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Windows Control Panel,Programas and Games L

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Windows Control Panel,Programas and Games Launcher
Autor: Marvi-Konvic .E-Mail:marvi.konvic@gmail.com Web: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc
This is free and use it at your own risk.
Anything that may happen to your computer is not my problem.
The author takes no responsibility for your actions.

Description: Launch Programs (Wordpad,Windows Explorer,IE,Paint,Notepad,Command Prompt,WMedia Player...) Games (Solitare,FreeCell,Hearts,Mine Sweeper...) and Windows Control Panel apps such as Accessibility Options,Add or Remove Programs,Internet Options,Display Properties,Sounds and Audio Devices Properties,System Properties,Administrative Tools,Network Connections...Tools such as Task Menager,Diagnostic Tools,Registry Editor,Clipboard Wiewer,Computer Menagment,Disk Menagment,Remote Desktop Connection,On-Screen Keyboard,Magnifier,nslookup,Telnet... and more from your mIRC. Have Fun


; » Name: Windows Control Panel,Programas and Games Launcher                                              
; » Autor: Marvi-Konvic                                                  
; » E-Mail:marvi.konvic@gmail.com                                                                                       
; » Web: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc
; » Server: irc.flywithdream.com
; » Visit: www.ircsvet.com                                           
; » Desc: Program Launcher, Windows Control Panel
; » Size: 8 KB
; » Tested on Mirc 6.32, Windows XP (Home) sp2
; » WARNING: Do not change/rip/modify this addon. This is free and use it at your own risk.    
; » Anything that may happen to your computer is not my problem.
; » The author takes no responsibility for your actions.

;On Load
on *:load: { 
  echo -a 04Tnx for using Program Launcher and Windows Conrtol Panel By Marvi-Konvic
  echo -a 04E-mail: marvi.konvic@gmail.com Web: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc
  echo -a 04Server: irc.flywithdream.com
  echo -a 04Visit: www.ircsvet.com

menu menubar,channel,status {
  Win CPanel and Programs:/prun
alias prun { if ($dialog(prun)) dialog -v prun | else dialog -m prun prun }
dialog prun {
  title "Tools by Marvi-Konvic@www.ircsvet.com"
  size -1 -1 161 135
  option dbu
  button "Ok", 64, 3 111 70 15, ok
  link "Marvi-Konvic.co.cc", 65, 84 111 48 8
  button "Wordpad", 66, 84 92 70 15
  button "Windows Explorer", 68, 3 11 70 15
  button "Paint", 69, 3 51 70 15
  button "Notepad", 70, 3 31 70 15
  button "Volume Control", 71, 84 31 70 15
  button "WMedia Player", 72, 84 11 70 15
  button "Command Prompt", 77, 3 71 70 15
  button "Address book", 79, 84 52 70 15
  button "Character Map", 80, 3 91 70 15
  button "Calculator", 81, 84 72 70 15
  link "www.IRCSvet.com", 228, 84 122 48 8
  menu "Menu", 98
  item "About", 170, 98
  item "Send E-Mail To Autor", 171, 98
  item "Visit marvi-konvic.co.cc", 172, 98
  item "Visit IRCSet.com", 173, 98
  item "Exit", 100, 98, cancel
  menu "Control Panel", 101
  item "System Properties", 102, 101
  item "Display Properties", 103, 101
  item "Add Remove Programs", 104, 101
  item "Date and Time Properties", 105, 101
  item "User Accounts", 106, 101
  item "Regional and Language Options", 107, 101
  item "Internet Properties", 108, 101
  item "Network Connections", 109, 101
  item "Keyboard Properties", 110, 101
  item "Mouse Properties", 112, 101
  item "Game Controllers", 111, 101
  item "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", 113, 101
  item "Power Options Properties", 114, 101
  item "Add Hardware Wizard", 115, 101
  item "Accessibility Options", 116, 101
  menu "Tools", 139
  item "Task Menager", 325, 139
  item "Diagnostic Tools", 140, 139
  item "Disk Cleanup", 141, 139
  item "Disk Defragmenter", 142, 139
  item "Registry Editor", 143, 139
  item "Indexing Service", 144, 139
  item "Clipboard Wiewer", 145, 139
  item "Computer Menagment", 146, 139
  item "Disk Menagment", 147, 139
  item "Event Wiewer", 148, 139
  item "IExpress Wizard", 149, 139
  item "Remote Desktop Connection", 150, 139
  item "Sistem Monitor", 151, 139
  item "Services", 152, 139
  menu "Accessibility", 153
  item "On-Screen Keyboard", 154, 153
  item "Magnifier", 155, 153
  menu "Network", 156
  item "nslookup", 157, 156
  item "Telnet", 158, 156
  item "Internet Explorer", 159, 156
  menu "Games", 160
  item "Solitare", 161, 160
  item "FreeCell", 162, 160
  item "Hearts", 163, 160
  item "Mine Sweeper", 164, 160
  item "Spider Solitaire", 165, 160
  item "Internet Reversi", 166, 160
  item "Internet Hearts", 167, 160
  item "Internet Backgammon", 168, 160
  item "Pinball", 169, 160
alias prinfo { dialog -m prinfo prinfo }
dialog prinfo {
  title "Launcher Info"
  size -1 -1 159 70
  option dbu
  button "OK", 325, 80 52 60 10, flat ok cancel
  text "With addon u can launch Windows games and windos contorl panel. For all information visit: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc or e-mail: marvi.konivc@gmail.com....Have fun", 46, 3 3 153 30
  button "Send E-Mail to Autor", 170, 3 37 60 10, flat
  button "marvi-konvic.co.cc", 171, 80 37 60 10, flat
  button "Visit: www.ircsvet.com", 172, 3 52 60 10, flat
on 1:dialog:prinfo:sclick:170: {
  if ($did == 170) { run mailto:marvi.konvic@gmail.com }
on 1:dialog:prinfo:sclick:171: {
  if ($did == 171) { run http://www.marvi-konvic.co.cc }
on 1:dialog:prinfo:sclick:172: {
  if ($did == 172) { run http://www.ircsvet.com }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:65: {
  if ($did == 65) { run http://www.marvi-konvic.co.cc }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:66: {
  if ($did == 66) { run wordpad }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:68: {
  if ($did == 68) { run explorer.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:69: {
  if ($did == 69) { run mspaint.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:70: {
  if ($did == 70) { run notepad.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:71: {
  if ($did == 71) { run sndvol32.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:72: {
  if ($did == 72) { run mplayer2.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:77: {
  if ($did == 77) { run cmd.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:79: {
  if ($did == 79) { run wab.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:80: {
  if ($did == 80) { run charmap.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:81: {
  if ($did == 81) { run calc.exe }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:224: {
  if ($did == 224) { cserv }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:225: {
  if ($did == 225) { bserv }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:226: {
  if ($did == 226) { nserv }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:227: {
  if ($did == 227) { mserv }
on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:228: {
  if ($did == 228) { run http://www.ircsvet.com }
on *:dialog:prun:menu:*: {
  if ($did == 170) { dialog -m prinfo prinfo }
  if ($did == 171) { run mailto:marvi.konvic@gmail.com }
  if ($did == 172) { run http://www.marvi-konvic.co.cc }
  if ($did == 173) { run http://www.ircsvet.com }
  if ($did == 100) { dialog -x prun prun }
  if ($did == 102) { run sysdm.cpl }
  if ($did == 103) { run control desktop }
  if ($did == 104) { run appwiz.cpl }
  if ($did == 105) { run timedate.cpl }
  if ($did == 106) { run nusrmgr.cpl }
  if ($did == 107) { run intl.cpl }
  if ($did == 108) { run inetcpl.cpl }
  if ($did == 109) { run ncpa.cpl }
  if ($did == 110) { run control keyboard }
  if ($did == 111) { run joy.cpl }
  if ($did == 112) { run control mouse }
  if ($did == 113) { run mmsys.cpl }
  if ($did == 114) { run powercfg.cpl }
  if ($did == 115) { run hdwwiz.cpl }
  if ($did == 116) { run access.cpl }
  if ($did == 325) { run taskmgr.exe }
  if ($did == 140) { run dxdiag }
  if ($did == 141) { run CLEANMGR.EXE }
  if ($did == 142) { run dfrg.msc }
  if ($did == 143) { run regedit.exe }
  if ($did == 144) { run ciadv.msc }
  if ($did == 145) { run clipbrd.exe }
  if ($did == 146) { run compmgmt.msc }
  if ($did == 147) { run diskmgmt.msc }
  if ($did == 148) { run eventvwr.exe }
  if ($did == 149) { run iexpress.exe }
  if ($did == 151) { run perfmon.exe }
  if ($did == 152) { run services.msc }
  if ($did == 154) { run osk.exe }
  if ($did == 155) { run magnify.exe }
  if ($did == 157) { run nslookup.exe }
  if ($did == 158) { run telnet.exe }
  if ($did == 159) { run iexplore.exe }
  if ($did == 161) { run sol.exe }
  if ($did == 162) { run freecell.exe }
  if ($did == 163) { run mshearts.exe }
  if ($did == 164) { run winmine.exe }
  if ($did == 165) { run spider.exe }
  if ($did == 166) { run Rvsezm.exe }
  if ($did == 167) { run hrtzzm.exe }
  if ($did == 168) { run bckgzm.exe }
  if ($did == 169) { run pinball.exe }


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