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Dutch trivia game with random topic

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On *:load: { 
  /echo  5*** made by Baloe12nl ***
  /echo 12.Trivial persuitgame whit topic
  /echo 12.For help type !trivia help 
  if ( $readini(trivia/higescore.ini, n, 1, highescore) == $null ) {
    /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 1 name naam | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 1 highscore 1
    /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 2 name naam | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 2 highscore 1
    /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 3 name naam | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 3 highscore 1
    /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 4 name naam | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 4 highscore 1
    /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 5 name naam | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini 5 highscore 1
    /echo 12.Trivial Persuitgame highscore.ini is loaded.
    /echo 4.Notice 12By reload this script you will delete the top 5 highscore.
  else /halt

on 9:TEXT:*trivia*:*: {
  if ($1 == !trivia) {
    if ($2 == on) { /enable #Otrivia | /disable #Atrivia | /msg $chan 5The trivia game is on, | set %st.trivia on | set %last.used.command.trivia on | set %last.persons.trivia $nick | halt }
    if ($2 == off) { /disable #Otrivia | /enable #Atrivia | /msg $chan 5The trivia game Is off. | unset %st.trivia | set %last.used.command.trivia off | set %last.persons.trivia $nick | /unset %Quest | /unset %trivQ | halt }
    else { /notice $nick 5Incorrect command usage: !trivia <on/off/help> | halt }
  else /halt
on *:TEXT:*trivia*:*: {
  if ($1 == !trivia) {
    if ($2 == help) { 
      /notice $nick 5 ** al trivia comands **
      /notice $nick 5< 10!trivia help 5> Get help Trivia comando's.
      /notice $nick 5< 10!trivia on 5> Enable the trivia game. Disable trivia add questions.  OP. only.
      /notice $nick 5< 10!trivia off 5> Disable the trivia game. Enable trivia add questions.  OP. only.
      /notice $nick .
      /notice $nick 5 ** if trivia is enable **
      /notice $nick 5..< 10!TrivQ 5> Start / next question trivia game.
      /notice $nick 5..< 10!trivA 5> Answer the question. 
      /notice $nick 5..< 10!hint 5> asc a hint.
      /notice $nick 5..< 10!triv-score 5> Top 5 highscore   
      /notice $nick .
      /notice $nick 5 ** if trivia is disabled en add questions enabled ** OP. only.
      /notice $nick 5..< 10!triv-ad 5> Discription to ad a question whit topic start.
      /notice $nick 5..< 10!triv-antt 5> If question is done file in anwser.
      /notice $nick 5..< 10!triv-hint 5> If anwser is done fil in a hint.
      /notice $nick .
  else /halt

#Otrivia on

; part to close trivia after last man is out of the chat

on *:PART:#: {
  if ( % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null ) { 
    /msg $chan 5 $nick heeft de Trivial Persuite game verlaten met % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Goed (e) antwoord (en).
    /timer0 1 3 /unset % $+ $nick
    if ( [ $nick(#FRS-chat,0) ] == 2 ) { /disable #Otrivia | /enable #Atrivia | /msg $chan 5The trivia game Is off. | unset %st.trivia | set %last.used.command.trivia off | set %last.persons.trivia $nick | /unset %Quest | /unset %trivQ | /timer7 off | halt }
  else { /msg $chan $nick heeft de $chan verlaten 
    if ( [ $nick(#FRS-chat,0) ] == 2 ) { /disable #Otrivia | /enable #Atrivia | /msg $chan 5The trivia game Is off. | unset %st.trivia | set %last.used.command.trivia off | set %last.persons.trivia $nick | /unset %Quest | /unset %trivQ | /timer7 off | halt }

;read a questin of teh random ini

on *:text:*:#: {
  if ( $1 == !trivQ ) {
    /set %trivQ on
    if ( %Quest == $null ) /set %Quest 0
    if ( %trivQ == on ) /TrivaPursuit

  ;anwser the question.

  if ( $1 == !trivA ) {
    /echo $readini( $+ trivia/ $+ %topic $+ .ini, n, %Qtrivia.rand $+ , Antwoord)
    if ( $2- isin $readini( $+ trivia/ $+ %topic $+ .ini, n, %Qtrivia.rand $+ , Antwoord) ) {
      if ( % $+ $nick == $null) {
        /var % $+ $nick=1
        /msg # 5.
        /msg # 5 $nick heeft voor de % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ e X een vraag goed beantwoord.
        /msg # 5.
        /set %trivQ on
        /unset %HighNr | /set %HighNr 1 |
      else {                                                                               
        /inc % $+ $nick 1
        /msg # 5.
        /msg # 5 $nick heeft voor de % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ e X een vraag goed beantwoord.
        /msg # 5.
        /set %trivQ on
        /unset %HighNr | /set %HighNr 1
    if ( $2- !isin $readini( $+ trivia/ $+ %topic $+ .ini, n, %Qtrivia.rand $+ , Antwoord) ) {
      /msg # 5.
      /msg # 5 $nick $+ , Je hebt een fout antwoord gegeven.
      /msg # 5.
    if ( $2 == $null ) /msg # 5De juiste manier om een vraag te beantwoordden is10 !trivA < antwoord van de vraag >
    if ( %trivQ == on ) /TrivaPursuit
    if ( $1 == !hint ) {
      /msg # 5Er wordt een hint laten zien in 3 sec.
      /timer9 1 3 /msg # 5 $readini( $+ trivia/ $+ %topic $+ .ini, n, %Qtrivia.rand $+ , Hint ) 

  ;highscore top 5

  If ( $1 == !triv-score ) {
    /msg # 5************* Top 5 ****************
    /msg # 7 1E 5plaats: $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 1, name) met $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 1, higescore) punten
    /msg # 4 2E 5plaats: $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 2, name) met $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 2, higescore) punten
    /msg # 12 3E 5plaats: $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 3, name) met $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 3, higescore) punten
    /msg # 13 4E 5plaats: $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 4, name) met $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 4, higescore) punten
    /msg # 9 5E 5plaats: $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 5, name) met $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, 5, higescore) punten
  else /halt

;alias to write the top 5 highscore to ini

alias /score {
  if ( $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) != $null ) {
    if ( % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ) { /inc %HighNr 1 | goto 1A }
    if ( % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ) {
      if ( $nick == $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ) /writeini trivia/highscore.ini %HighNr highscore % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
      else {
        /var %1name= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ] | /var %1highscore= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ]
        /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] name $nick | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] highscore % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        /inc %HighNr
        if ( $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) != $null ) {
          if ( %1higescore >= $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ) {
            /var %2name= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ] | /var %2highscore= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , higescore) ]
            if ( %1name == $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ) {
              /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] higescore %1highscore | /unset %1*
            else {
              /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] name [ %1name ] | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] highscore [ %1highscore ] | /unset %1* | /inc %HighNr
              if ( $readini(trivia/higescore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , higescore) != $null ) {
                if ( %2higescore >= $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , higescore) ) {
                  /var %1name= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ] | /var %1highscore= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ]
                  if ( %2name == $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ) {
                    /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] higescore %2highscore | /unset %2*
                  else {
                    /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] name [ %2name ] | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] highscore [ %2highscore ] | /unset %2* | /inc %HighNr
                    if ( $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) != $null ) {
                      if ( %1highscore >= $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ) {
                        /var %2name= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ] | /var %2highscore= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ]
                        if ( %1name == $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ) { 
                          /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] higescore %1highscore | /unset %1*
                        else {
                          /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] name [ %1name ] | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] higescore [ %1highscore ] | /unset %1* | /inc %HighNr
                          if ( $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , higescore) != $null ) {
                            if ( %2higescore >= $readini(trivia/higescore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ) {
                              /var %1name= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ] | /var %1highscore= $+ [ $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , highscore) ]
                              if ( %2name == $readini(trivia/highscore.ini, [ %HighNr ] $+ , name) ) { 
                                /writeini trivia/higescore.ini [ %HighNr ] highscore %2highscore | /unset %2*
                                else {
                                  /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] name [ %2name ] | /writeini trivia/highscore.ini [ %HighNr ] highscore [ %2highscore ]
                                  /unset %2* | /unset %1*

;alis to read the naxt question

alias /TrivaPursuit {
  if ( %trivQ == on ) {
    /unset %trivQ
    /inc %QuesT 1
    /set %trivia.rand $rand(1, 6)
    /set %Qtrivia.rand $rand(1, [ %Tnr ] )
    if ( %trivia.rand == 1) /set %topic Aarderijkskunde
    if ( %trivia.rand == 2) /set %topic Vermaak
    if ( %trivia.rand == 3) /set %topic Geschiedenis
    if ( %trivia.rand == 4) /set %topic Kunst.en.Literatuur
    if ( %trivia.rand == 5) /set %topic Wetenschap.en.Natuur
    if ( %trivia.rand == 6) /set %topic Sport.en.Ontspanning
    /msg # 5The %Quest $+ th question is in 3 sec.
    /timer1 1 3 /msg # 5.
    /timer2 1 3 /msg # 5Het onderwerp is: 10 %topic
    /timer3 1 3 /msg # 5The %QuesT $+ th queastion:10 $readini( $+ trivia/ $+ %topic $+ .ini, n, %Qtrivia.rand $+ , vraag)
    /timer4 1 3 /msg # 5.
    /timer5 1 3 /msg # 5Geef het antwoord door nu !trivA <antwoord> te typen.
    /timer6 1 33 /msg # 5Er wordt een hint laten zien in 3 sec.
    /timer7 1 36 /msg # 5 $readini( $+ trivia/ $+ %topic $+ .ini, n, %Qtrivia.rand $+ , Hint) 

#Otrivia end 

#Atrivia off

;ad new question to a topic

on 9:text:*:#: {
  if ( $1 == !triv-ad ) {
    if ( %TNr == $null ) { /set %TNr 1 }
    /notice $nick 5 .
    /notice $nick 5 Je staat op het punt een vraag aan het bestand toe te voegen.
    /notice $nick 5 dit doe je als volgt, typ: een categorie < spatie > De vraag.
    /notice $nick 5 .
    /notice $nick 5 !A == 10Aarderijkskunde
    /notice $nick 5 !V == 10Vermaak
    /notice $nick 5 !G == 10Geschiedenis
    /notice $nick 5 !KL == 10Kunst en Literatuur
    /notice $nick 5 !WN == 10Wetenschap en Natuur
    /notice $nick 5 !SO == 10Sport en Ontspanning
    /notice $nick .
    /notice $nick 5Typ nu je categorie < VB: 10!A 5> en vraag, druk op enter.
    /notice $nick 5 .
  if ( $1 == !A ) {
    /set %topic Aarderijkskunde                                                                       
    If ( %ANr == $null ) { /set %ANr 1 }
    else { 
      /inc %ANr 1 
      if ( %ANr > %TNr ) { /set %TNr %ANr }
    /set %temp1 on
    /set %linkV2 %ANr
    goto 2
  if ( $1 == !V ) {
    /set %topic Vermaak                                                                      
    If ( %VNr == $null ) { /set %VNr 1 }
    else { 
      /inc %VNr 1 
      if ( %VNr > %TNr ) { /set %TNr %VNr }
    /set %temp1 on
    /set %linkV2 %VNr
    goto 2
  if ( $1 == !G ) {
    /set %topic Geschiedenis                                                                      
    If ( %GNr == $null ) { /set %GNr 1 }
    else { 
      /inc %GNr 1 
      if ( %GNr > %TNr ) { /set %TNr %GNr }
    /set %temp1 on
    /set %linkV2 %GNr
    goto 2
  if ( $1 == !KL ) {
    /set %topic Kunst.en.Literatuur                                                                      
    If ( %KLNr == $null ) { /set %KLNr 1 }
    else { 
      /inc %KLNr 1 
      if ( %KLNr > %TNr ) { /set %TNr %KLNr }
    /set %temp1 on
    /set %linkV2 %KLNr
    goto 2
  if ( $1 == !WN ) {
    /set %topic Wetenschap.en.Natuur                                                                      
    If ( %WNNr == $null ) { /set %WNNr 1 }
    else { 
      /inc %WNNr 1 
      if ( %WNNr > %TNr ) { /set %TNr %WNNr }
    /set %temp1 on
    /set %linkV2 %WNNr
    goto 2
  if ( $1 == !SO ) {
    /set %topic Sport.en.Ontspanning                                                                      
    If ( %SONr == $null ) { /set %SONr 1 }
    else { 
      /inc %SONr 1 
      if ( %SONr > %TNr ) { /set %TNr %SONr }
    /set %temp1 on
    /set %linkV2 %SONr
    goto 2
  If ( %temp1 == on ) {  
    /writeini -n trivia/ $+ [ %topic ] $+ .ini %linkV2 vraag $2- 
    /load -rs trivia/ $+ [ %topic ] $+ .ini
    /unset %temp1 
    /set %temp2 on
    /notice $nick 5Typ nu het antwoord < VB: 10!antt het antwoord op de vraag5 > op de vraag in de categerie %topic $+ .

  ;at anwser to the question

  If ( %temp2 == on ) {
    if ( $1 == !triv-antt ) {
      /writeini -n trivia/ $+ [ %topic ] $+ .ini %linkV2 Antwoord $2- 
      /load -rs trivia/ $+ [ %topic ] $+ .ini
      /notice $nick 5Typ nu een hint < VB: 10!hint het antwoord op de vraag met een paar letters ( N** )5 > op de vraag in de categerie %topic $+ .
      /unset %temp2
      /set %temp3 on
  ;at a hint to the question
  if ( %temp3 == on ) {
    if ( $1 == !triv-hint ) {
      /writeini -n trivia/ $+ [ %topic ] $+ .ini %linkV2 Hint $2- 
      /load -rs trivia/ $+ [ %topic ] $+ .ini
      /notice $nick 5De vraag, antwoord en hint zijn ingevuld in de categerie %topic $+ .
      /unset %temp3
      /unset %topic
      /unset %linkV2

#Atrivia end


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