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Scramble Nick Bot Game

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This is a Unscramble Game by myself

he Works with random nicks of the chan

To load Paste in: Alt+R file/new
To play type in the channel: !wnick

(english version)

enjoy 😉


on *:text:!wnick:#: {
  if (%qnick.game-status != on) {
    set %qnick.game-status on
    set %qnick.game-nick $qnickrand($chan)
    set %qnick.game-last-nick %qnick.game-nick
    if (!%qnick.game-games) { set %qnick.game-games 1 }
    if (%qnick.game-games) { inc %qnick.game-games }
    /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7E 7N14ew Nic7K 12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7T14o Stop this nic7K9:4 !wstop
    /nscrammble %qnick.game-nick $chan
    set %qnick.game-start $ctime
  else {
    if (!%floo-time) {
      set -u15 %floo-time ok
      /nscrammble %qnick.game-nick $chan
alias qnickrand {
  var %qnick.game-nick1 = $nick($1,$r(1,$nick($1,0)))
  while ( %qnick.game-nick1 = %qnick.game-last-nick ) {
    set %qnick.game-nick1 $nick($1,$r(1,$nick($1,0)))
  return %qnick.game-nick1
alias nscrammble {
  /msg $2 7W14nick-Gam7e  12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7U14nscramble this NickNam7E9: $misturecs(%qnick.game-nick)
on *:text:%qnick.game-nick:#: {
  if (%qnick.game-status == on) {
    /msg $chan 7[4 $nick 7] 7W14inns the gam7E 12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7T14imeGam7E9: $duration($calc($ctime - %qnick.game-start)) 7T14he nickname wa7S:4 %qnick.game-nick  
    /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e 7T14o new gam7E4 !wnick 
    set %qnick.game-status off
    unset %qnick.game-nick
on *:text:!wstop:#: {
  if (%qnick.game-status == on) {
    /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e 12( $+ Game N°: $+ %qnick.game-games $+ 12) 7T14imeGam7E9: 9 $duration($calc($ctime - %qnick.game-start)) 7S14toped!!7!
    /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e  7N14oOne get it right!!! The Scrambled nickname wa7S9:4 %qnick.game-nick 
    set %qnick.game-status off
    unset %qnick.game-nick
    /msg $chan 7W14nick-Gam7e  7T14o a new scrambled nick Typ7E9:4 !wnick
;# yeahss you never seen this!!!     #
;# Becouse this on IS MINE ONE :pPpP #
alias misturecs {
  var %trrr = $lower($1)
  var %trr = $len($1)
  var %trr1 = 1
  while (%trr1 <= %trr) {
    var %trr2 = %trr2 $+ $mid(%trrr,%trr1,1) $+ .
    inc %trr1
  var %tra = %trr2
  var %tr = $numtok(%trr2,46)
  var %tr1 = 1
  var %tr2 = %tr
  while (%tr1 <= %tr) {
    set %tr3  $rand(1,%tr2)
    var %trr12 = $remove(%tra,.)
    var %tr4 = %tr4 $+ $mid(%trr12,%tr3,1) 
    var %tra = $deltok(%tra,%tr3,46)
    dec %tr2
    inc %tr1
  return %tr4
;############ The End :)~ ##################


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