Administrators coders-irc_Bot Posted July 12, 2024 Administrators Report Share Posted July 12, 2024 Future ASCII (Unicode) Font for mIRC. ;# Future Font for mIRC. Based on font from TOIlet @ Caca Labs ;# /fut <text> ;# /fut [-m|-n target] <text> -- to message or notice target(s). ;# /fut [-cmd ["]custom["]] <text> -- send by arbitrary command. ;# Bold and Reverse control codes, work. Color support coming... fut { var %cmd = say while (-* iswm $1) { ; -switches if ($1 == -cmd) && ($regex($2-,/(?:"([^"]*)"|\S+)(.*)/)) { var %cmd = $regml(1) | tokenize 32 $regml(2) } elseif ($1 == -m) { var %cmd = msg $2 | tokenize 32 $3- } elseif ($1 == -n) { var %cmd = notice $2 | tokenize 32 $3- } else { break } ; unknown switch. } var %a, %b1, %b2, %b3 %a = $chr(32) $+ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ $+ $& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~ÄÖÜß卐卍†‡…—·☐ $+ $chr(127) %b1 = ..,.╻,╻╻,╺╋╋╸,┏┳┓,┏┓╻,┏┓..,╻,┏╸,╺┓,╻.╻,.╻.,..,...,..,.╻, %b2 = ..,.╹,..,╺╋╋╸,┗╋┓,┏━┛,┃╺╋╸,.,┃.,.┃,╺╋╸,╺╋╸,..,╺━╸,..,┏┛, %b3 = ..,.╹,..,....,┗┻┛,╹┗┛,┗━┛.,.,┗╸,╺┛,╹.╹,.╹.,.┛,...,.╹,╹., %b1 = %b1 $+ ┏━┓,╺┓.,┏━┓,┏━┓,╻.╻,┏━╸,┏━┓,┏━┓,┏━┓,┏━┓,..,..,.┏╸,...,╺┓.,┏━┓,┏━┓, %b2 = %b2 $+ ┃┃┃,.┃.,┏━┛,╺━┫,┗━┫,┗━┓,┣━┓,..┃,┣━┫,┗━┫,.╹,.╹,╺┫.,╺━╸,.┣╸,.╺┛,┃┣┛, %b3 = %b3 $+ ┗━┛,╺┻╸,┗━╸,┗━┛,..╹,┗━┛,┗━┛,..╹,┗━┛,┗━┛,.╹,.┛,.┗╸,╺━╸,╺┛.,.╹.,┗━╸, %b1 = %b1 $+ ┏━┓,┏┓.,┏━╸,╺┳┓,┏━╸,┏━╸,┏━╸,╻.╻,╻,.┏┓,╻┏.,╻..,┏┳┓,┏┓╻,┏━┓,┏━┓,┏━┓,┏━┓, %b2 = %b2 $+ ┣━┫,┣┻┓,┃..,.┃┃,┣╸.,┣╸.,┃╺┓,┣━┫,┃,..┃,┣┻┓,┃..,┃┃┃,┃┗┫,┃.┃,┣━┛,┃┓┃,┣┳┛, %b3 = %b3 $+ ╹.╹,┗━┛,┗━╸,╺┻┛,┗━╸,╹..,┗━┛,╹.╹,╹,┗━┛,╹.╹,┗━╸,╹.╹,╹.╹,┗━┛,╹..,┗┻┛,╹┗╸, %b1 = %b1 $+ ┏━┓,╺┳╸,╻.╻,╻.╻,╻.╻,╻.╻,╻.╻,╺━┓,┏━.,╻.,.━┓,┏┓,...,.┓,.┏╸,╻,╺┓.,..., %b2 = %b2 $+ ┗━┓,.┃.,┃.┃,┃┏┛,┃╻┃,┏╋┛,┗┳┛,┏╋┛,┃..,┗┓,..┃,..,...,..,.┫.,┃,.┣.,┏━┛, %b3 = %b3 $+ ┗━┛,.╹.,┗━┛,┗┛.,┗┻┛,╹.╹,.╹.,┗━╸,┗━.,.╹,.━┛,..,╺━╸,..,.┗╸,╹,╺┛.,..., %b1 = %b1 $+ ┏━┓┏━╸,┏━┓┏━╸,╻.╻┏━╸,┏━┓┏━┓,╻┏╸,╺┓╻,.╻.,.╻.,...,.....,..,...,┏┓ %b2 = %b2 $+ ┣━┫┣╸.,┃.┃┣╸.,┃.┃┣╸.,┗━┓┗━┓,┗╋┓,┏╋┛,╺╋╸,╺╋╸,...,╺━━━╸,┏┓,┏━┓,┃┃ %b3 = %b3 $+ ╹.╹┗━╸,┗━┛┗━╸,┗━┛┗━╸,┗━┛┗━┛,╺┛╹,╹┗╸,.┃.,╺╋╸,╹╹╹,.....,┗┛,┗━┛,┗┛ var %s = $replace($upper($1-),`\,卐,`/,卍,`T,†,--,—,$chr(160),$chr(32)) var %i = 1, %n = 3 while (%i <= %n) { %cmd $replace($regsubex(%s,/(*UTF8)(.)/g, $& $iif($gettok(%b [ $+ [ %i ] ],$poscs(%a,\t),44),$v1,\t)),.,$chr(160)) inc %i } if (!$event) && (!$editbox($active)) editbox -ap /fut } ; by Raccoon 2016 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...