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Custom Kicks and Bans Menu

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This Is My Second Menu. Its A Custom Kick And Bans Menu. Simply Right Click on the user's name and select your kicks and bans, theres also a custom kick and ban dialog.


;F0x's Custom Kicks and Bans
;Made By F0x of the SwiftIRC Network
;Site: www.f0xb0t.net.tc
;Channel: #F0xB0t

menu nicklist {
  F0x's Custom Kicks and Bans
  ..Noob:/kick # $$1 2Stupid Noob
  ..Pwned:/kick # $$1 2Pwned!!
  ..Owned:/kick # $$1 2http:// $+ $$1 $+ .justgotowned.com
  ..Volcano:/kick # $$1 2Feel The Heat Of The Volcano!
  ..Steal:/kick # $$1 2I Will Steal Your Channel Status!
  ..Raped:/kick # $$1 2Rape This!
  ..Bitch:/kick # $$1 2Bitch Much?
  ..Specified Kicks
  ...Spamming:/kick # $$1 2Stop Spamming
  ...Flooding:/kick # $$1 2Stop Flooding
  ...Swearing:/kick # $$1 2Stop Swearing
  ...Advertising:/kick # $$1 2No Advertising In Here!
  ...Respect Ops:/kick # $$1 2Respect The Ops Idiot.
  ...I Just Don't Like You:/kick # $$1 2You Know What? I Just Don't Like You.
  ..Custom Kick:/dialog -m f0xkick f0xkick
  ..Noob:/ban -k # $$1 2Stupid Noob
  ..Pwned:/ban -k # $$1 2Pwned!!
  ..Owned:/ban -k # $$1 2http:// $+ $$1 $+ .justgotowned.com
  ..Volcano:/ban -k # $$1 2Feel The Heat Of The Volcano!
  ..Steal:/ban -k # $$1 2I Will Steal Your Channel Status!
  ..Raped:/ban -k # $$1 2Rape This!
  ..Bitch:/ban -k # $$1 2Bitch Much?
  ..Specified Bans
  ...Spamming:/ban -k # $$1 2Stop Spamming
  ...Flooding:/ban -k # $$1 2Stop Flooding
  ...Swearing:/ban -k # $$1 2Stop Swearing
  ...Advertising:/ban -k # $$1 2No Advertising In Here!
  ...Respect Ops:/ban -k # $$1 2Respect The Ops Idiot.
  ...I Just Don't Like You:/ban -k # $$1 2You Know What? I Just Don't Like You.
  ..Custom Ban:/dialog -m f0xban f0xban
alias f0xkick {
  dialog -m f0xkick f0xkick
dialog f0xkick {
  title "F0x's Custom Kicks & Bans"
  size -1 -1 131 111
  option dbu
  text "By F0x", 1, 50 102 60 10
  box "Custom Kicks", 3, 1 1 130 110, centre
  edit "Nick", 4, 33 11 67 13
  edit "Reason", 5, 33 28 67 13
  edit "#channel", 6, 33 45 67 13
  button "Kick", 7, 69 75 37 12
  button "Cancel", 8, 45 90 37 12, Cancel
on *:dialog:f0xkick:sclick:7:{
  /kick $did(6) $did(4) $did(5)
alias f0xban {
  dialog -m f0xban f0xban
dialog f0xban {
  title "F0x's Custom Kicks & Bans"
  size -1 -1 131 111
  option dbu
  text "By F0x", 1, 50 102 60 10
  box "Custom Bans", 3, 1 1 130 110, centre
  edit "Nick", 4, 33 11 67 13
  edit "Reason", 5, 33 28 67 13
  edit "#channel", 6, 33 45 67 13
  button "Ban", 7, 69 75 37 12
  button "Cancel", 8, 45 90 37 12, Cancel
on *:dialog:f0xban:sclick:7:{
  /ban -k $did(6) $did(4) $did(5)


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