Administrators chain Posted December 21, 2022 Administrators Report Share Posted December 21, 2022 A game bot i made, designed for use with channel where the bot has control. Load into remotes and join the channel with a nick. The bot will explain everything. Make sure bot has OP powers. Set %gamechannel as the channel you want the bot to have the games on Registered bot users get halfop on join Non registered bot users het voice on join Games: Rock, Paper, Scissors Gambling Murder (not really a game) ON *:TEXT:*:#: { if ($1 = !rock) || ($1 = !paper) || ($1 = !scissors) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { set %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) set %rps $rand(1,3) if (%rps = 1) { set 9Rock } elseif (%rps = 2) { set 9paper } elseif (%rps = 3) { set 9scissors } if ( = 9rock) && ($1 = !rock) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock 14and i chose: $+ 14. We Tied. } elseif ( = 9paper) && ($1 = !Paper) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper 14and i chose: $+ 14. We Tied. } elseif ( = 9scissors) && ($1 = !scissors) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors 14and i chose: $+ 14. We Tied } elseif ( = 9rock) && ($1 = !scissors) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors 14and i chose: $+ 14. I win! msg $chan You have lost 1 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1) } elseif ( = 9paper) && ($1 = !Rock) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock 14and i chose: $+ 14. I win! msg $chan You have lost 1 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1) } elseif ( = 9scissors) && ($1 = !paper) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper 14and i chose: $+ 14. I win! msg $chan You have lost 1 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - 1) } elseif ( = 9rock) && ($1 = !Paper) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Paper 14and i chose: $+ 14. You won. msg $chan You have gained 2 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) } elseif ( = 9paper) && ($1 = !scissors) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Scissors 14and i chose: $+ 14. You won. msg $chan You have gained 2 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) } elseif ( = 9scissors) && ($1 = !Rock) { msg $chan 14You chose: 9 Rock 14and i chose: $+ 14. You won. msg $chan You have gained 2 points set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 2) } } } elseif ($1 = !kill) && ($2 ison $chan) { set %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) set %kill $rand(1,10) if ($2 != $me) { describe $chan walks up to $2 and... if (%kill = 1) { describe $chan slits $2 $+ 's neck with a pocket knife } elseif (%kill = 2) { describe $chan gouges $2 $+ 's eyeballs out. } elseif (%kill = 3) { describe $chan Shoves a soldering iron into $2 $+ 's stomach. } elseif (%kill = 4) { describe $chan Knocks $2 out, takes $2 to a nearby butcher farm and has him butchered up for Cow Food. } elseif (%kill = 5) { describe $chan Kills $2 for $nick $+ . } elseif (%kill = 6) { describe $chan Hits $2 over the head with a bat. $2 does not survive. } elseif (%kill = 7) { describe $chan Gets shot in the head by $2 $+ 's bodyguard... things dont always workout $nick } elseif (%kill = 8) { describe $chan Grabs a chainsaw and cuts $2 $+ 's leg off. $2 bleeds to death within $rand(2,6) mins. } elseif (%kill = 9) { describe $chan slips deadly pills into $2 $+ 's drink... $2 slowly dies a painful death in the hospital within $rand(2,7) days. } elseif (%kill = 10) { describe $chan decides that $2 deserves to live } } elseif ($2 = $me) { describe $chan Shoots $nick in the face with a shotgun and yells "YOU THINK IM AN IDIOT!!!" } } elseif ($1 = !register) { set %register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) if (%register.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 1) { notice $nick Register Failed: You are already registered } else { set %register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ON set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 set %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 set %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 mode $chan h $nick notice $nick Congrats, you are now registered, type !get commands notice $nick You now have %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] point, think of this as your score. notice $nick when you gamble these points you gain points for winning, lose points for losing. } } elseif ($1 = !gamble) && ($2 ison $chan) && ($3) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { set %gamble.amount $3 if ($2 = $me) { msg $chan $2 wins!!! $2 now has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] dollars } if (%gamble.amount > %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan $nick you dont have enough money } elseif (%gamble.amount <= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { if ($2 = $me) { halt } else { notice $2 you have been challenged into a game of Gambling by $nick $+ , if you accept type !accept, if you decline type !decline. You have 45 seconds to respond set %5 [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ON set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) set %challenger $nick timer 1 45 unset %5 [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } } } } elseif ($1 = !accept) { if (%5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { unset %5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] set %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 1) if (%gamble.amount > %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan $nick you dont have enough money } elseif (%gamble.amount <= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %adice $rand(1,6) set %bdice $rand(1,6) /msg $chan $nick rols his dice and gets a %adice /msg $chan %challenger rolls his dice and gets a %bdice if (%adice > %bdice) { msg $chan $nick wins set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + %gamble.amount) set %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] - %gamble.amount) timer 1 1 msg $chan 4 $nick now has %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Dollars and 12 %challenger now has %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] Dollars unset %adice unset %bdice } elseif (%adice < %bdice) { msg $chan %challenger wins set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %gamble.amount) set %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] $calc(%money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] + %gamble.amount) timer 1 1 msg $chan 4 $nick now has %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Dollars and 12 %challenger now has %money [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] Dollars unset %adice unset %bdice } elseif (%adice = %bdice) { msg $chan Draw! } } } } elseif ($1 = !decline) { if (%5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { msg $chan $nick has declined your offer %challenger } else { halt } } elseif ($1 = !get) && ($2 = commands) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { notice $nick 3!stats - Displays your current stats or the stats of a registered nick notice $nick 12Game Commands: notice $nick 4.:Rock, Paper, Scissors:. notice $nick !rock - chooses rock notice $nick !scissors - chooses scissors notice $nick !paper - chooses paper notice $nick 4.: Kill Commands :. notice $nick !kill <nick> - kills the specified nick in a random way. notice $nick 4.: Gamble :. notice $nick !gamble <nick> <amount> - Gambles <nick> (penalties for losing and advantages for winning) } } elseif ($1 = !join) { join $2 $3- } elseif ($1 = !stats) { if (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != ON) { msg $chan you must register first, please type !register } else { if ($2 = $null) { msg $chan you have killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] person(s) msg $chan You have played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] time(s) msg $chan You have gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $nick ] ] time(s) msg $chan You have %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Point(s) } elseif ($2 = $me) { msg $chan $2 has killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] person(s) msg $chan $2 has played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Point(s) msg $chan $2 Created you!!! } else { if (%register [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != ON) { msg $chan $2 isnt a registered user } else { msg $chan $2 has killed %kill.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] person(s) msg $chan $2 has played rock, paper scissors %rps.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has gambled %gamble.count [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s) msg $chan $2 has %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Point(s) } } } } } ON *:JOIN:*: { if ($nick = $me) { halt } else { msg $chan 14Welcome 9 $+ $nick $+ 14 $+ ! Type: 9 $+ !Register (only if you havent before) $+ 14. Want me in your channel? Type 9!join <channel>. 14Forgot the commands? Type 9!get commands. if ($chan = %botchannel) && (%register [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = ON) { mode $chan h $nick } else { mode $chan v $nick } } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...