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Mass Kick

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This is just a little snippet and can be handle for those who use simple mIRC and like to add only small codes in way
to keep their mIRC on control (Full scripts always give troubles , expecially to IRC operators or just simple operator
of the room. All i can say about this masskick code is that , if you are operator in a room and for some reasons you need
(or want) to kick all the users in it , then just type /masskick in the channel. I plan to do some other mass stuff
and some flood protection snippets in the will.

;copy and paste this code to your mirc script editor/remotes.
alias masskick {
  unset %total
  set %count.nick 0
  set %total $nick(#,0)
  inc %count.nick
  if (%count.nick > %total) { halt }
  if ($nick(#,%count.nick) == $me) { goto start }
  else { kick # $nick(#,%count.nick) Masskick Everyone is kicked so don't take it personal . | goto start }


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