Administrators chain Posted July 18, 2022 Administrators Report Share Posted July 18, 2022 A roulette; as usual paste this in your remotes and enjoy! !gamble red 500000 %r-max is the maxbet (so people dont gamble their mothers rofl). on *:text:!gamble *:%bot-fun:{ /set %roullet-msg if ( ( $$2 != odd ) && ( $$2 != even ) && ( $$2 != red ) && ( $$2 != black ) && ( $$2 != 1col ) && ( $$2 != 2col ) && ( $$2 != 3col ) && ( $$2 !isnum 1-36 ) && ( $$2 != 1-18 ) && ( $$2 != 19-36 )) { /msg %bot-fun Wrong command... the commands are: odd; even; red; black; 1col; 2col; 3col; 1,2,3...36; 1-18; 19-36; halt } if ( $$3 > %r-max ) { /msg %bot-fun Sorry...You only can gamble until $ %r-max halt } if ( $$3 < 0 ) { /writeini system\roulette.ini users $nick $calc( $readini(system\roulette.ini, users, $nick ) + $$3 ) /msg %bot-fun Cheater!!! You win $$3 ah ah ah! $nick have $readini(system\roulette.ini, users, $nick ) halt } else { /writeini system\roulette.ini users $nick $calc( $readini(system\roulette.ini, users, $nick ) - $$3 ) } set %r-num $rand(0,36) if ( %r-num == 0 ) { /msg %bot-fun 0,3 0 You have betted $ $$3 and you made $ 0 || $nick have $readini(system\roulette.ini, users, $nick ) || halt } if ( , $+ %r-num $+ , isin %r-red ) { /set %roullet-msg 0,4 %r-num } if ( , $+ %r-num $+ , isin %r-black ) { /set %roullet-msg 0,1 %r-num } if ( $$2 == odd ) { if ( $calc( %r-num % 2 ) ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 2 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == even ) { if ( $calc( %r-num % 2 ) ) { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 2 ) $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == red ) { if ( , $+ %r-num $+ , isin %r-red ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 2 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == black ) { if ( , $+ %r-num $+ , isin %r-black ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 2 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == 1col ) { if ( , $+ %r-num $+ , isin %r-1col ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 3 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == 2col ) { if ( , $+ %r-num $+ , isin %r-2col ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 3 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == 3col ) { if ( , $+ %r-num $+ , isin %r-3col ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 3 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 isnum 1-36 ) { if ( $$2 == %r-num ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 36 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == 1-18 ) { if ( %r-num isnum 1-18 ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 2 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } if ( $$2 == 19-36 ) { if ( %r-num isnum 19-36 ) { /roulette-msg $nick $calc( $$3 * 2 ) $$3 halt } else { /roulette-msg $nick 0 $$3 halt } } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...