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English Slang Definition Checker

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!define dani A person with lots of layers of goodness, like an onion without the crying and the smell. @define Hawkee Hawkee is undefined! !define smart alec A nicer way to say smart ass. You can use this in an office or when kids are around instead of saying smart ass or if you are a stick in the mud and don't cuss. The command is self-explanatory and can be prefixed with !, @, or . to trigger. PM and channel supported.


on *:sockopen:ud*:{ 
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark 
  if ($sockerr) { 
    $5-6 Socket Error! 
  $2-4 GET $+(/v0/define?term=,$1) HTTP/1.0
  $2-4 Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) 
  $2-4 Connection: close
on $*:text:/^[!@.]define( |$)/iS:*:{
  if (!$($+(%,-,$site,.,$cid,.,$nick),2)) {
    inc -u3 $+(%,-,$site,.,$cid,.,$nick)
    var %ud = $+(ud,$str($ticks,3))
    $+(sock,$iif($sock(%ud),close,open) %ud api.urbandictionary.com 80)
    sockmark %ud $replace($strip($2-),$chr(32),+) $&
      sockwrite -nt %ud .msg $iif(#,#,$nick)
on *:sockread:ud*:{
  sockread &ud
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerr) {
    $5-6 Socket Error!
  elseif (no_results isin $bvar(&ud,1-).text) {
    $5-6 $qt($1) is undefined!
  elseif ($regex($bvar(&ud,1-).text,/"definition":"(.*)/)) {
    tokenize 34 $regml(1)
    $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5-6,32) $remove($regsubex($1,/\x5C(r|n{1,2})/gi,$chr(32)),\)


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on $*:text:/^!define o(n|ff)$/iS:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($regml(1) == n) {
      if (!$istok(%chan,#,44)) {
        set %chan $addtok(%chan,#,44)
        .notice $nick # has been added!
      else .notice $nick the channel $qt(#) has already been added!
    else {
      if ($istok(%chan,#,44)) {
        set %chan $remtok(%chan,#,1,44)
        .notice $nick # has been removed.
      else .notice $nick the channel $qt(#) has already been removed.
  else .notice $nick Access Denied. This command is reserved for OP only.
on *:sockopen:ud*:{ 
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark 
  if ($sockerr) { 
    $5-6 Socket Error! 
  $2-4 GET $+(/v0/define?term=,$1) HTTP/1.0
  $2-4 Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) 
  $2-4 Connection: close
on $*:text:/^[!@.]define( |$)/iS:%chan,?:{
  if (!$($+(%,-,$site,.,$cid,.,$nick),2)) {
    inc -u3 $+(%,-,$site,.,$cid,.,$nick)
    var %ud = $+(ud,$str($ticks,3))
    $+(sock,$iif($sock(%ud),close,open) %ud api.urbandictionary.com 80)
    sockmark %ud $replace($strip($2-),$chr(32),+) $&
      sockwrite -nt %ud .msg $iif(#,#,$nick)
on *:sockread:ud*:{
  sockread &ud
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerr) {
    $5-6 Socket Error!
  elseif (no_results isin $bvar(&ud,1-).text) {
    $5-6 $qt($1) is undefined!
  elseif ($regex($bvar(&ud,1-).text,/"definition":"(.*)/)) {
    tokenize 34 $regml(1)
    $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5-6,32) $regsubex($1,/\Q\r\n\E/g,$chr(32))


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