Administrators chain Posted June 9, 2022 Administrators Report Share Posted June 9, 2022 ;theSLAP 2.0 on *:join:#:{ if ($nick != $me) { var %u users_ $+ $nick if (!$readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,hp)) { writeini slapthegame.ini %u hp 100 writeini slapthegame.ini %u money 15 } } ;notice $nick Wellcome. This Channel has SLAPtheGame installed. go on and !slap :) } on *:text:!thegame:#:{ notice $chan Noob in town :) !slap $nick everyone :D msg $chan !slap, !heal, !money, !gamble, !stats, !ladder, !alive, !beer, !punch (2.0) } on *:text:!money:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $nick if ($readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) < 15) { writeini slapthegame.ini %u money 15 notice $nick Your wallet has been refiled with 15coins } else { notice $nick Oi! this isn't a bank, Sir. } } on *:text:!slap*:#:{ if (!$2) { notice $nick usage: !slap NICK notice $nick !slap command will trigger the end of the world. Go on, !slap someone :) halt } var %s1H $readini(slapthegame.ini,$+(users,_,$nick),hp) var %s2H $readini(slapthegame.ini,$+(users,_,$2),hp) if (%s2H < 1) && ($2 != me) { msg $chan player $2 is dead. You can !heal $2 for the price of 15coins and slap him to death again :) halt } if (%s1H > 0) { var %slapper $nick var %slapped $2 if (%slapped !ison $chan) && (%slapped != me) { msg $chan That payer isn't online, not fair. halt } if (%slapped == me) { msg $chan Ye, I'm gona slap you real nice :D whatta tool! :) | var %slapper $me | var %slapped $nick } ;if (%slapped == $me) && ($nick != MoshMage) { msg $chan You wish? | halt } var %slap $rand(0,100) ;msg $chan Slap power %slap if (%slap >= 70) { var %slap_sneak 1 slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap %slap_sneak } if (%slap > 50) && (%slap <= 69) { ;notice %slapped OI! !dodge NOW or you'll be slapped!! $chan inc %slaps ;.$+(timer,Slap,%slaps) 1 5 slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap %slap_sneak slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap %slap_sneak } if (%slap == 50) { slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap msg $chan %slapped was watching sharply and grabbed %slapper $+ 's hand, no harm done. } if (%slap < 50) { slap2 $chan %slapper %slapped %slap } } else { msg $chan Look! A ghost trying to Slap. How funny :) notice $nick you are DEAD. !heal to buy 100hp. } } alias slap2 { var %dmg $4 var %slapped $+(users,_,$3) var %slapper $+(users,_,$2) var %s1H $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,hp) var %s2H $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,hp) if (%dmg < 50) { var %life $calc(%s1H - %dmg) if (%life < 0) { var %life 0 } writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper hp %life msg $1 $3 saw right trhough $2 $+ 's movement and counterslaps. $iif(%life < 1,AAAnd $2 is knockedout!! Cheers $+ $chr(44) $3 $+ !) notice $2 $3 counterslaped you, $iif(%life > 0, you have %life $+ hp,you're dead. !heal) if (%life < 0) { var %deaths $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,deaths) var %deaths $calc(%deaths +1) var %kills $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,kills) var %kills $calc(%kills +1) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapped kills %kills writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper deaths %deaths } } if (%dmg == 50) { msg $1 $3 was watching sharply and grabbed $2 $+ 's hand, no harm done. Also.. fucking amazing. } if (%dmg > 50) { var %life $calc(%s2H - %dmg) echo -a %life - %dmg - %s2H if (%life < 1) { var %deaths $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,deaths) var %kills $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,kills) var %deaths $calc(%deaths +1) var %kills $calc(%kills +1) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper kills %kills writeini slapthegame.ini %slapped deaths %deaths } if (%life < 0) { var %life 0 } writeini slapthegame.ini %slapped hp %life if ($5 > 0) { var %money $rand(1,50) var %s1M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,money) var %s2M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapped,money) var %coins $calc(%money + %s1M) var %slapmsg $2 sneaks in on $3 and smacks his[er] face upright. notice $2 Whoa! whattasmack! You popped %money $+ coins from $3 $+ 's pocket :) (Wallet: %coins $+ ) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper money %coins ;steal ability? ;notice %slapped That Sir, was a Gloved Slap in teh Face. Also, you lost some coins. ;writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper money $calc(%s2M - %money) } if (!%slapmsg) { var %slapmsg $2 boldly slaps $3 $+ . } msg $1 %slapmsg notice $3 $2 slaped you, $iif(%life > 0, you have %life $+ hp,you're dead. !heal) } dec %slaps ;echo -a SLAPED $3 - $2 : %dmg } on *:text:!heal*:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $iif($2,$2,$nick) if ($readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money)) { var %slapper users_ $+ $nick var %s1M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%slapper,money) if (%s1M >= 15) { var %money $calc(%s1M - 15) writeini slapthegame.ini %slapper money %money writeini slapthegame.ini %u hp 100 notice $remove(%slapper,users_) Medic Kit used :) Wallet: %money if (%u != $remove(%slapper,users_)) { msg $chan $nick healed $2 } } else { msg $chan Not enough cash! (15coins. You have %s1M $+ ) } } else { msg $chan Not enough cash! (15coins. You have %s1M $+ ) } } on *:text:!gamble*:#:{ if ($2 == tehBunny) { var %s2M $readini(slapthegame.ini,gamble,money) msg $chan tehBuny holds %s2M coins for the lucky winner :) halt } if (!$3) || ($2 !isnum) || ($3 !isnum) { describe $chan Gamble How to: !gamble <cash> <1, 2 or 3> } else { var %bet $2 var %bet_nick users_ $+ $nick var %s1M $readini(slapthegame.ini,%bet_nick,money) if (%bet > %s1M) { msg $chan Mate, you're short on Cash. halt } var %s2M $readini(slapthegame.ini,gamble,money) ;var %lie $rand(0,1) var %box $rand(1,102) if (%box < 95) { var %bunny 0 } if (%box >= 95) { var %bunny 1 } if (%box <= 34) { var %box 1 } if (%box > 34) && (%box <= 68) { var %box 2 } if (%box > 68) { var %box 3 } var %prize $rand(1,500) if (%prize > 350) { var %prize item } else { var %prize $calc(%bet * 2) } var %prize $calc(%bet * 2) ;echo %box if ($3 == %box) { msg $chan $iif(!%bunny,Well done. Won %prize,WOW!WOW!WOW! $nick won 3te5hB6u7n11n15y!! Grand Prize is $calc(%s2M + %prize)) if (%bunny < 1) { var %money $calc(%s1M + %prize) } if (%bunny == 1) { var %money $calc(%s1M + %prize + %s2M) } if (%prize) && ($nick !isin %beer) { msg $chan WOW! You have access to BOOZE! and !beer has its downs and lows but you can always get drunk on it :) (one hour 'till the bar closes) set %beer $addtok(%beer,$nick,32) .timerbeer_ $+ $nick 1 3600 set %beer $remtok(%beer,$nick,1,32) } writeini slapthegame.ini %bet_nick money %money notice $nick Your wallet has %money $+ . You won $iif(!%bunny,%prize,$calc(%s2M + %prize)) } else { var %lost $calc(%s1M - %bet) msg $chan Better luck next time.. tehBunny $calc(%s2M + %prize) writeini slapthegame.ini gamble money $calc(%s2M + %prize) writeini slapthegame.ini %bet_nick money %lost } } } on *:text:!stats*:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $iif($2,$2,$nick) if ($ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,0)) { unset %stats var %inis $ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,0) var %x 1 ;echo %inis $ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,0) while (%x <= %inis) { set %stats %stats $+(,$ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x),:,$readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,$ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x))) ;echo $ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x) $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,$ini(slapthegame.ini,%u,%x)) inc %x } if (%stats) { var %k $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,kills) var %d $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,deaths) var %m $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) if (%k < %d) { var %score $calc( ( %k - ( 0.5 * %d ) ) * %m / 100) } else { var %score $calc( ( %k - %d ) * %m / 100) } msg $chan $remove(%u,users_) stats are %stats score %score } } } on *:text:!ladder:#:{ unset %nicks unset %l* var %x 0 while (%x <= $ini(slapthegame.ini,0)) { var %u $ini(slapthegame.ini,%x) if ($me !isin %u) { var %k $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,kills) var %d $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,deaths) var %m $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) if (%m <= 0) { var %m 1 } if (%k < %d) { var %score $calc( ( %k - ( 0.5 * %d ) ) * %m / 100) } else { var %score $calc( ( %k - %d ) * %m / 100) } if (%score > 0) { set %lscore $addtok(%lscore,%score,32) var %f $remove(%u,users_) set %lnscore $addtok(%lnscore,$+(%f,$chr(40),%score,$chr(41)),32) } } inc %x } if (%lscore) { var %sscore $sorttok(%lscore,32,nr) var %w $numtok(%lscore,32) var %l 0 while (%l <= %w) { var %snick $gettok(%sscore,%l,32) var %n $matchtok(%lnscore,%snick,1,32) set %nicks $addtok(%nicks,%n,32) inc %l } } msg $chan slapLadder %nicks } on *:text:!alive*:#:{ var %u users_ $+ $iif($2,$2,0) if (%u == users_0) { var %x 1 var %z 0 while (%x <= $nick($chan,0)) { if ($nick($chan,%x) != $me) { var %n $+(users_,$nick($chan,%x)) var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%n,hp) if (%hp > 0) { var %n $remove(%n,users_) var %s $+(,%n,,$chr(40),%hp,$chr(41),hp) var %alives $addtok(%alives,%s,32) inc %z } } inc %x } if (%z) { msg $chan Found $numtok(%alives,32) White-Gloved Gent. %alives } if (!%z) { msg $chan OMG! OMG! EVERYONE IS DEAAAATH! This, sir, is a Ghost Town. !heal someone. } } else { var %life $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,hp) var %c users_ $+ $nick var %c $readini(slapthegame.ini,%c,money) msg $chan Player $remove(%u,users_) is $iif(%life > 0,Alive : $+ $chr(41),Death and you have $+(%c,coins)) } } on *:text:!punch*:#:{ ;ONLY DRUNK MAN AND SMALL MINDED PEOPLE PUNCH! if (!$2) { msg $chan look at the drunktard, doesn't even know who to punch. } else { var %puncher users_ $+ $nick var %punched users_ $+ $2 var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%puncher,hp) var %hp2 $readini(slapthegame.ini,%punched,hp) if (%hp > 0) { var %w $+(*,$2,*) if (%hp2 <= 0) { msg $chan $nick stumbles his feet on $2 $+ 's grave. Only drunk man punch. var %lost $rand(1,20) var %hp $calc(%hp - %lost) writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher hp %hp notice $nick You lost %lost $+ hp, you have %hp health points. unset %hp2 } elseif (!$read(slapthegame.ini,w,%w)) || ($nick !isin %beer) { msg $chan $nick Punches the air and stumbles on his feet. Only drunk man punch. var %lost $rand(1,20) var %hp $calc(%hp - %lost) writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher hp %hp notice $nick You lost %lost $+ hp, you have %hp health points. ;halt } else { var %p $rand(1,25) if ($nick isin %beer) { var %beers $readini(slapthegame.ini,%puncher,beers) var %tb $calc(%beers *0.5) var %p $calc(%p * %tb) } if (%p >= 25) { var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%punched,hp) var %f $calc(%hp - 50) if (%f > 0) { msg $chan It's amazing HOW $nick landed that punch. $remove(%punched,users_) $+ 's face will swell. %beers beer mugs were consumed for our amuse :) notice $remove(%punched,users_) You suffered a punch to teh face. $nick $+ 's little punk. you have %f $+ hp. } else { msg $chan the Drunktard punch: It can, and did, Kill. $remove(%punched,users_) Died. (note that, to land this punch $nick drunk %beers beer mugs) notice $remove(%punched,users_) That flippin honourless drunkar, $nick $+ , punched you. You were knocked out, !heal } notice $nick After such an amazing performance, the effect of the booze went away. such a shame. writeini slapthegame.ini %punched hp %f writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher beers 0 set %beer $remtok(%beer,$nick,1,32) } else { msg $chan $nick Stumbles down for our amuse. Good one, Jester! :) var %hp $readini(slapthegame.ini,%puncher,hp) var %f $calc(%hp - 50) if (%f > 0) { notice $nick You bashed your head while on that poor performance. %f $+ hp. } else { notice $nick That blow to the head was really something. You knocked yourself out. !heal } writeini slapthegame.ini %puncher hp %f } } } else { msg $chan You are death, nick. !heal before punching. (Only drunk man punch.) } } } ;items.name_price[-quantity] ; ;beer.30-1 on *:text:!beer*:#:{ if ($nick !isin %beer) { msg $chan Bar's VIP only. earn vip status by !gambleing your money away :) } else { if ($2) { msg $chan Oh yeah, i know you wantz teh $iif($2 isnum,$2 beer mugs,beer mug) fast. } var %u users_ $+ $nick var %m $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,money) var %b $readini(slapthegame.ini,%u,beers) if ($2 isnum) { var %hm $2 } if (%hm > 1) { var %m $calc(%m - (%hm * 30)) var %b $calc(%b + %hm) } elseif (!%hm) || (%hm == 1) { var %m $calc(%m -30) var %b $calc(%b +1) } if (%m > 0) { msg $chan $nick BOUGHT A BEER MUG! KEEP BEING AWESOME! writeini slapthegame.ini %u beers %b writeini slapthegame.ini %u money %m } if (%m < 0) { msg $chan $nick You poor twat. You already spent your money?! $duration($timer(beer_ $+ $nick).secs,2) till you loose Bar access } } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...