelikes} ${youtubedislikes} ${youtubeuser} ${youtubedate}"]" close $youtubesock return 0 } elseif {[regexp -nocase {\"dislikes-count\">(.*?)<} $youtubevar match youtubedislikes]} { set youtubedislikes "${tagcolor}Dislikes: ${textf}${youtubedislikes}" } elseif {[regexp {<\/body>} $youtubevar 1] != 0} { close $youtubesock return 0 } } close $youtubesock return 0 } } } } proc yturldehex {string} { regsub -all {[\[\]]} $string "" string set string [subst [regsub -nocase -all {\([0-9]{2});} $string {[format %c \1]}]] return [string map {" \"} $string] } proc yturlencode {instring} { return [subst [regsub -nocase -all {([^a-z0-9])} $instring {%[format %x [scan "\\&" %c]]}]] } bind pubm -|- "*youtube.*watch?v=*" youtubesurl bind pubm -|- "**" youtubesurl setudef flag youtubeURL putlog "\002*Loaded* \00301,00You\00300,04Tube\002\017 \002URL check V 00.01 by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...