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Blackjack Race

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Blackjack Race is a channel based multiplayer game, supporting up to your standard 7 players.

I saw a few versions of Blackjack on this site, but none of them were scripted well, whether it be the style of code, the game pace or the logic within the code to match the game. So here you go 🙂

Features include:

  • Simultaneous games within multiple channels at the same time
  • A "first to" style, meaning rather than betting, you're trying to accumulate a certain amount of coins to win
  • Derived from the real casino game, but adapted to suit IRC
  • A real shoe, with shuffling points when shoe density falls below a threshold
  • Accurate dealer simulation, standing with hard 17
  • Strategy play options: !hit !stand !double !split !surrender
  • Resplit as many times as you require! 10 seconds are added to the timer for each "layer" of hands all players go through
  • The Edge - An optional lower boundary which kicks players from the game when overstepped
  • AI opponents, with an intelligence range from 1 to 10
  • Automatic AI participation if only 1 player joins
  • Easily configure options and house rules within the script
  • No messy global variables
  • Possibility to save statistics via external files


To start a game, type !blackjack
To join a game, type !join
To start a game with AI opponents ready to join, type !blackjack N, where N is a number from 1 to 7
To start a game with specific AI opponents, for example Jess and Kyle, type !blackjack Jess Kyle
To leave a game type !replace. This will replace you with an AI opponent
To view a list of AI opponents and their intelligence level, type !ai
To forcefully stop a game, type !blackjack stop OR !stop (Operators only)
To abort the games termination, type !abort
To view a list of ALL commands, type !commands


; SETTINGS (for YOU.... yes YOU!!!)

;# THE DEALER HAS AN EDGE. If you win as much as you lose, all player balances will gradually decrease making the 'finish' impossible to reach.
;# to compensate, you can award points for draws, and reward more money for a win than you take away for a loss. The same applies for doubles.
;# for faster games: 200 40 20 30 0 -10 5 10 -3
;# more realistic game values: 150 40 20 30 -10 -25 0 0 -5

alias -l finish return 150
alias -l winDouble return 40
alias -l winSingle return 20
alias -l winBlackjack return 30
alias -l loseSingle return -10
alias -l loseDouble return -25
alias -l drawSingle return 0
alias -l drawDouble return 0
alias -l surrender return -5

;# theEdge - Set to 0 to disable. Kicks players from the game after falling below -N

alias -l theEdge return -100

;# Bonus payouts. N card tricks represent an auto-payout if a player's hand consists of N cards. set to 0 to disable, otherwise set to the amount which should be paid out.

alias -l var5CardTrickPayout return 5
alias -l var6CardTrickPayout return 10
alias -l var7CardTrickPayout return 15
alias -l var5Card21Payout return 20
alias -l var6Card21Payout return 40
alias -l var7Card21Payout return 100

;# House rules. 'decks' can be from 2-8. The other lines respresent rules which can be used in the game. To "activate" a rule, change the 0 to a 1.

alias -l decks return 2
alias -l dealerHitsOnSoft17 return 0
alias -l doubleWith3orMoreCards return 0
alias -l noResplitWithAces return 0
alias -l splitAcesOneCardOnly return 0

;# Colors. 3 are used, each represented below. Use 2 digits, from 00-15

alias -l color1 return 07
alias -l color2 return 03
alias -l color3 return 06

;# AI opponents. Just seperate the names by spaces, if you want to add more.
;# the intelligence levels correlate to the names, so Jess matches 6 and Kyle matches the last 1.

alias -l ai return Jess Trump DeathKnight AIMaster Jerry Lacey Jonorama Degausser NotTheSun Kyle
alias -l aiIntel return 6 9 8 10 3 5 4 7 2 1

;# 'statEnable' signifies whether the statistics will be recorded. 1 represents on, and 0 off
;# 'statDirectory' is your path to stats. there should be no slashes at the beginning or end of the path. use \ if you want to go deeper into folders
;# the other two aliases represent the minimum needed hands/games for a user to be displayed in the top5 lists

alias -l statEnable return 1
alias -l statDirectory return stats\blackjack
alias -l statMinHands return 10
alias -l statMinGames return 2


on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($hget($g($chan,1))) {
    if ($hget($g($chan,1), $nick)) && ($hget($g($chan,1), $nick) != check) && (!$isAI($chan, $nick)) {
      if ($timer($+(BlackJack,$chan,DrawTimer))) {
        if ($1 == !hit) || ($1 == !card) drawCardAction $chan $nick
        elseif ($1 == !double) drawCardAction $chan $nick -d
        elseif ($1 == !stand) standAction $chan $nick
        elseif ($1 == !split) splitAction $chan $nick
        elseif ($1 == !surrender) surrenderAction $chan $nick
      if ($1 == !replace) || ($1 == !drop) replaceAction $chan $nick
    elseif ($istok(!join.join,$1,46)) && ($timer($+(BlackJack,$chan,JoinTimer))) addPlayer $chan $nick
    if ($1-2 == !blackjack stop) || ($1 == !stop) triggerBlackjackStop $chan -m $nick
    elseif ($1 == !abort) && ($hget($s($chan), stop)) triggerAbort $1-
    elseif ($1 == !repair) && ($nick isop $chan) triggerRepair $chan
  elseif ($1 == !blackjack) triggerBlackjack $1-
  if ($1 == !stat) triggerStats stat $1-
  elseif ($1 == !coins) triggerStats coins $1-
  elseif ($1 == !commands) triggerCommands $1-
  elseif ($1 == !top5) triggerTop5 $1-
  elseif ($1 == !compare) triggerCompare $1-
  elseif ($1 == !ai) .notice $nick List of computer opponents: $listAI


alias -l suits return ♣♠♥♦
alias -l cardify return $replace($1-,10,E,11,J,12,Q,13,K,1,A,E,10)
alias -l bracks return $+($chr(40),$1-,$chr(41))
alias -l cb1 return $+(,$color1,,$1-,)
alias -l cb2 return $+(,$color2,,$1-,)
alias -l cb3 return $+(,$color3,,$1-,)
alias -l c1 return $+(,$color1,$1-,,)
alias -l c2 return $+(,$color2,$1-,,)
alias -l c3 return $+(,$color3,$1-,,)
alias -l f { verif | return $+(",$mircdir,$statDirectory,\,$1,.ini,") }
alias -l l { verif | return $+(",$mircdir,$statDirectory,\,$1,.txt,") }
alias -l getStat return $iif($readini($1,$2,$3),$ifmatch,0)
alias -l fs filter -ffctue 1 32 $1- $1-
alias -l top5 return cph.wr.cpg.gr.h2h
alias -l g return $+(bj_game,_,$1,_,$2)
alias -l a return $+(bj_action,_,$1,_,$2)
alias -l d return $+(bj_deck,_,$1)
alias -l w return $+(bj_score,_,$1)
alias -l s return $+(bj_settings,_,$1)

alias -l hfreedom {
  if ($hget($g($1,1))) hfree $g($1,1)
  if ($hget($a($1,1))) hfree $a($1,1)
  if ($hget($d($1))) hfree $d($1)
  if ($hget($w($1))) hfree $w($1)
  if ($hget($s($1))) hfree $s($1)
  hfreedomMirror $1

alias -l hfreedomMirror {
  var %x = 2
  while ($hget($g($1,%x))) {
    hfree $hget($g($1,%x))
    hfree $hget($a($1,%x))
    inc %x

alias -l verif {
  if (!isdir($+(",$mircdir,$statDirectory,\,"))) {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $numtok($statDirectory,92)) {
      if (!isdir($+(",$mircdir,$gettok($statDirectory,$+(1-,%x),92),\,"))) .mkdir $+(",$mircdir,$gettok($statDirectory,$+(1-,%x),92),\,")
      inc %x


alias triggerBlackjack {
  if (!$2) blackjackStart $chan $nick
  elseif ($istok(,$2,46)) blackjackStart $chan $nick $2
  elseif ($filterAI($2-)) blackjackStart $chan $nick $ifmatch
  else {
    .notice $nick Invalid parameter. To start a game with AI opponents ready to join, type !blackjack N. N can be a number from 1-7
    .notice $nick You can also specify certain AI opponents you want in the game, for example: !blackjack AIMaster Degausser Trump

alias triggerBlackjackStop {
  if ($3 !isop $1) .notice $3 You must be an operator to stop a game!
  else {
    if ($cardsRemaining($1)) {
      if (!$hget($s($1), stop)) stopAction $1 $3
      else .notice $3 The game will end after the current round!
    elseif ($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,JoinTimer))) {
      $+(.timerBlackJack,$chan,*) off
      if ($2 == -m) msg $chan $cb3(Blackjack Race) has been stopped by $c3($3)
      hfreedom $1
    else .notice $3 You can't perform this action now!

alias -l triggerAbort {
  if ($timer($+(BlackJack,$chan,DrawTimer))) && ($nick isop $chan) abortAction $chan $nick
  elseif ($nick !isop $chan) .notice $nick You must be an operator to abort the games termination!
  else .notice $nick You can't perform that action now

alias -l triggerStats {
  if (!$3) .notice $nick Invalid parameters. Specify a name. The -a flag can be used to specify an AI character like: $+(!,$1) -a Degausser
  elseif (((!$4) && (!$userStats($3))) || (($4) && (!$userStats($4)))) || (($1 == coins) && ((!$userStats($4).user) && (!$userStats($3).user))) .notice $nick Sorry, I haven't heard that name before
  else {
    var %s
    if (!$4) %s = $chan -u $3
    elseif ($3 == -a) && ($userStats($4).ai) && ($1 != coins) %s = $chan -a $4
    else %s = $chan -u $4
    if ($1 == stat) displayStats %s
    elseif ($1 == coins) displayCoins %s

alias -l triggerCommands {
  if ($istok(!ai.ai,$2,46)) .notice $nick This will send you a notice with a list of AI opponents you're able to play against
  elseif ($istok(!stat.stat,$2,46)) .notice $nick These will send a message with user statistics for the specified name. You can specify the -a flag to define AI opponents, such as: !stat -a Degausser
  elseif ($istok(!coins.coins,$2,46)) .notice $nick These will send a message with total user coins. Define a user (not AI) by simply specifying a username.
  elseif ($istok(!commands.commands,$2,46)) .notice $nick This will notice you a list of commands.... silly!
  elseif ($istok(!compare.compare,$2,46)) {
    .notice $nick Compare two players based on their stats in comparison to all other players. You can specify two names, and optionally a -a or -u before the names to specify AI or user
    .notice $nick For example, !compare Anne -a Degausser. Example 2: !compare -a Kyle -u Sarah
  elseif ($istok(!blackjack.blackjack,$2,46)) {
    .notice $nick This command will start a game. You can specify the number of AI opponents ready to join by typing !blackjack N, where N is a number from 1-7
    .notice $nick You can also specify specific players by using their names (type !ai for a list) like so: !blackjack Degausser NotTheSun
    .notice $nick If a game is active, channel operators can end the game by typing: !blackjack stop
  elseif ($istok(!replace.replace,$2,46)) .notice $nick Specifically an in-game command to be used if you don't want to play anymore. The game will be counted as a loss
  elseif ($istok(!top5.top5,$2,46)) {
    .notice $nick Displays lists of top 5 players. You can specify a -a or -u flag to view distinct AI or user lists. You can also specify the type of list from: $replace($top5,$chr(46),$chr(32))
    .notice $nick Example 1: !top5 -u wr :: Example 2: !top5 cph
  elseif ($istok(!abort.abort,$2,46)) {
    .notice $nick Allows you to abort the !blackjack stop operation, before a hand finishes
  elseif ($istok(!stop.stop,$2,46)) {
    .notice $nick Stops the entire round. Does not apply game based statistics
  elseif ($istok(!repair.repair,$2,46)) {
    .notice $nick Repairs the game if you're having trouble starting a new game
  else {
    .notice $nick Helpful commands - IN GAME: !hit !stand !double !split !surrender !replace !stop !abort !repair - OUTSIDE: !blackjack !commands !ai !stat !coins !top5 !compare
    .notice $nick Type !commands command for more information on some commands, for example: !commands ai

alias -l triggerTop5 {
  var %t = $gettok($top5,1,46)
  if (!$3) {
    if ($istok(-a.-u,$2,46)) displayTop5 $chan $2 %t
    else displayTop5 $chan -n $iif($istok($top5,$2,46),$2,%t)
  elseif ($left($2,1) == $chr(45) && $len($2) == 2) displayTop5 $chan $iif($istok(-a.-u,$2,46),$2,-n) $iif($istok($top5,$3,46),$3,%t)
  elseif ($2) displayTop5 $chan -n $iif($istok($top5,$2,46),$2,%t)
  else displayTop5 $chan -n %t

alias -l triggerCompare {
  if ($0 == 3) {
    if ($userStats($2)) && ($userStats($3)) displayCompare -u $2 -u $3 $chan
    else .notice $nick One of more of the specified users could not be found
  elseif ($0 == 5) {
    if ($userStats($3)) && ($userStats($5)) displayCompare $iif($2 == -a,-a,-u) $3 $iif($4 == -a,-a,-u) $5 $chan
    else .notice $nick One of more of the specified users could not be found
  elseif ($0 < 3) .notice $nick You have to specify two users to compare them. Type !compare player1 player2
  elseif ($0 > 5) .notice $nick You've specified to many parameters! To specify users or AI, type: !compare -u user -a AIname
  else {
    if ($userStats($3)) {
      if ($userStats($4)) displayCompare $iif($2 == -a,-a,-u) $3 -u $4 $chan
      elseif ($userStats($2)) displayCompare -u $2 $iif($4` == -a,-a,-u) $3 $chan
    elseif ($userStats($2)) && ($userStats($4)) displayCompare -u $2 $iif($3 == -a,-a,-u) $4 $chan
    else .notice $nick One or more of the specified users are not recognized

alias -l triggerRepair {
  if (!$timerCheck($1)) {
    msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) was found in a $c2(broken state) $+ , and has been $c3(repaired)
    hfreedom $1

alias -l timerCheck {
  if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,DrawTimer)).secs isnum) return $true
  if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,JoinTimer)).secs isnum) return $true
  if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,AutoTimer)).secs isnum) return $true
  if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,RepeatGame)).secs isnum) return $true
  if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,NextRound)).secs isnum) return $true
  if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,AnnounceWinner)).secs isnum) return $true
  if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,EndGame)).secs isnum) return $true
  return $false


alias -l drawCardAction {
  if ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21) && (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) {
    var %d = $iif(d isin $3,$true,$false)
    if ((%d) && ($numtok($hget($g($1,1), $2), 32) > 2)) && (!$doubleWith3orMoreCards) .notice $nick You can only double with the first two cards!
    else {
      var %card = $drawCard($1), %z
      hadd $g($1,1) $2 $hget($g($1,1), $2) %card
      %z = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard)
      if (%z > 20) && (!%d) hadd $a($1,1) $2 stand
      else hadd $a($1,1) $2 $iif(%d,double,hit)
      msg $1 $c2($2) $iif(%d,doubled,hit) and drew: $cardflair(%card) :: Current hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2))
      if (%z == 21) && ($($+($chr(36),var,$numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32),Card21Payout),2)) {
        hinc $w($1) $2 $ifmatch
        msg $1 $c1($2) has hit a $cb3($numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32) Card 21) and is rewarded $c2($ifmatch coins)
      elseif (%z < 21) && ($($+($chr(36),var,$numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32),CardTrickPayout),2)) {
        hinc $w($1) $2 $ifmatch
        msg $1 $c1($2) has hit a $cb3($numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32) Card Trick) and is rewarded $c2($ifmatch coins)
      if ((%d) || (%z > 20)) {
        hinc $s($1) completed 1
        if ($splitHand($1,$2)) createSplits $1 $2 $ifmatch
        elseif ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f
  else .notice $2 You can't draw anymore cards!

alias -l standAction {
  if ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21) && (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) {
    hadd $a($1,1) $2 stand
    hinc $s($1) completed 1
    msg $1 $c2($2) stands with the hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2))
    if ($splitHand($1,$2)) createSplits $1 $2 $ifmatch
    elseif ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f
  else .notice $2 You can't perform this action!

alias -l splitAction {
  var %hand = $hget($g($1,1),$2)
  if ($cardPair(%hand)) && (!$istok(double.stand,$hget($a($1,1),$2),46)) {
    if ($noResplitWithAces) && ($gettok($gettok(%hand,1,32),2,95) == A) && ($hget($g($1,2),$2)) .notice $2 You can't split Aces more than once!
    else {
      msg $1 $c2($2) splits the hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1),$2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2))
      hadd $newSplitTable($1,$2) $2 $gettok($hget($g($1,1),$2),2,32)
      hadd $g($1,1) $2 $gettok($hget($g($1,1), $2),1,32)
      hinc $s($1) actions 1
      createSplits $1 $2
  else .notice $2 You can't perform this action!

alias -l surrenderAction {
  if ($numtok($hget($g($1,1), $2), 32) == 2) && ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21) && (!$hget($m($1,1),$2)) && (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) {
    msg $1 $c2($2) surrenders their hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2)) and $c1($iif($surrender > 0,wins,loses) $abs($surrender) $iif($abs($surrender) == 1,coin,coins))
    hdel $a($1,1) $2
    hadd $g($1,1) $2 check
    hinc $w($1) $2 $surrender
    hinc $s($1) completed 1
    processHandStats $1 $2 total 1
    processHandStats $1 $2 lose 1
    processHandStats $1 $2 coins $surrender
    if ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f
  else .notice $2 You can't perform this action!

alias -l replaceAction {
  if (!$istok($hget($s($1),replace),$nick,32)) {
    hadd $s($1) replace $hget($s($1), replace) $2
    msg $1 $cb3($2) $c3(will be replaced after the next round!)

alias -l stopAction {
  hadd $s($1) stop $2
  msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) $c3(will be stopped after the next round!)

alias -l abortAction {
  if ($hget($s($1),stop)) hdel $s($1) stop
  msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) $c3(will no longer be stopped after this round!)

alias -l actionsComplete {
  if ($hget($s($1), completed) == $hget($s($1), actions)) return $true
  return $false


alias -l newSplitTable {
  var %x = 2
  while (%x) {
    if (!$hget($g($1, %x))) {
      hmake $g($1, %x) 1
      hmake $a($1, %x) 1
      $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer) -o 1 $calc($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,DrawTimer)).secs + 10) checkWinner $1
    if (!$hget($g($1, %x), $2)) return $g($1,%x)
    inc %x

alias -l splitHand {
  var %x = 2
  while ($hget($g($1,%x),$2)) {
    if ($numtok($ifmatch,32) == 1) return %x
    inc %x
  return $false


alias -l offTheEdge {
  if ($theEdge < 0) {
    var %x = 1, %n = $hget($w($1),0).item, %p, %s, %e = $v1, %count = 1, %countvar, %minimum, %a
    while (%x <= %n) {
      %s = $hget($w($1),%x).data
      if (!$len(%countvar)) %countvar = %s
      elseif (%countvar == %s) inc %count
      if (%s > %minimum) || (!$len(%minimum)) %minimum = %s
      inc %x
    if (%count != %n) {
      if (%minimum > %e) %minimum = %e
      %x = 1
      while ($len($hget($w($1),%x).item)) {
        %p = $hget($w($1),%x).item
        %s = $hget($w($1),%p)
        if (%s < %minimum) {
          %a = $iif($isAI($1,%p),-a,-u)
          msg $1 $cb2(%p) has tipped over $c3(The Edge) and fallen into obscurity! $cb3(Goodbye %p $+ !)
          preProcessHandStats $1 %p %a lose
          if (%a == -u) coinSave $1 %p
          hdel $g($1,1) %p
          hdel $w($1) %p
          top5PreWrite $1 %p %a
        else {
          if (%s == %minimum) msg $1 $c2(%p) is on $cb3(The Edge) with $+(04,%s,) coins!
          inc %x


alias -l getIntel return $iif($findtok($ai,$1,1,32) <= $numtok($aiIntel,32),$iif($gettok($aiIntel,$findtok($ai,$1,1,32),32) isnum 1-10, $v1, 5),5)
alias -l isAI return $istok($hget($s($1), ai),$2,32)

alias -l listAI {
  var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($ai,32), %r, %u
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %u = $gettok($ai,%x,32)
    %r = %r $c2(%u) $c1($bracks($getIntel(%u))) /
    inc %x
  return $left(%r,-1)

alias -l filterAI {
  var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($1-,32), %return, %a
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %a = $gettok($1-,%x,32)
    if ($istok($ai,%a,32)) && (!$istok(%return,%a,32)) %return = $addtok(%return,%a,32)
    inc %x
  return %return

alias -l generateAI {
  var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($ai,32), %s, %u, %n = $iif($2- isnum 1-7,$iif($2- <= $numtok($ai,32),$2-,$numtok($ai,32)),$numtok($2-,32))
  while (%x <= %n) {
    if ($2- isnum 1-7) {
      while ($istok(%s,%u,32) || !%u) {
        %u = $gettok($ai,$rand(1,$numtok($ai,32)),32)
      %s = %s %u
    elseif ($istok($ai,$gettok($2-,%x,32),32)) %u = $gettok($2-,%x,32)
    else %u = $null
    if (%u) $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,JoinTimer,%u) -o 1 $rand(2,28) addPlayer $1 %u -a
    inc %x

alias -l rollAI {
  var %x = 1, %ai = $hget($s($1), ai), %y = $numtok(%ai, 32), %player
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %player = $gettok(%ai,%x,32)
    if (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), %player), 46)) timeAI $1 %player
    inc %x

alias -l performAIAction {
  if ($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,DrawTimer))) {
    var %action = stand, %intel = $getIntel($2), %dealer = $cardTotal($1, -d).hard, %hard = $cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard, %soft = $cardTotal($1,-u,$2).soft, %d = $iif($numtok($hget($g($1,1), $2), 32) == 2 || $doubleWith3orMoreCards,1,0), %s = $iif($cardPair($hget($g($1,1),$2)),$ifmatch,0)
    if (%s == A) && ($hget($g($1,2),$2)) && ($noResplitWithAces) %s = 0
    if (%hard < 12) || (%soft < 8) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 1) && (%hard < 17) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 1) && (%s) && (%soft == 2) %action = split
    if (%intel > 2) && (%dealer < 11) && (%hard isnum 10-11) %action = double
    if (%intel > 2) && (%dealer > 6) && ((%soft > 7) && (%hard > 13)) %action = stand
    if (%intel > 3) && (%dealer isnum 2-6) && (%hard > 11) && (%soft > 7) %action = stand
    if (%intel > 3) && (%s) && (%hard == 16) && (%dealer < 11) %action = split
    if (%intel > 4) && (%dealer isnum 2-3) && (%hard < 14) && (!$istok(double.split,%action,46)) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 4) && (%dealer > 6) && ((%hard < 15) || (%soft < 8) && (!$istok(double.split,%action,46))) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 5) && (%dealer == 9) && (%soft < 9) && (%action != split) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 5) && (%dealer isnum 10-11) && (%soft == 8) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 5) && (%s) && (%dealer isnum 3-6) && ($istok(,%hard,46)) %action = split
    if (%intel > 6) && (%dealer == 10) && (%hard isnum 10-11) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 6) && (%dealer == 9) && (%hard isnum 10-11) %action = double
    if (%intel > 6) && (%dealer == 11) && (%hard < 17) && (%soft > 2) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 7) && (%dealer == 3) && (%hard == 13) && (%soft == 13) %action = stand
    if (%intel > 7) && (%dealer > 7) && (%hard isnum 12-16) && (!$istok(double.split,%action,46)) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 7) && (%s) && (%dealer == 2) && (%hard isnum 4-6) %action = split
    if (%intel > 7) && (%s) && (%dealer == 7) && ($istok(,%hard,46)) %action = split
    if (%intel > 8) && (%dealer isnum 3-6) && (%hard == 9) %action = double
    if (%intel > 8) && (%dealer isnum 5-6) && (%soft isnum 2-8) && (%hard > 11) %action = $iif(!%d && %soft == 8,stand,double)
    if (%intel > 8) && (%dealer == 7) && (%hard isnum 15-16) && (%action != split) %action = hit
    if (%intel > 8) && (%s) && (%hard == 18) && ($istok(,%dealer,46)) %action = split
    if (%intel > 9) && (%dealer == 4) && (%soft isnum 5-8) && (%hard > 11) && (%action != split) %action = $iif(!%d && %soft == 8,stand,double)
    if (%intel > 9) && (%dealer == 3) && (%soft isnum 7-8) && (%hard > 11) && (%action != split) %action = $iif(!%d && %soft == 8,stand,double)
    if (%action == hit) || ((%action == double) && (!%d)) drawCardAction $1 $2
    elseif (%action == double) drawCardAction $1 $2 -d
    elseif (%action == split) splitAction $1 $2
    else standAction $1 $2
    if (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) timeAI $1 $2

alias -l timeAI {
  $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer,$2) -o 1 $rand(2,7) performAIAction $1 $2


alias -l createDeck {
  var %i = 1, %d = $calc($hget($s($1), decks) * 52)
  while (%i <= %d) {
    hadd $d($1) %i 1
    inc %i

alias -l cardsRemaining return $hget($d($1), 0).item

alias -l drawCard {
  if (!$cardsRemaining($1)) checkShuffle $1
  var %r = $rand(1,$cardsremaining($1)), %t = $hget($d($1), %r).item
  hdel $d($1) %t
  return $+($mid($suits,$calc((%t % 4) + 1),1),_,$cardify($calc((%t % 13) + 1)))


alias -l blackjackStart {
  hfreedom $1
  hmake $g($1,1) 1
  hmake $a($1,1) 1
  hmake $d($1) $floor($calc(($iif($decks isnum 1-8,$v1,2) * 52) / 10))
  hmake $w($1) 1
  hmake $s($1) 1
  hadd $s($1) decks $iif($decks isnum 1-8,$v1,2)
  hadd $s($1) stats $iif($statEnable,1,0)
  msg $1 $c2($2) has started a game of $cb3(Blackjack Race!) Type $c2(!join) to join the game, you have $c1(30 seconds!)
  $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,JoinTimer) -o 1 30 startGame $1
  if ($3) generateAI $1 $3-

alias -l addPlayer {
  if (!$hget($g($1,1), $2)) {
    hadd $g($1,1) $2 check
    hadd $w($1) $2 0
    if ($3) && (a isin $3) hadd $s($1) ai $iif($hget($s($1), ai),$ifmatch $2,$2)
    msg $1 $c2($2) $+ $iif(($3) && (a isin $3),$+($chr(32),$bracks(AI level $getIntel($2)))) has joined the game! $c1($players($1)) players joined! $iif($hget($g($1,1), 0).item < 7 && $timer($+(BlackJack,$1,JoinTimer)).secs > 1,You've $c1($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,JoinTimer)).secs) seconds left to join!)
    if ($hget($g($1,1), 0).item > 6) startGame $1 -f

alias -l startGame {
  $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,JoinTimer*) off
  if (!$players($1)) {
    msg $1 Nobody has joined the game. $c2(1 player) is required! Turning off.
    blackjackStop $1 -f
  else {
    if ($players($1) == 1) {
      while ($players($1) < 2) {
        if (($isAI($1, $hget($g($1,1), 1).item)) && ($numtok($ai,32) < 2)) || (!$ai) addPlayer $1 $+(Agent,$rand(11111,99999)) -a
        else addPlayer $1 $gettok($ai,$rand(1,$numtok($ai,32)),32) -a
    hadd $s($1) original_players $players($1)
    createDeck $1
    var %text = The aim is to win $cb1($finish coins) from the $c2(Dealer) before everyone else. Bet amounts are in units of $winSingle $+ , $cb3($iif($hget($s($1), decks) > 1,$v1 decks,1 deck)) in use. Get ready...
    if ($2) && (f isin $2) msg $1 There are a maximum of $c1($players($1) players!) %text
    else msg $1 $c1(Time is up!) There are $c1($players($1) players!) %text
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,RepeatGame) -o 1 10 startRound $1

alias -l startRound {
  createDefaults $1
  if ($actionsComplete($1)) $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,AutoTimer) -o 1 2 checkWinner $1 -f
  else {
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer) -o 1 30 checkWinner $1
    if ($hget($s($1), ai)) rollAI $1

alias -l createDefaults {
  var %x = 1, %p = $players($1), %player, %actions
  hadd $s($1) dealer $drawCard($1)
  hadd $s($1) actions $hget($g($1,1),0).item
  hadd $s($1) completed 0
  while (%x <= %p) {
    %player = $hget($g($1,1), %x).item
    hadd $g($1,1) %player $drawCard($1) $drawCard($1)
    %actions = $iif($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,%player).hard) < 21,hit,stand)
    hadd $a($1,1) %player %actions
    if (%actions == stand) hinc $s($1) completed 1
    msg $1 $c2($+(%player,:)) Your cards are: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), %player)) :: Total: $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,%player)) $iif(%actions == hit,:: You can: !hit !stand !double $+ $iif($cardPair($hget($g($1,1), %player)),$+($chr(32),!split))) $+ $iif(%actions == hit,$+($chr(32),!surrender)))
    inc %x
  msg $1 The $cb2(Dealer) is showing: $cardflair($hget($s($1), dealer))

alias -l createSplits {
  if ($3) {
    var %temp = $hget($g($1,1),$2)
    hadd $g($1,1) $2 $hget($g($1,$3),$2)
    hadd $g($1,$3) $2 %temp
    hadd $a($1,$3) $2 $hget($a($1,1),$2)
  hadd $g($1,1) $2 $hget($g($1,1),$2) $drawCard($1)
  var %one = $iif(($splitAcesOneCardOnly) && ($gettok($gettok($hget($g($1,1),$2),1,32),2,95) == A),1,0), %actions = $iif($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21 && !%one,hit,stand)
  hadd $a($1,1) $2 %actions
  msg $1 $c2($+($2,:)) Your cards are: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) :: Total: $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2)) $iif(%actions == hit && !%one,:: You can: !hit !stand !double $+ $iif($cardPair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) && (($cardPair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) != A) || (!$noResplitWithAces)),$+($chr(32),!split)))
  if (%actions == stand) {
    hinc $s($1) completed 1
    if ($splitHand($1,$2)) forwardSplitter $1 $2 $splitHand($1,$2)
    elseif ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f

alias -l forwardSplitter {
  createSplits $1-

alias -l blackjackStop {
  if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
    var %x = 1, %f, %u, %p = $players($1), %w, %winner = $3
    while ($hget($g($1,1), %x).item) {
      %u = $ifmatch
      %f = $iif($isAI($1,%u),-a,-u)
      %w = $iif(%winner && ($2 != -f),$iif(%winner == %u,win,lose),draw)
      preProcessHandStats $1 %u %f %w
      top5PreWrite $1 %u %f
      if (%f == -u) coinSave $1 %u
      inc %x
  hfreedom $1


alias -l checkWinner {
  $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer,*) off
  var %dealer = $dealerOption($1)
  dealerDraw $1 %dealer
  roundDisplay $1 %dealer $iif($2,$2)

alias -l roundDisplay {
  var %t = $hget($s($1), dealer), %win = $getWinner($1).win, %draw = $getWinner($1).draw, %lose = $getWinner($1).lose, %finished = $cb1($iif(f isin $3,All hands are finished!,Time is up!))
  var %displaywin = $formatPlayers($1, %win).win, %displaylose = $formatPlayers($1, %lose).lose, %displaydraw = $formatPlayers($1, %draw).draw
  if ($istok(1.2,$2,46)) msg $1 %finished The $cb2(Dealer) shows $cardflair($gettok(%t,1,32)) and $iif($2 = 2,draws the following cards:,drew the card:) $cardflair($gettok(%t,2-,32)) :: Total: $cb2($cardTotal($1, -d).hard)
  elseif ($2 == 0) msg $1 %finished Everyone went $c1(bust) so the $cb2(Dealer) wins
  elseif ($2 == 4) msg $1 %finished Everyone $c1(surrendered) so the $cb2(Dealer) doesn't draw cards
  else msg $1 %finished The $cb2(Dealer) can't make $c1(Blackjack) so doesn't draw cards
  if (%win) msg $1 $c1($iif($numtok(%win, 32) != 1,$v1 players,%win)) beat the dealer $+ $iif($numtok(%win, 32) != 1,: %displaywin,: $gettok(%displaywin,2-,32))
  if (%draw) msg $1 $c1($iif($numtok(%draw, 32) != 1,$v1 players,%draw)) managed to draw $+ $iif($numtok(%draw, 32) != 1,: %displaydraw,: $gettok(%displaydraw,2-,32))
  if (!%win) && (!%draw) && (%lose) && ($istok(1.2,$2,46)) msg $1 The $cb2(Dealer) beat everyone with: $cardflair(%t) :: Total: $cb2($cardTotal($1,-d).hard)
  $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,nextRound) -o 1 2 nextRound $1

alias -l checkShuffle {
  var %r = $cardsRemaining($1)
  if (%r < $calc(($players($1) + 1) * 7)) {
    msg $1 $cb3(The cards are getting shuffled and reloaded) $bracks($+($round($calc((%r / ($hget($s($1), decks) * 52)) * 100),2),$chr(37)) density)
    createDeck $1
  else msg $1 $cb3(%r cards) remain in the shoe $bracks($+($round($calc((%r / ($hget($s($1), decks) * 52)) * 100),2),$chr(37)) density)

alias -l nextRound {
  msg $1 Current scores: $allScores($1)
  offTheEdge $1
  if ($overallWinner($1)) {
    var %winner = $ifmatch, %coins = $hget($w($1), %winner)
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,announceWinner) -o 1 2 msg $1 Okay we have an $cb3(overall winner.) $cb2(%winner) wins the game, finishing with $c1(%coins coins!)
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,endGame) -o 1 4 blackjackStop $1 -m %winner
  elseif ($hget($s($1), stop)) {
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,announceStop) -o 1 2 msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) was set to be stopped by $c2($hget($s($1), stop)) and has been terminated 
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,endGame) -o 1 4 blackjackStop $1 -f
  else {
    hdel -w $a($1,1) *
    hfreedomMirror $1
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,ShuffleTimer) -o 1 5 checkShuffle $1
    if ($hget($s($1),replace)) $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,ReplaceUser) -o 1 10 replaceUser $1
    $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,RepeatGame) -o 1 12 startRound $1

alias -l replaceUser {
  var %x = 1, %u = $hget($s($1),replace), %y = $numtok(%u,32), %user, %a
  hdel $s($1) replace
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %user = $gettok(%u,%x,32)
    if ($hget($g($1,1), %user)) {
      while (!%a) || ($hget($g($1,1), %a)) {
        %a = $iif($rand(1,20) == 1,$+($chr(74),$chr(109),m,$chr(105),$chr($+(10,1))),$+(Agent,$rand(10000,99999)))
      preProcessHandStats $1 %user -u lose
      top5PreWrite $1 %user -u
      coinSave $1 %user
      hadd $g($1,1) %a $hget($g($1,1),%user)
      hadd $w($1) %a $hget($w($1),%user)
      hdel $g($1,1) %user
      hdel $w($1) %user
      hadd $s($1) ai $iif($hget($s($1), ai),$ifmatch %a,%a)
      msg $1 $cb3(%a) replaces $c2(%user) and joins the game!
    inc %x


alias -l numerifyTotal {
  if ($1- == TOO MANY) return 30
  if ($1- == BLACKJACK) return 22
  return $1-

alias -l cardflair {
  tokenize 32 $1-
  var %x = 1 ,%s ,%d
  while ($eval($+($,%x),2)) {
    %d = $remove($ifmatch,_)
    %s = %s $iif($left(%d,1) isin $left($suits,2),%d,$+(04,%d,))
    inc %x
  return %s

alias -l cardPair {
  if ($gettok($gettok($1-,1,32),2,95) == $gettok($gettok($1-,2-,32),2-,95)) return $v1
  return $false

alias -l cardTotal {
  var %s = $iif($2 == -u,$hget($g($1,1), $3),$iif($2 == -d,$hget($s($1), dealer),$2-)), %x = 1, %c = $numtok(%s, 32), %return = 0, %n, %soft = 0
  while (%x <= %c) {
    %n = $replace($gettok($gettok(%s,%x,32),2,95),A,1,J,10,Q,10,K,10)
    inc %return %n
    if (%n == 1) && (!%soft) && (%return < 12) inc %soft
    elseif (%soft) && (%return > 11) dec %soft
    if (%return > 21) return TOO MANY
    inc %x
  if (%soft) {
    if (%return == 11) return $iif(%x == 3,BLACKJACK,21)
    if (!$prop) return $+(%return,/,$calc(%return + 10))
    if ($prop == hard) return $calc(%return + 10)
  return %return

alias -l formatPlayers {
  var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($2-,32), %u, %return, %split = 1, %hand, %i, %c, %d
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %u = $gettok($2-,%x,32)
    %hand = $hget($g($1,%split), %u)
    if ($dealerVS($1, %hand) == $prop) {
      if (!%i) { %return = %return %u $+ : $bracks($cardflair(%hand)) / | %i = 1 }
      else %return = $left(%return,-1) $bracks($cardflair(%hand)) /
      processHandStats $1 %u total 1 $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
      processHandStats $1 %u $prop 1 $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
      if ($prop == win) && ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1, %hand).hard) == 22) {
        hinc $w($1) %u $winBlackjack
        processHandStats $1 %u coins $winBlackjack $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
      else {
        %d = $iif($hget($a($1,%split),%u) == Double,$v2,Single)
        %c = $eval($+($,$prop,%d),2)
        hinc $w($1) %u %c
        if (%d == Double) processHandStats $1 %u double 1 $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
        processHandStats $1 %u coins %c $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
    inc %split
    if ($hget($g($1,%split), %u)) continue
    %split = 1
    %i = 0
    inc %x
  return $left(%return,-1)


alias -l dealerOption {
  var %x = 1, %y = $hget($g($1,1),0).item, %return = 0, %t, %m = 1, %p, %q = 1
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %p = $hget($g($1,1),%x).item
    if ($hget($g($1,%m),%p) == check) inc %q
    else {
      %t = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1, $hget($g($1,%m), %p)).hard)
      if (%t < 22) return 2
      elseif (%t == 22) %return = 1
      inc %m
      if ($hget($g($1,%m),%p)) continue
    %m = 1
    inc %x
  if (%return == 1) && (!$istok(10.11,$cardTotal($1,-d).hard,46)) return 3
  if (%q < %x) return %return
  return 4

alias -l dealerDraw {
  while ($cardTotal($1,-d).hard < 17) || (($dealerHitsOnSoft17) && ($cardTotal($1,-d).soft < 8)) {
    if ($istok(0.3.4,$2,46)) break
    hadd $s($1) dealer $hget($s($1), dealer) $drawCard($1)
    if ($2 == 1) break

alias -l dealerVS {
  var %cards = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,$2-).hard), %dealer = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-d).hard)
  if ((%cards < %dealer) && (%dealer < 30)) || (%cards == 30) return lose
  if (%cards == %dealer) return draw
  return win


alias -l players return $iif($hget($g($1,1), 0).item, $ifmatch, 0)

alias -l getWinner {
  var %return , %x = 1, %p = $players($1), %player, %split = 1, %h
  while (%x <= %p) {
    %player = $hget($g($1,1), %x).item
    if ($hget($g($1,1),%player) != check) {
      %h = $hget($g($1, %split), %player)
      inc %split
      if ($prop == $dealerVS($1,%h)) %return = $addtok(%return,%player,32)
      elseif ($hget($g($1,%split), %player)) continue
      %split = 1
    inc %x
  return %return

alias -l allScores {
  var %return, %x = 1, %y = $hget($w($1), 0).item, %s
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %s = $hget($w($1), %x).data
    %return = %return $hget($w($1), %x).item $+ : $iif(%s == 0,0,$+(,$iif(%s < 0,04,$iif(%s >= 100,06,03)),%s,)) ::
    inc %x
  return $left(%return, -2)

alias -l overallWinner {
  var %return, %x = 1, %y = $hget($w($1), 0).item, %score = $finish - 1, %data
  while (%x <= %y) {
    %data = $hget($w($1), %x).data
    if (%data >= %score) {
      if (%data > %score) %return = $hget($w($1), %x).item
      else %return = %return $hget($w($1), %x).item
      %score = %data
    inc %x
  if (%x == 2) return $hget($w($1), 1).item
  if ($numtok(%return, 32) == 1) return %return
  return $false


alias -l preProcessHandStats {
  if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
    var %p = $hget($s($1),original_players)
    processHandStats $1 $2 total 1 $3 games
    processHandStats $1 $2 players %p $3 games
    processHandStats $1 $2 $4 1 $3 games
    processHandStats $1 $2 $+($4,_,single) $iif($4 == win,$calc(%p - 1),1) $3 games
    processHandStats $1 $2 coins $iif($hget($w($1),$2),$ifmatch,0) $3 games

alias -l processHandStats {
  if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
    var %a = $iif($5 && a isin $5,$true), %z = $iif($6,$6,hands), %f = $iif(%a,$+(%z,_ai),%z)
    if (!%a) || ($istok($ai,$2,32)) writeini -n $f(%f) $2 $3 $calc($getStat($f(%f),$2,$3) + $4)

alias -l userStats {
  if (!$prop) {
    if ($getStat($f($iif($2,$2,hands)),$1,total)) return $true
    if ($getStat($f($iif($2,$2,hands_ai)),$1,total)) return $true
    return $false
  if ($prop == ai) return $iif($getStat($f($+($iif($2,$2,hands),_ai)),$1,total),$true,$false)
  if ($prop == user) return $iif($getStat($f($+($iif($2,$2,hands))),$1,total),$true,$false)

alias -l coinSave {
  if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
    var %new = $iif($hget($w($1),$2),$ifmatch,0)
    writeini -n $f(coins) $2 coins $calc($getStat($f(coins),$2,coins) + %new)
    blackjackCoinListener $2 %new $getStat($f(coins),$2,coins)

alias -l top5Write {
  var %a = $iif(a isin $2,$true), %f = $iif($istok(cph.wr,$3,46),$f($iif(%a,hands_ai,hands)),$f($iif(%a,games_ai,games))), %data = $top5Data($1,%f,$3), %l
  if ($len(%data)) {
    %l = $read($l($3),w,$+(*,$chr(32),$1,$iif(%a,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
    %l = $iif($readn,$ifmatch,0)
    write $iif(%l,$+(-l,%l)) $l($3) %data $1 $iif(%a,-a,$null)
    writeini -n %f $1 $3 %data

alias -l top5Data {
  if ($istok(cpg.cph,$3,46)) return $round($calc($getStat($2,$1,coins) / $getStat($2,$1,total)),2)
  if ($3 == h2h) return $+($round($calc(($getStat($2,$1,win_single) / ($getStat($2,$1,win_single) + $getStat($2,$1,lose_single))) * 100),2),$chr(37))
  if ($3 == wr) return $round($calc(($getStat($2,$1,win) / ($getStat($2,$1,win) + $getStat($2,$1,lose) + $getStat($2,$1,draw))) * 100),2)
  var %t = $getStat($2,$1,total)
  return $round($calc(((($getStat($2,$1,win) * ((%t * ($getStat($2,$1,players) / %t)) / %t)) / %t) / ($getStat($2,$1,players) / %t)) * 100),2)

alias -l top5PreWrite {
  var %x = 1
  if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
    if ($istok($ai,$2,32) || (a !isin $3)) {
      while ($gettok($top5,%x,46)) {
        top5Write $2 $3 $ifmatch
        inc %x

alias -l top5Sort {
  var %x = 1, %l
  while ($gettok($top5,%x,46)) {
    %l = $l($ifmatch)
    if ($exists(%l)) fs %l
    inc %x


alias -l displayStats {
  var %a = $iif((($2 == -a) && $getStat($f(hands_ai),$3,total)) || !$getStat($f(hands),$3,total),$true), %f = $f($+(hands,$iif(%a,_ai))), %f2 = $f($+(games,$iif(%a,_ai))), %x = 1, %c, %g, %h
  var %t = $getStat(%f,$3,total), %w = $getStat(%f,$3,win), %d = $getStat(%f,$3,draw), %o = $round($calc(($getStat(%f,$3,double) / (%w + $getStat(%f,$3,lose) + %d)) * 100),2) $+ $chr(37)
  while ($gettok($top5,%x,46)) {
    %g = $ifmatch
    %h = $read($l(%g),w,$+(*,$chr(32),$3,$iif(%a,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
    %c = %c $+($upper(%g),:) $c3($ord($iif($readn,$ifmatch,$lines($l(%g))))) $c2(/)
    inc %x
  msg $1 Play stats for $cb1($3 $+ :) Hands: $c3(%t) $c2(/) Wins: $c3(%w) $c2(/) Draws: $c3(%d) $c2(/) CPH: $c3($top5Data($3,%f,cph)) $c2(/) Win Rate: $c3($top5Data($3,%f,wr)) $c2(/) Double Rate: $c3(%o)
  msg $1 Game stats for $cb1($3 $+ :) Games: $c3($getStat(%f2,$3,total)) $c2(/) Wins: $c3($getStat(%f2,$3,win)) $c2(/) CPG: $c3($top5Data($3,%f2,cpg)) $c2(/) Game Rating: $c3($top5Data($3,%f2,gr)) $c2(/) H2H Tier: $c3($top5Data($3,%f2,h2h))
  msg $1 List stats for $cb1($3 $+ :) $gettok(%c,$+(1-,$calc($numtok(%c,32) - 1)),32)

alias -l displayCoins {
  %f = $f(coins)
  if ($ini(%f,$3)) msg $1 Total coins for $cb1($3 $+ :) $c3($getStat(%f,$3,coins))

alias -l displayTop5 {
  var %x = 1, %f = $l($3), %l = $lines(%f), %c = 0, %r, %f2, %a, %game = $iif($istok(cpg.gr.h2h,$3,46),games,hands), %y = $iif(%game == games,$statMinGames,$statMinHands), %p
  msg $1 $cb3(Top 5) $c3($iif(a isin $2,robots,$iif(u isin $2,users,players)) for:) $c2($iif($3 == cph,Coins Per Hand,$iif($3 == wr,Win Rate,$iif($3 == cpg,Coins Per Game,$iif($3 == gr,Game Rating,Head to Head Tier))))) $bracks(min %y %game)
  while (%x <= %l) && (%c < 5) {
    %r = $read(%f,%x)
    %p = $gettok(%r,2,32)
    %a = $iif($gettok(%r,3,32) == -a,$true,$false)
    %f2 = $f($iif(%a,$+(%game,_,ai),%game))
    if ($getStat(%f2,%p,total) >= %y) && ((($2 == -a) && (%a)) || (($2 == -u) && (!%a)) || ($2 == -n)) {
      inc %c
      msg $1 $cb1($+(%c,$chr(46))) $c2(%p) $iif(%a,$+($chr(32),$bracks(AI level $getIntel(%p)))) $cb3($bracks($gettok(%r,1,32)))
    inc %x

alias -l displayCompare {
  var %x = 1, %a1 = $iif((($1 == -a) && ($getStat($f(hands_ai),$2,total))) || (!$getStat($f(hands),$2,total)),$true,$false), %a2 = $iif((($3 == -a) && ($getStat($f(hands_ai),$4,total))) || (!$getStat($f(hands),$4,total)),$true,$false)
  var %f, %r1, %r2, %t1, %t2
  while (%x <= $numtok($top5,46)) {
    %f = $l($gettok($top5,%x,46))
    %r1 = $read(%f,w,$+(*,$chr(32),$2,$iif(%a1,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
    inc %t1 $iif($readn,$ifmatch,$lines(%f))
    %r2 = $read(%f,w,$+(*,$chr(32),$4,$iif(%a2,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
    inc %t2 $iif($readn,$ifmatch,$lines(%f))    
    inc %x
  %r2 = $round($calc((%t1 / (%t1 + %t2)) * 100),2)
  %r1 = $calc(100 - %r2)
  if (%r1 > %r2) msg $5 $cb1(>>>) $cb2($2) $cb1(<<<) $cb3($+(%r1,$chr(37))) $c1(vs) $+(%r2,$chr(37)) $c2($4)
  elseif (%r2 > %r1) msg $5 $c2($2) $+(%r1,$chr(37)) $c1(vs) $cb3($+(%r2,$chr(37))) $cb1(>>>) $cb2($4) $cb1(<<<)
  else  msg $5 $cb2($2) $cb3($+(%r1,$chr(37))) $c1(vs) $cb3($+(%r2,$chr(37))) $cb2($4)

; HELPER FUNCTIONS (use outside script)

; return coins in coins.ini
alias blackjackGetCoins {
  return $getStat($f(coins),$1,coins)

; remove coins from coins.ini
alias blackjackDelCoins {
  var %u = $1, %f = $f(coins)
  writeini -n %f %u coins $calc($getStat(%f,%u,coins) - $iif($2 isnum,$ifmatch,0))
  if ($isid) return $getStat(%f,$1,coins)


; listener, each time the user accumulates more coins (runs once per user per game played)
; you can 'transport' the coins accumulated to a separate script/file, and/or delete them
; these coins are displayed by the !coins command, removing them will be reflected.
; you can copy new points ($2) to a global/master file which works with your other scripts, if you want
; take note that $2 and $3 can both be negatives, make proper checks to keep things in accordance with the rest of your script

alias -l blackjackCoinListener {
  ; $1 = the username
  ; $2 = coins added for user after current game
  ; $3 = new total coins for user
  ; your commands here:

  ; example echo after each time coins are added (uncomment to try)
  ; echo -a $1 finished the game, $iif($2 >= 0,winning,losing) $2 coins, and now has $3 total coins!

  ; example removing coins just earnt:
  ; blackjackDelCoins $1 $2

  ; example write to a separate file which holds stars collected by users. Each star is worth 20 coins
  ; also remove N stars worth of coins from the coin bank.
  ; if ($3 > 0) {
  ;   var %file = stars.ini, %coinsPerStar = 20, %stars = $floor($calc($3 / %coinsPerStar))
  ;   writeini %file $1 stars $calc($iif($readini(%file,$1,stars),$v1,0) + %stars)
  ;   blackjackDelCoins $1 $calc($3 - ($3 % %coinsPerStar))
  ; }

  ; hint: removing the if statement surrounding the previous 3 commands will hold it's current functionality,
  ; but will also remove stars from the stars file if the user falls to -20 or less


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