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Bad word kick/ban ( text , emote , notice )

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The below snippets will tell the user what the bad word was they said , kick the user from the channel and then ban them for 30 seconds when they use a badword ( your choice of words there ) in the channel as a regular text , an emote or a notice.

Update: There is now an " on CONNECT " and Alias to help in the setting of the vairable.

Update: Changed $nick to be $address($nick,2)

Update: Added two aliases that allow you to add and removes words from the variable %badwords


on *:CONNECT:   if (!%badwords) { set %badwords put,words,here,seperated,by,commas } 
  echo -a %badwords has been set  }
  else { echo -a The badwords have already been set. }

alias bdwd {
  if (!%badwords) { set %badwords put,words,here,seperated,by,commas } 
  echo -a %badwords has been set  }
  else { echo -a The badwords have already been set. }

The below two aliases can add ( one or more words at a time ) and delete ( one word at a time ) words from the list.

alias addword {
  if (!$1) { echo Please specify something to be added. | halt }
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= $0) {
  if ($istok(%badwords, $ [ $+ [ %i ] ] ,44)) { echo That word or words is already in the list | halt } | inc %i }
  set %badwords $replace($addtok(%badwords,$1-,32),$chr(32),$chr(44))
  echo The new list is --> %badwords

alias delword {
  if (!$1) { echo Please specify something to be removed. | halt }
  if (!$istok(%badwords,$1,44)) { echo That word is not in the list. | halt }
  else {
    set %badwords $remtok(%badwords,$1,44)
    echo The new list is --> %badwords


on @*:text:*:#: { 
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= $0) {
  if ($istok(%badwords, $ [ $+ [ %i ] ] ,44)) { msg $chan Please do not use such language in $chan again.  | timer 1 3 kick # $nick $nick $+ , To the curb with you gutter mouth! 30 Second ban. | timer 1 5 ban -u30 $chan $address($nick,2) | halt } | inc %i }
  else { halt }


on @*:action:*:#: {
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= $0) {
  if ($istok(%badwords, $ [ $+ [ %i ] ] ,44)) { msg $chan Please do not emote such language in $chan again.  | timer 1 3 kick # $nick $nick $+ , To the curb with you gutter mouth! 30 Second ban. | timer 1 5 ban -u30 $chan $address($nick,2) | halt } | inc %i }
  else { halt }


on @*:notice:*:#: {
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= $0) {
  if ($istok(%badwords, $ [ $+ [ %i ] ] ,44)) { msg $chan Please do not notice such language in $chan again.  | timer 1 3 kick # $nick $nick $+ , To the curb with you gutter mouth! 30 Second ban. | timer 1 5 ban -u30 $chan $address($nick,2) | halt } | inc %i }
  else { halt }


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