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Bot Script

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a Bot script for mIRC. Copy code to your remote file in Mirc and make the following changes 1: Change #RoomName to the name of your Channel 2: Change (BotNick to whatever you want your bot's nick to be.]
3:Change (RoomRule#1) to (RoomRule#10) to whatever rules you want for your room. 4 Change (WebSite URL) to the URL for the room's website.
if you don't have a web site delete the line and any ?site lines.
5: Change (RoomOPs) to a list of Ops in your room. 6: Change (TimeZone to your TimeZone. In mIRC click scripts editor and then click users and add the following: [ 10,20:Nick ! Hostmask ] Example 10,20:TigrisAFK !~Aspros_Ti@uccn-5CC5D667.surgehost.net


on 1:JOIN:#:/notice $nick Welcome to #roomname Type ?rules for room rules and ?site for the room's website address and ?rmop for a list of room ops ?commands for commands and ?funstuff for fun commands and type ?time to see the time | /mode $chan +v $nick

on 1:TEXT:?rules:#: /notice $nick 1: (RoomRule#1) | /notice $nick 2: (RoomRule#2) | /notice $nick 3: (RoomRule#3) | /notice $nick 4: (RoomRule#4) | /notice $nick 5: (RoomRule#5) | /notice $nick 6: (RoomRule#6) | /notice $nick 7: (RoomRule#7) | /notice $nick 8: (RoomRule#8) | /notice $nick 9: (RoomRule#9) | /notice $nick 10: (RoomRule#10)
on 1:TEXT:?site:#: /notice $nick Visit our web site at ( Web Site URL)
on 1:TEXT:hi (BotNick):#: msg $chan Yo $nick what's up ?
on 1:TEXT:hiya (BotNick):#: msg $chan Yo $nick what's up ?
on 1:TEXT:hey (BotNick):#: msg $chan Yo $nick what's up ?
on 1:TEXT:hello (BotNick):#: msg $chan Yo $nick what's up ?
on 1:TEXT:yo (BotNick):#: msg $chan Yo $nick what's up ?
on 1:TEXT:not much what's up with you (BotNick)*:#: /msg $chan Yeah same here just sitting here drinking some iced tea :p
on 1:TEXT:not much what's up with u (BotNick)*:#: /msg $chan Yeah same here just sitting here drinking some iced tea :p
on 1:ACTION:hugs (BotNick):#: msg $chan hugs $nick
on 1:ACTION:pokes (BotNick):#: msg $chan (BotNick) pokes $nick back :P
on 1:TEXT:?commands:#: /notice $nick type ?rules for room rules | notice $nick type ?site for the URL of the website for the room | notice $nick Type ?rmop for a list of Room OP's | notice $nick Type ?funstuff for a list of fun commands | notice $nick Type ?time to see the time
on 1:TEXT:?funstuff:#: /notice $nick (BotNick) wop nickname...Makes me wop someone. | /notice $nick (BotNick) poke nickname....makes me poke someone. | /notice $nick (BotNick) tase nickname.....makes me tase someone.
on 1:TEXT:?rmop:#: /notice $nick The OP's of #RoomName are (RoomOps )
on 1:TEXT:?time:#: msg $chan The time is $time(h:nn:ss tt ) (TimeZone) $day $adate
on 20:TEXT:***************:?: msg $chan $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15

on 1:TEXT: wop *:#:{
msg $chan (BotNick) wops $$3 upside da head :)

on 1:TEXT:(BotNick) tase *:#:{
msg $chan (BotNick) tases $$3 $4-10 and watches $$3 flop like a fish :P

on 1:TEXT:(BotNick) poke *:#:{
msg $chan (BotNick) pokes $$3 with a 10 foot pole :P

on 10:TEXT:?voice*:#:{ /mode $chan +v $$2
on 10:TEXT:?devoice*:#:{ /mode $chan -v $$2
on 10:TEXT:?kick*:#:{ /kick $chan $$2 $3-15
on 10:TEXT:?op*:#:{ /mode $chan +o $$2


on 10:TEXT:?halfop*:#:{ /mode $chan +h $$2
on 10:TEXT:?deop*:#:{ /mode $chan -o $$2
on 10:TEXT:?dehalfop*:#:{ /mode $chan -h $$2
on 10:TEXT:?bankick*:#: { /ban -k $chan $$2 2 $3-20
on 10:TEXT:?ban*:#: { /ban $chan $$2 2
on 10:TEXT:?unban*:#: { /ban -r $chan $$2 2

on 10:TEXT:?invite*:#: { /invite $$2 $chan

on 10:TEXT:?help:#: /notice $nick ?op Ops a nick | /notice $nick ?deop Deops a nick | /notice $nick ?halfop HalfOps a nick | /notice $nick ?dehalfop DehalfOps a nick | /notice $nick ?voice voices a nick | /notice $nick ?devoice devoices a nick | /notice $nick ?kick Kicks a nick | /notice $nick ?ban Bans a nick | /notice $nick ?bankick bans and kicks a nick | /notice $nick ?unban Unbans a nick | /notice $nick ?timeban(5,2,1) Bans and kicks a nick for five (5) or two (2) or one (1) minute(s) | notice $nick ?invite invites someone into the channelon 10:TEXT:?timeban5*:#: /ban -k-u300 $chan $$2 2 $3-20

on 10:TEXT:?timeban2*:#: /ban -k-u120 $chan $$2 2 $3-20
on 10:TEXT:?timeban1*:#: /ban -k-u60 $chan $$2 2 $3-20
on 10:TEXT:?timeban5*:#: /ban -k-u300 $chan $$2 2 $3-20

on 20:TEXT:?adduser *:#: /guser 10 $$2 | /notice $nick $$2 has been added to (BotNick)'s user list
on 20:TEXT:?deluser *:#: /ruser 10 $$2 | /notice $nick $$2 has been deleted (BotNick)'s user list

on 10:JOIN:#: { /notice $nick Welcome to #RoomName Type ?rules for room rules and ?site for the room's website address and ?rmop for a list of room ops ?commands for commands and ?funstuff for fun commands and type ?time to see the time | /mode $chan +o $nick | /mode $chan +v $nick




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