Administrators chain Posted June 18, 2020 Administrators Report Share Posted June 18, 2020 ########################################################################################## # Youtube Title 2.0 # - fetches and displays video information when a YouTube link is posted in channel. # - displays title, date and rating of posted video links. # - supports also HTTPS links. # # requires: packages http, tls # # UPDATES/CHANGES: # - (2.0) now the script access directly Youtube # - (1.9) added stars for like display instead of procentages # - (1.8) added anti-flood support # - (1.8) added youtube search (it will get info from the first youtube video) # - (1.8) added support for links # - (1.8) shows total links/searches processed by the website # - (1.7) shows info about duration/length # - (1.6) multiple output methods of showing the infos configurable via channel # - (1.6) multi-language support configurable via channel # - (1.6) supports eggdrop version less than 1.8.* # - (1.6) options/settings are now case sensitive # # To activate - .chanset #channel +ytitle | BlackTools : .set +ytitle # To activate Youtube search - .chanset #channel +ytsearch | BlackTools : .set +ytsearch # # To chose a different language .set ytlang <RO> / <EN> / <FR> / <ES> / <IT> # # To work put the http.tcl, from the archive, in your eggdrop config (if you don't have it instaled) # # BLaCkShaDoW ProductionS # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ # ( t | c | l | s | c | r | i | p | t | s | . | n | e | t ) # \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ # #TCL-HELP @ # ########################################################################################## ### # Channel flags # - to activate the script: .set +ytitle or .chanset #channel +ytitle # # - to change script language: # .set ytlang <ro/en/fr/es/it> or .chanset #channel ytlang <ro/en/fr/es/it> # # - to set script color # .set ytcolor <0/1> ; 1 - colors ; 0 - no colors # ### ### # YOUTUBE SEARCH COMMAND # ### set ytitle(youtube_search_cmd) "yt" ### # WHAT FLAGS CAN SEARCH VIA COMMAND ? (default -|-) # ### set ytitle(youtube_search_flags) "-|-" ### # FLOOD PROTECTION #Set the number of minute(s) to ignore flooders, 0 to disable flood protection ### set ytitle(ignore_prot) "1" ### # FLOOD PROTECTION #Set the number of requests within specifide number of seconds to trigger flood protection. # By default, 3:10, which allows for upto 3 queries in 10 seconds. 3 or more quries in 10 seconds would cuase # the forth and later queries to be ignored for the amount of time specifide above. ### set ytitle(flood_prot) "3:10" ### # Language setting # - what language you want to receive the youTube data # ( RO / EN / ES / FR / IT ) # set ytitle(default_lang) "RO" ### # Colors setting # - what format you want to receive the youTube data # (1) Enable or (0) disable colors # set ytitle(colors) "0" ########################################################################################## package require http package require tls ### # Bindings # - using commands ### bind pubm - * check:youtube bind ctcp - ACTION check:youtube:me bind pub $ytitle(youtube_search_flags) $ytitle(youtube_search_cmd) search:youtube setudef flag ytitle setudef str ytlang setudef str ytcolor setudef flag ytsearch ### # Functions # Do NOT touch unless you know what you are doing ### set counter_link "ytitle_link_counter" if {![file exists $counter_link]} { set file [open $counter_link w] puts $file "0" close $file } ### proc ytitle:counter {} { global ytitle counter_link set file [open $counter_link r] set read_it [read -nonewline $file] close $file set incr_num [expr $read_it + 1] set file [open $counter_link w] puts $file $incr_num close $file return $incr_num } ### proc tls:socket args { set opts [lrange $args 0 end-2] set host [lindex $args end-1] set port [lindex $args end] ::tls::socket -servername $host {*}$opts $host $port } ### proc ytitle:get_idsearch {arg} { global ytitle set text [join $arg "+"] set url "$text" set id "-1" http::register https 443 tls::socket set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"] set ipq [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 10000] set status [http::status $ipq] if {$status != "ok"} { ::http::cleanup $ipq return 0 } set data [http::data $ipq] regexp {<li><div class="yt-lockup yt-lockup-tile yt-lockup-video vve-check clearfix" data-context-item-id="(.*)"} $data -> id if {$id == "-1"} { return 0 } return [string map {"\"" ""} [lindex [split $id] 0]] } ### proc ytitle:data {link} { global ytitle set valid_link [regexp {(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com\/(?:[^\/\n\s]+\/\S+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|\S*?[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})} $link -> id] if {![info exists id]} { return 0 } set url "$id" set short_url "$id" http::register https 443 tls::socket set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"] set ipq [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 10000] set status [http::status $ipq] if {$status != "ok"} { ::http::cleanup $ipq return 0 } set link_counter [ytitle:counter] set data [split [http::data $ipq] "\n"] set title "" set date "" set view_count "" set likes "" set dislikes "" set bywho "" foreach line $data { regexp {"name": "(.*)"} $line -> bywho regexp {<span id="eow-title" class="watch-title" dir="ltr" title="(.*)">} $line -> title regexp {<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="(.*)">} $line -> date regexp {<div class="watch-view-count">(.*)</div>} $line -> view_count regexp {<div class="video-extras-sparkbar-likes" style="width:(.*)"></div>} $line -> likes regexp {div class="video-extras-sparkbar-dislikes" style="width:(.*)"><\/div>} $line -> dislikes regexp {<meta itemprop="duration" content="(.*)">} $line -> duration } set likes [concat $likes] set dislikes [concat $dislikes] set view_count [lindex [split $view_count " "] 0] ::http::cleanup $ipq return [list $title $view_count $likes $dislikes $bywho $date $duration $short_url $link_counter] } ### proc search:youtube {nick host hand chan arg} { if {![channel get $chan ytsearch]} { return } set flood_protect [youtube:flood:prot $chan $host] if {$flood_protect == "1"} { return } set text [lrange [split $arg] 0 end] if {$text == ""} { return } set text [join $text "+"] set get_id [ytitle:get_idsearch $text] if {$get_id == "-1"} { youtube:tell $nick $chan 0 1 } else { set url "$get_id" youtube:get:title $url $nick $chan 1 } } ### proc check:youtube {nick host hand chan arg} { set arg [split $arg] if {![channel get $chan ytitle]} { return } set flood_protect [youtube:flood:prot $chan $host] if {$flood_protect == "1"} { return } foreach word $arg { set youtube_link "$word" if {[string match -nocase "**" $youtube_link] || [string match -nocase "**" $youtube_link]} { youtube:get:title $youtube_link $nick $chan 0 } } } ### proc youtube:get:title {link nick chan type} { set novideo 0 set live 0 set output [ytitle:data $link] if {$output == "0"} { youtube:tell $nick $chan 0 1 return } set title [string map { "&" "&" "'" "'" """ "\"" } [lindex $output 0]] set title [concat $title] if {$title == ""} { set novideo 1} set views [lindex $output 1] if {$views == ""} { set views "N/A" } set likes [lindex $output 2] set dontlike [lindex $output 3] set bywho [concat [lindex $output 4]] set update [lindex $output 5] set duration [lindex $output 6] set total_links [lindex $output 8] set get_link [lindex $output 7] set duration [string map {"PT" ""} $duration] set minutes [lindex [split $duration "M"] 0] set seconds [concat [string map {"S" ""} [lindex [split $duration "M"] 1]]] set scan [clock scan $update -format {%Y-%m-%d}] set update [clock format $scan -format {%d/%m/%Y}] set like_bar [youtube:like_bar $likes $dontlike $chan] if {$views == ""} { set views "N/A" } youtube:tell $nick $chan $type [list $title $bywho $views $like_bar $dontlike $update $minutes $seconds $total_links $get_link] } ### proc youtube:tell {nick chan search arg} { global black ytitle set inc 0 foreach s $arg { set inc [expr $inc + 1] set replace(%msg.$inc%) $s } set getlang [youtube:getlang $chan] if {$arg == "1"} { if {[info exists black(ytitle.$getlang.3)]} { set reply [string map [array get replace] $black(ytitle.$getlang.3)] putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$reply" } return } set setcolor [youtube:getcolor $chan] if {$search == "1"} { if {$setcolor == "1"} { set type 5 } else { set type 4 } if {[info exists black(ytitle.$getlang.$type)]} { set reply [string map [array get replace] $black(ytitle.$getlang.$type)] putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$reply" } } else { if {$setcolor == "1"} { set type 2 } else { set type 1 } if {[info exists black(ytitle.$getlang.$type)]} { set reply [string map [array get replace] $black(ytitle.$getlang.$type)] putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$reply" } } } ### proc youtube:getlang {chan} { global black ytitle set getlang [string tolower [channel get $chan ytlang]] if {$getlang == ""} { set lang "en" } else { if {[info exists black(ytitle.$getlang.1)]} { set lang $getlang } else { set lang $ytitle(default_lang) } } return [string tolower $lang] } ### proc youtube:getcolor {chan} { global ytitle set getcolor [string tolower [channel get $chan ytcolor]] if {$getcolor == ""} { set type $ytitle(colors) } else { set type $getcolor } return $type } ### proc check:youtube:me {nick host hand chan keyword arg} { check:youtube $nick $host $hand $chan $arg return } ### proc youtube:flood:prot {chan host} { global ytitle set number [scan $ytitle(flood_prot) %\[^:\]] set timer [scan $ytitle(flood_prot) %*\[^:\]:%s] if {[info exists ytitle(flood:$host:$chan:act)]} { return 1 } foreach tmr [utimers] { if {[string match "*youtube:remove:flood $host $chan*" [join [lindex $tmr 1]]]} { killutimer [lindex $tmr 2] } } if {![info exists ytitle(flood:$host:$chan)]} { set ytitle(flood:$host:$chan) 0 } incr ytitle(flood:$host:$chan) utimer $timer [list youtube:remove:flood $host $chan] if {$ytitle(flood:$host:$chan) > $number} { set ytitle(flood:$host:$chan:act) 1 utimer [expr $ytitle(ignore_prot) * 60] [list youtube:expire:flood $host $chan] return 1 } else { return 0 } } ### proc youtube:remove:flood {host chan} { global ytitle if {[info exists ytitle(flood:$host:$chan)]} { unset ytitle(flood:$host:$chan) } } ### proc youtube:expire:flood {host chan} { global ytitle if {[info exists ytitle(flood:$host:$chan:act)]} { unset ytitle(flood:$host:$chan:act) } } set ytitle(projectName) "Youtube Title" set ytitle(author) "BLaCkShaDoW" set ytitle(website) "wWw.TCLScriptS.NeT" set ytitle(version) "v2.0" ### proc youtube:like_bar {like dislike chan} { global ytitle set setcolor [youtube:getcolor $chan] if {$like == "" && $dislike == ""} { if {$setcolor == "1"} { return "\00304N/A\003" } else { return "\002N/A\002" } } set like [string map {"%" ""} $like] set dislike [string map {"%" ""} $dislike] if {$like > $dislike} { set dif [expr ($like - $dislike)] } else { set dif [expr ($dislike - $like)] } set like_star "★" set dislike_star "☆" set dif [expr {double(round(1000*$dif))/1000.0}] if {[expr {round($dif / 10)}] > 10} { set red 10 set green [expr {10 - $red}] } else { set red [expr {round($dif / 10)}] set green [expr {10 - $red}] } if {$like > $dislike} { if {$red > $green} { set temp $green set green $red set red $temp } } if {$setcolor == "1"} { set output \00303[string repeat [youtube:format_star $like_star] $green]\003\00304[string repeat [youtube:format_star $dislike_star] $red]\003 } else { set output [string repeat [youtube:format_star $like_star] $green][string repeat [youtube:format_star $dislike_star] $red] } return $output } ### proc youtube:format_star {string} { set map {} foreach {entity number} [regexp -all -inline {&#(\d+)} $string] { lappend map $entity [format \\u%04x [scan $number %d]] } set string [string map [subst -nocomm -novar $map] $string] return $string } #Languages # Romanian set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titlu:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Publicat de:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Durata:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Data:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Vizionari:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Apreciere: %msg.4% - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titlu:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Publicat de:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Durata:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Data:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Vizionari:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Apreciere:\003 %msg.4% - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Acest videoclip nu exista." set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titlu:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Publicat de:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Durata:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Data:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Vizionari:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Apreciere: %msg.4% | Legatura: \002%msg.10%\002 - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titlu:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Publicat de:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Durata:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Data:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Vizionari:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Apreciere:\003 %msg.4% | \00310Legatura: \0034%msg.10%\003 - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" # English set black(ytitle.en.1) "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Title:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Uploaded by:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Length:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Date:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Views:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Like: %msg.4% - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black(ytitle.en.2) "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Title:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Uploaded by:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Length:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Date:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Views:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Like:\003 %msg.4% - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" set black(ytitle.en.3) "\002\[YouTube\]\002 This video does not exist." set black(ytitle.en.4) "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Title:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Uploaded by:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Length:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Date:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Views:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Like: %msg.4% | Link:\002 %msg.10%\002 - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black(ytitle.en.5) "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Title:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Uploaded by:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Length:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Date:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Views:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Like:\003 %msg.4% | \00310Link: \0034%msg.10%\003 - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" # French set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titre:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Telecharge par:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Duree:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 La date:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Vues:\002 %msg.3%\002 | J'aime: %msg.4% - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titre:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Telecharge par:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Duree:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310La date:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Vues:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310J'aime:\003 %msg.4% - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Cette video n'existe pas." set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titre:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Telecharge par:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Duree:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 La date:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Vues:\002 %msg.3%\002 | J'aime: %msg.4% | Lien:\002 %msg.10%\002 - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titre:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Telecharge par:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Duree:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310La date:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Vues:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310J'aime:\003 %msg.4% | \00310Lien: \0034%msg.10%\003 - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" # Spanish set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titulo:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Cargado por:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Duracion:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Fecha:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Visualizaciones:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Gustos: %msg.4% - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titulo:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Cargado por:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Duracion:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Fecha:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Visualizaciones:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Gustos:\003 %msg.4% - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Este video no existe." set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titulo:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Cargado por:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Duracion:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Fecha:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Visualizaciones:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Gustos: %msg.4% | Enlazar:\002 %msg.10%\002 - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titulo:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Cargado por:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Duracion:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Fecha:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Visualizaciones:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Gustos:\003 %msg.4% | \00310Enlazar: \0034%msg.10%\003 - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" # Italian set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titolo:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Caricato da:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Durata:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Data:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Visualizzazioni:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Piace: %msg.4% - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titolo:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Caricato da:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Durata:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Data:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Visualizzazioni:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Piace:\003 %msg.4% - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Questo video non esiste." set black( "\002\[YouTube\]\002 Titolo:\002 %msg.1%\002 | Caricato da:\002 %msg.2%\002 | Durata:\002 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\002 | Data:\002 %msg.6%\002 | Visualizzazioni:\002 %msg.3%\002 | Piace: %msg.4% | Collegamento:\002 %msg.10%\002 - \[\002%msg.9%\002\] -" set black( "\[\002You\0030,4Tube\003\002\003\] \00310Titolo:\0034 %msg.1% \003| \00310Caricato da:\0034 %msg.2% \003| \00310Durata:\0034 %msg.7%m%msg.8%s\003 | \00310Data:\0034 %msg.6% \003| \00310Visualizzazioni:\0034 %msg.3% \003| \00310Piace:\003 %msg.4% | \00310Collegamento: \0034%msg.10%\003 - \[\00304%msg.9%\003\] -" putlog "\002$ytitle(projectName) $ytitle(version)\002 coded by $ytitle(author) ($ytitle(website)): Loaded." ############## ########################################################## ## END # ########################################################## Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...