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Game Bot

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A game bot i made, designed for use with channel where the bot has control. Load into remotes and join the channel with a nick. The bot will explain everything. Make sure bot has OP powers.

Set %gamechannel as the channel you want the bot to have the games on

Registered bot users get halfop on join

Non registered bot users het voice on join


Rock, Paper, Scissors


Murder (not really a game)


ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($1 = !rock) || ($1 = !paper) || ($1 = !scissors) {
    if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register }
    else {
      set %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1)
      set %rps $rand(1,3)
      if (%rps = 1) { set %rps.game 9Rock }
      elseif (%rps = 2) { set %rps.game 9paper }
      elseif (%rps = 3) { set %rps.game 9scissors } 
      if (%rps.game = 9rock) && ($1 = !rock) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. We Tied. }
      elseif (%rps.game = 9paper) && ($1 = !Paper) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. We Tied. }
      elseif (%rps.game = 9scissors) && ($1 = !scissors) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. We Tied }
      elseif (%rps.game = 9rock) && ($1 = !scissors) { 
        msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. I win!
        msg $chan You have lost 1 points
        set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1)
      elseif (%rps.game = 9paper) && ($1 = !Rock) { 
        msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. I win!
        msg $chan You have lost 1 points
        set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1)
      elseif (%rps.game = 9scissors) && ($1 = !paper) { 
        msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. I win! 
        msg $chan You have lost 1 points
        set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1)
      elseif (%rps.game = 9rock) && ($1 = !Paper) { 
        msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper  14and i chose:  %rps.game $+ 14. You won.
        msg $chan You have gained 2 points
        set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) 
      elseif (%rps.game = 9paper) && ($1 = !scissors) { 
        msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. You won.
        msg $chan You have gained 2 points
        set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) 
      elseif (%rps.game = 9scissors) && ($1 = !Rock) { 
        msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock  14and i chose: %rps.game $+ 14. You won.
        msg $chan You have gained 2 points
        set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) 
  elseif ($1 = !kill) && ($2 ison $chan) {
    set %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1)
    set %kill $rand(1,10)
    if ($2 != $me) {
      describe $chan walks up to $2 and...
      if (%kill = 1) { describe $chan slits $2 $+ 's neck with a pocket knife }
      elseif (%kill = 2) { describe $chan gouges $2 $+ 's eyeballs out. }
      elseif (%kill = 3) { describe $chan Shoves a soldering iron into $2 $+ 's stomach. }
      elseif (%kill = 4) { describe $chan Knocks $2 out, takes $2 to a nearby butcher farm and has him butchered up for Cow Food. }
      elseif (%kill = 5) { describe $chan Kills $2 for $nick $+ . }
      elseif (%kill = 6) { describe $chan Hits $2 over the head with a bat. $2 does not survive. }
      elseif (%kill = 7) { describe $chan Gets shot in the head by $2 $+ 's bodyguard... things dont always workout $nick }
      elseif (%kill = 8) { describe $chan Grabs a chainsaw and cuts $2 $+ 's leg off. $2 bleeds to death within $rand(2,6) mins. }
      elseif (%kill = 9) { describe $chan slips deadly pills into $2 $+ 's drink... $2 slowly dies a painful death in the hospital within $rand(2,7) days. }
      elseif (%kill = 10) { describe $chan decides that $2 deserves to live }
    elseif ($2 = $me) { describe $chan Shoots $nick in the face with a shotgun and yells "YOU THINK IM AN IDIOT!!!" }
  elseif ($1 = !register) {
    set %register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1)
    if (%register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 1) { notice $nick Register Failed: You are already registered }
    else {
      set %register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ON
      set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100
      set %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
      set %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
      set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
      mode $chan h $nick
      notice $nick Congrats, you are now registered, type !get commands
      notice $nick You now have %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] point, think of this as your score.  
      notice $nick when you gamble these points you gain points for winning, lose points for losing.
  elseif ($1 = !gamble) && ($2 ison $chan) && ($3) {
    if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register }
    else {
      set %gamble.amount $3 
      if ($2 = $me) { msg $chan $2 wins!!! $2 now has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] dollars }
      if (%gamble.amount > %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan $nick you dont have enough money }
      elseif (%gamble.amount <= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { 
        if ($2 = $me) { halt }
        else { 
          notice $2 you have been challenged into a game of Gambling by $nick $+ , if you accept type !accept, if you decline type !decline. You have 45 seconds to respond 
          set %5 [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ON
          set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1)
          set %challenger $nick
          timer 1 45 unset %5 [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
  elseif ($1 = !accept) {
    if (%5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) {
      unset %5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
      set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1)
      if (%gamble.amount > %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan $nick you dont have enough money }
      elseif (%gamble.amount <= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
        set %adice $rand(1,6)
        set %bdice $rand(1,6)
        /msg $chan $nick rols his dice and gets a %adice
        /msg $chan %challenger rolls his dice and gets a %bdice
        if (%adice > %bdice) { 
          msg $chan $nick wins
          set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + %gamble.amount)
          set %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] - %gamble.amount)
          timer 1 1 msg $chan 4 $nick now has %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Dollars and 12 %challenger now has %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] Dollars
          unset %adice
          unset %bdice
        elseif (%adice < %bdice) { 
          msg $chan %challenger wins 
          set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %gamble.amount)
          set %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] + %gamble.amount)
          timer 1 1 msg $chan 4 $nick now has %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Dollars and 12 %challenger now has %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] Dollars 
          unset %adice
          unset %bdice    
        elseif (%adice = %bdice) { msg $chan Draw! 
  elseif ($1 = !decline) {
    if (%5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { 
      msg $chan $nick has declined your offer %challenger 
    else { halt }
  elseif ($1 = !get) && ($2 = commands) {
    if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register }
    else {
      notice $nick 3!stats - Displays your current stats or the stats of a registered nick
      notice $nick 12Game Commands:
      notice $nick 4.:Rock, Paper, Scissors:.
      notice $nick !rock - chooses rock
      notice $nick !scissors - chooses scissors
      notice $nick !paper - chooses paper
      notice $nick 4.: Kill Commands :.
      notice $nick !kill <nick> - kills the specified nick in a random way.
      notice $nick 4.: Gamble :.
      notice $nick !gamble <nick> <amount> - Gambles <nick> (penalties for losing and advantages for winning)
  elseif ($1 = !join) { join $2 $3- }
  elseif ($1 = !stats) {
    if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register }
    else { 
      if ($2 = $null) {
        msg $chan you have killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] person(s)
        msg $chan You have played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] time(s)
        msg $chan You have gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] time(s)
        msg $chan You have %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Point(s)
      elseif ($2 = $me) {
        msg $chan $2 has killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] person(s)
        msg $chan $2 has played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s)
        msg $chan $2 has gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s)
        msg $chan $2 has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Point(s)
        msg $chan $2 Created you!!!
      else {
        if (%register [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != ON) { msg $chan $2 isnt a registered user }
        else {
          msg $chan $2 has killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] person(s)
          msg $chan $2 has played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s)
          msg $chan $2 has gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s)
          msg $chan $2 has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Point(s)
ON *:JOIN:*: {
  if ($nick = $me) { halt }
  else {
    msg $chan 14Welcome 9  $+ $nick $+ 14 $+ ! Type: 9 $+ !Register (only if you havent before) $+ 14. Want me in your channel? Type 9!join <channel>. 14Forgot the commands? Type 9!get commands.
    if ($chan = %botchannel) && (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { mode $chan h $nick }
    else { mode $chan v $nick }


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