Administrators chain Posted October 3, 2021 Administrators Report Share Posted October 3, 2021 # Script: unloadtcl.tcl # Version: 1.1 # Author: Wingman <> # Description: This scripts allows you to load/unload tcl scripts via # partyline. # DCC Commands: # .loadtcl <scriptname> # .unloadtcl <scriptname> # .viewtcls <loaded/all> # Updates: # 1.1 (16. Nov 99) added .viewtcls all, settings for dir, pattern, automaticlly # rehash/restart, now .loadtcl notifies loaded tcls and don't let you load # the same tcl twice. Also fixed some unbind bugs. # Known bugs: # it can't unbind bindings, which are set via foreach e.g. userinfo.tcl # Settings: # 0 = no rehash/restart, 1 = rehash, 2 = restart set ul(refresh) 1 set ul(dir) "scripts" set ul(pattern) "*.tcl" # Bindings: bind dcc n unloadtcl dcc:unloadtcl bind dcc n loadtcl dcc:loadtcl bind dcc n viewtcls dcc:viewtcls # Procedures - You don't have to edit anything below. proc ul:get_scripts {} { global config set loaded_scripts "" set file [open $config r] while {![eof $file]} { set line [gets $file] if {[string match "source*" $line]} { set script "[string range $line 15 end]" if {[string match "/" $script]} { set script [lindex [split $script /] [incr [llength [split $script /]] -1]] set path [string range $line 0 [string length $script]] } append loaded_scripts "$script " } } close $file return $loaded_scripts } proc dcc:loadtcl { hand idx arg } { global config ul if {[llength $arg] < 1} { putdcc $idx "Usage: .loadtcl <scriptname>" return } if {![file exists scripts/$arg]} { putdcc $idx "Can't find tcl $arg." return } if {[lsearch "[ul:get_scripts]" $arg] != -1} { putdcc $idx "Tcl script already loaded: $arg" return } set file [open $config a+] puts $file "source scripts/$arg" close $file putdcc $idx "Done. $arg successfully loaded." if {$ul(refresh) == 1} { rehash } elseif {$ul(refresh) == 2} { restart } { putdcc $idx "Now do a .rehash or .restart." } return 1 } proc dcc:unloadtcl { hand idx arg } { global config ul if {[llength $arg] < 1} { putdcc $idx "Usage: .unloadtcl <scriptname>" putdcc $idx " try '.viewtcls loaded' for a list of loaded scripts" return } if {![file exists scripts/$arg]} { putdcc $idx "Can't find tcl: $arg." return } set file [open $config r] while {![eof $file]} { set line [gets $file] if {![string match "source scripts/$arg *" $line] && ![string match "source scripts/$arg" $line]} { lappend content $line } { set foo 1 } } close $file if {![info exists foo]} { putdcc $idx "Can't find loaded tcl: $arg." return } set file [open $config w] foreach line $content { puts $file $line } close $file set ubc_success 0 set ubc_failed 0 set proc_success 0 set proc_failed 0 set file [open scripts/$arg r] while {![eof $file]} { set line [gets $file] if {([string match "* bind *" $line] || [string match "bind *" $line]) && ![string match "*#*" $line]} { set foo1 [lindex $line 1] if {[string match "*\$*" $foo1]} { set varname [lindex [split $foo1 \$] 1] if {[string match "*(*" $varname]} { global [lindex [split $varname (] 0] } { global $varname } set foo1 [set $varname] } set foo2 [lindex $line 2] if {[string match "*\$*" $foo2]} { if {[llength [split $foo2 |]] == 2} { set gflag [lindex [split $foo2 |] 0] set cflag [lindex [split $foo2 |] 1] if {[string index $gflag 0] == "\$"} { global [string trimleft $gflag $] set foo2 "[set [string trimleft $gflag $]]" } { set foo2 "$gflag" } if {[string index $cflag 1] == "\$"} { global [string trimleft $cflag $] append foo2 "|[set [string trimleft $cflag $]]" } { append foo2 "|$cflag" } } elseif {[llength [split $foo2 &]] == 2} { set gflag [lindex [split $foo2 &] 0] set cflag [lindex [split $foo2 &] 1] if {[string index $gflag 0] == "\$"} { global [string trimleft $gflag $] set foo2 "[set [string trimleft $gflag $]]" } { set foo2 "$gflag" } if {[string index $cflag 1] == "\$"} { global [string trimleft $cflag $] append foo2 "&[set [string trimleft $cflag $]]" } { append foo2 "&$cflag" } } else { set varname [lindex [split $foo2 "\$"] 1] if {[string match "*(*" $varname]} { global [lindex [split $varname (] 0] } { global $varname } set foo2 [set $varname] } } set foo3 [lindex $line 3] if {[string match "*\$*" $foo3]} { set varname [lindex [split $foo3 \$] 1] if {[string match "*(*" $varname]} { global [lindex [split $varname (] 0] } { global $varname } set foo3 [set $varname] } set foo4 [lindex $line 4] catch { unbind $foo1 $foo2 $foo3 $foo4 } error if {[string match "TCL error:*" $error]} { putdcc $idx " *** error, while executing: unbind $foo1 $foo2 $foo3 $foo4" putdcc $idx " msg: $error" incr ubc_failed } { incr ubc_success } } if {[string match "*proc *\{*\}*\{*" $line]} { set procname [lindex [lindex [split $line \{] 0] 1] catch { rename $procname "" } error if {[string match "TCL error:*" $error]} { putdcc $idx " *** error while executing: rename $procname \"\"" putdcc $idx " msg: $error" incr proc_failed } { incr proc_success } } } close $file putdcc $idx "All Done. Showing report:" putdcc $idx " Unbinded $ubc_success commands." if {$ubc_failed > 0} { putdcc $idx " * failed: $ubc_failed commands." } putdcc $idx " Deleted $proc_success procedures." if {$proc_failed > 0} { putdcc $idx " * failed: $proc_failed procedures." } if {$ul(refresh) == 1} { rehash } elseif {$ul(refresh) == 2} { restart } { putdcc $idx "I recommend to do an rehash or better a .restart!" } return 1 } proc dcc:viewtcls { hand idx arg } { global ul set loaded_scripts [ul:get_scripts] if {[string tolower $arg] == "loaded"} { putlog "#$hand# viewtcls $arg" if {![info exists loaded_scripts]} { putdcc $idx "No tcls loaded." } { putdcc $idx "List of loaded tcls:" foreach script $loaded_scripts { putdcc $idx " $script" } } return } elseif {[string tolower $arg] == "all"} { catch { glob $ul(dir)/$ul(pattern) } tclfiles if {[lrange "$tclfiles" 0 4] == "no files matched glob pattern"} { putdcc $idx "Can't find any tcl ($ul(pattern)) script in $ul(dir)." return 1 } foreach script $tclfiles { if {[lsearch -exact "$loaded_scripts" [string range $script [expr [string length $ul(dir)]+1] end]] == -1} { putdcc $idx " [string range $script [expr [string length $ul(dir)]+1] end]" } { putdcc $idx " [string range $script [expr [string length $ul(dir)]+1] end] (loaded)" } } return 1 } putdcc $idx "Usage: .viewtcls <loaded/all>" return } #putlog "UnloadTCL v1.1 by Wingman loaded." 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