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Kick Me/Ban Me/KickBan Me

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This is a fun little script I made a while back. It fits perfectly with truth or dare games. (I dare you to type !kickme) It was a completely random idea me and my brother came up with.


Bans for 30 seconds.

on *:Text:*:#:{
if ($1 == !kickme) { kick # $nick Kicked on request }
  elseif ($1 == !kickbanme) { ban -ku30 # $nick 2 Kick + 30 second ban by request }
  elseif ($1 == !banme) { ban -u30 # $nick 2 | msg # $nick activated a 30 second ban by request. }
on *:Text:*:#:{
if ($1 == !kickme) { kick # $nick Kicked on request }
  elseif ($1 == !kickbanme) { ban -ku30 # $nick 2 Kick + 30 second ban by request }
  elseif ($1 == !banme) { ban -u30 # $nick 2 | msg # $nick activated a 30 second ban by request. }


on *:Text:*:#:{
if ($1 == !kickme) { kick # $nick Kicked on request }
  elseif ($1 == !kickbanme) { ban -ku30 # $nick 2 Kick + 30 second ban by request }
  elseif ($1 == !banme) { ban -u30 # $nick 2 | msg # $nick activated a 30 second ban by request. }


On *:Text:!kickbanme:#: {
  /kick $chan $nick Kick + 30 second ban by request
  mode $chan +b $nick
  .timer 1 30 mode $chan -b $nick


can be also rewritten as
on *:text:!kickbanme:#: { !ban -ku30 # $nick Kick + 30 second ban by request }The -k switch means to 'kick', and the u30 switch means to (unban or unset, either one works) in N seconds. The 2 after the $nick is the ban mask. The kind of ban mask you supplied wasn't a real one as it was a nick ban. I prefer using mask 2 as it is the most "unique" ban mask out of all of them.
In this situation where you're "playing around", almost any ban mask is fine, unless you share a channel with a few dozen New Yorkers with the same ISP. You can use the same concept that I used, but with the "ban me".

If you noticed, I put


instead of


Using ! before a command means taking the original one (very useful when dealing with common mIRC default aliases such as /kick and /ban). This means it won't take any modified aliases that a person who might use this script has; it's safer this way, and can prevent errors.

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