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The Guessing Bot! v0.5

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This is an IRC Game Script! Remember the classic guessing games where the bot selects a random number and you try to guess it??
Well! Time for a change, don't you think?
This Bot Script will ask you to select a number from 1 to 7 and will try to guess it!
As more users play the bot will become "smarter" and guess right more times than wrong!
::v0.5 > 28/7/2016 ::
::Added: Auto Cancel After Player 1min idle (idle as in no game commands used) ::



;;Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr;; http://humanity.ucoz.com ;; More Scripts!
;;Current version: v0.5 ;;
;;Have Fun;;;
;; http://hawkee.com/snippet/16940/ ;;
ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($strip($1) == !guess) {
    if (!%GUESSINGBOTversion) || (%GUESSINGBOTversion != v0.5) { set %GUESSINGBOTversion v0.5 }
    if (!%guesson) {
      st-gb $nick $chan !ready
      set %guesson readywait
      .timer 1 1 msg $chan Hey $nick ... Think of a number from 1 to 7 and i'll try to guess it! Type !ready when you're ready!
      set %guessnick $nick
      set %guesschan $chan
    elseif (%guesson) { 
      .timer 1 1 msg $chan Hey! I'm an mIRC Script not Ainstain! You wait for your turn $+($nick,.) I'm guessing $+(%guessnick,'s) number at the moment.
  elseif ($strip($1) == !ready) {
    if (%guesson == readywait) && (%guessnick == $nick) && (%guesschan == $chan) {
      .timerst-gb 1 60 st-gb $nick $chan !utry
      .timer 1 1 msg $chan OK! Now you have to define how many tries i got! Type !utry 1-5
      set %guesson utrywait
  elseif ($strip($1) == !utry) {
    if (%guesson == utrywait) && (%guessnick == $nick) && (%guesschan == $chan) {
      if ($strip($2) isnum 1-5) {
        .timerst-gb 1 60 st-gb $nick $chan !uright/!uwrong
        set %utry $strip($2)
        set %guesson guessing
        .timer 1 1 msg $chan Alright! I'm gonna start guessing now! If i guess right type: !uright 
        .timer 1 2 msg $chan If i guess wrong type !uwrong
        .timer 1 3 guessnum
  elseif ($strip($1) == !uright) || ($strip($1) == !uwrong) {
    if (%guesson == guessing) && (%guessnick == $nick) && (%guesschan == $chan) {
      .timerst-gb 1 60 st-gb $nick $chan !uright/!uwrong
      if ($strip($1) == !uright) {
        if (!%fguess) {
          set %fguess 1
        inc $+(%,num,%crand) 1
        inc %foundnums 1
        inc %totnums 1
        .timerst-gb* off
        .timer 1 1 msg $chan Yayyyy! I found it on my $ord(%guessnum) attempt! I'm so damn smart! Thanks for playing with me $nick <3
        .timer 1 5 msg %guesschan Out of %totnums numbers i have guessed right %foundnums and wrong %notfoundnums
        if (!%adv) { set -u1200 %adv 1 | .timer 1 10 msg %guesschan The Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr :.::. http://humanity.ucoz.com .::.: }
        unset %guess* %crand %saidguess %nfrands %utry
      else {
        .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan uuuh! Cmon!
        .timer 1 2 guessnum

alias guessnum {
  inc %guessnum 1
  if (%guessnum <= %utry) {
    if (!%fguess) {
      if ($numtok(%nfrands,32) < %utry) {
        var %rand = $rand(1,7)
        while ($istok(%nfrands,%rand,32)) {
          var %rand = $rand(1,7)
        set %nfrands $addtok(%nfrands,%rand,32)
        set %crand %rand
        .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Is it..... %rand ????
    elseif (%fguess) {
      var %t = %guessnum
      var %max = 0
      while (%t <= 7) {
        if ($($+(%,num,%t),2) > %max) {
          var %max = %t
          ;OrFeAsGr http://humanity.ucoz.com
        inc %t
      if (%max == 0) || (%max == %guesslmax) || ($istok(%saidguess,%max,32)) {
        var %randx = $rand(1,7)
        while ($istok(%saidguess,%randx,32)) {
          var %randx = $rand(1,7)
        set %saidguess $addtok(%saidguess,%randx,32)
        set %crand %randx
        .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Is the number you thought of.... %randx
      elseif (%max != 0) || (%max != %guesslmax) || (!$istok(%saidguess,%max,32)) {
        set %saidguess $addtok(%saidguess,%max,32)
        set %guesslmax %max
        .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Maybe it is... idk... %max ??
  elseif (%guessnum > %utry) {
    .timerst-gb* off
    inc %totnums 1
    inc %notfoundnums 1
    .timer 1 1 msg %guesschan Oh damn it! I lost all my chances!
    .timer 1 2 msg %guesschan Thanks for playing %guessnick 
    .timer 1 6 msg %guesschan Out of %totnums numbers i have guessed right %foundnums and wrong %notfoundnums
    if (!%adv) { set -u1200 %adv 1 | .timer 1 10 msg %guesschan The Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr :.::. http://humanity.ucoz.com .::.: }
    unset %guess* %crand %saidguess %nfrands %utry
  ;;;;;The Guessing Bot Script by OrFeAsGr;;;;;;
  ;;;;;;;;Check Out Humanity IRC Bot;;;;;;;;;;;; 

alias st-gb {
  if ($timer(st-gb).secs) {
    .timerst-gb* off
  .timerst-gb 1 60 msg $2 $1 Didn't Use $3 Command In Time... Now Accepting New Player!
  .timerst-gb2 1 60 unset %crand %saidguess %nfrands %utry %guess*


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