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Query / Private Message Auto Reply Creator

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  • Copy the code below and paste into an empty Remote file in mIRC (alt+r to view Remotes)
  • Click ok, and either right click anywhere in a channel or type /autoreply
  • Follow the instructions in the dialog and create your own custom auto-response message!

I hang out in #script on Gamesurge and by far the most common question (especially recently) is "how do I set up a query auto response?". I know that when I was starting out scripting I was much more comfortable with dialogs as they ease the process and make it more understandable (at least for me), so I thought it would be useful to create this. Obviously many of this site's frequenters won't have any use for it, but it's made for people who are either new to scripting or can't script at all.
Thank you to FordLawnMower for the (http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/6047/) which I borrowed (and slightly modified) due to mIRC not allowing you to open up the color dialog any way other than control+k

As somebody who has never used an auto-reply myself I didn't know exactly what would be best for this dialog, so if anyone has a suggestion on what I could add/remove please let me know! Thanks!


//Auto-reply creator dialog by tv3636
//Version 1.0 7/26/09

alias autoreply { dialog -m autoreply autoreply }
menu channel { 
  Auto-Reply Creator
  .Auto-Reply Creator:/autoreply 

dialog autoreply {
  title "Auto Reply Creator"
  size -1 -1 195 175
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 1 97 192 38, multi return
  button "Done", 3, 76 160 37 12, ok cancel
  text "Type your desired auto-reply in the text box below.  To wrap a section in bold, color, underline, or reverse text simply check the box at the beginning of the section and uncheck it at the end.  On top of the text box is a  list of common identifiers you may want to use.  These are dynamic and will return values rather than being displayed as they are.  For instance, the auto-reply 'Hi $nick' would  auto reply to Chanserv with 'Hi Chanserv'.  To insert an identifier simply double click on it (or manually enter it).  Be warned that an identifier must have a space before and after it to evaluate correctly.", 4, 5 2 186 54
  list 6, 1 56 193 39, size
  check "Bold", 7, 20 137 24 10
  check "Color", 8, 56 137 24 10
  check "Underline", 9, 94 137 34 10
  check "Reverse", 10, 145 137 30 10

On *:Dialog:autoreply:init:*: {
  did -a $dname 6 $!nick - Returns the nickname of the user who messaged you
  did -a $dname 6 $!query(0) - Returns the number of query windows you have open
  did -a $dname 6 $!duration($idle) - Returns the time you have been idle
  did -a $dname 6 $!awaymsg - Returns your away message
  did -a $dname 6 $!awaytime - Returns your away time

On *:Dialog:autoreply:dclick:6: {
  if ($did($dname,6).sel == 1) did -a $dname 1 $!nick
  else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 2) did -a $dname 1 $!query(0)
  else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 3) did -a $dname 1 $!duration($idle)
  else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 4) did -a $dname 1 $!awaymsg
  else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 5) did -a $dname 1 $!awaytime

On *:Dialog:autoreply:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 7) did -a $dname 1 
  else if ($did == 8) {
    if ($did($dname,8).state == 0) did -a $dname 1 
    else { ColorPicker }
  else if ($did == 9) did -a $dname 1 
  else if ($did == 10) did -a $dname 1 

On *:Dialog:autoreply:close:*: {
  var %x = 1
  var %out
  write -c autoreply.mrc On *:Open:?:*: $chr(123)
  while (%x <= $did($dname,1).lines) { write autoreply.mrc msg $!nick $did($dname,1,%x) | inc %x }
  write autoreply.mrc $chr(125)
  load -rs autoreply.mrc
  echo -a 07Auto-reply created successfully.  To view/modify go to the Remotes tab of the mIRC scripts editor (alt+r), click on view, and select "autoreply.mrc"

alias -l MakeColorIcons {
  var %c 0
  if (!$isdir($+($mircdir,ColorIcon))) { mkdir ColorIcon }
  while (%c <= 15) {
    if (!$window(@MakeColorIcons)) { window  -hBpf +d @MakeColorIcons -1 -1 68 68 }
    drawfill @MakeColorIcons %c %c 0 0 68 68
    if (!$isfile($+(ColorIcon\,ColorIcon,%c,.bmp))) { drawsave @MakeColorIcons $qt($+($mircdir,ColorIcon\,ColorIcon,%c,.bmp)) }
    inc %c
  window -c @MakeColorIcons
alias ColorPicker {
  if (!$dialog(ColorPicker)) { dialog -m ColorPicker ColorPicker }
  else { dialog -v ColorPicker ColorPicker }
dialog ColorPicker {
  title "Color Picker"
  size -1 -1 90 45
  option dbu
  icon 1, 2 2 8 8
  icon 2, 13 2 8 8
  icon 3, 24 2 8 8
  icon 4, 35 2 8 8
  icon 5, 46 2 8 8
  icon 6, 57 2 8 8
  icon 7, 68 2 8 8
  icon 8, 79 2 8 8
  icon 9, 2 15 8 8
  icon 10, 13 15 8 8
  icon 11, 24 15 8 8
  icon 12, 35 15 8 8
  icon 13, 46 15 8 8
  icon 14, 57 15 8 8
  icon 15, 68 15 8 8
  icon 16, 79 15 8 8
  button "", 17, 4 4 4 4
  button "", 18, 15 4 4 4
  button "", 19, 26 4 4 4
  button "", 20, 37 4 4 4
  button "", 21, 48 4 4 4
  button "", 22, 59 4 4 4
  button "", 23, 70 4 4 4
  button "", 24, 81 4 4 4
  button "", 25, 4 17 4 4
  button "", 26, 15 17 4 4
  button "", 27, 26 17 4 4
  button "", 28, 37 17 4 4
  button "", 29, 48 17 4 4
  button "", 30, 59 17 4 4
  button "", 31, 70 17 4 4
  button "", 32, 81 17 4 4
  button "Accept", 38, 30 30 29 12, ok
On *:Dialog:ColorPicker:Close:*: {
  unset %ColorPicker*
On *:Dialog:ColorPicker:Sclick:*: {
  if ($did >= 17) && ($did <= 32) {
    set %ColorPickerNum $calc($did - 17)
  if ($did == 38) {
    did -a autoreply 1  $+ %ColorPickerNum
On *:Dialog:ColorPicker:init:*: {
  var %c = 0
  while %c <= 15 {
    did -g ColorPicker $calc(%c + 1) $+(ColorIcon\,ColorIcon,%c,.bmp)
    inc %c
  did -c ColorPicker 35
  set %ColorPickerFG $color(normal text)
  set %ColorPickerBG $color(background)


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