Administrators chain Posted December 21, 2022 Administrators Report Share Posted December 21, 2022 COMMANDS - !high - go high !low - go low !stats user - See the stats of any user !hilo - Start game !start solo - Start a solo game , i.e, play alone. !start multi : Start a multiplayer game with given number of players ############################################################ ## Hi-Lo Multiplayer Version Script ( with Stats and AI Players) ## ## Version: 1.0 ## ## By: manish17 ## ## #LunarIRC User - manish Follow my blog : ## ############################################################ on *:TEXT:!hilo*:#: { if ( %hilo != on ) && (%ongoing == $null) { set %hilo on set %chan $chan set %o 0 msg $chan 3 Hi-Lo game has been started. 13 cards are taken, and a random card is drawn and removed every time. You need to guess whether the next card is higher or lower than the previous card. msg $chan 9 Type !start Solo or !start multi to start a Solo Game or a Multiplayer Game respectively. } else { msg $chan 9 Type !start Solo or !start multi to start a Solo Game or a Multiplayer Game respectively. } } on *:TEXT:!start*:#: { if ( %hilo == on ) && ( %o == 0 ) && ( $2 == solo ) { inc %o set %gamemode solo set %nick $nick set %chan $chan msg $chan 6 Game of High-Low has been started by $nick . Current champion: %champ . startg msg %chan 4,0♥ $+ %oldcard 4,010 has been chosen! 12 cards remaining in the deck. msg %chan 6 $nick may choose to go !high or go !low timer 1 30 timeout } elseif ( %hilo == on ) && ( %o == 0 ) && ( $2 == multi ) { inc %o set %chan $chan set %gamemode multiplayer unset %game set %multi started set %cards set %AInames ProMan LucyFir StupidTolga if ( $3 isnum ) && ( $3 >= 2 ) && ( $3 <= 4 ) { set %playing $3 } else { set %playing 4 } msg %chan 6 A game of Hi-Lo Multiplayer has been started. Type !join to join. You have 30 seconds.. set %joining on timer 1 15 msg %chan 10 15 seconds left... If enough players do not join, AI Players will be joining. timer 1 30 timeup } elseif ( %o == 1 ) { msg $chan 7 A game of High-Low %gamemode is already in progress in %chan . } else { msg $chan 6 Please start a game of High-Low by typing !hilo . } } alias startg { getinfo %nick inc %sgp makedata %nick set %score 0 set %cards set %total $numtok(%cards,46) set %x $rand(1,%total) set %oldcard $gettok(%cards,%x,46) %cards = $deltok(%cards,%x,46) } on *:TEXT:!stophilo*:#: { if ( $nick isop %chan ) { end msg %chan 14 Game has been stopped by $nick . } } on *:TEXT:!high*:#: { timers off if ( $nick == %tplayer ) { go high } elseif ( $nick == %nick) { ignore %nick timer 1 1 msg %chan 10 $nick goes for high. set %total $numtok(%cards,46) set %x $rand(1,%total) set %newcard $gettok(%cards,%x,46) %cards = $deltok(%cards,%x,46) set %oldval $value(%oldcard) set %newval $value(%newcard) if ( %newval > %oldval ) { inc %score timer 1 5 msg %chan 14 The next card is 4,0♥ $+ %newcard 4,0 . timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 $numtok(%cards,46) cards remaining in the deck. timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 $nick makes a correct choice and is still in the game. timer 1 7 msg %chan 10 Current score of $nick : %score timer 1 7 ignore -r %nick timer 1 37 timeout if ( %score == 12 ) { timer 1 8 msg %chan 9 $nick has won the game of High-Low with a top-class score of 12, and is the new champion! getinfo %nick if ( %score > %hs ) { set %hs %score } makedata %nick set %champ $nick unset %o set %hilo off unset %nick timers off } } else { timer 1 4 msg %chan 14 The next card is 4,0♥ $+ %newcard 4,0 . timer 1 5 msg %chan 4 Game Over! $nick loses the game with a total score of %score . Well played! ignore -r %nick getinfo %nick if ( %score > %hs ) { set %hs %score } makedata %nick unset %o set %hilo off unset %nick } set %oldcard %newcard } } on *:TEXT:!low*:#: { timers off if ( $nick == %tplayer ) { go low } elseif ( $nick == %nick) { ignore %nick timer 1 1 msg $chan 10 $nick goes for low. set %total $numtok(%cards,46) set %x $rand(1,%total) set %newcard $gettok(%cards,%x,46) %cards = $deltok(%cards,%x,46) set %oldval $value(%oldcard) set %newval $value(%newcard) if ( %newval < %oldval ) { inc %score timer 1 5 msg %chan 14 The next card is 4,0♥ $+ %newcard 4,0 . timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 $numtok(%cards,46) cards remaining in the deck. timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 $nick makes a correct choice and is still in the game. timer 1 7 msg %chan 10 Current score of $nick : %score timer 1 7 ignore -r %nick timer 1 37 timeout if ( %score == 12) { timer 1 8 msg %chan 9 $nick has won the game of High-Low with a top-class score of 12, and is the new champion! getinfo %nick if ( %score > %hs ) { set %hs %score } makedata %nick set %champ $nick unset %o set %hilo off unset %nick timers off } } else { timer 1 4 msg %chan 14 The next card is 4,0♥ $+ %newcard 4,0 . timer 1 5 msg %chan 4 Game Over! $nick loses the game with a total score of %score . Well played! ignore -r %nick getinfo %nick if ( %score > %hs ) { set %hs %score } makedata %nick unset %o set %hilo off unset %nick } set %oldcard %newcard } } alias -l value return $iif($1 isnum,$1,$+(1,$pos(JQKA,$1,1))) alias timeout { msg %chan 4 Sorry %nick , you ran out of the time-limit (30 seconds) and eventually lose the game with the score %score . getinfo %nick if ( %score > %hs ) { set %hs %score } makedata %nick unset %o set %hilo off notice %nick Please Wait 30 seconds if you want to play again. ignore -cu30 %nick unset %nick } alias go { timers off ignore %tplayer timer 1 1 msg %chan 10 %tplayer decides to go $1 . getnewcard set %decision $1 set %oldval $value(%oldcard) set %newval $value(%newcard) timer 1 3 msg %chan The next card is 4,0♥ $+ %newcard 4,0 . if ( %decision == high ) && ( %newval > %oldval ) { timer 1 4 msg %chan 9 %tplayer makes a correct choice and is still in the game. set %mcb $gettok(%corr,%turn,46) inc %mcb set %corr $deltok(%corr,%turn,46) set %corr $instok(%corr,%mcb,%turn,46) } elseif ( %decision == low ) && ( %newval < %oldval ) { timer 1 4 msg %chan 9 %tplayer makes a correct choice and is still in the game. set %mcb $gettok(%corr,%turn,46) inc %mcb set %corr $deltok(%corr,%turn,46) set %corr $instok(%corr,%mcb,%turn,46) } else { timer 1 4 msg %chan 4 %tplayer makes a wrong choice and loses a life. %life = $gettok(%lifes,%turn,46) set %life $calc(%life - 1) set %lifes $deltok(%lifes,%turn,46) set %lifes $instok(%lifes,%life,%turn,46) } timer 1 6 showlifes timer 1 8 getout } alias -l showlifes { var %pk = 1 while ( %pk <= %playing ) { set %display %display 6 $gettok(%players,%pk,32) $+ : $gettok(%lifes,%pk,46) inc %pk } msg %chan 3 Current Lives : %display unset %display } alias -l getout { if ( $istok(%lifes,0,46) ) { getinfo %tplayer set %correct $gettok(%corr,%turn,46) set %cg $calc(%cg + %correct) set %wg $calc(%wg + 3) set %corr $deltok(%corr,%turn,46) makedata %tplayer set %lifes $remtok(%lifes,0,0,46) msg %chan 4 %tplayer has lost all their lives and is now out of the game, finishing with 10 coins. Adieu! coins %tplayer 10 ignore -r %tplayer set %players $remtok(%players,%tplayer,0,32) set %playing $calc(%playing - 1) set %turn $calc(%turn - 1) } if ( %playing == 1 ) { timer 1 2 winner } else { continuegame } } alias -l shuffle { if ( $numtok(%cards,46) == 0 ) { msg %chan 13 The other cards are being taken again and re-shuffled! set %cards set %cards $remtok(%cards,%newcard,1,46) } } alias -l aiornot { if ( $1 == $gettok(%AInames,1,32) ) { var %highchance = 0 var %lowchance = 0 var %p = 1 while ( %p <= $numtok(%cards,46) ) { set %curcard $gettok(%cards,%p,46) set %curvalue $value(%curcard) if ( %curvalue > $value(%newcard) ) { inc %highchance } else { inc %lowchance } inc %p } if ( %highchance > %lowchance ) { go high } else { go low } } elseif ( $1 == $gettok(%AInames,2,32) ) { set %newval $value(%newcard) var %highchance = 14 - %newval var %lowchance = %newval - 2 if ( %highchance > %lowchance ) { go high } else { go low } } elseif ( $1 == $gettok(%AInames,3,32) ) { set %y $rand(1,2) if ( %y == 1 ) { go high } else { go low } } } alias -l winner { set %winner $gettok(%players,1,32) msg %chan 10 $gettok(%players,1,32) has won the game with %lifes lives remaining, earning 25 coins. coins %winner 25 ignore -r %winner getinfo %players set %correct %corr set %cg $calc(%cg + %correct) set %wg $calc(3 - %lifes) inc %mgw makedata %players end } alias -l end { timers off ignore -r unset %players %ongoing %turn %tplayer %multi %playing %ai %life %lifes %m %hilo %o %corr set %game over } alias -l continuegame { if ( %game == $null ) { inc %turn if ( %turn > %playing ) { set %turn 1 ignoreall } set %tplayer $gettok(%players,%turn,32) msg %chan 10 Its %tplayer 's turn to continue. They may choose to go !high or go !low . ignore -r %tplayer timer 1 20 gone aiornot %tplayer } } alias -l getnewcard { if ( $numtok(%cards,32) == 0 ) { shuffle } set %oldcard %newcard set %total $numtok(%cards,46) set %x $rand(1,%total) set %newcard $gettok(%cards,%x,46) %cards = $deltok(%cards,%x,46) } alias -l getai { var %i = 1 while ( %i <= 3 ) { set %ai $gettok(%AInames,%i,32) set %players %players %ai inc %i } set %players $gettok(%players,1- $+ %playing $+ ,32) msg %chan 9 AI Player(s) have joined the game. } on *:TEXT:!join*:#: { if ( %playing != $null ) && ( %joining == on ) { if ( $nick isin %players ) { notice $nick You are already playing. } elseif ( $istok(%AInames,$nick,32) ) { notice $nick You cannot use that nickname. } else { getinfo $nick inc %mgp makedata $nick msg %chan 3 $nick has joined the game. set %players %players $nick if ( $numtok(%players,32) == %playing ) { msg %chan 13 The game may be started now. set %joining off timers off start } } } } alias -l timeup { msg %chan 10 Time is up! if ( $numtok(%players,32) == 0 ) { msg %chan 10 Nobody has joined. Game is turning off. unset %playing unset %multi end } else { getai set %joining off start } } alias -l start { set %turn 1 set %tplayer $gettok(%players,1,32) set %lifes $left(, $+ $calc(2 * %playing - 1)) set %corr $replace(%lifes,3,0) set %total $numtok(%cards,46) set %x $rand(1,%total) set %oldcard $gettok(%cards,%x,46) %cards = $deltok(%cards,%x,46) set %newcard %oldcard msg %chan 4,0♥ $+ %oldcard 4,010 has been chosen! 12 cards remaining. msg %chan 6 Its %tplayer 's turn to start the game. They may choose to go !high or go !low . timer 1 20 gone } alias -l gone { msg %chan 4 %tplayer ran out of time to make a choice and loses a life. ignoreall %life = $gettok(%lifes,%turn,46) set %life $calc(%life - 1) set %lifes $deltok(%lifes,%turn,46) set %lifes $instok(%lifes,%life,%turn,46) showlifes getout } alias -l ignoreall { var %pq = 1 while ( %pq <= %playing ) { if ( $1 == $null ) { ignore $gettok(%players,%pq,32) } else { ignore -r $gettok(%players,%pq,32) } inc %pq } } alias getinfo { if ( $istok(%AInames,$1,32) ) { return } elseif (!$read(hilo.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ * ) ) { write hilo.txt $1 0 0 0 0 0 0 | getinfo $1 } set %info $read(hilo.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ * ) set %in $gettok(%info,1,32) set %mgp $gettok(%info,2,32) set %mgw $gettok(%info,3,32) set %cg $gettok(%info,4,32) set %wg $gettok(%info,5,32) set %sgp $gettok(%info,6,32) set %hs $gettok(%info,7,32) } alias -l makedata { if ( $istok(%AInames,$1,32) ) { return } set %todel $read(hilo.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ * ) set %no $readn $+ write -dl $+ %no hilo.txt write hilo.txt $1 %mgp %mgw %cg %wg %sgp %hs } alias -l coins { if ( $istok(%AInames,$1,32) ) { return } elseif ($read(coins.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { set %n $readn $+ set %data $read(coins.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) set %current $gettok(%data,2,32) set %new $calc(%current + $2) set %data $replace(%data,%current,%new) write -dl $+ %n coins.txt write coins.txt %data } else { write coins.txt $1 $2 } } on *:TEXT:!stats*:#: { if ( $2 == $null) { return } getinfo $2 msg $chan 6 Hi-Lo Stats for %in : msg $chan 10⚔Multiplayer:11 ❂Games Played:6 %mgp 11 ✬Games Won:6 %mgw 11 ☠Guesses (9☑/4☒): 6 %cg $+ / $+ %wg msg $chan 10☃Solo:11 ♙Games Played:6 %sgp 11 ❆Highest Score:6 %hs } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...