Administrators chain Posted April 1, 2024 Administrators Report Share Posted April 1, 2024 Creators Notes: ;================================================== ; RSS Poster ; by Cobi ;================================================== ; Commands: ; /rss Starts the rss poster (shortcut for /loadrsshist and /rsscfg) ; /addrss name host webfile channel count interval -- adds feed to rss.cfg (Implies /rsstimer) ; /showrss name host webfile channel count -- shows rss feed in channel (Implies /getrss and /parserss) ; ; ----- The following are internal commands and should only be used if messing around with the code. ----- ; /loadrsshist Loads the history file so as not to post the same stuff over and over ; /closersshist Unloads the history file... ; /reloadrsshist Shortcut for /closersshist and /loadrsshist ; /rsscfg Loads rss.cfg file and parses it (Implies /rsstimer on every rss feed listed) ; /rsstimer name host webfile channel count interval starts a rss timer for the specified settings ; (Implies /showrss each interval) ; /getrss name host webfile file done -- downloades an rss feed then runs done when it is done (Implies /fixrss) ; /fixrss file -- fixes rss feed format. This is done automatically, and should only be done when debugging. ; /parserss file name channel count -- parses rss file and displays it in a channel ; ; Arguements: ; name = Name of feed (used for displaying purposes) ; host = Where to get the feed ( http://hostwebfile e.g. is the host and /test.xml is the webfile.. ) ; webfile = file on host ; file = local rss file ; channel = channel to show rss postings in ; count = how many rss posts to show at once ; interval = how often (in seconds) to show rss posts ; done = what to do when done downloading file ; ; Examples: ; ; Add a few rss feeds: ; /addrss /rss.php?type=news #rss 6 600 ; /addrss SourceForge /feedcache/ostg/sourceforge/rss_sfnews.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss NPR /rss/rss.php?topicId=1001 #rss 6 600 ; /addrss Moreover /page?o=rss002&c=Top%20stories&wiz=230176 #rss 6 600 ; /addrss Copyright /rss.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss podcastingnews /index.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss Infoworld /rss/news.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss BarkerJr.Net /rss?c=2;f=5 #RSS 2 600 ; /addrss Linux-Security /static-content/linuxsecurity_hybrid.rdf #rss 6 600 ; /addrss Planet-Source-Code /vb/channel/NewCode/channel.cdf #rss 6 600 ; /addrss /. /rss/index.rss #rss 6 600 ; /addrss ZDnet /2509-1_22-0-20.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss IRC101 /tier2.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss MSDN /msdnmag/rss/recent.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss Microsoft /communities/rss.aspx?&Title=Recent+Posts&CMTYSvcSource=MSCOMBlogPosts&CMTYRawShape=list&Params=%7eCMTYDataSvcParams%5e%7eArg+Name%3d'DateFormat'+Value%3d'MMM+d%2c+yyyy'%2f%5e%7e%2fCMTYDataSvcParams%5e&NumberOfItems=50 #rss 6 600 ; /addrss &color;01,00W&color;00,01I&color;01,00R&color;00,01E&color;01,00D&color; /news/feeds/rss2/0,2610,,00.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss RTCW /ictweb/davidmica/web/rss.xml #rss 6 600 ; /addrss jaos /cgi-bin/rss #rss 6 600 ; ; Reload the config file: ; /rehashrss ; ; Edit the config file: ; /run notepad rss.cfg ; ; Load the config file and start posting news: ; /rss ; ; Contact: ; ; Cobi on Undernet (#phase, #rss, #game-trivia) ; Cobi on Winbots (#winbots) ; Cobi-Wan-Kenobi on Quakenet (#icechat) ; Cobi on SearchIRC Forums ; Winbots on UnrealIRCd Forums ; Cobi on ; ; ChangeLog: ; v1.3 -- fixed memory bug ; v1.2 -- fixed the issue when the tags are not one word ( blah) ; v1.1 -- fixed rss.performance issue ; v1.0 -- Initial Release My Notes: Changed !list to !rsslist so it doesnt interfere with service bots. Added an on TEXT for the following aliases incase your loading it through a bot: /rehashrss = !rehashrss /rss = !rss /rssoff = !rssoff Added a "!show " command. Put the title of the feed (the ones mentioned in !rsslist) in the parameter and all the news from that feed will be posted into the rss channel. Added a !help command which displays the commands. Added an on JOIN notice to users welcoming them with a tip to get them started. on *:TEXT:!rss:#rss: { loadrsshist | rsscfg } alias rss { loadrsshist | rsscfg } alias closersshist { window -c @rss.hist | window -c @rss.performance } alias reloadrsshist { closersshist | loadrsshist } alias rsscfg { var %time = $ticks var %lcv2 = 0 var %lcv = 1 var %lines = $lines(rss.cfg) unset %list while (%lcv <= %lines) { if ($read(rss.cfg,%lcv)) { bunset &line bset -t &line 1 $read(rss.cfg,%lcv) if ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,<(.+)>(.+)</.+>)) { bunset &rss. $+ $regml(RSS,1) bset -t &rss. $+ $regml(RSS,1) 1 $regml(RSS,2) } elseif ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,</item>)) { rsstimer $bvar(&rss.feed,1,$bvar(&rss.feed,0)).text $bvar(&,1,$bvar(&,0)).text $bvar(&rss.file,1,$bvar(&rss.file,0)).text $bvar(&,1,$bvar(&,0)).text $bvar(&rss.feeds,1,$bvar(&rss.feeds,0)).text $bvar(&rss.interval,1,$bvar(&rss.interval,0)).text set %list %list $replacex($bvar(&rss.feed,1,$bvar(&rss.feed,0)).text,&,&,",", ,$chr(32),&color;,,&bold;,,&underline,) bunset &line &rss.* inc %Lcv2 } } inc %lcv } if ($window(@rss.performance)) { aline @rss.performance --- aline @rss.performance Parsed %lcv Config Lines ( $+ %lcv2 rss entries) (rss.cfg) in $calc(($ticks - %time)/1000) Seconds } } alias rsstimer { ;$1 = feed name ;$2 = host ;$3 = file ;$4 = channel ;$5 = max ;$6 = interval showrss $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 .timerrss. $+ $1 0 $6 showrss $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 } alias showrss { ;$1 = feed name ;$2 = host ;$3 = file ;$4 = channel ;$5 = max set %time. $+ $1 $ticks .remove " $+ $1 $+ .rss $+ " getrss $1 $2 $3 $replace($1 $+ .rss,$chr(32),_) parserss $replace($1 $+ .rss,$chr(32),_) $1 $4 $5 } alias getrss { ;$1 = feed name ;$2 = host ;$3 = file ;$4 = save ;$5- = done set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .file $3 set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .host $2 set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .save $4 set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .done $5- sockopen rss. $+ $1 $2 80 } on *:SOCKOPEN:rss.*:{ sockwrite -tn $sockname GET % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .file ] ] HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -tn $sockname Host: % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .host ] ] sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept: *.*, */* sockwrite -tn $sockname Connection: close sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf } on *:sockclose:rss.*:{ fixrss % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .save ] ] | % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .done ] ] | unset % $+ $sockname $+ .* } on *:sockread:rss.*:{ if ($sockerr) { echo 1 -a ERROR | return } if (% [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .status ] ] != downloading) { var %1 | sockread %1 | tokenize 32 %1 if ($1 == HTTP/1.1) { if ($2 != 200 && $2 != 206) { echo 1 -a ERROR } } elseif ($1 == Content-Range:) { set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .size ] ] $gettok($3,-1,47) } elseif ($1 == Content-Type:) { return } elseif (!$1) { set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .status ] ] Downloading return } } else { var %1 = % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .save ] ] :sockread sockread &1 if (!$sockbr) { return } bwrite $+(",%1,") -1 &1 unset % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .resume ] ] } } alias fixrss { ;$1 = rss file var %file = $1 bread $1 0 $file($1).size &file breplace &file 10 32 13 32 write -c $1 var %lcv = 1 var %size = $bvar(&file,0) while (%lcv <= %size) { parserss2 $1 $bvar(&file,%lcv,500).text inc %lcv 500 } } alias parserss { ;$1 = rss file ;$2 = feed name ;$3 = channel ;$4 = max var %time = $ticks | var %lcv = 1 | var %lcv2 = 0 | var %lines = $file($1).size bread $1 0 %lines &file1 while ((%lcv <= %lines) && (%lcv2 < $4)) { bunset &line | bcopy -c &line 1 &file1 %lcv $calc($iif($bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$calc(%lines + 1)) - %lcv) | var %lcv = $calc($iif($bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$calc(%lines + 1)) + 2) if (($bvar(&line,0) < 300) && ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,<(.+)>(.+)</.+>))) { if (($regml(RSS,1)) && ($regml(RSS,2))) { bunset &rss. $+ $gettok($regml(RSS,1),1,32) | bset -t &rss. $+ $gettok($regml(RSS,1),1,32) 1 $regml(RSS,2) } } elseif (($bvar(&line,0) < 300) && ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,</item>))) { checkalreadyrss $3 [[ $+ $2 $+ ]] $+ 10 $bvar(&rss.title,1,$bvar(&rss.title,0)).text $+ (14 $bvar(&,1,$bvar(&,0)).text ) | inc %lcv2 | bunset &line &rss.* } } if ($window(@rss.performance)) { aline @rss.performance --- aline @rss.performance Parsed %lcv Bytes ( $+ %lcv2 rss entries) ( $+ $1 $+ ) in $calc(($ticks - %time)/1000) Seconds } if (%time. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { if ($window(@rss.performance)) { aline @rss.performance Downloaded and Parsed %lcv Bytes ( $+ %lcv2 rss entries) ( $+ $1 $+ ) in $calc(($ticks - %time. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] )/1000) Seconds } | unset %time. $+ $2 } } alias addrss { ;$1 = feed name ;$2 = host ;$3 = file ;$4 = channel ;$5 = max ;$6 = interval write rss.cfg <item> write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <feed> $+ $1 $+ </feed> write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <host> $+ $2 $+ </host> write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <file> $+ $3 $+ </file> write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <channel> $+ $4 $+ </channel> write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <feeds> $+ $5 $+ </feeds> write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <interval> $+ $6 $+ </interval> write rss.cfg </item> rsstimer $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 } on *:TEXT:!rehashrss:#rss: { timerrss.* off rsscfg } alias rehashrss { timerrss.* off rsscfg } on *:TEXT:!rssoff:#rss: { timerrss.* off closersshist } alias rssoff { timerrss.* off closersshist } on 100:TEXT:!addrss * * * * * *:{ addrss $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 } alias checkalreadyrss { if (sponsored isin $1-) { goto done } if ($file(rss.hist.tmp)) { .remove rss.hist.tmp } filter -ffc rss.hist rss.hist.tmp * $+ $strip($1-) $+ * if ($file(rss.hist.tmp)) { .remove rss.hist.tmp } if ($filtered > 0) { goto done } write rss.hist $strip($1-) ; if (!$window(@rss.hist)) { echo 4 -a $nopath($script) $+ : ERROR: no history loaded... (try /loadrsshist) | halt } ; aline @rss.hist $strip($1-) msg $replacex($1-,&,&,",", ,$chr(32),&color;,,&bold;,,&underline,) :done } alias loadrsshist { if (!$file(rss.hist).size) { write rss.hist History File } ; .window -k0lh @rss.hist ; .loadbuf @rss.hist rss.hist ; .window -k0 @rss.performance } alias parserss2 { ;$1 = File ;$2- = XML data var %file = $1 ;[Code by FiberOPtics] Thanks.. :P var %a, %b = $regsub($2-,/(?<=>)(?=s*<)/g,$lf,%a) tokenize 10 %a ;[/Code by FiberOPtics] var %lcv = 1 while (%lcv <= $0) { bset -t &tmp $calc($bvar(&tmp,0) +1) $ [ $+ [ %lcv ] ] $+ $crlf inc %lcv } bwrite %file -1 $calc($bvar(&tmp,0) -2) &tmp bunset &tmp } on *:TEXT:!rsslist:#rss:{ msg $chan I syndicate the following: | msg $chan %list } alias rsslist { msg $chan I syndicate the following: | msg $chan %list } on *:TEXT:!show *:#rss: { if ($2) { %rssin = $replace($2-,$, ) %rssinput = * $+ %rssin $+ * if (%rssin isin %list) { while $read(rss.hist, w, %rssinput) != $null { write -dw * $+ $2- $+ * rss.hist } rehashrss } else { msg # Sorry, I do not syndicate that feed. } } else { msg # What feed would you like to see? rsslist } } on *:JOIN:#RSS: { notice $nick Welcome to #RSS! I will be delivering the news here. Say "!help" to get started. } on *:TEXT:!help:#RSS: { msg # To see a list of feeds use "!rsslist" msg # To check for any updates use "!rehashrss" msg # To view a specific feed use "!show <feed>" } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...