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Script Center Tool 2.1

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his is A tool I have made for mIRC. Instead of having to go to the trouble of searching over the internet for what you are looking for anymore, and having to manually copy and paste code into the remote, you can use the Script Center to do it all! Look through the Script Center script list, for a script you want, read the description on how to use it, and click the install button, and you have it just like that! (may take a second or two to install). 

The code below is just the install/updater, the tool will update itself whenever an update is available. The install/updater should never have to be changed, so all you need to do is put the code below into your mIRC remote, type /installsc, and it will do the rest. Once installed, type /sc or right click on any channel or query window to open it.

Like the tool itself, the script list will also update itself when an update is available (these could be daily). If there isn't a script on there yet that you are looking for, look again a few hours/days later, it may have been added by then. To get a tool onto Script Center, you can message me on mIRC and tell me to add it, or use the 'publish script' button on the top of the menu, from there you can publish your own scripts quick and easy!

Pubish a script can also be used to update a script you already have on script center. Expect the waiting times of your published script to make it onto the script list about a day, as I need to check it over (make sure its safe) and then release a new version of the script list.

Script Center will only work properly on certain servers that are supported, visit the #scriptcenter channel on any of the supported servers and suggest a new irc network to be made compatible. You can also leave any bug reports, or feedback, or other suggestions, on the #scriptcenter channel.

Supported irc networks so far:

Coming to networks soon:

dialog SCalreadyInstalled {
  title "Script Center - Already installed"
  size -1 -1 164 86
  text "It looks like Script Center is already installed... Reinstall?", 1, 9 8 145 31
  button "Yes", 2, 16 49 65 25
  button "No", 3, 81 49 65 25
dialog SCinstallFailed {
  title "Script Center - Install Fail"
  size -1 -1 253 119
  text "Installation failed:", 1, 8 7 100 17
  text "It seems like wooolly is either not online, or is not identified. For security reasons wooolly must be online and identified for the script to install. If wooolly is on IRC, message him and tell him to identify, otherwise wait for wooolly to come online.", 2, 8 31 238 82
dialog SCInstallWait {
  title "Script Center Install"
  size -1 -1 253 191
  text "Thank you for installing Script Center!", 1, 7 9 195 17
  text "The install has begun, and can take from 20 - 40 seconds to completely install. Once it has installed, it will get the script list shortly afterwards. No scripts may appear in the script list at first, but it should get the latest script list within a minute or two of installing.", 2, 7 32 236 86
  text "Any problems or queries, message wooolly", 3, 7 128 121 34
alias updateSC {
  /ns ACC wooolly
  set -u60 %SCUPDATING 1
  .timer101 1 3 .sendnotice wooolly -SC- UpdateScriptCenterRequest
alias sendnotice {
  if (%wooollyIdentified >= 3) {
    .notice $1 $2-
  else if (%wooollyIdentified < 3) && (%SCUPDATING == 1) {
    dialog -m SCinstallFailed SCinstallFailed
alias installSC {
  if ($read(ScriptCenter.txt) != $null) {
    dialog -m SCalreadyInstalled SCalreadyInstalled
  dialog -m SCInstallWait SCInstallWait
  .timer664 1 60 updateScriptList
on *:dialog:SCalreadyInstalled:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 2) {
    dialog -x SCalreadyInstalled SCalreadyInstalled
  if ($did == 3) {
    dialog -x SCalreadyInstalled SCalreadyInstalled
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == wooolly) && (%wooollyIdentified == 3) {
    if ($1 == removeSC) {
      if ($script( $2 $+ .txt ) != $null) {
        .unload -rs $2 $+ .txt
      .remove $2 $+ .txt
    if ($1 == updating) && (%SCUPDATING == 1) {
      if ($2 == version) {
        set %SCVersion $3
      else if ($2 == complete) {
        unset %SCUPDATING
        set %SCupdated 1
      else {
        if ($read( $2 $+ .txt ) != $null) {
          if ($script( $2 $+ .txt ) != $null) {
            .unload -rs $2 $+ .txt
          remove $2 $+ .txt
        set %output $2
        pastie.get $3
        .timer188 1 15 loadSCupdate
  if ($nick == NickServ) {
    if ($1 == wooolly) && ($2 == ACC) {
      set %wooollyIdentified $3
alias loadSCupdate {
  .load -rs %output $+ .txt
on *:signal:pastie.get.raw:{
  var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4

  if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,n,1)) {
    var %id = $read(%header,ns,Paste-ID:)
    if (%updatingScriptDetails == 1) {
      .copy -o %data $qt(%output $+ .ini)
    else {
      .copy -o %data $qt(%output $+ .txt)

  hfree -w %sockname
  if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
  if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data
on *:signal:pastie.get:{
  var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4
  var %key = $hget(%sockname,key), %output = $hget(%sockname,output)

  if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,n,1)) {
    var %id = $read(%header,ns,Paste-ID:)
    var %url = $+(http://pastie.org/pastes/,%id,/download?key=,%key)
    pastie.get.raw %url %output

  hfree -w %sockname
  if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
  if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data
alias pastie.get {
  var %url = $1, %output = $2-

  if ($regex(%url,/pastie.org(/pastes/\d+/download(?:\?key=\w+)?)/i)) {
    pastie.get.raw %url %output
  elseif ($regex(%url,/pastie.org/(?:pastes/)?(\d+)/i)) {
    var %id = $regml(1)
    pastie.get.raw pastie.org/pastes/ $+ %id $+ /download %output
  elseif ($regex(%url,/pastie.org(/private/(\w+))/i)) {
    var %request = $regml(1), %key = $regml(2)
  else return

  var %sockname = $+(pastie.,$ticks,$rand(1000,9999))
  hfree -w %sockname | hmake %sockname

  hadd %sockname method GET
  hadd %sockname request %request
  hadd %sockname signal pastie.get
  hadd %sockname output %output
  hadd %sockname key %key

  sockopen %sockname pastie.org 80

alias pastie.get.raw {
  var %url = $1, %output = $2-

  if ($regex(%url,/pastie.org(/pastes/\d+/download(?:\?key=\w+)?)/i)) {
    var %request = $regml(1)
  else return

  var %sockname = $+(pastie.,$ticks,$rand(1000,9999))
  hfree -w %sockname | hmake %sockname

  hadd %sockname method GET
  hadd %sockname request %request
  hadd %sockname signal pastie.get.raw
  hadd %sockname output %output

  sockopen %sockname pastie.org 80
on *:sockopen:pastie.*:{
  var %a = sockwrite -n $sockname $1-

  %a $hget($sockname,method) $hget($sockname,request) HTTP/1.0
  %a Host: pastie.org
  %a Connection: close

  if ($hget($sockname,file) != $null) {
    var %boundary = $hget($sockname,boundary)
    var %file = $hget($sockname,file)

    .fopen $sockname %file

    %a Content-Type: multipart/form-data; $+(boundary=,%boundary)
    %a Content-Length: $file(%file).size
    %a $crlf
  else %a $crlf

on *:sockwrite:pastie.*:{
  var %size = $calc(16384 - $sock($sockname).sq)
  if (%size <= 0) || (!$fopen($sockname)) {

  if ($fread($sockname,%size,&upload)) {
    sockwrite $sockname &upload
  elseif ($fopen($sockname).fname) {
    .fclose $sockname
    .remove $v1

on *:sockread:pastie.*:{
  var %headerfile = $sockname $+ .header.txt
  var %datafile = $sockname $+ .data.txt

  if (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
    var %header | sockread %header
    while (%header != $null) {
      write %headerfile %header
      sockread %header
    if ($sockbr) {
      sockmark $sockname $true
      if ($hget($sockname,header.signal)) .signal $v1 0 $sockname %headerfile %datafile
  if ($sock($sockname).mark) {
    sockread -fn &read
    while ($sockbr) {
      if ($bfind(&read, -1, 0) == $bvar(&read,0)) {
        bset -t &read $bvar(&read,0) $crlf
      bwrite %datafile -1 -1 &read
      sockread -fn &read
on *:sockclose:pastie.*:{
  var %header = $sockname $+ .header.txt
  var %data = $sockname $+ .data.txt
  var %signal = $hget($sockname,signal)

  if (%signal) .signal %signal 0 $sockname %header %data
  else {
    hfree -w $sockname
    if ($fopen($sockname).fname) .fclose $sockname
    if ($isfile($sockname)) .remove $sockname
    if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
    if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data

By wooolly

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