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Blacklist System

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Copy/paste in a new remote .

Once you load the script open the dialog to set it up.

turn on the power, and set what ban mask you want it to work with.


You Must Be An OP On The Channel You Are Trying To Add The Nick On For It To Work.


then add the channels you want it to work on. after thats done you can enter nicks either from the dialog it's self or from rightclicking the menubar or channel, or you can right click the nick you want to black list as well. For removing the nicks. Remove the nicks either in the dialog or right click the menubar or channel.



enjoy...... napa182



dialog bl2 {

  title "BlackList System"

  size -1 -1 161 171

  option dbu

  box "Power", 1, 1 0 94 17

  radio "Blacklister On", 2, 3 7 43 9, flat

  radio "Blacklister Off", 3, 49 7 44 9, flat

  box "Date/Time", 4, 96 0 64 17

  text "Mar/30/08 12:30:23 PM", 5, 100 7 58 8

  box "add/rem Channels ", 6, 1 17 54 28

  edit "", 7, 3 25 50 9, autohs

  button "add", 8, 3 35 25 9, flat

  button "rem", 9, 28 35 25 9, flat

  box "add/rem Nick's", 10, 1 45 54 28

  edit "", 11, 3 53 50 9, autohs

  button "add", 12, 3 63 25 9, flat

  button "rem", 13, 28 63 25 9, flat

  box "Blacklisted Nick's", 14, 56 17 52 56

  list 15, 57 25 50 46, size vsbar

  box "Channel List", 16, 108 17 52 56

  list 17, 109 25 50 46, size vsbar

  box "Set Bmask", 18, 126 73 34 20

  edit "", 19, 144 81 13 9, center

  button "set", 20, 128 81 15 9, flat

  box "Reason Being Used", 21, 1 73 124 20

  edit "", 22, 3 81 120 9, read autohs

  box "add/rem Blacklist Reason's", 23, 1 93 159 29

  edit "", 24, 3 102 154 9, autohs

  button "add", 25, 3 112 77 9, flat

  button "rem", 26, 80 112 77 9, flat

  box "Blacklist Reason List", 27, 1 122 159 48

  list 28, 3 131 154 37, size vsbar


on *:load: { 

  echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Blacklist System 

  echo 12 -a A Script0rs Inc. Production 

  echo -a 14,1(14,1�15,1�0,1�0,1� ��X�Ǯ��t0��X׻ �0,1�15,1�14,1�)�


alias bl2 { dialog $iif($dialog(bl2),-v,-md) bl2 bl2 }

alias bl2datetime { did -ra bl2 5 $time(mmm/dd/yy h:nn:ss tt) }

alias blacklisted {

  var %a = $gettok(%blchan,1-,44), %b = $numtok(%a,44), %c = 1

  while (%c 

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