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UNO v1.9

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; UNO v1.9 - by entropy 2020
; Credits: Other UNO games, for the commands and syntax, special thanks to 
; Talon, Raccoon, ^^D`Jet^^, Addast, August^ and many other helpful 
; people in #unoland UnderNet (beta testing).
; To start a game, you must specify %unochannel and %unonet
; For full list of commands, type: !unocmds
; UNO Commands: !uno !stop !remove !version !unorules !unocmds
; UNO Stats: !unotop10 !unoscore
; UNO Card Commands: jo=join pl=play dr=draw pa=pass
; UNO Chan Commands: ca=cards ct=count tu=turn or=order cd=card ti=time
; UNO play wild: pl w <color> - or: pl wd4 <color>
alias -l sversion { return v1.9 }
alias -l sauthor { return entropy }
alias -l syear { return 2020 }
on *:load:{ 
  if ($version < 7.55) { echo $color(info) -ta [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO $sversion needs mIRC >= 7.55! | .unload -rs $qt($script) }
  else { %uno = off | echo $color(info) -ta [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO $sversion loaded - by $sauthor $syear }
on *:unload:{ 
  echo $color(info) -ta [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO $sversion unloaded...
  if (%uno == on) { cleanuphand }
  unset %uno %unochannel %unonet
menu channel,query,menubar,status {
  &UNO $sversion
  .UNO Status $chr(9) $iif($group(#uno).status == on,On,Off) { $iif($group(#uno).status == on,.disable,.enable) #uno | echo $color(info) -tag $chr(9679) [UNO] UNO status is now: $replace($group(#uno).status,o,O) }
  .UNO Top10 { if ($exists($qt($scriptdirunoscores.txt))) { run $qt($scriptdirunoscores.txt) } | else { echo $color(info) -tag $chr(9679) [UNO] No scores file found! } }
  .Channel $chr(9) %unochannel { %unochannel = $input(Channel?,5) | echo $color(info) -tag $chr(9679) [UNO] UNO channel is now: %unochannel }
  .Network $chr(9) %unonet { %unonet = $input(Network?,5) | echo $color(info) -tag  $chr(9679) [UNO] UNO network is now: %unonet }
  .Advertise { 
    var %a = 1
    while ($scon(%a)) {
      scid $v1
      if ($network == %unonet && $me ison %unochannel) { describe %unochannel is using: UNO $sversion - by $sauthor $syear - https://mircscripts.net/jbdpI | break }
      inc %a
    scid -r
#uno on
on *:input:%unochannel:{ if (/* !iswm $1 && $server && $network == %unonet) { douno # $me $1- } }
on *:text:*:%unochannel:{ if ($network == %unonet) { douno # $nick $1- } }
#uno end
alias -l cleanuphand {
  unset %last.*
  unset %draw.*
  unset %*.hand
  unset %uno.*
  %uno = off
  .timeruno* off
on *:kick:%unochannel:{
  if ($network == %unonet && %uno == on) {
    if ($istok(%uno.players,$knick,32)) {
      msg %unochannel $knick has left the UNO game!
      %uno.players = $remtok(%uno.players,$knick,1,32)
      %uno.discard = $eval($+(%,$knick,.hand),3) %uno.discard
      unset $eval($+(%,$knick,.hand),1)
      if (%uno.turn == $knick) { skip }
      if ($numtok(%uno.players,32) <= 1) { 
        msg %unochannel Not enough players to play UNO!
        msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO is now Off!
      else { playnext }
on *:part:%unochannel:{
  if ($network == %unonet && %uno == on) {
    if ($istok(%uno.players,$nick,32)) { 
      msg %unochannel $nick has left the UNO game!
      %uno.players = $remtok(%uno.players,$nick,1,32)
      %uno.discard = $eval($+(%,$nick,.hand),3) %uno.discard
      unset $eval($+(%,$nick,.hand),1)
      if (%uno.turn == $nick) { skip }
      if ($numtok(%uno.players,32) <= 1) { 
        msg %unochannel Not enough players to play UNO!
        msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO is now Off!
      else { playnext }
on *:quit:{
  if ($nick == $me && %uno == on) { cleanuphand }
  elseif ($network == %unonet && %uno == on && $nick(%unochannel,$nick)) {
    if ($istok(%uno.players,$nick,32)) {
      %uno.players = $remtok(%uno.players,$nick,1,32)
      msg %unochannel $nick has left the UNO game!
      %uno.discard = $eval($+(%,$nick,.hand),3) %uno.discard
      unset $eval($+(%,$nick,.hand),1)
      if (%uno.turn == $nick) { skip }
      if ($numtok(%uno.players,32) <= 1) { 
        msg %unochannel Not enough players to play UNO!
        msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO is now Off!
      else { playnext }
on *:nick:{
  if ($network == %unonet && %uno == on && $nick(%unochannel,$newnick)) {
    if ($istok(%uno.players,$nick,32)) {
      %uno.players = $replace(%uno.players,$nick,$newnick)
      set $eval($+(%,$newnick,.hand),1) $eval($+(%,$nick,.hand),3)
      unset $eval($+(%,$nick,.hand),1)
      if (%uno.turn == $nick) { %uno.turn = $newnick | skip | playnext }
; By Talon
alias -l sorthand { return $regsubex($sorttok($regsubex($1-,/([^ ]+)/g,$findtok($thedeck,\t,1,32)),32,n),/(\d+)/g,$gettok($thedeck,\t,32)) }
alias -l thedeck { return r0 r1 r1 r2 r2 r3 r3 r4 r4 r5 r5 r6 r6 r7 r7 r8 r8 r9 r9 rr rr rd2 rd2 rs rs g0 g1 g1 g2 g2 g3 g3 g4 g4 g5 g5 g6 g6 g7 g7 g8 g8 g9 g9 gr gr gd2 gd2 gs gs b0 b1 b1 b2 b2 b3 b3 b4 b4 b5 b5 b6 b6 b7 b7 b8 b8 b9 b9 br br bd2 bd2 bs bs y0 y1 y1 y2 y2 y3 y3 y4 y4 y5 y5 y6 y6 y7 y7 y8 y8 y9 y9 yr yr yd2 yd2 ys ys w w w w wd4 wd4 wd4 wd4 }
alias -l cards {
  %uno.allcards = r0 r1 r1 r2 r2 r3 r3 r4 r4 r5 r5 r6 r6 r7 r7 r8 r8 r9 r9 rr rr rd2 rd2 rs rs g0 g1 g1 g2 g2 g3 g3 g4 g4 g5 g5 g6 g6 g7 g7 g8 g8 g9 g9 gr gr gd2 gd2 gs gs b0 b1 b1 b2 b2 b3 b3 b4 b4 b5 b5 b6 b6 b7 b7 b8 b8 b9 b9 br br bd2 bd2 bs bs y0 y1 y1 y2 y2 y3 y3 y4 y4 y5 y5 y6 y6 y7 y7 y8 y8 y9 y9 yr yr yd2 yd2 ys ys w w w w wd4 wd4 wd4 wd4
; By Talon
alias -l shuffle.cards {
  if (%uno == on) { msg %unochannel Shuffling cards... }
  var %a = %uno.allcards, %b
  while (%a) { var %c = $r(1,$numtok(%a,32)) , %b = %b $gettok(%a,%c,32) , %a = $deltok(%a,%c,32) }
  %uno.allcards = %b
; By Talon
alias -l shuffle.discard {
  var %a = $gettok(%uno.discard,1--2,32), %b
  while (%a) { var %c = $r(1,$numtok(%a,32)) , %b = %b $gettok(%a,%c,32) , %a = $deltok(%a,%c,32) }
  %uno.discard = $gettok(%uno.discard,-1,32)
  %uno.allcards = %b
alias -l drawcard {
  var %a = $gettok(%uno.allcards,1,32)
  %uno.allcards = $gettok(%uno.allcards,2-,32)
  if (!%uno.allcards) { shuffle.discard }
  return %a
alias -l getcards {
  return $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard 
alias -l colorize {
  var %a = 1, %b, %t
  while ($gettok($1-,%a,32)) {
    %b = $upper($v1)
    if (r* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),04,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (b* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),12,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (g* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),03,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (y* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),01,$chr(44),08,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (w* iswm %b) { 
      if (%b == wd4 || %b == w) {
        if (%uno.wildcolor) {
          var %s = $v1
          var %col = $replace(%s,r,04,b,12,g,03,y,08)
          if (%col == 04) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),%col,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
          if (%col == 03) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),%col,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
          if (%col == 12) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),%col,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
          if (%col == 08) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),01,$chr(44),%col,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
        else {
          %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),01,[,%b,],$chr(3))
    inc %a
  return %t
alias -l colorize2 {
  var %a = 1, %b, %t
  while ($gettok($1-,%a,32)) {
    %b = $upper($v1)
    if (r* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),04,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (b* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),12,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (g* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),03,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (y* iswm %b) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),01,$chr(44),08,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    elseif (%b == wd4 || %b == w) { %t = %t $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),01,[,%b,],$chr(3)) }
    inc %a
  return %t
alias -l startuno {
  if ($numtok(%uno.players,32) < 2) { 
    msg %unochannel Not enough players to play UNO!
    msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO is now Off!
  %uno.time = $ctime
  %uno = on
  var %u = $drawcard
  if (*s iswm %u || *r iswm %u || wd4 == %u || *d2 iswm %u || w == %u) { %uno.allcards = %uno.allcards %u | goto set }
  else { %uno.topcard = %u }
  %uno.turn = $gettok(%uno.players,1,32)
  %uno.direction = right
  var %c = $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3) 
  $+(.timerunotest,1) -o 1 1 .notice %uno.turn Hand: $colorize2($sorthand(%c))
  %uno.top = $colorize(%uno.topcard)
  msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO Game has started!
  msg %unochannel It is now %uno.turn $+ 's turn! Playing on: %uno.top
  .timerunonext -o 1 60 nextplayer
  .timerunostart off
alias -l nextplayer {
  msg %unochannel %uno.turn has been skipped for not playing after 1 minute!
  msg %unochannel It is now %uno.turn $+ 's turn! Playing on: %uno.top
  var %a = 1, %b, %c
  while ($gettok(%uno.players,%a,32)) {
    %b = $v1
    if (%b != %uno.turn) { %c = %c $+(%b,:,$numtok($eval($+(%,%b,.hand),3),32)) }
    inc %a
  .timerunonotice $+ %uno.turn -o 1 1 .notice %uno.turn Hand: $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3)))
  .timerunonext -o 1 60 nextplayer
alias -l skip {
  if (%uno.direction == left) {
    var %s = $findtok(%uno.players,%uno.turn,1,32)
    if (%s == 1) { %s = $numtok(%uno.players,32) }
    else { dec %s 1 }
    if ($gettok(%uno.players,%s,32)) { %uno.turn = $v1 }
  else {
    var %s = $findtok(%uno.players,%uno.turn,1,32)
    if (%s == $numtok(%uno.players,32)) { %s = 1 }
    else { inc %s 1 }
    if ($gettok(%uno.players,%s,32)) { %uno.turn = $v1 }
alias -l playnext {
  if (%uno == off) { return }
  msg %unochannel It is now %uno.turn $+ 's turn! Playing on: %uno.top
  var %a = 1, %b, %c
  while ($gettok(%uno.players,%a,32)) {
    %b = $v1
    if (%b != %uno.turn) { %c = %c $+(%b,:,$numtok($eval($+(%,%b,.hand),3),32)) }
    inc %a
  .timerunonotice $+ %uno.turn -o 1 1 .notice %uno.turn Hand: $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3)))
  .timerunonext -o 1 60 nextplayer
alias -l douno {
  var %nick = $2, %channel = $1
  tokenize 32 $3-
  if (?uno iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    if (%uno == on || %uno.players) { msg %unochannel UNO is already On! }
    else { 
      msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO is now On!
      %uno.direction = right
      .timerunostart -o 1 30 startuno
      msg %unochannel UNO starts in 30 seconds. Type: "jo" to join.
      %uno.players = %uno.players %nick
      var %c = $getcards
      set $eval($+(%,%nick,.hand),1) %c
      msg %unochannel %nick has joined UNO!
      .notice %nick UNO Commands: !unocmds
  elseif (?stop iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    if (!%uno.players) { msg %unochannel UNO is already Off! }
    elseif (!$istok(%uno.players,%nick,32)) { msg %unochannel You can only stop the game if you are currently playing! }
    else { 
      %uno = off
      if (%uno.time) { msg %unochannel Uno was played for: $duration($calc($ctime - %uno.time)) }
      msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO is now Off!
      unset %uno.time
  elseif (?unoscore iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    var %az = $qt($scriptdirunoscores.txt)
    if (!$2) { var %n = $iif($read(%az,nw,* %nick),$ord($readn)) }
    else { var %n = $iif($read(%az,nw,* $2),$ord($readn)) }
    msg %unochannel $iif($2,$2 has:,You have:) $iif($gettok($read(%az,nw,* $iif(!$2,%nick,$2)),1,32),$bytes($v1,b),0) points! $iif(%n,$+($chr(40),%n,$chr(41))) 
  elseif (?unotop10 iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    var %az = $qt($scriptdirunoscores.txt)
    if (!$read(%az,n,1)) { msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) No scores! | return }
    var %a = 1, %b, %total
    while (%a <= $lines(%az)) {
      %b = $read(%az,n,%a)
      var %x = $gettok(%b,1,32)
      var %x2 = $gettok(%b,2,32)
      if (%a <= 10) { %total = %total ( $+ $ord(%a) $+ ) $nohi(%x2) $chr(91) $+ $bytes(%b,b) $+ $chr(93) $chr(9679) }
      inc %a
    msg %unochannel [UNO Top10] $chr(9679) $gettok(%total,1--1,9679)
  elseif (?remove iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    if (%uno == on && $istok(%uno.players,%nick,32) && %uno.turn) {
      msg %unochannel %nick has left the UNO game!
      %uno.players = $remtok(%uno.players,%nick,1,32)
      unset $eval($+(%,%nick,.hand),1)
      if ($numtok(%uno.players,32) <= 1) { 
        msg %unochannel Not enough players to play UNO!
        if (%uno.time) { msg %unochannel Uno was played for: $duration($calc($ctime - %uno.time)) }
        msg %unochannel [UNO] $chr(9679) UNO is now Off!
        unset %uno.time
      if (%uno.turn == %nick) { skip }
  elseif (tu == $1) {
    if (%uno == on) {
      msg %unochannel It is: %uno.turn $+ 's turn!
  elseif (or == $1) {
    if (%uno == on) {
      var %a = 1, %b, %all = %uno.players
      while ($gettok(%all,%a,32) != $null) {
        %b = $v1
        if (%uno.turn == %b) { %all = $replace(%all,%b,$+($chr(31),%b,$chr(31))) }
        inc %a
      msg %unochannel Order: $iif(%uno.direction == left,[<],[>]) $nohi(%all)
  elseif (?unorules iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    .notice %nick UNO Rules: https://service.mattel.com/instruction_sheets/42001pr.pdf
  elseif (?version iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    describe %unochannel is using: UNO $sversion - by $sauthor $syear - https://mircscripts.net/jbdpI
  elseif (?unocmds iswm $1 && $left($1,1) isin @!.) {
    .timercmds1 -o 1 1 .notice %nick UNO Commands: !uno !stop !remove !version !unorules !unocmds
    .timercmds2 -o 1 1 .notice %nick UNO Stats: !unotop10 !unoscore
    .timercmds3 -o 1 1 .notice %nick UNO Card Commands: jo=join pl=play dr=draw pa=pass
    .timercmds4 -o 1 1 .notice %nick UNO Chan Commands: ca=cards ct=count tu=turn or=order cd=card ti=time
    .timercmds5 -o 1 1 .notice %nick UNO play wild: pl w <color> - or: pl wd4 <color>
  elseif (jo == $1) {
    if (%uno == on && $numtok(%uno.players,32) >= 10) { msg %unochannel UNO Maximum of 10 players playing! Please wait untill the next game to join. }
    elseif ($istok(%uno.players,%nick,32)) { msg %unochannel You have already joined! }
    elseif (%uno == on) { msg %unochannel Game in progress. Please wait untill next game to play. }
    elseif (%uno.players) {
      %uno.players = %uno.players %nick
      var %c = $getcards
      set $eval($+(%,%nick,.hand),1) %c
      msg %unochannel %nick has joined UNO!
      .notice %nick UNO Commands: !unocmds
      .timerunostart -o 1 30 startuno
    else { msg %unochannel No game in progress! }
  elseif (ca == $1) {
    if (!$istok(%uno.players,%nick,32)) { return }
    .timerunonotice $+ %nick -o 1 1 .notice %nick Hand: $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%nick,.hand),3)))
  elseif (cd == $1) {
    if (%uno == off) { return }
    .notice %nick Playing on: $colorize(%uno.topcard)
  elseif (ti == $1) {
    if (%uno == off) { return }
    elseif (%uno.time) { msg %unochannel Uno has been playing for: $duration($calc($ctime - %uno.time)) }
  elseif (ct == $1) {
    if (!$istok(%uno.players,%nick,32) || %uno == off) { return }
    var %a = 1, %b, %c, %to = [UNO Cards] $chr(9679) 
    while ($gettok(%uno.players,%a,32)) {
      %b = $v1
      %c = $eval($+(%,%b,.hand),3)
      %to = %to %b $+([,$numtok(%c,32),]) $chr(9679)
      inc %a
    if (%to) {
      .timerunonoticex $+ %nick -o 1 1 msg $unsafe( %unochannel ) $nohi($gettok(%to,1--1,9679))
  elseif (dr == $1) {
    if (%uno == off) { return }
    elseif (%uno.turn != %nick) { msg %unochannel Not your turn! }
    elseif ($eval($+(%,last.,%uno.turn),3)) { msg %unochannel You already drew! }
    else {
      var %r = $drawcard
      set $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),1) $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3) %r
      msg %unochannel %uno.turn draws!
      var %a = 1, %b, %c
      while ($gettok(%uno.players,%a,32)) {
        %b = $v1
        if (%b != %uno.turn) { %c = %c $+(%b,:,$numtok($eval($+(%,%b,.hand),3),32)) }
        inc %a
      .timerdraw $+ %uno.turn -o 1 1 .notice %uno.turn You drew: $colorize2(%r)
      .timerdraw2 $+ %uno.turn -o 1 1 .notice %uno.turn Hand: $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3)))
      set $eval($+(%,last.,%uno.turn),1) $ctime
      set $eval($+(%,draw.,%uno.turn),1) %r
      .timerunonext -o 1 60 nextplayer
  elseif (pa == $1) {
    if (%uno == off) { return }
    elseif (%uno.turn != %nick) { msg %unochannel Not your turn! }
    elseif (!$eval($+(%,last.,%uno.turn),2)) { msg %unochannel You have not drawn yet! }
    else {
      var %c = %uno.turn
      msg %unochannel %uno.turn passes!
      unset $eval($+(%,last.,%uno.turn),1)
      unset $eval($+(%,draw.,%uno.turn),1)
      unset $eval($+(%,last.,%uno.turn),1)
      unset $eval($+(%,draw.,%uno.turn),1)
      msg %unochannel it is now %uno.turn $+ 's turn! Playing on: %uno.top
      var %a = 1, %b, %c
      while ($gettok(%uno.players,%a,32)) {
        %b = $v1
        if (%b != %uno.turn) { %c = %c $+(%b,:,$numtok($eval($+(%,%b,.hand),3),32)) }
        inc %a
      .timerunonotice $+ %uno.turn -o 1 1 .notice %uno.turn Hand: $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3)))
      .timerunonext -o 1 60 nextplayer      
  elseif (pl == $1) {
    if (%uno == off) { return }
    elseif (!$2) { msg %unochannel No card specified! }
    elseif (%uno.turn != %nick) { msg %unochannel Not your turn! }
    else {
      var %d = $eval($+(%,draw.,%uno.turn),3)
      if (%d && %d != $2) {
        msg %unochannel You may only play the card you drew!
        .notice %uno.turn You drew: $colorize2(%d)
      elseif ($istok($eval($+(%,%nick,.hand),3),$2,32)) {
        if ($2 == wd4 || $2 == w) {
          if ($2 == wd4 && $canplay(%uno.turn,%uno.topcard)) {
            msg %unochannel You must play the cards you can play before playing a wild draw 4!
          if (!$3) { msg %unochannel No color selected! | return }
          elseif (!$istok(red blue green yellow,$3,32) && !$istok(r b g y,$3,32)) { msg %unochannel Invalid color selected! Available: red blue green yellow | return }
          else { %uno.wildcolor = $left($3,1) }
        var %a = %uno.topcard
        var %x = $+($left(%a,1),*)
        var %col = %uno.wildcolor
        if (*d2 iswm %a) { var %y = *d2 }
        elseif (%a == wd4 || %a == w) { var %y = $+(%col,*) }
        else { var %y = $+(*,$mid(%a,2)) }
        if (%a == wd4 || %a == w) {
          if (%col != $left($2,1)) {
            if (wd4 != $2 && w != $2) {
              msg %unochannel Cannot play this card!
        elseif ($mid($2,2) == d2 && $mid(%a,2) == 2) || ($mid($2,2) == 2 && $mid(%a,2) == d2) {
          if (wd4 != $2 && w != $2) {
            msg %unochannel Cannot play this card!
        elseif ($mid(%a,2) == d2) {
          if ($+($left($2,1),*) !iswm %x && *d2 !iswm $2) {
            if (wd4 != $2 && w != $2) {
              msg %unochannel Cannot play this card!
        elseif (%x !iswm $2 && %y !iswm $2) {
          if (wd4 != $2 && w != $2) {
            msg %unochannel Cannot play this card!
        var %hand = $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),2)
        var %a = $remtok(%hand,$2,1,32)
        if (%a) { set $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),1) %a }
        else { unset $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),1) }
        %uno.discard = %uno.discard $2
        if ($numtok($eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3),32) == 1) { 
          msg %unochannel %uno.turn declares UNO!
        ;END OF HAND!
        elseif (!$eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3)) {
          var %active = %uno.turn
          if ($2 == wd4) { 
            set $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),1) $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3) $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard
          elseif (*d2 iswm $2) { 
            set $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),1) $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3) $drawcard $drawcard
          %uno.turn = %active
          .timeruno* off
          msg %unochannel %uno.turn has played all their cards!
          msg %unochannel [UNO] Standings:
          var %a = 1, %b, %c = 0, %points = 0, %d, %hand
          while ($gettok(%uno.players,%a,32)) {
            %b = $v1
            if (%b != %nick) {
              inc %c
              .timer -o 1 %c msg $unsafe( %unochannel )  %b $+ : $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%b,.hand),3)))
              %hand = $eval($+(%,%b,.hand),3)
              var %x = 1
              while ($gettok(%hand,%x,32)) {
                %d = $v1
                if (*d2 iswm %d || *r iswm %d || *s iswm %d) { inc %points 20 }
                elseif (w == %d || wd4 == %d) { inc %points 50 }
                else {
                  var %g = $remove(%d,r,b,g,y)
                  if (%g isnum) { inc %points %g }
                inc %x
            inc %a
          .timer -o 1 %c msg $unsafe( %unochannel ) Total UNO Points this round: $bytes(%points,b)
          var %p = $gettok($read($qt($scriptdirunoscores.txt),wn,* %nick),1,32)
          if (%p == $null) { %p = 0 }
          inc %p %points
          unostats %p %nick
          var %n = $readn
          if (%uno.time) { .timer -o 1 %c msg $unsafe( %unochannel ) Uno was played for: $duration($calc($ctime - %uno.time)) }
          .timer -o 1 %c msg $unsafe( %unochannel ) %nick now has: $bytes(%p,b) points! $iif(%n != 0,$+($chr(40),$ord(%n),$chr(41)))
          unset %uno.time
        if (*r iswm $2) {
          %uno.direction = $iif(%uno.direction == left,right,left)
          msg %unochannel Game direction reversed to: $replace(%uno.direction,left,[<] Left,right,[>] Right)
          if ($numtok(%uno.players,32) == 2) { %uno.turn = %nick }
          else { skip }
          goto uno
        elseif (*s iswm $2) { 
          msg %unochannel $nohi(%uno.turn) was skipped...
        elseif ($2 == wd4) { 
          set $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),1) $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3) $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard $drawcard
          msg %unochannel $nohi(%uno.turn) was skipped and dealt 4 cards...
          .notice %uno.turn Hand: $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3)))
        elseif (*d2 iswm $2) { 
          set $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),1) $eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3) $drawcard $drawcard
          msg %unochannel $nohi(%uno.turn) was skipped and dealt 2 cards...
          .notice %uno.turn Hand: $colorize2($sorthand($eval($+(%,%uno.turn,.hand),3)))
        %uno.topcard = $2
        %uno.top = $colorize(%uno.topcard)
        unset $eval($+(%,last.,%uno.turn),1)
        unset $eval($+(%,draw.,%uno.turn),1)
      else { msg %unochannel You don't have that card! }
ctcp *:VERSION:?:{ .ctcpreply $nick VERSION UNO $sversion - by $sauthor $syear - https://mircscripts.net/jbdpI }
alias -l canplay {
  if (!$2 || %uno == off) { return }
  var %a = 1, %b, %c = $eval($+(%,$1,.hand),3), %d, %e
  while ($gettok(%c,%a,32)) {
    %b = $v1
    if (*d2 iswm %b) {
      %d = $+($left(%b,1),*)
      %e = $+(*,$right(%b,2))
    elseif (wd4 != %b && w != %b) {
      %d = $+($left(%b,1),*)
      %e = $+(*,$right(%b,1))
    if (%d && %e) {
      if (%d iswm $2 || %e iswm $2) { return $true }
    inc %a
  return $false
alias -l unostats {
  ;/unostats <N> <nick>
  if ($istok(%nostats,$2,32)) { return }
  var %az = $qt($scriptdirunoscores.txt)
  if (!$exists(%az)) { write -c %az }
  var %current = $1
  if ($read(%az,wn,* $2)) { write -dl $+ $readn %az }
  var %a = 1, %b, %added = no, %c
  while ($read(%az,n,%a)) {
    %b = $v1
    if (%current >= $gettok(%b,1,32)) { write -il $+ %a %az %current $2 | %added = yes | break }
    inc %a
  if (%added == no) { write %az %current $2 }
alias -l nohi { return $regsubex(_nohilite,$1-,/\S\S\K(?=\S)/gu,$chr(8205)) } ; by Raccoon


Simple UNO game. Works well. You can play with up to 10 players and it all works seemlessly.

To start a game, you must specify %unochannel and %unonet (also make sure the status is "on").

Complete list of commands: !unocmds

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