Administrators chain Posted April 28, 2022 Administrators Report Share Posted April 28, 2022 My first snippet on hawkee ^^ Just a simple nicklist script with a few funny kicks i made while being bored in my room on Buzz. Some strong language used in these. Lolz Just copy and paste in remote as new. The coding fits for my room and the server. Some changes may be needed to fit your needs. enjoy. and yes there is an old msn based middle finger kick in here. -.- menu nicklist { Kicklist . Quick kicks ..Quick Kick:/kick # $$1 Bye! ..Loser:/kick # $$1 Lata Loser! :~ ..FFS:/kick # $$1 FFS go the fuck away!! 8-) ..Duck my Sick:/msg $chan Duck my sick biotch! | /msg $chan In other words.... | /kick # $$1 SUCK MY DICK BITCH!! :@ ..Suck it:/msg $chan :o OMG $$1 !! | /msg $chan How dare you whisper that to me! | /msg $chan No i dont want to suck on your bity thingies and no you cant suck on my toes!! | /kick # $$1 go find someone else to play with sicko!! :@ ..Just go away:/msg $chan 8-) | /kick # $$1 Just go the fuck away!! . Mean Kicks ..Fuck Off:/msg $chan S eTahoma;0 .................__ | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 .............../'_/) | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 ............,/.../ / | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 .........../..../ / | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 ...../'--/'...'/'-.'.. | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 ../'/.../..../.....:.--\ | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 ('(...'...'.... -_/'...'/ | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 .\.................'...../ | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 ..'\'...\.......... _..' | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 ....\..............( | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 ......\.............\ | /kick # $$1 FUCK OFF!!! ..Matrix:/msg # S \rTahoma;0 Wake up Neo... | /msg # S \rTahoma;0 The Matrix has you... | /msg # S \rTahoma;0 Follow The White Rabbit... | timer1 1 4 kick $!comchan($me,1) $$1 It Went Thata Way (b^) ----> ..Kotex: /msg $chan Wahhhhh :'( i thought only bitches got their rag | /msg $chan Oh...wait...thats right...You ARE a bitch 8-) | /kick # $$1 Get a Fucking KOTEX and clean up this mess!! :@ ..Village Idiot:/msg $chan Hey $$1, your village called. | /msg $chan They said they want their idiot back. | /me grabs $$1 and stuffs em in a box then calls UPS (o) (ap) | /kick # $$1 bon voyage $$1 !! :~ . Mafia Kicks ..Mafia lag: { msg $chan Yo $$1 whodafuck you think you lookin at? ^o) | timer1 1 7 msg $chan $$1 i know that cho aint lookin at ME | timer2 1 14 msg $chan Whodafuck you tink you are, lookin at me like dat? | timer3 1 21 msg $chan $$1 You betta watch whodafuckyou lookin at kid 8o| | timer4 1 28 msg $chan I told you not ta be lookin at me...what are you, stupid or sumptin? | timer5 1 35 msg $chan $$1 Yur askin fur it!!! :@ | timer6 1 42 /kick # $$1 Fuck you and ya lazy eye bitch! } ..Fish:/msg $chan <o))))>< | /msg $chan <o))))>< <o))))>< | /msg $chan <o))))>< <o))))>< <o))))>< | /msg $chan <o))))>< <o))))>< <o))))>< <o))))>< | /msg $chan <o))))>< <o))))>< <o))))>< <o))))>< <o))))>< | /kick # $$1 Time to Sleep wit da fishes mutherfucka!! . Pirate Kicks ..Bitchery:/msg $chan avast ye scurvy dogs! | /msg $chan No bitches be allowed 'ere on the Dragon Archadia, and ye have bean accused of bitchery by yur peers! | /msg $chan $$1 Wuz found guilty of all charges! | /msg $chan Time fer u 2 walk dee plank! | /kick # $$1 now get the fuck off my ship!! :@ ..Pirate's Life:/msg $chan Yo Ho, Yo ho! | /msg $chan A pirate's life for me!! | /msg $chan Yo ho, Yo ho! | /kick # $$1 A Pirate's Bitch ye be!! (as) ..Bitch canon:/msg $chan Argh matey! | /msg $chan Ye be the biggest bitch ta ever sail the seven seas! | /me grabs $$1 and stuffs them into the Bitch cannon | /kick # $$1 BOOOOOM!! :~ :~ - } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...