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Ban Mask - Ban "effectively"

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The vast majority of users who find themselves as moderators, do not know how a ban should be structured and rely on scripts. which 9 times out of 10 ban in this way:
Let's take for example this user: ---> Utentecattivo!Ident123@Host.provider.it

Uservillain! Ident123@Host.provider.it

This is called "mask" and is the set of Nick,Ident,Host
The scripts with the simple use of the "click" of the right button on the nick and the selection of the item "banna" 9 times out of 10 ban the entire mask, then execute this command:

/mode #nomecanale +b Utentecattivo!Ident123@Host.provider.it

in this way if the user is a minimum awake, changes one of the 3 components of his mask, (Nick, Ident, Host) and returns despite the ban ..
Leaving aside the methods to change Nick, Ident, Host (Very simple the first 2 a little different speech x the host),
let's see how to set a "total" ban on a mask:
Divide the mask into 3 parts:
We set 1 ban for each segment of the mask:

/mode #nomecanale +b Nick!*@*
/mode #nomecanale +b *! Ident@*
/mode #nomecanale +b *!*@Host

(In case your script allows it, even the syntax

/mode #channel +bbb Nick!*@* *! Ident@* *!*@Host )

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